Jay Jay Arati - જય જય આરતી
This Ärati consisting of five lights done in front of the idol of Jineshvar Bhagawan
leads to liberation
Ärati - 2412c
I am very happy to do Ärati of Rishabha Dev Bhagawan,the beloved son of King
Näbhi and Queen Maru Devi.
By performing first ärati, we make our human life meaningful.
The second Arati is dedicated to Tirthankar Ädinäth who is merciful to all and
whose virtues enlighten entire universe. The third ärati is to pay obeisance to Tirthankar Bhagawan, who is revered by
humans, heavenly Gods, and even by hellish beings, I desire that with the fourth ärati, I can end wandering in four realms (Human,
animal, hell and heaven) and attain eternal happiness in Moksha. In fifth ärati, poet Mulachand says, by praising the virtues of Bhagavän Ädinäth
the worshipper earns punya.