13. Virah Sarvasurāsurendra - वीरः सर्वसुरासुरेन्द्र
वीरः सर्वसुरासुरेन्द्र-महितो, वीरं बुधाः संश्रिताः ___ वीरेणाभिहतः स्वकर्म निचयो, वीराय नित्यं नमः।
वीरात् तीर्थमिदं प्रवृत्तमतुलं, वीरस्य घोरं तपो वीरे श्री धृति कीर्ति कांति निचयः श्री वीर भद्रं दिश:।।
Virah sarva-suräsurendra-mahito, Viram budhäh samshritäh Virenäbhihatah svakarma nichayo, Viraya nityam namah | Virät tirthamidam pravruttamatulam, Virasya ghoram tapo Vire shri dhrti kirti känti nichayah, Shri Vira Bhadram dishah ||
All heavenly gods as well as demons worship Lord Mahävir; the learned take refuge in Lord Mahävir; the aggregate of his own karmas has been uprooted by Lord Mahävir; I always bow to Lord Mahävir; this unparalleled Tirtha has been set up by Lord Mahävir; Lord Mahävir's austerities were intense; collections of enlightenment (Shri means wealth, here wealth of knowledge), patience, glory, and grace rest in Mahävir; Oh Lord Mahävir, show me the path to attain bliss.