16. Upasargah - उपसर्गाः
उपसर्गाः क्षयं यान्ति, छिद्यन्ते विघ्नवल्लयः। मनः प्रसन्नतामेति, पूज्यमाने जिनेश्वरे।।
Upasargäh ksayam yanti, chhidyante vighna-vallayah | Manah prasanna-tämeti, püjyamäne jineshvare ||
All the troubles disintegrate, the shackles of obstacles break, the mind achieves
a blissful state wherever and whenever the Lord Jineshvars are worshipped.
17. Sarva Mangal - सर्व मंगल सर्व मंगल मांगल्यम्, सर्व कल्याण कारणम् । प्रधानं सर्व धर्माणाम्, जैनं जयति शासनम् ।।
Sarva mangal mänglyam, sarva kalayan kärnam Pradhänam sarva dharmänäm, Jainam Jayati Shasanam
Jain Darshan and Jain way of life are most auspicious. They are the cause of ultimate bliss (Moksha). They are the best and the greatest amongst all religious