ichchhä-kärena sandisaha bhagavan ! iriyavahiyam padikkamämi ?
ichchham, ichchhämi padikkamium iriyavahiyäe, virähanäegamanä-gamane, päna-kkamane, biya-kkamane, hariyakkamane, osä-uttinga, panaga-daga, matti-makkadä-santänä-sankamane je me
jivä virähiya egindiya, beimdiyä, teimdiya, caurindiyä, pancindiya abhihayä, vattiyä, lesiyä, sanghäiyä, sanghattiyä, pariyaviyä, kilämiyä, uddaviyä, thänäo thänam, sankämiyä, jiviyäo vavaroviyä, tassa michchhä mi dukkadam.
Oh! Guru Mahārāj, please voluntarily give permission to apologize and to repent (to do Pratikraman) for the sins that I may have committed while
moving around. (Now Guru Mahārāj will say, "Please do so") I accept your permission. Now I want to apologize and to repent (do
Pratikraman). While walking around back and forth, I may have trampled upon living beings, seeds, green vegetation, dew, ant burrows, moss, wet soil and spider webs. Or
I may have distressed one sensed, two sensed, three sensed, four sensed or five sensed living beings or I may have hurt them by kicking, covering them up
with dirt, trampling, colliding them with each other, touching them, or by causing trouble to them by distressing them, frightening them, displacing them
from one place to another, or killing them. I therefore, repent and apologize for all these sins that I may have committed.
Now recite following sutra.
तस्स उत्तरी सूत्र
तस्स उत्तरी-करणेणं, पायच्छित्त-करणेणं, विसोही-करणेणं, विसल्ली-करणेणं, पावाणं कम्माणं निग्घायणढाए, ठामि काउस्सग्गं.
tassa uttari-karanenam, päyacchitta-karanenam, visohi-karanenam, visalli-karanenam, pävänam kammänam, nigghäyanatthäe,
thämi käussaggam