9. Arhanto Bhagavanta - अर्हन्तो भगवंत
अर्हन्तो भगवंत इन्द्रमहिताः सिद्धाश्च सिद्धिस्थिता आचार्या जिनशासनोन्नतिकराः, पूज्या उपाध्यायकाः श्री सिद्धान्तसुपाठका मुनिवरा, रत्नत्रयाराधकाः पंचै ते परमेष्ठिनः प्रतिदिनम्, कुर्वंतु वो मंगलम्
Arhanto Bhagavanta indramahitäh, Siddhäshcha siddhisthitä Ächäryä jina-shäsanonnatikaräh, püjyä Upädhyayakäh Shri siddhänta supäthakä Munivarä, ratnatrayä-radhakäh Panchai te Paramesthinah pratidinam, kurvantu vo mangalam
The Omniscients, who have been worshipped by heavenly gods; the liberated souls, who are Siddhas; the heads of the religious order, who reinforce the fourfold order established by the Jinas; the revered Upädhyäys, well versed in the scriptures; and the Saints, who are also the followers of the true path of liberation (three jewels); may all these five auspicious entities bestow blessings upon you every day.
10. Ädimam Prthivinatha - आदिमं पृथिवीनाथ
आदिमं पृथिवीनाथ-मादिमं निष्परिग्रहम्।
आदिमं तीर्थनाथं च, ऋषभस्वामिनं स्तुमः।।
Ädimam prthivinatha-mädimam nisparigraham | Ädimam tirthanätham cha, Rsabhasväminam stumah ||
We pray Bhagawän Rishabhadev, who was the first king; who was the first to renounce all his possessions (everything); and who was the first Tirthankar.