Book Title: Mriga Pakshi Shastra
Author(s): Hamsadeva, M Sundaracharya
Publisher: V Krishnaswamy
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE SANSKRIT TEXT OF Mriga-Pakshi-Sastra. OR Science of Animals and Birds (ZOOLOGY IN INDIA) BY Hamsadeva, A Jain Author OF 13th century A. D. TRANSLATED BY M. SUNDARACHARYA AND PUBLISHED BY. V. KRISHNASWAMY. KALAHASTI. Printed by the Manager, P. N. Press. 1927. A. D. [All Rights Reserved.] Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Note IN the 13th Century A.D. Zoclogy or the Science of animals and birds, was first composed 80 extensively, in India by the famous Jain Puet, Hamsadeva in Sanskrit Language comprising nearly 1700 Slokas in Anushtup metre. Before this, this kind of work could never be found in India as far as I have seen, anve "Varahamihira" in which Auch, description giveri, is not so extensively as this, but very briefly in respect of all animate objects, as well,a few of the inanimate objects-- Mountains and the like--- I think, it is not out of place and exaggeration if I an permitted to sly-that a few authors of the Western Countries--- Messrs A.D). Imma, M.A., D. Sc., and Alexander Macalister, M.D., and others, huve fully described the natural qualities etc., fo Lions and a few other animals; but, none of them have given age liinit of animals and birds. It is, therefore, very gratifying to say that. IIarnsadeva has given age limit to all animals and birds even to hen and other smaller birds. It is also complimentury to note with unbounded joy th:ut this Zoology is a 125391 to Indiv-in whigh country this work in myself are born--n:ly, it is a gern to be adorned by the other parts of the worll. The opportunity given to the said Jain Poet for writing this Science is very well described in pages 1 and 2 of this work. The original work was about to disappear from this world; when Pandit Sreeman Vijayaraghavachariar (Epigraphiet,) who has the broad mindedness to see its translation and original text published broad-cast in India and other parts of the world, saved it from its death and supplied copies of the original text (in manuscript) to His Highness The Maharaja of Travancore for the use of the State Museum and to Dr. Caseywood of McGill University of Montreal city Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (in N. America.) The said Panditjee has also taken much pains for imbibing the sprit or essence of the original work into the mind of its translator who has to the best of his ability, followed the original work to produce this. My thanks are chiefly due to the said Panditjee and also to the translator Mr. M. Sundarachariar and the publisher Mr. V. Krishnaswamy. I have no doubt, that MAHARAJAS, RAJAS, NOBLES, NAWABS, PROFESSORS, Students and others who admire descrip. tions of the beauties of nature and qualities of nimals and birds, will not go without patting the said PanditJee and encouraging by purchaising copies of this work. I believe and also hope that readers will be so generous as not to mind the gramatical mistakes, style and other drawbacks in publishing this book and care only for its essence, as Swan takes milk alone from a mixture of water and milk. BEZWADA, 10th December 1927) T. SRINIVASARAGHAVACHARLU Editor of the late weekly Telugu journal "Swaraj", Author of Telugu Dramas and compiler to the Andhra-Prasakshara-Nighantuvu. (Dictionary.) Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE. IT is a great asset to the Oriental Scholars at large and l'rofessors of Zoology in particular in bringing out the Mriga-PakshiSastra in Manuscript for the first time by well-known Pandit V. Vijayaraghavacharya Epigraphist, and published, later on by Ir V. Krishaswamy. There was an opportunity to bring out the same M$. and to publish with an English or German translation by the profound Scholar Dr.Otto Scherader, Ph.D.formerly Direetor, Adyar Library, Madrrs, and now, l'rofessor of Sanskrit in the University of Keil, Germany, if the Grent War of 1914 would not have occured and ven if he would not have interned at Alajuernagar in India, at that time. It is a good thing for having secured only one copy of Hamsadeva's work of 13th Century A.D., and for having published the text in Devanagari Script as it is and also been translated into English in the same style of the author, in simple Language, hy Mr. M. Suadaracharya even withont refering to the modern books written by the Western Naturalists or Indian authors. This is one of the earliest work ever published in Sanskrit in the subject of Zoology. I hope, this may be widly read by the Students and Sobolars, since it is found very useful and may be adorned for all public Libraries 111 India, Europe, Avuerica, and other inoderu cultural lands in the Universe. Religious' Camp, TULSI GHAT, Benares, U. P. T. V. LAKSHMI NRISIMHACHARYA. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TABLE NO 1. This table shows the three qualities of Silt wa, Rujas and Tainas excepting the first, which is seen only in the human beings and the latter two ganas are the chief characteristic features of all animals and birds. SANSKRIT ENGLISII. Satwa-guna=The qualities of excellance or goodness. Rajo-gung =The qualities of much passion and pride. Tamo-gune--The qualities of mental darkness. I (u) The following animals and birds havo *Rajara-Uttama quality [Superior in II class] 1 Lions 2 Elephants. 11 Sarari birds 12 Chataka, birds 13 Guruda birds 1.4 Parross :3 Horses 1.) Guchos 6 Swan 16 Peacocks 17 Pigeous 7 Ruddy-geese 8 Sara bil birds 18 Blue-jays 19 Chataka birds and 9 Balaka birds 10 Chakora birds 20 Karetu birds * For variety, colour, time of full passion, delivery time, temper, main focd, utmost age etc., see the statistical table annexed at the und of this book. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (b) The following animals and birds have Rajasa-Madhyama quality, Middle in II Class 1 Tigers 3 Deer and 2 Goits 4 Hawks (c. The followiog animals and birds have Rajasa-Adhama quality. Inferior in IT class 1 Hyenas 3 Rhinocerones and 2 Bears 1 Buffaloes II (a) The following animals and birds have Thamana-Uttama quality. [Superior in III Class] 1 Camels 4 Cooks 2 Wolves 5 Wagtails and 3 Dogs 6 Sky-laris (b) The following animals and birds have Tarnana Madl.yama quality, [Middle in III Class.] 1 Eagles 2 Cranes 6 Tittiri birds 7 Kukkubha birls 8 Lava birds 9 Koyashti birds and Owls 4 Kauzsika birds 5 Plava birds 10 Harita birds (o) The following animals and birds have Tamasa-Adhama quality [Inferior in III Class] 1 Asses 6 Rats 2 Boars 3 Monkeys 7 Hares 8 Crows 9 Heron and 10 Darwaghata birds. 4 Jackals 6 Cats Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TABLE NO. 2. This table shows the utinost age of Animals and Birds inen tioned in this Zoology. Name. Utinoat age in general according to this work. Elephants Rhinoceroses Carels Horses 100 years 22 years 30 years 25 years 20 years 16 years 14 years 12 years Lions, Buffaloes, Bulls and Cows Tigers Hyenas and Bears Asses Boars, Monkeys, Jackals, Wolves, Dogs, Garuda birds and Hawks. Goats, Dear and Sabaries 10 years 9 years Eagles 8 years 7 years Swan 6 years Peacocks and Ruddy geese Cuts, 'Indian) Cranes, Crows, Owls, 5 years Kausika birds, Parrots rnd Cuckoos Cranes 4 years 3 years Pigeons and Bluejays Cocke, Sparrows, Karetu birds, Heron, ) Wagtails, Plava and 5 other birds ] 2) years Rats and Hares 10 years Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TABLE NO 3 Thig table shows the main te nper and nature and Birds acccording to this Zoology. of all Animals A. The following animals and birds have cruel and hot tenper. 1 Lions 4 Rhinoceroses 5 Wolves and 2 Boars 3 Tigers 6 Monkeys B. The following Animals and Birds have had and mean temper, 4 Ilares 1 Hyenas 2 Boars 3 Rats 5 Jackals wid 6 Cats C. The following Animals and Birds have dull nature. 1 Asses 2 Eagles 7 Kausika birds 8 Cocks 9 Sparrows 3 Hawks 4 Cranes 10 Karctu birds 5 Crows 6 Owls 11 Heron and 12 Darwaghuta birds D. The following Animals and Birds have calm tempor. 1 Elephants 12 Ruddy-feese 13 Cranes 2 IIores 3 Camels 14 Garuda birds 4 Buffaloes 15 Parrots 5 Bulls 16 Cuckoos 6 Cows 17 Peacocks 7 Goats 18 Pigeons 19 Blue-jays 8 Deer 9 Sabaries 20 Wagtails 21 Plava and 10 Dogs 11 Swan 22 5 other birds Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TABEL NO. 4 This table contains chiefly Sanskrit proper names of all animals and birds with the varieties of their group, described in this book. Name. Kind. Page. Acchhabhalla 13 Aja 46 Anadwan Arvan Asya 2nd variety of Bears 1st variety of Goats 5th variety of Bulls - 4th variety of Horses 2nd variety of Horses 2nd variety of Rats 4th variety of Cats 2nd variety of Sarari birds 3rd variety of Eagles 6th variety of Crows Akba Akhubhuk 67 Ati Atayi 95 Atinaghosha 101 Baka 2nd variety of Cranes 97 Balaka 1st variety of Balaka birds Balipushta Balivarda 11 3rd variety of Crows 2nd variety of Bulls 2nd variety of Peacocks Ist variety of Cats Barbi 113 Bidala Bribatchakora 2nd variety of Chakora birds Bhadra-gaja 6th variety of Elephanto 19 Bharadwaja 2nd variety of Skylarks 129 Bballuka 3rd variety of Bears 13 Bhujangabhuk 114 Bhudara 4th variety of Peacocks 7th variety of Boars 2nd variety of Kalinga birds 36 Bhringa 130 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chakora Chakra Czakranga Cbaranayudha Chataka Chataka Chamara Ist variety of Chakora birds 2nd variety of Ruddy-recse 2nd variety of Swan 4th variety of Cocks 1st variety of Chutik birida Ist variety of Spurrows 1st variety of B arica 1st variety of Blue-jinys 2nd variety of Coats 4th variety of Bagles Oth variety of Crows 3rd variety of Sabaries 4th variety of Rets Chasha Chhaga Chilla Chirajivin China Chuchunduru Dautavala Danti 30 Danshtri Daseraka Daksliayya Darvaghata Dronakaka 2nd variety of Elephants 1st variety of filmplants 6th variety of Board 3rd variety of Camels 2nd variety of Eagels Ist variety of Darvaghata hirils 11th variety of Crows 3rd variody of Kausikit birds 4th variety of Elephants 2nd variety of Tigers 2nd vuriety of Cows 3rd variety of Kalinga birils 5th variety of Crows 1113 Divabhita Dwirada Dweepi I Dhenu Dhumyata Dhwanksha Edaka Ena 5th variety of Coats 13th variety of Deer Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Guja Gandaka (tilrd:ubha (undharva 5th variety of Elephants 1st variety of Rhinoceroses 1st variety of Asses 6th variety of Flories let variety of Mnek Daer 1st variety of Garuda birda 5th vuriety of Milek deer 1st variety of Eagles (handharyl , Garuda (tavaya Grudhra Gokarna 22th Variety of Deer Gauh Gramyanuriga Glinka 1st rariety of Cats (th variety of Dogs and variety of Kausika birds Brd varioty of Horses 2nd variety of Wild Boars Cliotaka (ihrishti Trava lliuri Turvaukssha 7th varioty of ITorres, 6th variety of Lions Ith varioty of Tuions 3rd Variety of Telophanta 1th varioty of Deor 1st variety of Swiu TTasti ITuring ITA Ilarita A kind of biru Ibha 12th virioty of Tilephants 3rd varioly of Wolves Thurigit Jambuka 5tiz variety of Jackals . vii. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kandali Kapi Kapota Karkaretu Karetu Karata Kalavinka Kalarava Kalahamsa Kalinga Kahwa Kaka Kadamba Kasara Kakola Kikidivi Kili Keera Koesn Kukkuta Kukkubha K 2nd variety of Saburios 1st variety of Monkeys 3rd variety of Pigeons 2nd variety of Karatu- Birds 1st variety of Karetu-Birds and variety of Crows 1st variety of Kalinga- Birds 2nd variety of Pigeons 7th variety of Swan 2nd variety of Sparrows 1st variety of Kahwa-Birds 1st variety of crows 6th variety of Swan 4th variety of Buffaloes 12th variety of crows 2nd variety of Blue-Jays 5th variety of Boars 2nd variety of Parrots 7th variety of Monkeys 3rd variety of cocks A kind of Bird Kuncha Kukkura Kuranga Kurantaka Krakavaku 1st variety of Cocks Krishnasara 6th variety of Deer viii 2nd variety of Kahwa-Birds 2nd variety of Dogs 2nd variety of Deer 2nd variety of Heron-Birds 57 524 118 1:21 121 99 1:29 117 81 123 97 99 8I BO 103 119 35 109 61 121 1:2 97 7.1 5) 1:6 120 51 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29 Kramolaka Koki 115 Kesari 12 Koka Koka 0 Kokila 111 Koshtra 64 Koyashti 2nd variety of camels 6th variety of Peacocks 6th variety of Lions 2nd variety of Wolves 1st variety of Ruddy-Choose 3rd variety of cuckoos 4th variety of Jackals A kind of Bird 3rd variety of Boar 1st variety of Kausika-Birds Ist variety of cranes 1st variety of Wagtails 2nd variety of Wagtuils 2nd varioty of Rhinoceroses 2nd variety of Assess 132 Kola 34 Kausika 106 Krauncha 96 Khanjarita 128 Khanjana 128 Khadga 15 Khara 32 Lava A kind of Dira 182 and variety of Bullaloes 38 Lainya Lohupristhia 1xt variot y of Herori-Birds 105 M Merkata Matingajar Mundangaja 113 Mayura 5th variety of Monkeys 10th variety of Elephants 7th variely of Elephants 1st variety of Peacocks 5th variety of Swall 4th variety of cannels 1st variety of Buffaloes Oth viriely of Bulls Mallikuksha 81 30 Maulanya Mithisha 38 Mathekshiu Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Marjala 2nd variety of cats 60 Manasa vasi 3rd variety of Swan 79 Mushake Medaka Mosha 3rd variety of Rats 5th variety of cats (oivet cate) 3rd variety of goats 1st variety of Deer 2nd variety of Hyenas Mriga Mrigada 1 Mrigagaja Mrigendra Mrigad hurta Mrigadamsaka 8th variety of Elephants 2nd variety of Lions 2nd variety of Jackals 4th variety of Dogs (Flounde) 10th pariety of crows 03 Maukali 10% N Nisatana Nilakantha 4th variety of Kanika Birds 3rd variety of Peacobks 8th variety of Deer 11.1 Nynku Otuk 3rd variety of Cats 67 P Panchanya Pannagari Padmi Parabhrit 101 Parabhrit 3rd variety of Tions 3rd variety of Garuda-Birds 11th variety of Hlephants 7th variety of crows 2nd variety of cuckoos 1st variety of Pigeons 4th variety of cuckoos 4th variety of Sabaries Ist variety of Sarasa Birds 111 Paravata Pika 113 Priyaka Pushkara ON Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Pechaka 105 Pheru Potri 3rd variety of Owls 6th variety of Jackals 4th variety of Board A kind of Bird 2nd variety of Monkeys 35 Plaviu 131 Plavanga 59 R Riksha Rishabha Ranku Rathanga 84 1st variety of Bears 3rd variety of Bulls 10th variety of Deer 3rd variety of Rully-Gcone 4th variety of Swan 3rd variety ot Musk deer 3rd variety of Asses 7th variety of Deer 11th variety of Deer Rajahamas Rama 80 Rasabha 32 Ruru 62 Rohitaksha 126 Satapatra Sambara Sarabha Salyu Salsa 2nd variety of Darwaghnta-Birds 9th variety of Deer 2nd variety of Musk deer 3rd variety of Wild-Boars The Flares 2nd variety of Syena- Birds 3rd variety of Monkeys 1st variety of Tigers 3rd variety of Parrots Ist variety of Dogs let variety of Wild Boars Sasuda Sakhamriga Sardula 93 Sarika 109 Swanah Swavit 36 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vanchaka Vanapriya Vannuka Varaha Valimukha Vaha Vatamrigit Vatayn Vanara Vayana Vayasadwit Valadwit : Vainateya 3rd variety of Jackals 1st variety of cuckoos 8th variety of Monkeys Ist variety of Boars : 4th variety of Monkeys 6th variety of Florses 5th variety of Deer 3rd variety of Deer 6th variety of Monkeys 8th variety of crows 2nd variety of Owls ard variety of Buffaloes 2nd variety of Garuda-Birds Ist variety of Wolves 4th variety of Bulls 4th variety of goats 3rd Variety of Tigers 1st variety of Sky-larks Vrike Vrisha Vrishni Vynghra Vyaghrata Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TABLE NO. 5 This alphabetical table contains chiefly English proper names of all animals and birds described in this Zoology. Name Asses Balaka Birds Bears Blue-jays Boars Buffaloes Bullocks Camels Cats Cows Cranes (Indian) Cranes Crows Cocks Cuckoos Chataka-birds Chakora-birds Darvaghata-birds Deer Dogs Group A 9th group B 24th group 4th group 31st group 10th group 11th group 12th group C 8th group 19th group 13th group 24th group 26th group 27th group 32nd group 29th group 24th group 24th group D 34th group 15th group 21st group -xiv Pages 31-33 86-87 11-14 118-119 33-37 37-40 40-44 28-30 65-68 44-46 85 96-97 98-101 119-121 110-112 89-90 87-88 125-127 49-56 73-76 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Eagles E 26th group 6th group 93-96 16--23 Elephants Garuda birds 90-92 Geese 25th group 26th group 14th group 07 Gouts 46-48 Hares 70 Harita birds 133 Heron 20th group 36th group 34th group 7th group 25th group 3rd group Horses 125-126 24-28 92-93 10-11 Hawks Hyenas Jackals 62-65 18th group K Kalinga birds 129-130 Karetu birds 124 Karkaretu birds 124 35th group 33rd group 33rd group 36th group 36th group 28th group Kukkubha birds 132 Koyashti birds 132 Kausika birds 106-107 Lava birds 132 36th group 1st group Lions Leopards 11 3rd group M Monkeys 17th group 58-62 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mules 9th group Owls 28th group 101-105 Parrots 108-100 29th group 30th group Peacocks 112-115 Pigeons 31st group 116--118 Plava birds 36th group Porcupine 10th group Rats 20th group Rhinoceroses 5th group 23rd group 14--15 82-26 Ruddy goese $ Sabaries 16th group Sheep 15th group Sarari birds Sarasa birds 24th group 2:1th group 22nd group Edu89 85_S1 Swan 77--8: Skylarks 35th group Sparrows 33rd group Tigers 2 nd group Tittiri birds :36th roup 35th group 127-129 Wagtails White throated sparrows 35th group 130 Wolves 21th group 71-7:3 --- xvi - Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TABLE NO. 6 CONTENTS. Author's introduction 1st group. General description of Lions 1st variety of Lions - Simha 2nd variety of Lions Mrigendra 3rd variety of Lions - Panchasya 4th variety of Lions- Haryaksha 5th variety of Lions - Kesari 6th variety of Lions - Hari 2nd group. General description of Tigers Reference No. of Slokas of original Sanskrit Text. 1st variety of Tigers - Sardula 2nd variety of Tigers - Dweepi 3rd variety of Tigers - Vyaghra 3rd group. 1st variety of Ilyenas-Tarakshu 2nd variety of Hyenas- Mrigada 4th group. General description of Bears 1st variety of Rhinoceroses- Gandaka 2nd variety of Rhinoceroses - Khadka xvii 1-34 .. 35-62 63-67 68-73 74-77 78-81 82-85 86-105 ... 106-116 ... * 4 * 4 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 6 7 117-123 * 8 124-128 * 8 129-140 * 9 147-154 10 155-162 11 163-182 11 1st variety of Bears-Riksha 183-188 12 2nd variety of Bears-Acchhabhalla 189-196 13 3rd variety of Bears- Bhalluka 5th group. General description of Rhinoceroses 209-218 www Page of this book. ... 219-222 223-231 ... 1 3 197-208 13 14 15 15 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6th group. General description of Elephants ... 232-26,3 ... 16 1st variety of Elephants - Danti * 261_-267 * 17 2od variety of Elephants - Dantivala *278-273 * 17 3rd variety of Elephants - Hasti! * 274 --276 * 18 4th variety of Elephants - Dwirada * 277-281 * 13 5th variety of Elephants - Gaja * 283-286 * 18 6th variety of Elephants - Bhudra 287-293 * 7th variety of Elephants - Manda 20.4299 * 8th variety of Elephants - Mriga * 300 ---E03 * 9th variety of Elephants - Sankeerna * 304-307 * 21 10th variety of Elephants-Matanguja * 308-312 * 21 11th variety of Elephants - Padini * 313 - 318 * 2.4 12th variety of Elephants - Ibha * 319-323 * 23 13th variety of Elephants-Stamberama*321-339 *** 7th group. General description of Ilorses ... 339-357 ... 1st variety of Horses - * 358---303 2nd variety of Horses - Asva * 363-370 Srd variety rf Horses - Ghotaka * 371-374 * 4th variety of Horses - Arya * 375--379 * 5th variety of Horses - Vaha * 380-383 * 6th variety of Horses - (landharva * 394 390 * 7th variety of Horses - Huyu * 391---102 7 8th group. General description of Camels ... 10:3...115 ... 1st viriety of Camels - Ushtra * 417...119 * 2nd variety of Camels - Kruinelaka * 420-422 * 3rd variety of Cainels - Diuser ska * 423 423 * 4th variety of Cainels - Muhsingl * 426-- 13:3 * 30 - xviii Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9th group. General description of Asses 1st variety of Asses Gardabha 2nd variety of Asses Khara 3rd variety of Asses Rasabha 10th group. General description of Boars 1st variety of Boars - Vardhu 2nd variety of Boars - Sukara 3rd variety of Boars - Kola 4th variety of Boars - Potri 5th variety of Boars - Kiti 6th variety of Boars - Danshtri 7th variety of Boars Bhudara 1st variety of wild boars - Swavit 2nd variety of wild boars Chrishti - 1 - 3rd variety of wild boars - Salva 11th group. General description of Buffaloes Mahisha 1st variety of Buffaloes 2nd variety of Buffaloes Lulaya Vahadwit 3rd variety of Buffaloes 4th variety of Buffaloes - Kasara 5th variety of Buffaloes - Sairibha 12th group. General description of Bullocks 1st variety of Bulls - Uksha 2nd variety of Bulls 3rd variety of Bulls 1th variety of Balls - Vrisha 5th variety of Bulls - Anadwan Balcevarda Rishabha xix 434-444 31 445-448 * 31 449-453 * 32 454-461 * 32 463-470 33 471-173 34 474-476 34 477-479 480-482 35 483-484 35 485-487 35 488-489 3 36 490-493 33 494-495 36 496-501 37 502-515 37 * 516-518 * 33 * 519-522 ** 38 523-526 39 * 527-530 39 581-543 39 544--561 40 .... ... B/5 562-564 * 41 565-569 41 570-572 * 42 573-574 42 * 575-578 * 42 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6th variety of Bulls - Maloksha * 579583 584-591 43 48 * 592-605 * * * * * 7th variety of Bulls - Saurabheya 13th group. General description of cows 1st variety of cows - Gauh 2nd viriety of cows - Dhenu 14th group. General discripsion of Gosts 1st variety of Goats - Aja 2nd variety of Goats - Olha ga 3rd variety of Gorts - Mesha 4th variety of Goats - Vrishmi 5th variety of Goats - Edaka 15th group General description of Deer 1st variety of Deer - Mriga 2nd variety of Deer- Kuranga 3rd variety of Deer - Vatiyu 4th variety of Deer - Harina 5th variety of Deer - Vatanriga 6th variety of Deer - Krishnasara 7th variety of Deer - Ruru 8th variety of Deer - Nyanku 9th variety of Deer - Sambara 10th variety of Deer - Ranku 11th variety of Deer - Rohitaksha 12th variety of Deer - Gokarnr 13th variety of Deer - Ena 14th variety of Deer - Musk-deer 1st variety of Musk -deer -Gandharva * 606--608 * 4. * 609-616 * 45 ... 617-1:29 ... 10 * 630-633 46 6:31-636 * * 637 --640 47 641--611 615 ---55 * 48 ... 6543-671 ... 49 67.2 -67-4 * 50 675-678 679---181 * 682--665 51 * 680-_-(588 * 1 * 689-093 01 * 694-616 * 53 se 097--699 * 5:3 * 693-7025 * 703--706 * 153 * 707--712 * 53 *713715 * 5.4 * 716--726 * 727-728 * 729_-730 * 55 Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2nd variety of Musk deer Sarabha 3rd variety of Musk- deer Rama 4th variety of Musk deer Srimara 5th variety of Musk-deer Gavaya 16th group. General description of Sabaries 1st variety of Sabaries Chamara 2nd variety of Sabaries Kandali 3rd variety of Sabaries - Cheena 4th variety of Sabaries Priyaka 17th group. General description of Monkeys 1st variety of Monkeys - Kapi 2nd variety of Monkeys Plavanga 3rd variety of Monkeys Sakhamriga 4th variety of Monkeys Valeemukha 5th variety of Monkeys Markata 6th variety of Monkeys - Vanara 7th variety of Monkeys - Keesa 8th variety of Monkeys - Vanaukas group. General description of Jackals 1st variety of Jackals - Srigala 2nd variety of Jackals Mrigadhurta 3rd variety of Jackals Vanchaka 4th variety of Jackals - Kroshtra 5th variety of Jackals Jambuka 6th variety of Jackals - Phheru 19th group. General description of cats 1st variety of cats Bidala 2nd variety of cats - Marjara 3rd variety of cats- Ctuh 18th - - - w w - " xxi 731-732 ** 55 733-735 55 736-737 * 56 738-738 * 56 739-743 56 744-745 56 746-747** 57 748-749 58 750-752 57 753-766 58 767-769* 58 770-773 59 774-777 * 59 778-781 59 782--784 * 60 785-788 * 60 789-791 * 61 *792-805 61 806-813 62 814-817 63 818--320 * 63 821-824 * 63 825-827 64 828-83064 831-838 * 64 839-849 65 850-853 * 66 854-857 * 66 858-861 67 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4th variety of cats - Akbubhuk * 862-866 * 67 5th variety of cats - Medaka * 807--875 * 67 20th group. General description of Rits.& harcs. 876 -88.5 * 68 1st variety of Rats - Vnduru * 8813--188 2nd variety of Rats - Akhu * 88-49: 2 0 9 3rd variety of Rats - Muslinka 893-897 * 19 4th variety of Rits - Chuchunduru 898-90:3 The Fares - Sasa 904-911 50 21st group. General description of Wolves and Dogs 012--922 1st variety of Wolves - Vrika * 923-929 * 72 2nd variety of Wolves - Koka * 930 - 934 79 3rd variety of Wolves - Elaniriga * 935-942 * 73 Ist rariety of Dogs - Swanah * 943-46 2nd variety of Dogs - Kukkura * 917-950 * 7.1 3rd variety of Dogs - Sunaka * 951-95.1 4th variety of Dogs-)Irigadamska * 955-958 $ 74. 5112 variety of Dogs - Surameya 15) -6.3 * 75 6tli variety of Dogs - Grannyumrigir 903-991 7.5 22nd group. General description of Birds ... 99:--10118 ... 77 1st variety of Swail - 11:419 4: * 1119--1023 * 73 2nd variety of Swan - Chakranga * 1021-10,28 * 79 3rd variety of Swan - Manasavasi 1029 -1033 * 79 4th variety of Swan - Rajahans. * 1031---10:39 * 80 5th variety of Swan - Mallikakshi * 1010-1045 * 81 6th variety of Swan Kadamba * 10:14--1(1.18 * 7th variety of Swau - Kalahamsa 1049--1002 * 81 23rd group. General description of Ruldy gecso ... 1003-1072 ... 8.2 Ist variety of Ruddy gecen - Koki 1075--1077 * A3 - xxi: - Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * * * * * * * * * * * 2nd variety of Ruddy geese - Chakra * 1078-1081 * 3rd variety of Ruddy geese-Rathanga * 1082--1091 * 21th group. General description of Sarasa birds ...1092-1101 ... 85 1st variety of Sarasa-birds - Pushkara * 1102-1106 85 2nd variety of Sarasa-birds - Sarasa * 1107--1110 * 86 1st variety of Balaka birds - Balaka * 1111-1116 * E6 2nd variety of Balaka birds-Saranga * 1117-1121* Ist variety of Chakor a birds- Chakora * 1122-1126 * 87 2nd variety of Chikora birds- Brihatohakora 1127--1132 * 87 Ist variety of Sarnri-birds - Sarari * 1133-1138 * 88 2nd variety of Sarari-birds - Ati * 1139-1144 * 88 1st variety of chataka birls - Chataka * 1145--1150 * 89 2nd variety of chataka birds - stokaka * 1151-1158 * 89 25th group. Geueral description of Garuda & Hawk ....1159--1169 ... 90 Ist variety of Gurudiu - Garuda * 1170-1174 * 91 2nd variety of Garudu - Vainateya * 1175-1179 * 91 3rd variety of Garuda - Pannugari * 1180-1189 * 92 1st variety of IIawks - Syena * 1190-1194 * 92 2nd variety of Hawk - Sasada * 1195--1203 93 20th group. General description of Eagles& Cranes 1204-1208 ... 93 Ist variety of Eagles - Gradhra * 1209-1214 ** 94 2nd variety of Eagles - Dakshayya * 1215--1218 * 94 3rd variety of Eagles - Atayee * 1219--1223 4th variety of Eagies - Chilla * 1224--1231 * General description of Cranes ... 1232-1238 ... 96 1st variety of Cranes - Krauncha * 1239--1242 * 96 2nd variety of Cranes - Baka * 1243--1247 * 97 1st variety of Kahwa - Kahwa 1248--1252 97 * * * * * * --xxiii Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4V 2nd variety of Kahwa - Kuncha 1953-1259 27th group. General description of Crows .... 1259---1266... 08 1st variety of crows - Kako * 1207--1970 * 2nd variety of crows - Karata * 1971--1273 09 3rd variety of crows - Balipashta 1271-1279 9 4th variety of crows - Sakritp;aja 12 C-1285 100 5th variety of crows - Dhwanksha * 1286--1387 103 6th variety of crows - A tinaghosha * 1288-1992 * 101 7th variety of crows - Parabhrit * 1203-1298 * 101 8th variety of crows - Vayasa * 1299-1303 102 9th variety of crows - Chirajceri 1304-1307*109 10th variety of crows - Maukuli * 1309... 1913 * 103 11th variety of crows - Drouakaka * 1311--1319 103 12:h variety of crows - Kakola * 1320-1928 10:3 28th group. General description of Owls .... 1329.--13:4 ... 104 1st variety of Owls - Ulooka * 13:35 -19 10.1 2nd variety of Owls - Vayasa'lwit * 1:5-10--1:34:1 * 10.5 3rd variety of Owls - Pechaka * 13.15-1:351 * 105 General description of - Kausika birds .... 1351-1357 ... 1016 1st variety of Kausika birds-Kausika * 1:358--1361 1065 2nd variety of Kausika hirds-shooka * 1902--1:301 1 014 3rd variety of Kausika birdy- Divalhita* 15907--1:17:3 107 4th variety of Kuusika birds - Nisutan* 1:73--1:380) * 117 29th group. General descriptio.2 of Parrobis ... 1:341----1:391 ... JOS 1st variety of Parrots - Suka * 1994--1:99; * 10% 2nd variety of Parrots - Kecra 1:397--1:10:3 * 109 3rd variety of Parrots - Sarisi * 190):1--1:100 * 109 Geueral description of Cucklos 1110--1419 ... 110 Ist variety of Cuckoos - Vanapriya as 1.120 -- 1.125 * 110 - xxiv Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * 111 * 112 * * 113 * * * * 2nd variety of Cuckoos - Parabhrit 1426-1430 * 111 3rd variety of Cuckoos - Kokila : 1431-1436 * 4th variety of Cuckoos - Pika * 1437-1445 * 30th group. General descripsion of Peacocks 1446~1456 ... 112 1st variety of Peacocks * Mayura s 1457-1460 * 113 2nd variety of Peacocks - Barhi * 1461-1465 * 3rd variety of Peacocka-Neelakantha * 1466-1472 * 4th variety of Peacocks-Bhujangabhuk* 1473-1478 * 114 5th variety of Peacocks - Sikhavala * 1479--1483 * 115 6th variety of Peacocks - Keki 1484--1493 * 115 Ist group. General description of Pigeons * 1494-1502 * 116 1st variety of Pigeons - Paravata * 1503--1509 * 117 2nd variety of Pigeons - Kalaraya * * 1510-1515 * 117 Srd variety of Pigeong - Kapota * 1516--1523 * General description of Blue-jays * 1524-1525 * 1st variety of Blue-jays - Chasha * 1526-1529 * 2nd variety of Blue-jays - Kikidivi * 1530-1537 * 32nd group. General bescription of Cocks * 1538-1545 * 119 1st variety of Cocks - Krakavaku 1546--1549 120 2nd variety of Cocks - Tararachuda * 1550-1552 * 120 3rd variety of Cocks - Kukkuta * 1553-1557 * 121 4th variety of Cocks - Charanayudha * 1558-1565 * 191 3:3rd group. General description of Chataka ... 1566-1571 ... 122 1st variety of Sparrows - Chataka We 1572-1575 * 2nd variety of Sparrows - Kalavinka * 1576-1583 * 123 ist variety of Karetu birds - Karetn * 1584--1588 * 124 2nd variety of Karetu birds -Karkaretu* 1589--1592 * 34th group. General description of Heron * 1893--1599 * 125 123 124 - XXV - Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 128 129 Ist variety of Heron * Lubaprishta * 1600--1605 * 125 2nd variety of Heron - Kurantaka * 1006--1610 * 126 1st variety of Darvaghata-Darvaghata) 1611-1014 * 126 2nd variety of Darvaghata - Satapatra * 1615-1622 35th group. General description of Wagtails * 1623-1628 * 127 1st variety of Wagtails - Khanjarita * 1629~1634 * 2nd variety of Wagtails- Kbanjana * 1635-1640 * 128 1st variety of Sky. larks-Vyaghrata * 1641-1645 * 128 2nd variety of Sky- larks- Bharadwaja* 16-16--1849 * 129 1st variety of Kalinga birds- Kalinga * 1650--1653 * 2nd variety of Kalinga birds-Bhringa* 1654-1658 3rd variety of Kalinga birds-Dhumyata *1659-1665 * 86th group. General description of Plava * 1666--1671 * 181 Plava birds * 1672-1675 * Tittiri bride . . * 1676-1679 * 131 Kakkubba birds * 1080--1082 * Lava birds * 1683-1686 * 13% Koyashti birds * 1687-1690 * 132 Harita birds * 1J1691-1694 * 133 Conclusion * 1095-1711 * 133 130 180 (FINIS) - xxvi - Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mriga-Pakshi-Sastra OR ZOOLOGY BY Hamsadeva of 13th century A. D. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mriga Pakshi Sastra OR Science of Animals and Birds. (290LOGY IN INDIA) PART I Description of Animals. AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION. A great king by name Saudadeva has ruled great kingdom in JINAPURA city with great pomp ani pride. He has established the Jain Phylosophy with regular principles and rules, who had inany petty Kujahy paying homage to him, who has obtained his kingdom by his strength of arms, who has known the virtues of the Kshatria's and the pleasure of ruling his subjects, who has been well versed in poetry, who has extended his faine all over the world, who has understood all the secrets of Sastras and who has been embraced by the Goddess of Victory. Ilo once went to a forest on horse-back with noose,' ropes, swords, spears etc., along with the hunters of various types to hunt. TIe began to search the animals in every nook and corner of the forest by threatening them, by beating the trumpets and other things. No sooner had he seen the animals wandering about in the forest than he begau to udinire the beauty of their free movements. Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ He hunted for a while and thought of returning home for, if all the lions, tigers, deer, hyenas, bears, wild buffaloes, elephants, parrots, swan etc, were to be shot dead, the beauty of the forest and the science of animals and birds would altogether be disappear. So thinking, he returned home. Next morning he attended his Durbar and sent for all the scholars and learned Pandits. He then requested them to describe the nature and qualities of the animals and birds. Then his great Minister by name Tarananda has selected and induced the great poet HAMSADEVA, the author of this science, who narated the main description of the animals and birds in the following manner. The auther Hamsadeva, has described the nature and qualities of Animals and Birds into 36 groups to facilitate for easy reading.Of which a few are mentioned below: 1. The description in general. 2. The time of their intercourse. 3. The period of pregnancy. 4. The early stages. 5. The number of kinds, colour and work. 6. The nature of female ones. 7. The limit of age. 8. Their quality whether ferocious, calm or dull. He has tried his level best to describe the main varieties of their qualities and nature. There are various kinds of animals and birds of which most important kinds are described below. (in the above said 36 groups.). 1 C Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1st GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF LIONS There are 6 kinds of Lions. Some live in thick foreses and some in mountaing. They differ in colours, qualities and work. They hnve inborne strength. They have ample passion in rainy season at 6th or 7th year. Their passion increases either when they think of lioness or see thom at this season. They begin their intercourse either in the caves or bushes by licking the body of the sex, waving their tails and jumping with great roar with pleasure. The lioness desire to enjoy the lions of the same age especially in mid-niglits. At the time of enjoyinents, foam comes out from lioness mouths and the period of enjoyment is fixed at three hours. After the completion, the lioness get sound sleep, Theu they becode pregnant. For some days the lious follow ther. After pregnancy their food or prey is decrersed. Drousiness and wearis ome incronne dry hy eduy. They feel unable to face the heavy winds and hot Sun. The perie dof their delivery is fixed at 9 to 12th month. Generally, their livery time is oither at the end of Spring or at the begining wf Summer. At one pregnancy they give birth to 3 to 5 cubs. If the cubs are berne in winter season they would be very feeble. After delivery, they become robust and strong. The cuhs begin to suck their mother's milk and play around their mother. In their 3rd or 4th mouth, they begin to rour alould and catch deer and fall upon clephants and threaten other animals. They are fond of eating sinonth Ilook of the deer and other animals. During their 2nd or 3rd yeunir, their youth begins. Their anger, strength and speed increase. They appear to be terrible and fearce. At the time of hunger, anger increases. They cannot be easily capturable. They do not know the word "fear "from their birth. They are called King of animals. Their kinds are described below: - Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st kind of LIONS ] (SIMAH.) Simba or Lions are short and long bodied ones having dense mane and long tails. They are very strong and have strong nerves. They are gold coloured throughout; but a little whitish in rear. They have soft hair throughout. They lift their heads when they walk. They run very swiftly like an arrow. Their nails are neither very long nor short. They are very ferocious when they are hungry and they run very swiftly with jumps. They have more passion in their prime youth and they follow the lioness always. They generally d vell in caves and they are sleepy. They wave their tails when they are glad. At some times they get into water. They are not easily capturable. [2nd kind of LIONS] (MRIGENDRA) These are tall and long maned lions. They have a little anger when they are hungry. They desire to catch deer and other animals, and they are anxious to search for clephant. They roar loudly. They are fond of wandering in sandy and bushy places. They have more rut and strength and long jaws. They have more passion in rainy season. They are always healthy and have a little sleep. They like to play in shady places when they are not hungry. Though they are calm they are not easily capturable. They appear to be terrible for other anim ls. Though they walk slowly, they are not easily capturable by noose and other instruments. Some of these species have their mane covering their front bodies and have bright gold coloured eyes and long mustaches. They have dots of various colours on their bodies. 4 Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [3rd variety of LIONS] (PANCHASYA) They are whitish in colour having short tails. The hair on their bodies are very dense and their mane are short. They are 2 to 3 cubits in height. They have long bodies. They appear to be very terrible owing to their long jaws. They always walk jumping, bending their heads. They have their tongues and testicles hanging down. They are always sleepy. They roar loudly and heavily when they are awake. They turn their eye-lids when they see. They have small faces and long mustaches. [4th variety of LIONS.] ... (HARYAKSHA.) These are very cruel, terrible and ferocious and very strong. They have long claws and jawa. They run very swiftly in their youth. They have small stripes on their bodies. They are very hungry and healthy. They have long bodies and long mane covering their faces. They are whitish-brown having tails in grey colour. They walk roaring loudly and terribly. They have a little sleep. They are always perspiring. Saliva would be ousing cut in childhood. They are very passionate in their youth. They ever lift their tails. They are very fond of lying in shadow. [5th variety of LIONS] (KESARI.) These lions dwell always in caves. Their tongues are red and more in their youth. They roar very terribly and loudly in their youth. They do not relish much food. They have strong legs -5 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and strong bodies. They are fond of killing elephants. They become more indignant and terrible when they hear the cries of elephants. They are very fond of hunting. They appear to be very ferocious owing to their jaws. They have red bodies and are speely. They have small stripes on their faces. There is foarn always in their tongues. They are neither very stout nor lean; but, are very strong. [6th variety of LIONS.] (HARI) They are very short. They are whitish-red. They have a little mane and anger. They are afraid of wandering about in day times. They are very foud of moon-light. They have more strength and more passion in their youth. They would never be aloof and are always with lioness in their youth. They de not feel much appetite, aud like to drink water often. They will always sleep under the shadow of trees. They roar grandly and loudly They always look to directions and rainbow. Though they are very strong they are patient and calm. There are many lions of various types, differing in colours, qualities and work in the world. Generally lionesses are of the lions type being short in size. They have no mustaches on their faces. Some of them have a very little mane and some have not at all. They are fairer then the lions. They are not so terrible as lions. They are a little less in speed. Their rear portions would be round and fair. They have short claws and pass little urine. Their roar is a little pleasing. They give birth to cubs once or twice in their life time. 6 Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ After the 10th year the lions of both sex do not harm to ani, mals much. They kill only those which come nearer to them. They become old. They have redused passion, hunger, and swiftness. Then they would be lying under shadows of trees and caves. Their age is limited to 20 years. They are easily capturable by noose. They cannot be captured by bows and arrows generally. The cubs," in their early age (ie-. years) are easily capturable. They are tamed by Rajahs keeping them in palace gardens. They will be given flesh and thus maintained. They can easily be captured by keeping artificial elephants and deer in their front. Owing to their breed and work they are called RAJASA UTTAMA or Superior in 2nd class. 2nd GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF TIGERS. They are 3 kinds of tigers differing in nature, colour and work. Sorne live in mountains and others in forests. They ar@ not so keen as lions. They have more passion in rainy and autumn seasons. When the ferociousness is less tbeir passion increases. Like lions they also enjoy in night times. Though the tigers approach the tigresses and lick their bodies, they do not easily yeild to tigers for intercourse. After a long time, they yeild for enjoyment. They are not fully developed to give pregnance before their 6th year. They enjoy with tigresses under the shady bushes and dark places. Foum comes out of their mouths during their enjoyment times. Then the tigress become pregnant. They deliver cubs in their 9th or 10th mouth like lioness. As soon as the cubs are born, they like to eat Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ flesh and be very ferocious. They are 3 to 4 hasthas in height. Some of them have full of spots on their bodies, and some have stripes throughout their bodies. Some are yellowish and some of different colours. Their varieties are described clearly below: [1st variety of TIGERS.] (SARDULA) These varieties of tigers are of lions' type but they are a little tall., Black stripes on their bodies are clearly visible. They have long tails and long bodies. They have bright golden coloured eyes. They are always very cruel and ferocious. They are fond of killing animals and drinking blood. They appear to be very terrible owing to the big jaws. Their claws are long and big. They are very strong and robust. They lift their tails when they are angry and when they are happy they wave and bend their tails. They jump upon tie animals. They are with full mustaches on their faces. At times, there is much foam in their months. They cannot be elsily prevented owing to their mighty strength. They are fond of human flesh. They never leave any living being without doing hirm to ther. They are always hungry and thirsty, They fail in their attempt in juinping upon animals. They are very ferocious and angry when they are hungry. They have little passion. [2nd variety of TIGERS] (DWEEPY) These varieties of tigers are short. Some are striped and some spoted. They are yellowish white in colour. They are very cruel. They have small bellies. They are always fond of killing human beings and deer. They have long faces and long testicles. Owing to severe anger, they are foolish. They are dull by nature. In their Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ youth they are stronger and more passionate. Their paws, tongues and eyes are red. They bave always bad smell on their boaies. In their early age, they are always sleepy and lazy. They sleep under the shadow of t:ees thinking of killing animals. [8rd variety of TIGERSI.. (VYAGFIRA), These kinds of tigers are yellowish in colour. They are fully long stripes on their bodies. They are peither too short nor too tall. They have red tongues. Always they are very angryand terrible Whatever is caught by them, it is not left unkilled. They will fall upon animals from ambush. They cannot be easily captured and prevented. They are always dirty. Though they are reduced much in their youth, they are very strong. There are m y tigers possessing these natural qualities in the world. Just as lions, tigers and tigress have their prime youth in their 6th year. Tigresses are generally. of the tigers' type, but a little patient. They are very thirsty in day-times. They are fond of shady bushes and trees. They becoms hot tempered for a while when they are troublad. Some have a very few mustaches and some do not possess at all. There are red spots under their bellie's, and their paws are red. They (tigresses) will become pregnant during their 4th or 5th year. They enjoy with tigers unlike lionesses (ie) when a lioness once enjoys with a lion, it will never go and enjoy with; another lion. But tigresses are foolish in this respect. They (tiger and tigress have their youth till daeir 10th year. Then they - 9 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ become old. They fear for heavy wiads, hot Sun and heavy rains. in their old age. Their roar, temper, and strength are reduced. Their age is limited to 16 years. They are capturable by means of moose and not by means of weapops. In their early age they are easily capturable especially in winter season as their temperment will be less. They must be trained when they are young and tender. Thoy never yield to good and smooth words, 3rd GROUP. DESCRIPTION OF HYBNAS. [1st pariety of HYENAS] (TARAKSHU) There are 2 kinds of Hyenas. They resemble tigers in strength and terribleness. They are low breeded ones. Their youth begins in their 6th year as lions and tigers. Their nature is duil and tempor bad. They are blackish red in colour, and a little shorter than tho tigers. Some have black spots on their bodies. They run so swiftly like an arrow. Their bodies are covered with long and rough hair. They have short feet and claws. Their necks are white in colonr. Their heads would be bent down when they stand. Their tails are stout. They run very speedily when they become angry. They aro fond of human flesh. They kill deer and other animals very easily. Aftor they are fully satisfied with eating flesli, they sleep in nights. After their hunger is passified, foain coines out of their mouth. - 10 - Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [2nd variety of HYENAS] (MRIGADA OR LEOPORD) These kinds of Hyenas are otheresiw called Leopords. They are mere or less equal to the 1st variety of hyenas in height. Some are yellowish red and some blackish red in colour. They are very cruel at heart. They have long tails and long claws There are many spots on their bedies. Some have long black stripes and some red stripes. They appear to be grand and run swift like au arrow. They are very strong. They are man-eaters. Their eyes are blood-red. They don't like the scent of human beings. They generally live upon cows, bulls, buffalees and other animals. Some have more mustaches and some have ambush. long and stout nostrils. They attack animals from They will be more hungry and thirsty during mid-dav. Their sleep is less and breath is heavy. They are always foolish. Their utinost age 1s 14 years. They are not easily controlable like tigers. They must he caught only by uoose by threatening and beating them. Owing to their cruelty and dull nature they are called RAJASA ADHAMA) or inferior, in 2nd class. 4th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BEARS. The bears are divided into 3 kinds owing to their nature, quality and work. They are generally dull by nature. They are neither cruel nor fearing nor patient (calm). During spring season, their passion increases, in their 3rd or 4th year. They enjoy either in mornings or evenings under the shade of trees, bushes or on the banks of rivers. 11 - # Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ They jump while play and thus enjoy. Then foam comes out of their mouths. The female bears easily yield to male ones. After their inter course, female ones get pregnancy and are always sleepy. After pregnancy, they enjoy until delivery. Generally, animals are satisfied with single intercourse. Those which try to have intercourse after pregnancy, are considered to be of low breed. Those which do not easily yield to male upes, are troubled by the latter and thus enjoyed. They are termed as having bud "nature like tigers, bears, hyenas, monkeys, horses, dogs, burnan beings. rakshasas and demons Rest of the animals move with the female ones so amicably as the latter would yield to enjoyments. ; After pregnancy, female bears do not relish much food. After their 9th or 19th month, they give birth to 2 cubs especially in wiuter. The young ones suck their mother's milk till 1 year. Youth begins in their 2nd or 3rd year. They are ferocious when they are hungry.They are very cunning. They always dwell in bushes. [Ist variety of BEARS] (RIKSHA) These kinds of bears are stout. They have long jawa, claws and bodies. They are black, dull in nature and bot in tempere. Their hodies are densly covered with thick rough and long black hair. Their faces are small and terrible. They are very swift when angry. Their legs are very strong and very stout. Passion increases in their full youth. Their lips and tongues are always waving. Foam would be always ousing out. Though they are not so strong as tigers, they are very cruel and nasty. They have a little appetite. They shrick for rain and cold. Their cry is very awfully bad. They would always be injuring the minor animals. Their skiu is very soft. --12 Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [2nd variety of BEARS] (ACCHABHALLA) 1 This variety of bear is 3 to 4 hasthas in height. Some have red spots throughout their bodies and some various colours in their necks. Their feet and bellies are always white. Their bodies are covered with thick long black hair in full. They are stronger than the 1st variety of bears. They always roam about in mid-nights. They can run fast jumping and falling. They have long claws and jaws with terrible faces. They dislike the scent of human beings. Awful foam would ever be ousing out. They never listen to sweet words. They possess thick skin, stout bodies and very short tails. Their cry is awfully terrible. At times they kill human beings and are fond of human flesh. Owing to their cruel heart they are termed as Sikandi'. They are not easily capturable by noose. [3rd variety of BDARS] (BHALLUKA) They are short having long jaws, short ears, long nose and neck. They wander fast during day times. They are not easily capturable. Owing to bad temper, they become foolish and fall in to dangerous places. They are always quarrelsome with one another. They are afraid of mnd. Foam is always ousing out from their mouths. They are angry when hungry. They dance when hungry is appeared. They are both wicked and nasty. They fear hunting. Some possess white long hair throughout their bodies with less strength. They (having white hair) possess same qualities of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd varieties of bears. Female bears are a little fairer than male ones and possess the same qualitiy. The hair on their bodies are long and smooth as if they are combed. Their walk and cry are slow and pleasing. --13 Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ :: They dance fairly and they possess a little passion. T'hey will deliver young ones twice or thrice in their life time. They are quiet after trained and they work and walk as men. They must be carefully captured only by noose and carefully trained. Before attain their prime youth they must be caught else, they will not yield to anything owing to much passion and bad temper. They become old after their 9th year. Their hair wo:ild begin to wither in their old age and appear to be ugly. Their utmost age is 14 years. Owing to their meen mindedness and dull nature they are called THAMASA or infeiror class. 5th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RHINOCEROS E 8. There are 2 kinds of Rhinoceroses in the forest. They resemble elephants ia all respects save trunk. They are black having short tails. They are very cruel and physically very strong. Their limbs are awkward and uniform. They are carnivorous and dull in naturo and slow in speed. They are terrible and harinful. Passion increases in summer season. They have intercourse either in the day-times or in the night-times. They first lick the female ones with their tongucs, turning around them and then begin to enjoy with them. They would enjoy either in bushes or in low places. Just after their enjoyments, they (female) become preguant. Owing to pregnaney they are reduced. They eat less food. Their delivery time is fixed to 10 to 12 months. The young ones suck their mother's milk till one year, when they begin to run and injure smaller animals. Their youtka begins in their 5th year. - 14 - Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [lst variety of REINOCEROSES] (GANDAKA) These species of animals are black, having very ehort-tails and short and stort bodies. They have long aed sharp nails. They bave uniforinly ugly stout ani nasty bodies. They have a horn at the end of their noses. Their skin is very thick. There are many white spots thronghout their todies. Some are tall by 4 or 5 hastbas. They have small faces, small eyes and hanging testicles. They are very angry. They scoop to do very mein acts * 1 hey are very cruel and terrible. [2ud variety of RHINOCE ROSES] KHADGA) These kinds of Rhinoceroses are blue in colour, baving recand white dots on their bodies. They are very tall. Their cry it very terrible. They are much dull in nature. There are flashy in scles around their ears. Soins may have hump on their backs. They are terrible cruel, ugly and nasty. They have long ears. They are not easily capturable. They have not glittering and beauty ou their brdice. They are always fond of killing wild animals. They possess big aid.long hanging testicles. Their hips are very stout and, fleshy. Soine h:1v9 whitish black colour and they are not so terrible and strong es others. The rhinoceroscs, generally live in graze jillica grass. Generally, the female ones are of the same type as male ones. Some of the females are fearful and some quiet. Some deliver twice and some thrice in their life times. After 20th year they become old and their utincst age is 32 years. Owing to dull-nature and mean inindedress, they are termed as TAMASA ADHAMA or inferior in 3rd class. - 15 - Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ELEPFIAN I'S. There are 13 varieties of elephants. They are black in colour. They are pleasing to look at. They are fond of hunting. They walk * very beautifully. They are very strong and robust. They possess small eyes, big ears, stont stomachs, long trunks and long tusks between the trunks. They increase waith to their inasters and destroy foes. They get fame both to the country and army. Their passion ipcreases in spring and rainy sengen. After their 9th or 10th year youth begins to them. Ruttish water begins to ouse out from tKeir temples. They even forget their food and try to go with the female ones. They enjoy in solitary and dark places, on the river beds, under the shde of trees and bushes, for a dry or two completely. Generally they (female) become pregnut. Generally they become quiet after their enjoyments. The pregnant <Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fear. Sometimes they play in water and cry aloud. They eat and digest grass, plantains, suger-cane'etc., Their youth begins in the 7th year. Then they play with female ones. They wavder independently. Their varieties are mentioned below. [1st variety of ELEPHANTS]. (DANTI) : These varieties of elephants are blue in colour and have strong big tusks, nud long truoks. They are generally over 9 feet tall and very strong. They are capible of turning out any kind of work and they never fail in their attempts. They are very strorg. and capable ! of doing work from their child-hood. They ure fond of hunting. They possess beautiful eyes and cry pleasingly. They have stunt penis and tall legs and their walk is very fine. They are stout and have long tails and fond of listening to their master's sweet words. They are very grateful to their masters and mahouts. They have no temper and have long meinory. Thoy can lift heavy loads and they have a little passion. [2nd variety of ELEPHANTS] (DINTATALA) These varieties of elephants are very tall and black in colonr. Their heads are very big. They have very swift walk. They are very stout and move always when fastened in the stable. They are very shrewd and intelligent. They are very ford of great war and play, in water, mud and dust. 'They bave much passion. They have much gratitude and strong memory. They will be good and kind after trained. Thay are clean and having good scents. Their walk and cry are very grand. They are fond of eating much. They have no bad qualities and -17 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ they are never idle at their work. They are pioneers in their crouds. They are intelligent and angry when their masters punish them. [3rd variety of ELEPHANTS.] (HASTI) These varieties of elephants are slow in walk and less powerful. They possess beautiful bodies. They are very grateful to their masters and fond of doing work every day and they will complete it happily. They project their penis at passion times. Their eyes will be always glittering. They are food of playing in water, mud, dust etc., and foud of music. They work only when punished. [4th variety of ELEPHANTS) (DWIRADA) These varieties of elephants have pure white tusks but black bodies. Though they are stout and strong they are short. Their heads and trunks are very stout. They are always slow in walk, and eating much. Their cries are very grand and amusing. They feel exhausted even if the'r work is small. Though they are beautiful, they are cownrds. They lose temper like serpants if they are troubled. They are fond of dressing. They will work according to the will of their mahouts. Their breath is very hard. (5th variety of ELEPHANTS] (GAJA) These varieties of elephants are huge blue coloured bodied ones. They are very strong and powerful but they have neither proud nor -18 Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ temperament. They would complete any kind of hard work. They could not be controlled in their prime youth, At that time ruttish water ouses out. They have stout stomachs. They would always wave their trunks. They walk at the will of their mahouts. Their tusks a little blackish white. There are numerous red dots on their faces, when they are young. They walk very swiftly and possess smooth bodies, beautiful eyes and pleasant cries. They are quite impartial' and long liting. ..' [6th variety of ELEPHANTS) (BHADRA GAJA) These kinds of elephants are very tall and stout. These are considered to be the best sort of elephants. They possess long trunks having red colour at their nostrils and beautiful eyes. They are very smooth. Some of them have red dots on their faces and some white dots. Much ruttish water begins to ouse out while they enjoy youth. They are always submissive to their mahouts and masters. They can be very easily trained as they are very intelligent. They have very good curls (marks). Their cries are very amusing. They are very clever and patient at work. They would increase the prosperity of their tasters. They POBBesa very strong memory and good smell. They are very eager in hunting. They are onpable of winning victory in the great wars as they are very strong. Naturally they are good and gain victory by destroying enemies. Their walkis very grand and rapid when they loge temper. The Maharajahs always desire to go upon this kind of elephants during their coronation time as they are prosperous and wealthy. -19 Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [7th variety of ELEPHANTS] (MANDA GAJA) These kinds of elephants are not so tall as Bhadra elephants. They are blue in colour, very stouf and robust. Their stomachs are still stouter than their bodies. Their trunks are also very stout and the end of their trupks are red. They possess lion's eyes. They are slow in walking. T'hey amuse spectators. They are always very clever. At times, they have a little anger. They remember their old training and instructions when punished. They feel uneasy to some extent when they are directed to do work. They are very fond of eating sugar-cane, plaintains, grass etc. Their rut could not be checked when they are young. They erect their penis owing to the increase of passion in their prime youth. They destroy enemies in great battle by pushing them. They carry very heavy loads when they are calm and quiet. They carry very furiously when they are angry. They are fond of hunting. They spend the whole of their youth with female elephants while in the forests. [8th variety of ELEPHANTS) (MRIGA GAJA) These kinds of elephants are very leap. They have long and lean trunks and legs. They are a little bit feable. They have big eyes, and stout tails, and they are not so beautiful as Bhadra and Manda elephants. They are fickle-minded and bad tempered ones. They have grey colour, with uniform bodies. At times they become out of senges. They shirk work and they require panislunert often. They are bad scented ones. They have more passion. They possess lesz tusks. Some times they fail in their attempts, 20 Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [9th variety of ELEPHANTS] (SAN KEERNA GAJA) Generally, those which have the same qualities and nature of Bhadra, Manda and Mriga elephants (mentioned above) are called Sankeerna elephants (mixed breed). These kinds of elephants grow in abuodance. These create prosperity to their masters. They are very easily capturable. They will work very satisfactorily. Their strength and enthusiasm are increased while they are at work. They are very pleasant to look at. Though some are bad in their varieties they are good after trained. They turn out all kinds of work, provided they are fed well. [10th variety of ELEPHANTS) (MATANGAJA) These kinds of elephants have huge and tall bodies. They are very swift. Fome are blue and some black in colour. Those which are blue have white dots on their bodies and those which are black have red dots. They always move their trunks. They do not know how to walk slowly. They break down the trees and creepers They are intelligent and very patient (calm) at work. They are very powerful. They desire to move always with female elephants in forests. They are fond of listening to sweet words. They are very greatful to their masters. While they are young they are very proud and they run like an arrow. They never fear for cold, rain and heavy winds. They are always fond of playing in water. If any body sits on it while walking, his body does not skake. -21 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [11th variety of ELEPHANTS] (PADMI) These varieties of elephants desire always to play in lotus tanks. They are fond of good sceneries, music, amasements, dressing silk carpets and bells over them. They always desire to stand under the shade of trees. They possess very beautiful bodies and peaceful minds, Lotus like smell would be coming out of them. They increase their master's prosperity. They work very satisfactorily and beautifully when slightly puuished and imstructed. They are very shrewd and cleaver in working according to the desire of their masters. They can withstand hunger and thirst. They are fit for the kings, princes, and ininisters to ascend on them. At times, they are useful for hunting purposes algo. [12th variety of ELEPHANTS (IBIA) These kinds of elephants are black in colour and nioderate in size. They are always a little bad in temper and have course bodies and their cries are like thunder. They are not easily trainable. They run fast with pride. They withstand rain, heavy winds, hot sun, and fatigue and work well. They are very strong and ruttish in their prime youth. They are pioneers of the war in destroying enemies and thus get fame to their masters. They will alw.uys run terribly fast at the slightest inspiration. They are gool w.tsh guards at the palace gates, tents, and other places if they are kept. Their eyes are blood red when hunting. - 22 Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [13th variety of ELEPHANTS) (STAMBERAMA) These kinds of elephants are very stout and blue in colour, possessing very smooth bodies.' Thongh they take a little food, they are very powerful and strong. They are very shrewd and intelligent. They never fail in any work and they are easily trainable. They can withstand any kind of hard work and difficulties. Their nature would ba changed according to their age. They are always fond of listening to sweet words, and they are very grateful to their masters. They are not at all bad tempered. (They never lose temper). They are fat when they are young. They have lions' eyes. Their appearance is cloun and smell good. They never injure other souls. They love others and pleasing tes all. There are many varieties of elephants borne in forests as mentioned above. Generally, female elephants are of the same qualitier, nnture and work. They have no tusks and they are always calm and peaceful. They always feel shy and they are more powerful and intelligent but, a little less in size. They are more beautfull and smooth. They do not take much food. Their work is very delightf ul. They do give birth to 3 or 4 issues in their life time und they have much affection towards their young ones like cows. They love and please to all souls. Both sexes of elephants have their youth till 40 years. After that time, they are not be so strong and fair as they were in youth and are urifit for hard work. They caught by Keddah in their 3rd year. They are well fed and given gocd training. They are said to be invaluable gems. Their utmost age is 100 years. Owing to their breed and work they are termed to be RAJASA UTTAMA or superior in 2nd class. --23 Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF HORSES. There are seven varieties of horses. They are very keen. They are in white, black, red or mixed colours. They have long faces and long tails, and short and sharp ears. They have strong feet and single hoofs. They are much powerful and very beautiful. They are fit for riding and drawing vehicles. Those which have good curis (marks) on their bodies would increase prosperity, wealth and health of their masters. They are the main decoratious of houses and places. They are never idle and are fond of hunting. They have full passion in the spring season, and their youth begins in their 4th or 5th year. They are very strong, beautiful and powerful in their 6th year and they try to join mares. They enjoy with mares in solitary places under trees, bushes and in plains. After the first intercourse, mares become pregnant. Then, they have foam in their mouths. The mares are reduced and take a little food owing to wearisome. Their delivery time is from 10 to 12 month. The young ones suck their mother's milk till the end of 1st year running and playing with their mothers. They try to eat grass and other tender herbs in their 2nd year and to run fast. They are fit for riding and cart driving from their 4th year. They must be trained in their early ages. Their varieties are mentioned below: [1st variety of HORSES] (TURANGA) These varieties of horses are always white in colour. They have long necks and faces. Their testicles and penis are short. Generally they have good curls from birth. They are very strong and powerful and are, always, smooth and peaceful. They -24 Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ take a little food and are easily trainable. Their eyes are a little big. They are moderate in size. Though they have much passion, they are very submissive to their masters. They walk fast with uplifted faces. They complete any kind of work satisfactorily. They produce good smell and they appear very beautifully. Their walk, trot, canter, jump, and gallop are excellent. Hence they are said to be the best horses. [2nd variety of HORSES] (ASVA) Horses of these kinds are red in colour. They have eyes of honey colour. They are 4 hast has tall and they have much passion. They are always calm but at times lose temper to a very little extent, They run like an arrow. They are very strong and they never fail in work. They are stout when young. Men can easily ride over withstand them. Their cries are somewhat like thunder. They can hunger and thirst. They are good in nature, healthy, and have good scent. They possess small ears and long tails. They work with a little haughtiness. They are very terrible while hunting and in war. They have strong memory. They are not fickle minded. They feel They much when punished. They are fond of swimming in water. are good to all persons. They are fit for riding for ministers, commander-in-chiefs, and Princes. [3rd variety of HORSES] (GHOTAKA) They are of black colour and "they are very powerful and They swift. They are always successful in work. They often cry. are very clean and short and have a little sleep. Their teeth are -25 Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ smooth. They can withstand difficulties of work. They have stout and strong necks. They bite their teeth often showing their anger when punished. They are fond of war and hunting. " [4th variety of HORSES] (ARVAN) They are very short in size and are different colours. Though they can not run swift, they can work well. They are always, happy. Their cries are like thunder. They are very pleasing to their masters and they are fond of sweet words. They take a little food and they have little anger. They walk very beautifully. They have broad eyes. They erect their penis long when they are very passionate. They are always peaceful and healthy. They fear hunting. They are shrewd having smooth-bodies. They like beautiful sceneries. They are very faithful servants. They can carry heavy burdens. [5th variety of HORSES] (VAHA) These are red in colour throughout their bodies but their faces and legs are white. They have much power, strength and anger. They are always short, but lengthy and have hanging testicles. Their cries are pleasant. They have long and stout necks. They work hard and well when punished. They possess strong memory, red tongues and long tails. They are always kind and submissive to their masters Generally they have visible good curls (marks) on their bodies. -26 Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [8th variety of HORSES] (GANDHABVA) These have different coloured spots on their bodies. They are very tall. They are very superior ones, and are peaceful and noble-minded. They are very submissive to their masters. Those horses which are red throughout, have white onlour in faces, breasts, hinder portions and legs, or seperately in parts are the best ones, and those which are white throughout bave red colour in faces, breasts, hinder portions and legs and in parts are said to be the best ones. They are always very clean and shrewd in memory. They always consume a little food. They are fit for all kinds of work, as war, hunting, riding, drawing vehicles etc., [7th variety of HORSES) .' (HAYA) These kinds of horses are either white, red or black throughout their bodies without mixture of coloars. They have full of long mane on their necks. They are very capable of walking in 5 kinds. They have good qualities and much gratefulness. They have good curls on their bodies. They are fond of hunting and war. They would be victorious in war. They are not at all afraid of anything. They have much passion and they appoar very beautifully, They can withstand heavy winds, raia and hot sun. They have broad faces. Tehy are good for riding There are many kinds of horses in forest having these qualities and nature. Those horses, which are cruel, having ash-colour, irregular faces, ungratefulness, much passion, idleness, uninclination for work and bad-scent are all bud' ones. They decrease their - 27 - Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ masters' prosperity. Therefore the kings, princes and other noble persons should choose good horses with good curls to increaase their wealth and prosperity. They must be well fed and maintained in stables. The mares are also of the same qualities and nature of the horses, but are more beautiful and swift in walk. Their anger is less. It would be very pleasant for persons to ride on them. They are easily trainable and are successful in every kind of attempt. They possess inborne intelligence. The youth, for the both horses and mares is from the 5th to 16th year, when they become old. They become dall and unfit for work. Their utmost age is 25 years. Owing to their good qualities, kinds and work they are considered to be RAJASA UTTAMA or superior in 2nd class. FOX. 8th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CAMELS. There are 4 varieties of camels. Some are white, some reddish brown, and some gray in colour. Their bodies are awkward and their tails are very short. They are very patient (calm) and quiet-going animals. They are not at all injurious to any soul on the face of the earth. They eat always margosa leaves. They are very strong, powerful and swift. They are dull-in-nature and their walk is very ugly. Their lips and chins would always be moving. They are very tall and have big humps. They have much passion during winter seasons. Their youth begins in their 4th or 5th year. When they begin to enjoy with female ones in dark places, bushes, deserts and solitary and depressed places. After pregnancy they deliver their young 28 Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ones in their 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th month. The young ones will suck their mother's milk for some time and play with their mothers. They will grow in abundance in Oasises only. They can bare heavy burdens and run very swiftly even in their early ages. They are very useful to human beings though they are low in breed. [Ist variety of CAMELS] (USHTRA) These varieties of camels are 7 or 8 karams tall. (9 or 10 feet). Their lips would ever move. They have very tall legs and brown coloured bodies. They ran very fast with very heavy burdens. They can withstand cold, sun's heat, hunger, and thirst. They like deserts and run fast in deserts ogly. They possess huge humps and curved long necks. They never feel exhaustion even though they walk a long Listance. At times they like to go into forests also.. : : [2nd variety of CAMELS] (KRAMELAKA) Camels of these kinds are grey in colour and can run very swiftly. They have very big humps, and there is always much foam in their mouths. They become very fat when young and they are always healthy and strong. The hair on their bodies, is generally long. They can tolerate any kind of hardship at work. They are a little impatient when hungry and terrible at times. When they are exbausted, their eyes become red. They are very anxious to eat. 29 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [3rd variety of CAMELS] (DASERAKA) These are whitish brown in colour and 10 hasthams in height. They always desire to roam in the forest. They have much impatience and terrible appearance and are not easily capturable. Supposiog they are captured and fastened with ropes, they try to cut them by biting and go away. Tbongh they complete the work entrusted to them they are very ungreateful. Their breath is very long and they are not inclined to listen sweet words. They possess some bad qualities. Bad smell would be coming out of their bodies. It is impossible to obstruct them while they are running fast. [4th variety of CAMELS) (MAHANGA) They are tall more than 10 hestbas in height. They are most powerful and brown in colour. They possess very long necks, legs and bair on tbeir bodies. They are very avaricious of eating of all kinas of leaves in abundance including poisonous leaves. They are very patient animals. They are very greateful to their masters. They ever successful in their work. They are very easily trainable. They grow very fatty in their youth times and are always healthy and strong. They are fond of carrying stones and other weighty things. Though they have ugly bodies, they are very strong and powerful. The female ones resemble the male etmels in al respects but with a less speed. They are very kind and patient by nature. They are easily trainable. They never fail to work and they are very greateful to their masters. They (both male and female) enjoy youth from the 4th to 16th year. -- 30 - Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Their utmost age is 30 years. Owing to breed and work they are con sidered to be TAMASA UTTAMA Or superior in 3rd class. 9th GROUP GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ASSES. There are 3 kinds of asses. They are gray, white or black in colour, and dull by nature. Their bodies are ingly and ears long. They resemble horaes in soune respects. They have long fases and gra ze always grass. They are fond of mean and shabby work. They are neither beautiful nor strong. Their cries are very awkward: nnd unpleasant to hear. They have much passion and black penis. They produce bad. smell. Though they walk slowly they can carry burdons. Their front legs do soratch each other while walking. Their youth begins in their third year. When they have muob passion ia rainy season and stand always by the side of femala 44466. They generally, enjoy with female ones more in night times. Then they become pregnant. They feel wearisome to a little exteat and give birth to young ones in their 9th or 10th month. The young ones often suck their mothers' milk and sleep. They are quite unfit for training even in their early ages. Their varieties are clearly described below : [1st variety of ASSE 8] (GARDABHA) These kinds of asses are gray:in colour throughout their bodies save their faces, bellies, and hinder portions which are white. They are --- 31 - Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ neither tall nor short. They are very patient ones. They can withstand rain, celd, sun's heat, hunger, and thrist. They have moderate passion and smooth bodies but are a little impatient. They take a little food and pass a little urine. Though they are lean, they can carry burdens well. They never feel dejected while at work. They are gratefull to their masters. They are useful to human beings. [2nd variety of ASSES] (KHARA) These varieties of asses are generally black, in colour, having lang bodies and big eyes. Some are gray in colour. They have many knotted hair on their bodies. They are a little bit stout. They are never impatient nor unhealthy. They have strong memory. They will work sudmissively and satisfactorily to their masters. They are very strong and passionate. They appear to be very ungrateful when they are impatient. They are slow in walk. They do'nt produce bad smell much. They even venture to do very mean work when they are angry. They endure any kind of hard labour. They are fond of hearing sweet words. Some of the asses of this variety have various colours and some have various coloured spots on their bodies. [3rd variety of ASSES] (RASABHA) These kinds of asses are a inixed breed of horses and asses. They are otherwise called mules. Some are red, white, black, or grey ahd some of various colours. They are, generally tall and have long stripes. Though they are a little less in speed than horses, they could easily be trained. Some like to live in forests alone and create fear to other smaller animals. They have a little passion and are moderate 32 Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ in size. They can withstand sun's heat, cola, rain, hunger and thirst, but they are not easily controllable. They possess strong memory. They fast when angry. They are never idle and dull. Their cries are not pleasant. They must be punished for extracting work from them when they are impatient. Female mules too resemble their males in their nature and quality. They are a little fairer and less angry than their males. They give birth to 8 to 4 issues in their life-time. They are fat and strong while young. Their atmost age is 12 years. Owing to their nature and work they are called Tamasa Adbama or inferior in 3rd clase. 10th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOARS. There are 3 varieties of boars living in forests and 7 living in countries and villages. They are always mean-minded. Some are black or white and some grey in colour. They eat roots, and other nasty things like night-soil. They are fond of rolling about in (mire) muddy and swampy places. Some, spoil crops altogether. Some croate fear to human beings. They have very small bodies and are unfit to work as they are dull by nature. They possess stout stomachs and sharp knock shaped ears. They are very fatty-muscled ones. They have long projected faces, and have long tusk like jaws. They have much passion in winter season. Their youth begins in their 2nd year. They then try to cohabit with female ones. They (female) generally give birth to 5, 6, or 7 young ones in their 3rd 'or 4th month for every pregnancy. The young ones will suck their mothers' milk very often and are always with their mothers. Their varieties are described below. Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * [let variety of BOARS). ... (VARAHA) These kinds of boars are black in colour. They belong to swine kind. They possess vory stout tails and they are very swift in running. They cannot withstand the sun's heat. Their bodies are full of hair, They are ford of eating much, and they are otherwise called gluttons. They never go single. They produce girgling noice which is unpleasant to hear. They are fat and void of diseases. They produce awfully bad smell. [2nd variety of BOARS] ; (SUKARA) These boars are whitish in colour having pointed and rough hair on their bodies. They always fond of mire and water. They are slow in speed owing to short paces. They have stout stomachs. They detest company. They are cruel and afraid of hunger. Their breathing is long. Their legs are long. They will destroy all kinds of crops and gardens. They are called Sukaras. [3rd variety of BOARS] . (KOLA) . .. They are of grey colour and possessing stout bodies, small jaws crocked and ever curved tails and extremely long ears. They have slippery and irregular paces and less strength. They have busly and dence hair. They produce fearful girling noice. They always produce very bad smell. Naturally they are coward. They are very fond of wandering. They have a little sleep in nights. Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [4th variety of BOARS) (POTRI) They are very stout, and very awift like an arrow. They are generally sleepless and with fear. They are fond of playing in mire and water. They often desire to run. They are tall and have bodies olad in dust. They create fear with their awful girgling noise. They are strong and have stout necke, big eyes, and hanging testicles. [5th variety of BOARS] (KITI) They are very tall, swift and inaccessible, having deformed faces, They have bodies in in ultiplied colours with short stripes, pogrening white, or red legs. They generally make fearful noises. They have thorny hair on their bodies. .. [6th variety of BOARS] (DAMSHTRI) These-boars eat always hard things. They bave swordlike teeth. Their faces are fearful owing to their big jaws. They are, practically, free from all diseases. They produce girgling noise. They are ever with inflation. They always inted to sleep in shade. They are fond of cohabitation at frequent intervals. They cannot withstand rain and sun-shine. They always desire to do detestable acts. - 35 - Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [7th variety of BOARS] (BHUDARA) These varieties of boars are called Bhudaras. They always dig out marth with their tusks and poses and they are jet black in colour. They always rest under the shade of trees and bushes. They have a little reduced bodies bariug guir, big heads, and stout stomachs. They are easily irritable in tempor. [1st variety of wild BOARS] . (BWAVIT) These kinds of wild boars have full of long thorny hair. They know the coming of hunting dogs by scent. These are the enemies of wild dogs. Their bodies are covered with lines of sharp and thorny hair scattered with s'nall hair of rather light nature. Their thorny hair are a means to terrify and hunt wild beasts. Thoy generally destroy crops etc. They possess short tails and are fearful by nature. [2nd variety of wild BOARS] (GHRISHTI) The Ghrishti boars are tali baving long tails and full of long and sharp hair on their bodies. They always wandering in curls. They possess long tusk-like jawe, stout stomacus, long ears and snall eyes. They are a very terrible in appearance. They are very harmful to each and every soul. - 36 - Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [3rd variety of WILD BOARS] (SALYA-Porcupine) The Porcupines are of brown colour having stout bodies covered with full of long thorny and projected hair throughout. Their speed, is more or less like that of an arrow. They have very ugly appearance, They are very injurious to souls. In places where they roain, crops, houses, gardens and all other things are entirely destroyed. They have much irritation and bad qualities. They are always uncontrollable and unfit for any work. The female ones possess the same qualities and nature but they are a littie less irretrted and fearful having more in dullness and sleep. Their old age begins in their 7th year. Their utnost age is 10 years. Owing to their creed and work, they are termed as Tamasa. Adhama or inferior in 3rd class. 11th GROUP GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUFFALOES. There are 5 kinds of buffaloes in the country alone. They are generally black with thick and rough skin having long horns. They are naturally dull and desirous of rolliog in mire. Though they are slow in walk, they are mighty: and strong, and can bare heavy burdens. They are called the "Main character" for purposes of cultivaton. They are humble and submissive to all living beings. They have long hanging testicles. They can withstand rain, hot sun, heavy winds, cold, etc. Their youth begins in the 4th or 5th year. Then they cry aloud often - 37 - Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ showing their extremo passion for cohabitation especially in winter season. They cohabit with sho-buffalloas of equal passion and age and give pregnancy to them. They generally give birth in their 10th month. The calves will be rather ugly having rough denso bair throughout their bodies and do suck their mothers' milk for some months. They are useful for ploughing, and cart-driving from their 4th or 5th year. They drink, ganji, dirty rice-water, and eat grass, straw, cotton-seeds and leaves. Their kinds are describod below: Ist variety of BUFFALOES] (MAHISHA) They are jet black in colour and very stout. They 120 stout stomachs and horns. When they become wild and desire for cohabitution, they run very fast. They are fair to look at. They will remember things when slightly punished. They are harmless und very grtoful to their mastors. They are easily controllable and trainable. They can carry heavy burdens and withstand hunger, thirst eto, [2nd variety of BUFFALOES] (LULAYA) This kind of buffaloes is partly blue io colour and tall with long horns. They have rough and long hair throughout their borlieg. Their front kuees are a little bit longer than the hind ones. They bave stout tails, hanging testicles aud big heads. They could easily bus trained and controlled. They are very powerful and inclined to work hard. They are devoid of sorrows and misery owing to duliness. They produce good smell and have beautiful bodies. They are fond of sweet words. They are more or less gluttons. - 38 - Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [8rd variety of BUFFALOES] (VAHADWIT) There kinds of buffaloes are very tall, swift and black, in colour. They are fond of sweet words. They could not be controlled when they become wild of anger. They have long tails and hard; breathing. They can work completely and satisfactorily. They have broad eyes, big humps, and long necks. They are devoid of diseases in early ages. They have much passion for cohabitation. They often cry aloud. Their hair and skin are very thick. They often roll about in mud and sand. Their limbs and nerves become very strong when they are angry They stand first among their crowd. [4th variety of BUFFALOES] (KASARA) These varieties of buffalos are blackish red with white hair. They are moderate in size and very strong and powerful. They have white horns, stout stomachs and very quick moevments. They always produce long loud cry. They take a little food when they are in prima youth. They are fond of rolling about in mire and going very happily in rain. They are never separated from their cattle. They have long and banging testicles and less passion. They can control their minds and work hardly. [5th variety of BUFFALOES] (SAIRIBHA) They always live in forests appearing terribly. They havo very much irritation of temper. They destroy all places wherever they go. Thougla they are very strong, they could not easily, be - 39 - Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ controllable. They are devoid of taming and they are cruel-minded. They are unfit for any kind of work. They have very rough and thick skin. They are very ungrateful and fickle-minded. Some are of different colours. These kinds of buffaloes are very inferior in class. She" buffalco pesem ble He-Buffaloes. They give plenty of milk while young. They are kind and patient (calm ones. They are pleasant and submissive to human beings. They:bave stout stomachs. They give birth to 4 or 5 calven in their life time. They should not be used for cultivating purposes. The cows and she buffalaes are worshipped with saffron and flowers:2:"They are young from the 4th to 12th year: Their utmost age-is :20 years. Owing to breed and work they are called Rajasa Adham& or inferior in 2nd class. 12th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BULLOCKS. There are 7' varieties of bulls. Some are white, some redo fome blaekin some groy, and some in different colours. They are generally strong and powerful with two boras, long tails and big humps. They have beautiful and glittering bodies. They are the main support to cultivators. They are calini and faithful to their masters, and pleuring to all. Some have stout stomachs. They eat generally wingelly, and ground-cut cakes, grass, straw, leapes etc., They are easily trainable. They bave good curls and good nature. I'heir prime youth begius. in their 4th or 5th year. They have generally much passion for cohabitation in winter. They follow cows, crying aloud - 40 - Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . and cohabit with them. After that, the cows become pregnant. Then they (cows) take a little food and they have slow walk and dizziness, Foam often comes out of their mouths. These calves which are borne at'nights will last longer and ar3 more beautiful than those borne in day times. After a short moment, calve begins to suck their mother's milk till 6th month and jump and play with their mothers. After their 6th month, they eat grass and straw in addition to their mothers' milk. They are asefal for cultivating purposes alter 4th year. Their kinds are mentioned below: [1st variety of BULLS) (UKSHA) These varieties of bulls are pure white in colour throughout, with stout horns. They are stout, patient, and very beautiful. They ure shrewd and intelligent in work. They turn out all kinds of work. They can oarry and drag beavy burdens. Their walk is very grand and they are not gluttons. They never give room for punishment There are good curls in their faces and stomachs. [and variety of BULLS] (BALIVARDA) These kinds of bulls are very tall and very stout. They are either pure white or red and very strong and powerful. They have curved horns, very beautilul appearauce and very long tails. Thoy are very pleasant and faithful to their masters. They have slight irritution of anger. They run swiftly like an arrow. They bave long and hard breathing. They are easily trainable. They often cry aloud. They are devoid of fear, and possess broad broken hoofs. They are -- 41 Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fond of eating green grass always. They are foremost every respect in their crowds. [3rd variety of BULLS] (RISHA BHA) These kinds of bulls are generally black and moderata in size, having long tails, and horns. Their humps are very big and stomachs very stout. They are often irritated when they are angry and yet they would complete the work entrusted to them. At times they work regularly with care after punished. They are naturally timid and never go to forest. They have less passion. They are eager to hear sweet words. [4th variety of BULLS] (VRISHA) These bulls are never mixed in colours. They are either pure red, white, or black. They are always happy and very willing to work hard. If they are slightly punished their irritation on account of anger cannot be checked for some time and then they will begin to work. Though they are very short, they can run very swiftly. Their eyes are always red. They possess good nature and smell. They are very powerful in their youth. They can withstand hunger, thirst. heavy weight ete,. while they work. [5th varity of BULLS] (ANADWAN) They have different colours on their bodies and have grand appearance. They are strong, very powerful and speedy from 42 Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ their youth. They are easily trainable and very fond of eating much and very passionate. They destroy all work when they are very angry. They are very stout when they are yoang. They are devoid of diseases. They are very faithful to their masters and work satisfactorily. They have very smooth bodies and good smell would be coming out from them. [6th variety of BULLS] (MAHOKSHA) These kinds of bulls are very tall, strong, powerful and stout. They have one fair uniform colour throughout. They have barging navals, huge humps, and long tails. They never require any punish ment. They are always very keen, intelligent and very patient. They can finish work of any kind by labouring hard. They increase their inasters produce if they are utilised for agriculture. They never bave cruelinina. They have stout heads, much passion for cohabitation and many other good qualities. They are tond of amusements. [7th variety of BULLS] (SAURABHEYA) They are very superior in breed. Hence they are called Saurabheya(i.e) sons of Kamadhenu (Dovine cows). They are very tall, 4 karame in beight(6 feet)aud some are still taller and stouter.Their bodily colour of any kind has uniformity. They are very patient, quiet-going and speedy while they walk. Their bodies would be shining. Thoy are caaily trainable. They could be used for very hard works. They always cry very loudly. They have long hanging navals. They have strong and well developed muscles in their bodies. They are very - 43 - Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ faithful and submissive to their masters. They cannot be prevented, from their fully irritated anger. These are called "KING OF BULLS."? There are many varieties of bulls possessing the same nature qualities, colour ate. Some could not be controlled or trained owing to their terrible bad-nature. They are unfit for any work and do intolerable work though they are strong and powerful. They push and quarrel with one another. Some are too short to work. Such bulls should not be purchased. Generally the prime youth for bulls begins in thoir 5th year and lasts till 12th year. They become old after the 12th year. Their utmost age is 20 years. Owing to their breed, nature and work, they are called Rajasa Uttama or superior in 2nd class. 13th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COWS. The cows are generally worshipped. They are very keen. Some are very pure red, some white, some jet black, some blue, and some of various colours. They give full of sweet and good inilk. They have long tails and short horns. They are very stout and beautiful but are a little bit slow in walk. They estigingelly cakes, green grass, straw etc. They are generally very kind faithful, subinissive aud pleasing to all. They are very affectionate to their calves. They always increage welfare of human beings. They have generally short huinps, good curls and good nature. Generally people go around the cows. and Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ worship them as they are considered to be very sacred and fit. Their prime youth begins in their 4th year. They too, have much passion for cohabitation in winter season. They would easily yeild to bulls for cohabitation. Generally, after a single intercourse, they become pregnant, drowse, beautiful and walk slowly. Their delivery time is in their 10th month. They generally give birth to 4 or 5 calves in their life time. Their varieties are mentioned below: [1st variety of COWS] (GAU) These varieties of cows have uniform colour of any kind and stout horns. They are always happy and moderate in size and have beautiful eyes, fair faces, and long tails. They walk slowly. Their bodies are beautiful with good shining. Their cries are pleasant and they are fond of amusements. They take little food. They are very smooth. They become stout and strong while they are young. [2nd variety of COWS] (DHENU) These cows are of different colours. Invariably they have white red or black spets on their faces, stomachs or on rear portions of the body. They are a little taller having long horns and slow paces. Their cries are loud and amusing. They have long tails and smooth bodies. They are devoid of diseases. Though they feel wearisome, they are not irritated by anger. They generally, don't require punishment and they are always very faithful and grateful to their masters. They are a little coward, possessing a good memory and smell. These are said to be the "Goddess of Virtue." They must, carefully be fed. -45 Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The cows too have the same nature, qualities, colours and their utmost age is like that of bulls. Owing to their nature breed and work, they are called Rajasa Uttama or Superior in 2nd class. 14th GROUP GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF GOATS. There are 5 varieties of goats. They are short. Some are white,some black,some red, some grey and some with mixed colours. They are very useful to sacrifies and good to human beings. Though they are dullnature, they are very faithful and submissive to their masters. They don't require punishment. They have much passion for cohabitation, Their skin and flesh are very soft. Thev are coward and quiet-going by nature. They are quick in paces. They eat very bitter leaves. Generally, they have hanging ears, testicles, very short tails, and horns. Their milk and flesh give strength to human beings. Their urine and dung are strong manures to productive lands. Their passion is increased in Spring and Autumn seasons. Their youth begins in their 2nd year. They will cohabit with she.gouts and give pregnance to them. They will give birth to 2 or 3 kids at a tiine. Every year they become pregnant and give birth to kids. Their delivery time is in 4th or 5th month, especially at nights. The kids often suck their mother's milk. Their varieties are mentioned below: [lst variety of GOATS) (AJA) These varieties of goats are generally white in colour and a little bit tall in size. They are avaricious to eat always. They have - 46 --- Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ hanging testicles and thin and long borns. There are twe finger-like things hanging under their necks. Some have long mustaches. Their swiftness is like that of an arrow. They can ascend mountains and elevations. They can elimb up trees to some extent with firm footing. They produce BABAING cries. They are always quiet going ones. They are beautiful and they need not punished. [2nd variety of GOATS] (CCHAGA) These varieties of goats are generally, red in colour having smooth-bodies. Their skin and flesh are also very soft. They are always good in nature and having good smell on their bodies. They have no anger and are very peaceful. They take a little food. They have very short horns. They run fast if they are induced. They grasp and know the time and intention of their masters. They have stout stomachs in their youths. They always desire to sleep under the shade of trees. They are much afraid of beat of trumpets and noise. They are not much passionate, and have small cry. They are fond of sweet words. [3rd variety of GOATS] (MESHA) 1 These kinds of goats are black in colour, less in speed having smooth and soft bodies. Their skin is very soft. They often show their anger and yet they are very beautiful. Their cries are long, loud and cheerful. They have always lean bodies. They run fast on hard grounds in valleys and forests as well. They would be dejected if they are seperated either by force or nature. They are very lazy and sleepy. 47 Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ They fear for mire. They can easily walk in thorny places having red eyes. [4th variety of GOATS] (VRISHNI) SHEEP. These kinds of goats are brown in colour. Their bodies are covered with long hair. They have two short horns. They also have other colour in their faces, necks, and stomachs. They have stout stomachs, very slow paces and a little anger in their youth. They must be well-trained in their early ages alone. They appear fearfully. They loose temper when they are hungry. They quarrel with one another and cause awful fear in them. [5th variety of GOATS] (EDAKA) These varieties of goats have one sort of colour on their faces, stomachs and hinder portions and another sort of colour on the remaining portions of their bodies. They are generally tall. They have long legs and stout stomachs. They often cry (be be out of passion for cohabitation. They can jump from high places to down. They can run very fast in plains. They can withstand fatigue, rain, and hot Sun. There are many other goats in the world possessing the same qualities, nature, and work. Some have smaller dots and bigger spots of various colours on their bodies. The She-Goats resemble the He Goats in all respects. Some may not have horns. They have big odhas to give food and plenty of milk. They produce good smell. They have strong memory and easily trainable and very greatful to their masters. They cannot withstand Sun's heat, rain and fatigue. They take less 48 Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ food than ke-goats. Their issues are many in their life time. The youth, for all the goats begins in their 2nd year and lasts till 7th, year. Their utrnost age is 9 years Owing to breed and work, they are called Rajasa Madhyama or Middle in 2nd class. 15th GROUP, GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DEER. There are 14 varieties of deer, Some have red, gold-like and black colours and some are with different coloured spots. They are always quiet-going ones. They are very beautiful to look at. They have branches of horns, and clean bodies. They are very passionate. They have short lean legs, broad eyes and long faces and necks. They are coward to hear big noises. Taey are very swift. Thoy are fond of living both in forests and countries. They are fond of playing with their crowds. They are , very smooth and harinless. They have no bad qualities such as ill-temper, dull-ness etc., They are the main playing ornaments of the houses of Nobles and Kings. A lock at them create much passion in young men and ladies. They are considered to he very sacrod and their flesh is very sweet. Generally they eat leaves and grass. They are very grateful to their masters. They create pleasure and happiness to people by jumping and playing in various ways. Their youth begins in their 3rd year. They cohabit with female ones in Spring and summer Seasons especially at nights. Then female ones become pregnant ani sleepy. After 4th or 5th month, they deliver young ones, generally during nights. They grow by their mothers' milk. Their varieties are mentioned below: Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st variety of DEER): (MRIGA) These kinds of deer are brown and tall with spots of various colonrs. They are very lean and swift. They have long straight horus, full of passion and good smell. They are fond of remaining in shades. They often fear people and other things after they are controlled, They cry feebly; [2nd variety of DEER] (KURANGA) These kinds of deer are very short and red in colour, with branch horns and very broad eyes. They resemble goats, especially, in faces. They often graze grass and are shrewd having turning eyes. They are quiet-going ones and harmless. They listen to sweet words. They are fond of music, grateful and patient. Their bodies glitter much. [3rd variety of DEER] (VATAYU) These varieties of deer always desire to live in forests only. They are spotted with different colours. They have stout horns and very long faces. They are fond of hunting. They often run jumping. They are afraid of human crowd. They can freely escape from the weapons and other hunting instruments. They do not live long after they are controlled by people owing to fear. - 50 Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [4th variety of DEER). (HARIXA) These varieties of deer have broad and beautiful eyes. They are fond of living with human beings in their houses. They like to see flowers and creepers. They fear thunder. They often drink water. Some have straight hords and some bave borns with branches. There are some other colour on their faces, stomacbe, and binder portions. They like the females' sweet words and to play often either with men or with their kinds. They take a little food and sleep. They feel much dejected when they are fastened to. [5th variety of DEER) (VATAMRIGA) (STAG) These kinds of deer run fast winds do. They can escape frou weapons. They dwell in thick foreets. They never like the separation from their crowds. They are ican having long legs. They have time knack of disappearing suddenly. They dislike human scout. They hare horns with full of branches. They bave a little irritative temper. If they are separated from their crowds, they become foolish, mad, and die out of fear. They are not easily capturable even by hunters living in forests. They freely roam about in forests. [6th variety of DEER] (KRISHNASARA) These kinds of deer are spotted throughout. They have different colour in front legs and stomrehs and black colour in other parts of - 51 - Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the body. They have good smell. They have long straight horns with beautiful bodies. They are fond of dwelling both in houses and forests, They are very swift and stout when young. [7th variety of DEER] (RURU) These kinds of deer are tall with different coloured spots and with very big branch horns. They have broad hoofs and long necks. They do not fair to look at. They are fond of eating much. They have a less speed and strength. They can withstand Sun's heat, cold, rain etc,. They have smooth hair on their bodies. They are afraid of big noise. They have much sleepiness, laziness, and some bad qualities, [8th variety of DEER] (NYANKU) These kinds of deer are blackish red in colour and short with very long horns. They have slow paces and very smooth bodies. They are fond of playing in the early Sun-rise. They sleep during mid-day and play happily in the evenings. They are fond of dwelling in houses of human beings. They are generally very happy. They bave much passion. [9th variety of DEER] (SAMBARA) These kinds of deer are spotted ones with short horns, and siz. They are afraid of trumpets. They often desire to eat grass by They are very quiet-going, very sleepy and a little chewing. 52 Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ dull in nature. They have very, lean bodies. They play and, jump ini various ways. They are fond of living with psople. They are very passionate and very strong. They are very grateful. They increase passion in buman beings..! ,[10th rariety of DEER): .. ; (BANKU). These varieties of deer have very small innomerahle spots on their bodies. Some are born with different colours and others with black colours. They have broad and long horns, broad eyes, and boadtiful bodies. They are moderate in size. They take a little food and have good smell in their bodies. They are very glad if they are crow ded and sorry if they are separated. They are always be very quick. Their bodies are covered with long hair. They have mueh passion": and clean bodies. [11th variety of DEER) (ROHITAKSHA) These kinds of deer have red eyes. They are fond of hunting, They are fit for the touch of Kings, Queens and other Noblemen. They are fond of playing with such people alone.. They are, moderate in so size. Ther are various colours on their bodies. They are neither too, stout nor too lean. Those, who see them, would beoome rich and prosperous. Some are of pure red in colour. They are food of adorn ments and hearing sweet words. - 53 - Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [12th pariety of DEER] (GOKARNA) These kinds of deer are whitish-red and some brown in colour. They have very short ears. They like to live in cold places when they are in countries. They are very quiet-going ones. They have stout heads and broad hoofs. They are fond of playing with their creed. They have slow paces. They are very coward and have stout stomache wbeu young. [13th variety of DEER] (ENA) These kinds of deer are very tall and have pure gold coloured body. There are a few spots on their bodies. They have good sinel! like jasmine and lotus flowers. They are fond of listening to sweet words, and of eating grass, rice, dhalla eto, and also of music and of living with people. There are many kinds of deer in the forests possessing the same nature, qualities, and work. The female ones too resemble the male ones in all respects sa ve big horns. They are more passionate, quiet going and beautiful than their male deer. Their duty is more or less to play in different ways. They much afraid but are speedy. They generally take a little food and sleep. They have more good qualities indescribable. The youth for them extends from their 2nd to 6th year. They become old from the 7th year. Their utmost age is 9 years. Owing to work and nature, they are said to be Rajusa Mad yama or middle in 2ud class, - 54 - Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [14th variety of DEER) (MUSK DEER) GANDHARVA. These kinds of deer are of 5 kinds. They all resemble to deer in colour, size, qualities, nature etc, but they have not horns and have hanging and stout navels. [1st variety of Musk DEER] (GANDHARVA) . They are brown in colour and very tall. They give more quantity of musk. They are very 'swift in running. They lie under shades in Hitniner, [2nd variety of Musk DEER] .. (SARABA) They are reddish-black in colour and spotted; but are short in size. They are sleepy and lazy. They have always rocky bed sleep. At some times they dwell in cold places. Very good smell like jasmine flower comes out of their bodies. 3rd vanety of Myek DEIR (RAMA) They are whitish-red in colour and slow in paces. They have projected and hanging jaws with full long hair. They are stout. The y always desire to live in forests. They will have big and stout navals. They ofton drink water. They are afraid of hot Sun, rain, cold etc. They are very calm and quiet-going. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [4th variety of Musk DEER] (SRIMARA) They have different colours on their bodies. They are very stout and produse much musk. They run very fast when they are angry. They must be kept without threat and pnnishment. [5th variety of Musk DEER] (GAVAYA) They are of different colours and slow in paces. They have long ears and much anger. They do not like the scent of human beings and run away. They could not be caught very easily. They are much afrai and are stout to a very little extent. FOOK 16th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SABARIES. There are 4 kinds of Sabaries. They resemble deer but without horns. Some are red, white, and some black. They are spotted ones. They have very bushy tails and good smell. They always live in sha dy bushes. They have much passion, in the season in which deer have. They are very calm and quiet-going ones. [1st variety of SABARIES] (CHAMARA) These kinds of sabaries are tall, and white in colour with sharp ears and very smooth hair. They have very bushy tails with full of 56 Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ soft hair. They run very fast. Their hair are very useful for Chamara (a kind of Fan) and superior in class. [2nd variety of SABARIES) (KANDALI) These varieties of Sabaries are black in colour. They often run fast jumping, They cannot be easily captared even by hunters living in forests. They have stout bodies and soft hair. This hair are also used for Chamara and Sa vari. Their bair are grouped in the middle class. ; [3rd variety of SABARIES] (CHEENA) They are bluckish-red in colour and very short in size. By their temper they are irritated to a little extent and good speed. They foar buman beings and run away. They have some bad qualiities. Their hair are inferior ip quality. [4th variety of SABARIE8] (PRIYAKA) They are rod in colour. They have red eyes, stout bodies, long bushy tails and long hair covering their bodies entirely. They are afraid naturally and slow in running. They don't like the scent of human beings. The hair of these animals are of the inferior quality, The female ones resemble male ones in all respeets. - 57 - Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF MONKEYS. Thore are 8 varieties of Monkeys. They generally live in forests. Some are red, black, brown, white, gray and some with different colours. They always like to play with one another by climbing trees. They have red faces, long tails and small eyes. Their chins are very clearly apparent. They are fond of wicked deeds. They are always ill-tempered. They de cruel deeds. They could not be easily checked and controlled by people. They are foud of quarelling with one another. They are very fearful to look at. They are given training but it is in vain. As they are very wicked and mischievous they bave much passion for cohabitation especially in Autumn and Winter seasons. The female monkeys become pregnant after single enjoyment. They give birth to young ones in the 3rd or 4th month They cohabit at short intervals as they are very mean-uninded. For 2 or 3 months, the mother monkeys will be going out and doing things with their young ones underneath their stomachs. Their young ones begin to run fast in their 4th month. Their varieties are mentioned! below: [1st variety of MONKEYS) (KAPI) These varieties of monkeys are red in colour with blond red faces. and a little tall in size. They are always angry. They always dwell in forests. They are bot easily captuarable by wild tribes. Their bodies are stout to a little extent and tails long. They suddenly jump from one bigh place to the other. They threaten all the minor animals, and - 58 - Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ human children. Naturally they have deceiving tendency. They hide and do things. They play only on branches of trees. They are coward by nature. They yield when they are punished. They have long jaws and nails. [2nd variety of MONKEYS] (PLAVANGA) These kinds of monkeys are reddish-black in colour. They are naturally, fearful. They are much irritated by anger. They are neither tall nor short. They are lazy and sleepy. Their rear portion is black. They have short tails. Their jawa and nails are short. They are fickleizinded and very cruel. They are fond of doing barni to small birds. They run very swiftly on trees and on gronnds. They are wieked ones" [3rd variety of MONKEYS] *(SAKHAMRIGA) These kiods of monkeys are brown in colour. They have bloodred eyes. They are very tall, having long jaws and Dails. They are strong and mighty. They turn their eye-lids. They never hear sweet words. Their quarrels with one another and play are curious and amusive to people. Their anger subsides after a long time. They do always wicked deeds. They are deceitful. (4th variety of MONKEYS] (VALIMUKHA) These kinds of monkeys are jblack in 'colour and tall. They have very rough and long hair throughout their bodies. They are stout Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ having sport tails. They are very dull by... nature. They have inuch haughtiness. Some have glittering eyes. Their figures are ugly. They often cry with loud Keecb-Keeoh noise. They are always cheerful, and have bad smell. They are not easily capturable They are ungrateful. much passtionate and much fickle-minded. [5th variety of MONKEY8] (MARKATA) These kinds of innkeys have co:nbined colours black, red, and white. They are short in sine,ugly, cruel minded and threaten souls by gazing and turning their eye-lids up and down. They have lean lega, bad smell and very long tails. They climb up trees and jump. They will fight with one another even at night times. They are not??" miaded, wicked natured and very cheatful. Their cries are intolerable. [Gth variety of MONKEYSI (VANARA) These kinds of moukeys reseinble human beings in appearance nature, and work. They are of different colours black, red, and white. Their bodies are densely covered with thick hair. They have stout, stomachs, huge heads, und tallness in size. They are afraid of cold, hot Sur, rain, heavy winds etc., They produce fearful noises. They bave unceasing enemity and ungratefulness. They are not easily cap) turable. They are fickle-minded and deceitful. As they are wicked ind mean-minded, they desire to stoop to mean things. --- 60 - Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [7th variety of MONKEYS) (KEESA) These kinds of monkeys would ever be producing keech keech noise and have bad-tem per. Their passion for cohabitation increases when their temper is reduced. They, at times, quarrel with one another. They are fond of eating much. They have long feet and very long tails. They often hang on the branches of the trees. They are never single and secluded. Hence, they play with one another joyfully. They eat grass, too. They are reddish white in colour. They wander in thick ferests, mountains and caves. [8th variety of MONKEYS) (VANAUKAS) (BABOONS) These kinds of monkeys are black in colour, stout. and have tall bodies. They always live in forests. They die shortly after they come out of the forests of their own accord or whoa turped by force They have stout stomachs. Their bodies are covered, with rough, long and thick hair. They do not miss their gripe anywhere in their time. Some of the monkeys of this variety have black faces. They are very harmful and dull natured. Some resemble, bears in appearance. They are devoid of hearing the sweet words. They are very strong and powerful and have their eyes become blood red when they quarrel, Some are very powerfull in their native places';, some in other places show their mighty powers and some leave their places for sheer fear. Some ever suffer from sickness. There are many varieties of moukeys possessing the same qualities, nature and work. The female monkeys resemble: the male ones ju character, nature, qualities etc., -61 Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ but are more beautiful and have smooth hair on their bodies. They have a little anger, baughtiness, and more passion for cohabitation. They are very affectionate towards their children. Their youth extends from 2 to 7 years. Their utrnost age is 10 years. Owing to their dull nature, and fickle mindedness, they are said to be Tarana Adhaina, or inferior in 3rd clasg. 18th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF JACKA LS. There are & kinds of Jackals. They are foud of living in forests alone. They are yellowish, red, grey, or whitish-black in colour. They are very cunning and tactful. They always run awiftly with lushy tails. They hide in such a way that even wila tribos in forests could not catch them.Owing to their cries, people living by the side of their places under go many hard-ships and they are inmuspicious for them. They are carnivorous. Their youtir begins in the 2nd year. Their passion increases in rany souson and they cohabit with their female ones of equal age. They suffer puin when they are pregnant. They give birth to young ones (cubs) in their 4th or 5th month. The young ones will often suck their mother's milk. Their varieties are mentioned below:--- Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [lst variety of JACKALS] (SRIGALA) These varieties of jackals are not so tall in size and they have golden colour. They naturally walk swiftly and walk more swiftly when they loose their tempor and are afraid. They cry very unpleasantly. They injure weak animals. Their smell is bad. They are afraid of cold, winds, rain, and hot Sun. Though they are insignificant ones, they are very shrewd and keen in understanding others. [2nd variety of JACKALS] (MRIGADHURTA) Jackals of this kind olearly know the place and residence of each and every animal and at times they deceive them tactfully the other animals some how or other escape when attacked by them. Their bodies are a little rough, stout, and brown in colour with rough hair on them. They have much in ustaches on their faces. They are much afraid of huge sounds. They know the dwellings of human beings and cause fear in people if they are alone. Their cries are long and fearful. They are anach irritated by anger. [3rd variety of JACKALS) (VANCHAKA) Jackals of this kind are in yolden colour having long jaws. claws (nails) and hair with ugly bodies. They are fond of living with crowds or flocks. They are very powerful at nights. They are very dreadful -63 Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and cruel and could not be easily controlled. They often ory and their eyes are much blood-reded when they are angry. They kill and eat the quiet-going animals. [4th variety of JACKALS] (KROSHTRA) These varieties of Jackals are blackish-red in colour. There is whitish colour on their faces, stomachs, and legs. They are very tall and ugly with bad smell. They invariably cry in mornings and evenings. They always wander for prey as they are very hungry. They have much bad temper and cunningness They are not easily capturable even by the forest tribes. [5th variety of JACKALS] (JAMBUKAY These kinds of jackals are red in colour, but, their faces and tails are black colour. They are naturally dreadful and very cunning. They are so quick in speed as they could not be shot dead by weapens They have long-ears, short legs and bushy tails. They do not like the scent of human beings. Some of these have long stripes on their bodies. At times they deceive animals. [6th variety of JACKALS] (PHERU) Jackals of these kinds are spotted with different colours. Their bodies are of golden colour. They have always much anger. They always live in forests. and hide in bushes in day times. They, at -64 Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ times attack people and harm the other animals. They are very avaricious. They stoop to do very mean work when they are hungry. If they happen to come to towns or villages, such villages or towns. would be spoiled as their coming is said to be inauspicious. They are not easily obtainable. The female jackals resemble the male ones in all respects; but are very slow in walk. They are calm to a little extent. and always lye under the shade of trees. They take a little food. They (both male and female) are fond of eating corpses. Hence they should not be allowed to enter in to villages or towns. Their youth is from 2 to 7 years. Their utmost age is 10 years. Owing to mean-mindedness and bad qualities, they are called Tamasa Adhama or inferior in 3rd class. 19th GROUP.. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CATS. There are 5 varieties of cats. They generally live in houses. Some live in forests. They are always selfish. They do always mean things. Some are white, grey, black and some yellowish-brown in colour. They are generally striped like tigers and some spotted. They have long tails and they are quiet going, calm, and coward. They give bad results always against the auspicious deeds. They are fat by eating rats, food, ghee,curd etc. They resemble jackals in character. Their passion for cohabitation increases in Spring. After 11 years they get prime youth. Generally they begin to cohabit with female ones especially at nights. They lick each other and play happily at -- 65 -- Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the time of their intercourse. They give birth to 2 to 5 kittens in their 4th or 5th month. The kittens often suck their mothers'milk and play with them for some months. Their varieties are described below: [1st variety of CATS] (BIDALA) Cats of these kinds have black spots throughout their bodier. They are long-bodied, round faced and bushy tailed. They are often fond of eating rats, bandicoots, food, ghee, cnrds, milk ete., and living in dwelling houses, but they are coward. They can easily gee things at nights. They are very cruel, ungrateful and selfish. They have a little passion, baughtieeds and bad smell. [2nd variety of CATS] (MARJALA) These varieties of cats are a little bit tall and stout. They often run from place to place. Their mews are a little bit harsh. They stoop to do unpleasant things and deceive persons. They are very angry and passionate. They eat mach owing to severe hunger and thrist. They have long faces to a little extent and long stripes. Their jaws and claws are very sharp. They always quarrel with one wiother. They are fond of dwelling in houses. They eat flesh alone, at times ard some times they pour down the food, milk, ghee etc., uud eat them. They cohabit during night times. - 66 - Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (3ra variety of CATS) (OTHU OR WILD CATS) These kinds of cats are black in colour and spotted with different colours. They have long stripos (on their bodies,) jawa and claws. Some are a little dreadful living in forests alone. They are fond of eating flesh and sleeping always. They mew terribly. They are barmful to minor animals. They have roagh hair and long tails and a little broad eyes. They stoop to cruel actions always. [4th variety of CATS] (AKHUBHUK) Cats of these kinds are very tall and yellowish-brown in colour. They often kili small aniinals as they are fond of eating flesh. They are very cruel-minded and mow very dreadfully. They generally wander in night's Sonne have uniform colour on their faces, stomachs, and rear portions and the rest of the bodies are in some other colour. Naturally they do not hear weet worde and they are not easily capturable. Some Have black faces, owing to long jaws. Some are white with bad smell. [5th variety of CATS] (MEDAKA OR GIVET CATS) These kinds of cats are the best ones. They are born in forests alone. Their bodies are long and they have very bushy tails. They have much mustaches on their faces. When they are black, there are red dots on their bodies and when are red, there are white dots throughout. -- 67 - Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Especially, there are many kinds in this 5th varieties of cats (i-e, civet cats). They produce much civet which is more valuable. Naturally they are quiet and easily trainable. They are fond of hearing sweet words. They have a little sharp ears. They are afraid of big noises like the beatjog of trumpets etc, Many kinds of cats are available in forests possessing the same nature, qualities, and colours. The female oats resemble the male ones in all respects. They walk slowly and are alittle culin and quiet-going. They are not good to people. Their youth is from 11 years to 3 years. Their utmost age is 4 years. Owing to nature and breed, they are called Tamasa Adhama or inferior io 3rd classe 20th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RATS AND HARKS. There are 4 varieties of rats. They are very silly. Generally they always live in houses as cats do. Sorne live in gardens in deep holes. Some are blackish-white and some brown. They generally inove in nights alove with "Chuku-Chuku"eries. They are much afraid of cats. They are fond of eating paddy, corn, oil and other things. They have very small ears and very long tails. They have bright eyes and smooth bodies. They are always passionate but more in summer and winter seasons, and generally female rats give birth to 4 to 6 mnice in those season generally. Their pregnancy lasts for a month and the mother rats carefully and affectionately protect their young inice after the opening of their eyes till 5 or 6 inouths. Their youth begins in the 10th month. They often jump and play when they are young. Their kinds are described below: -- 68 - Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st variety of RATS] (UNDURU) These kinds of rats are black in eolour and very short in size. They often turu round their eyes. They always live in the dominated houses. They are afraid of cats and they run quickly when they near cat's noise. They have much mustaches. They bite and spoil every kind of articles like cloths, dress, grains, provisions etc., They are the turbulants of human sleep by going up and down the house producing "Chuku-Chuku" noise. They have smooth bodies and small eyes. They deserve punishineut. They are fond of eating much. They do always very silly actions. [2nd variety of RATS] (AKHU) These kinds of rats are whitish-black in colour. They wander even in day times. They dig many holes in honses. They destroy grains, cloths etc, They have not much fear. They have stout bodies and long-tails. They often produce noises. They generally dwell in crowds. They fear much if they are separated. They are very selfish and ungrateful. They have poisonous teeth and if they bite any one he will die on account of their poison. [3rd variety of RATS] (MUSHAKA) These kinds of rats are a little bit stout, tall and black with long tails. They are stout when they are young. These rats remain in 69 Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ living houses. They have long mustaches, rough hair on their bodies and bad and ugly eyes and big heads. These rats too have venomous teeth and if they bite, lives are lost. They are cruel and angry. They will sleep well in day time. They are powerful at nights. They bite with their teeth everything and often dig holes in the earth. [4th variety of RATS] (CHCCHUNDURU) Those rats which spoil the natural smell of every article by its long exhale, especially during night times, are called Chuchundurus. Generally they are very inferior in their kinds. Their bodies are very ssmall and they wander in nights alone. The feinale rats too have the same qualities and nature like that of the male ones. Some have their natural death and some are killed by cats. Their utmost ago is 11 years. Owing to mean nature and qualities, they are called Tamasa Adhama or inferior in rd class. The above said rats of 4 varieties should be driven out of the houses as they are very bad for house owners by those who desire to be prosperous. [THE HARES] Yan (SASA) The hares are termed as younger brothers of rats, but generally they are of white colour. They have no bad qualities to hinder like rats. Their play in different varieties is pleasurable to those who see them. Their bodies are smooth and very sinall in size. They can walk swiftly. They live in forests alone. They are much afraid of cats, wild dogs, pigs and boars. They have small eyes and ears. They - 70 Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ remnin in numbers and playing in shades. They are easily trainable and fond of sweet words. They eat flesh alone. Some are whitish-black in colour and some with different coloured dots on their bodies. Somo are slow in speed. As these hares, there are many growing in abunda nee in the foreste, 21st GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOLVES AND DOGS. There are 3 and 6 varieties of wolves and dogs respectively livng in villages and towns. Some of the dogs are white, red, brown, black, grey and some in different colours. Wolves are very cruel and fond of flesh. They are tall and very impatient and mean minded. Generally, both for dogs and wolves, the youth begins in their 2nd year. They are very passionate in summer and wiuter seasons. They are shanelens in respect of cohabitation. Some-how or other, dogs coax the female ones (bitches) and cohabit with them for a long period in public places and under the shade of trees. The bitches become pregnant soon after their cohabitation. The duration of their pregnancy is 3 to 4 months. They give birth to 4 or 5 pups' at a time. The Pupo live on their mothers' milk and play for some months. Though thoy eat mean and silly things they are very intelligent. Dogs guard, well houses, bungalows, palaces and other places. They are very grateful to their innsters. They are not allowed to enter in to and driven out from places where cereigonialas and sacrifices take place. Their kinds are mentioned below: - 71 - Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st variety of WOLVES] (VRIKA) These kinds of wolves are tall in size, black in colour and very impatient at all times. They are fond of hunting always. They can easily catch animals in forests. They are very dreadful by nature. Their jaws are long and they are very swift like arrows. They have longnails, blood-red tongues and a little red eyes. Their cries are very terrible. They possess sharp ears and short tails. They can find out animals living in different corners of forests by scent. They are very haughty and with less passion and sleep. They could not, easily be captured and if captured, they could easily be tamed. They help after tawing and training. [2nd variety of WOLVES] (KOKA) These kinds of wolves are a little smaller in size than the Vrikas (mentioned above). They are red or blackish in colur. They are very ferocious and have long tails. They have short legs and dreadful jaws. Their beads and rear portions are stout. They protrude their tongues and run away. They do not like the scent of human beings. They kill all kinds of animals and souls and eat their flesh. They cry often. They have rough hair, and bad smell on their bodies. They hunt. Their eyes are very glittering when they are ferocious. -72 Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [3rd variety of WOLVES] (EHAMRIGA OR BUEGLES) These kinds of wolves are of different colours. Some are spotted and some are striped. They are very tall in size. They run'very swiftly like an arrow. They are always ferocious, and never listen to good words, They have long faces, vory long ears, protruding tongues and hanging testioles. They are lean and have very lean stomachs. Bad smell always comas cut of their bodies. They are very fond of hunting. Female ones resemble male ones in all respects. They are easily captaarable and trainable in their early ages. Their qualities and character would become good if they are kept in their earily ages. Owing to their mean nature and bad deeds, they are called Tamasa Adhana or inferior in 3rd class. [1st variety of DOGS] (SWANAH) Dogs of these kinds are tall and red in colour. They live in villages. They are calm and quiet-going. They are a little impatient when they are hungry. They eat mean and useless things lying on streets. They always wander and sleep in shady places. At times, they quarrel with each other. They have much passion for cohabitation. Their rear portions, and stomachs are very stout, and they have long tails, sinall and sharp ears. They have curved nails. They are submissive and grateful to people. They are very beautiful when they are young. They fear to wander during nights. They are not cruel. - 13 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [20d variety of DOGS] (KUKKURA) Dogs of these kiods are black in colour having long tails. They are very impatient but not strong. Their bark is rather very awful to hear. They obstruct the strangers going in paths. They always quarrel with one another. Their sleep is short and their walk swift like an arrow. They are fond of sweet words. They have a little passion, huge heads and bad smell. They have protruding tongues in day times and strong memory. They can do any kind of work entrusted to them, (3rd variety of DOGS] (SUNAKA) They are very short in size with different colours and some with uniform colours. They have very sbort legs and big heads. They are very quick in running and very calm. They can act according to the will of their masters. They are very strong and a little passionate. They are very shrewd and can withstand huuger and thrist. They bark very unpleasantly when they are impatient. They have curved tails. [4th variety of DOGS] (MRIGADAMSAKA OR HOUNDS) They are very strong and tall. Some are brown and some black with very short tails. They are fond of catching legs of goats, deer, cows, bulls and other animals and eating their flesh blood etc. Their bark is very intolerable and unpleasant. Rough and thick hair cover their bodies. They are not easily controllable Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and they are devoid of hearing sweet words. They are very cruel and terrible to look st as they have long jaws. [6th variety of DOGS) (SARAMEYA) These kinds of dogs are very calm and quiet by nature. They are a little tall in size. They are of different colours and some with spots also on their bodies. They are very grateful and faithful to their mansters. They are neither dull-natured aor impatient. They are fond of hunting. They very swiftly run and are a little passionate. They are fond of doing all kinds of work entrusted to them. They are very #trong and having long tails. They always live in villages. They play in several kinds and are very beautiful when young. They run very Caut when instigated and have a little sleep during night times. (6th variety of DOGS] (GRAMYAMRIGA) Those kinds of dogs are short. Some are generally brown and wine with different colours. They have short ears, much impatience and less spoed. Thay are fond of fighting with oue another. They wander alwayy. They are dull-natured. They are fond of fighting with pigs and user. They eat flesh, blood, bones and other useless things. Thuy have ugly bodies and very unpleasant bark especially during nighta. They are very harmful to minor animals. Dogs of inany kinds are found in villages and other places postersing the same qualities and nature. They are of low breed and - 75 - Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ sinful; but very shrewd. They must be caught in their early ages and trained for a guarding and hunting. Bitches resemble dogs in all respects; but are a little slow in running and more calm. They are very fair when young. Their youth is from 2 to 7 years. Their utmost age is 10 years. All animals from liops to dogs are very well described regarding their character, nature, colour, quality age etc., etc., Such animals should be caught in their early ages and kept in cages and protected well by Rajahs, Nobles and others. Those who do not protect the animals in the world, will never get fame, virtue and pleasure. Those who protect cows, for a long time in their palaces,, bungalows, houses, (as the case may be) and give them in charity to Brahmins both before and after death, get VIRTUE and MOKSHA. Thcugh the anime als cannot talk as human beings, they are very useful to people. They can do the work entrusted to them pretty, well. Those which cannot be set right in training, musi be laft. Generally their bad qualities may be set right after training and when trained if they are useless they must be avoided. As human beings Possess the differences of intelligence, character, qualities, beauty and goodness so also the quadrupeds have the same. A very few animals have many of the qualities, nature etc., For those few animals have now been described. If people want to learn more about their eharacters, qualities, nature, value etc., ir detail in addition to this description, they can do so by their keen observations. END OF FIRST PART CONTAINING THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ANIMALS IN THE ZOOLOGY OF HAMSADEVA OF MANDAKA VILLAGE. Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mriga Pakshi Sastra OR Science of Animals and Birds. (790LOGY IN INDIRI PART II. Description of Birds. 22nd GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BIRDS Like quadrupeds, such as elephants, horses, cows, bulls, buffaloes and other Rajasa and Tamasa animals birds like swan, parrots, cuckoos, peacocks, crows, wag-tails and other birds do help people by pleasure, amusements etc. All birds live in nests. Some of the birds build their nests to live both in summer and rainy seasons, with their beaks, legs and wiugs by weaps of, fibres, soft cotton, and small pieces of wood, leaves, and straw etc., on the branches of trees, some on the trunks of the trees and sone on towers and mountains and elevated places. Though they could not spza kr like human beings, they are very clever. They generally live in crowds and attack their epemy birds collectively. They get their food, water, fruits, flaeh, insects.etc...with their beaks and eat them with their comrades. They enjoy all kinds of Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ pleasure with their young ones, and comrades in cool places and gardens. They come out of eggs aceording to their sids committed in their past births. Though they come out of eggs, they are very slever and do things more beautifully and completely than human beings. The birds are called the best decorations of high buildings mansions palaces, and houses etc. All kinds of birds enjoy with female birds of different species in different ways and give pregnaney to them in their prime youth. After preguancy, female birds lay eggs and sit on them for some days to give warmth. They understand when young ones get life, and pierce eggs with their beaks. They protect them (young ones) by giving them food for some time. Till they get wings to fly, they fake food brought by their mothers and play with them. After they get their wings they try to fly with their mothers in the sky for soine time till they get full strength. There are innumerable varieties of birds living in forests. Generally they sleep at nights only. They create animal passion to young human couples by their actions. They could casily be caught by nets in their early periods and tryined well. They must be caught and tamed. Our ancestors say "Those who do not tame and protect birds by giving food, are unfit to live on the surface of the earth." Amongst all, swan are most superior birdie. Hence the description of swan is first mentioned below: [1st variety of SWAN) (HAMSA) There are 7 kinds of swan. Swan of these kinds are called Hamsa. They are very beavtiful with white wings. Generally, they live in lakes lotus ponds and big wells, and upon good fruits, lotus --- 78-- Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ trunks, and leaves, and on lotns. They are very swift when they fly in the sky and when they are on the ground. It is very beautiful to look at. Their beaks and feet are red in colour. Their necks are very long. They are ever happy. They bave very soft feathers. They bave very iuuch passion and they are always with their female ones. After rainy season, they become very stout and puffed with haughtiness. [2na variety of SWAN] (CHAKRANGA) Swan of this kind are very short in size. Their bodies are white save their faces, wings and rear portions and ends of tails, which are red in colour. Their legs are very short and their necks are very long. There are blood-red stripes in their eyes. They are coward by pature. They are stout, with soft feathers. Their tones are pleasant to hear. Their tails are long. Lotus smell will be blowing from their bodies. Thay generally live in orowdo, but if they are separated they feel very much dejected. At times they live in lakes and lotus ponds and at times in shady places. They are called Chakranga Swan. [3rd variety of SWAN) (MANASAVASI) Swan of these kinda do generally live in the Manasa lake on the Himalayas and never go out of it. They are very patient and calm. Their bodies are white like pearls save their red beaks and bushy tails. Generally they dive in water often coming out. They have much pag sion and less uppetite. They are inoderate in size. They have a little - 79 - Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ sleep at nights. They play in different pastures with their female ones. Their eyes resemble white lotus. Those persons who see this variety of swan have much increase of animal passion. Their bodies are round like circle. Swan of this kind are ealled Madabavasi as they live in the Manasa lake. [4th variety of SWAN) (RAJAHAMSA) Swan of these varieties are very beautiful to look at. They are purely white like full moon save their beals and feet which are red in colour. Their walk in their youths are very beautiful and amusing. Their cry is very amusive and pleasant. Those who have a look at them are freed from sing committed in their past births. Like Swan of the 2nd variety, these swan also live at times in lotus ponds and at times in shady places. They are a little tall. They fly very high in the sky. They would cohabit with their female onor, playing and crying very beautifully. They show innumerable modes of walk when they are with female swan. If they appear in front of persons who go to war, they (persons) are sure to be victorious. After rainy season, they are much puffed up with haughtiness. They bave always their eyes wide opeo as they are cheerful. When they stand before the birds, the birds also astonish to see them. If able persons train them up, they can talk a few words to some extent as they are intelligent and clever. -- 80 Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (5th vareity of SWAN] (HALLIKAKSHA) These kinds of swan are generally a little blackish-wbite in colour. If their entire bodies including their eyes are purely white, they are called Mallikakehas and if they are parely white throughout save their beaks and feet with red colour, they are called Dhartashtras. All these swan are a little short. They have various coloured dots on their bodies. They have long and curved tails, and less speed. They are very clever and and very fond of living with human beings. They are not easily captuarable by experts. They are very fast when in dangers. They are fond of ladies, who touch and protect them. [6th variety of SWAN) (KADAMBA Swan of these kinds are entirely a little bluish-white. They are moderate in size. They have broad and spread wings. They often cry when they walk. They are fond of their comrades. They live in very cool and calm places and in places where quiet-going animals live. They are much passionate. They are very pleasant both in morning and evening. They are a little bit coward. Tbey eat their food along with their female swan like Gandharvas. They are very willing to fulfil the desires of their female ones. They have much shining on their bodies. They are easily captuarable and trainable. [7th variety of SWAN) (KALAHAMSA) Swan of these varieties are whive in colour. Their wings are -- 81 - Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a little bluish, their tails a litte black and their beaks red. They are a little tall, stout aud big with curved necks. Their bodies are round. They are fond of swimming in water and living in trees at times. They are kind and pleasing to all birds. Their feet are very white and their feathers are very soft. Their tone is very plesant and stomachs are very stout in their youth. Their feathers are long. They are a little impatient and begin to cry often when they are seperated from their female group. They are always very fond of remaining with the female ones, as they are much passionate. They could easily be trained. Some swan are of various colours, and some with spots of different colours. The female swan too generally resemble their males in all respects but are more beautiful and calm. Generally the female ones like to remain under the shade of wings of male ones in summer. They always spend their time with their male ones. They have crowns on their heads. Their eyes and walk are very beautiful. Their youth begins in their 2nd year and lasts till the 5th year when they become pregnant. They could be caught in their early periods and kept in cages and well trained. Their utmost age is 7 years. Owing to good nature and qualities they are called Rajasa Uttama or superior in 2ud class. 23rd GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CHAKRAVAKA BIRDS. (RUDDY-GEESE) There are 3 kinds of chakravaka birds or ruddy-geese. Generally they are blackish. Some are white and some blue like Their nature and bodies resemble those of swan. They seperate 82 Swan. Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ themselves with their female birds during night times owing to curse given to them. Again in the day break they come and join with them. They are smaller than the swan. They would increase passion of the human young couples much, especially in spring season. They live in lakes, lotus pends, and on the lotus flowers. They eat lotus trunks, flowers and other good tasteful fruits. Their youth begins in their 1st year. Their passion is increased in the spring season. Young ones come out of eggs after a month. Female birds lay eggs after they become pregnant. The young ones get wings in their 2nd month. All birds in general comes out of eggs after the 1st month and get wings in the second month. [1st variety of RUDDY-GEESE] (KOKA) 2 Ruddy-geese or chakravaka birds of these varieties are blackish red in colour, very small in size, having round bodies. The ends of their wings are black. They would often cry, especially at nights. Their speed is less than that of swan. They remain always with their female birds from day-break to Sun-set. They would, often, dive in water in summer season and play. They fly in the sky in crowds. They are always fond of remaining on the flowers. Some times they eat tree flowers, fruits etc., in the absence of pond flowers. Their tone is very melodious when they are ycung. 2nd variety of RUDDY-GEESE] (CHAKRA) Their bodies are round like wheels. They are black in solour 83 Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ with small beals. Their neeks and ends of wings are red in colour. They increase passion of young couple by exhibiting their skill in various dances. They are fond of living with their female birds. Their eyes and walk are very beautiful. They would play in water often with their couples.' [3rd variety of RUDDY GEESE] (RATHANGA) These kinds of ruddy geese are white in colour. 'Their wings are long to a little extent. Their feet are red. There are various coloured dots on their breasts. Their tone would be cheerful. They are much afraid of people. They fly in the sky in couples. They have very smooth bodies. They would be bathing both in the morning and evening. They have much puffed haughtiness in their youth. Their eyes are opened broad owing to cheerfulness. They have a little sleep. Peoples' passion is increased in their youth when they see these birds. The emale birds too resemble the male in all respects. They feel much dejected by the separation of their husbands. Their youth extends from 2 to 5 years. Their utmost age is 6 years. These birds like swan are caught and kept in cages by Kings, Ministers, Nobles and other persons. These birds are also classified under Rajasa Uttama or superior in 2nd class like Swan. - 84 - Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SARASA, BALAKA, AND OTHER BIRDS. There are 2 varieties in each class of these birds. They all live in water and in cool places by the side of water. They are grnerally called as younger brothers of ruddy-geese. Some or white, blue, and black and some of various colours. Generally all birds have various coloured dots on their bodies. Their play is very cheerful and creates amusements to lookers. They are calm and quiet-going ones. They have much passion in Spring and Summer seasons. The youth for all the above said varieties of birds begins in their 14 years, All the female hirds protect their young ones very carefully. The youug ones get wings in their 2nd month and developed their growth gradually like esther birds. Their varieties are mentioned below: [1st variety of SARASA BIRDS] (INDIAN ORANE PUSHKARA) Sarasa birds of these varieties are called Pushkara. They are blue in colour but their necks, wings and breasts are whitish. Their bodies are like that of the ruddy-geese, but a little tall in size. They have long beaks and they always wave their wings. They fly very high in the sky very swiftly in groups. They often enjoy with their couples whenever they are passionate, especially at nights. They at times live in lakes and ponds even. They cry very pleasantly. After the first quurter of the night, they sleep. They are never be dull and lazy in the mornings. They take rest in the mid-day owing to weariness. --85 Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [2nd variety of SARASA BIRDS] (SARASA) These kinds of birds are called Sarasa birds. These are black in colour, and they have white and red dots together or red or white dots on their bodies separately. Such dots are visible only in breasts and wings. They have small beaks and legs. They are quiet-going ones. They are fond of swimming in water often, especially in miadays. Their nails are of golden colour. They generally live on night lotus or white and red lotus flowers. They enjoy with their couples in Spring season. They have very soft bodies. Their beauty is cheerful and amusing. [1st variety of BALAKA BIRDS] (BALAKA) These kinds of birds are called Balaka. They are very tall, stomachs and having long legs, red beaks. and white bodies. Their rear portions are stout. Their wings are broad and big. They are a little impatient when they are hungry. They eat sinall fish, fruits, lotus trunks and roots and others. They often dive in water and play. They generally enjoy during nights. They fly in the sky with their couples. They perch on the cool trees at the time of wearisome. They are much afraid of the roar of lions and tigers and they run away to distant places. They are fond of swimming even in the floods and they have smooth feathers. They have a little passion. 86 Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [2nd variety of BALAKA BIRDS] (SARANGA) These kinds of birds are called Saranga birds. Some are blue and some black. They have white dots on their bodies. They are short in size, but have long legs and beaks. They will, 'collectively, fly in the sky. They live by the side of water and in the cool and shady places. They will come quick from high in the sky and eath fish in water (i.e) they will have the the bird's eye view. Their beaks are a little yellowish. They have broad eyes. They enjoy at nights only. [1st. variety of CHAKORA BIRDS] (CHAKORA) These varieties of birds are called Chakera birds. They are black or blue in colour. There are different coloured spots on their bodies. They are stout in sixe. They have long wings, stout stomachs, small beaks and legs. They will be looking on at the beautiful sceneries in all directions in the day times and in nights they eat the moon light alone and thus improve. They will spend there whole time in the day by remaining under the shade of trees and by sleeping for some time. They would be always with their couples. They are afraid of thunder. They generally, never sleep in nights. [2nd variety of CHAKORA BIRDS] (BRIHATCHAKORA) These BrihatChakora birds are a little tall in size. Some are black 87 Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and some blue in colour. Their wings, stomachs, and peoks are a little whitish. They eat moon light alone and if there is no Moon-light for eating, they will be much reduced out of hanger. They wander in nights and sleep in one place in the day time. They would always be with their sexes. Both kinds of Cbakora birds build their nests' in the huge and tall trees either by the side of mountains or the seas. They can withstand hunger and thirst. They are naturally beautiful and increase passion to young kuman couples. They drink the sweet and tasteful water in summer. They would generally, be hapv in nights. They never eat anything except the Moon-light and they are very calm and quiet-going. [lst variety of SARARI BIRDS] (SARARI) These varieties of birds are called Sarari. They are generally reil in colour. There would be some other colour on their wings, logs, long beaks, and end of the wings. They have crowns on their henils 2916 beautiful eyes. Their wings are small and beautiful. They will be sa the trees, in their nests, by the side of water. They sit always sepirately and search of their prey on the bunds of the lake, crying beautifully. They eat small fish, flesh and fruits. They wander in the day time and sleep in nights. They would, always, be in couple wherever they go. They will join together when quarrel arises with the other birds but, they are not, generally, impatient. T2nd variety of SARARI BIRD (ATI) Thege kinds of birds are called Ati birds. They are very short Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and small. Some are white, black and some whitish black. Their beaks, legs, and ends of their wings would be of some other colour. They have small beaks, a little stout bodies and broad wings. They are fond of living in water. They are afraid of going to strange places. They will not live collectively. They live in their nests alone in the rainy season, but, very fond of seeing the clouds and rain. They spend their time by eating bits of flesh and fruits in the rainy season. They will collec tively help one another when they are attacked by another kind of birds' [1st variety of CHATAKA BIRDS] (CHATAKA) These varities of birds are called Chataka birds. They are very small in size. They are black, red or blackish red. They drink always the rain water and are healthy. As per a Sage's curse, they do not drink the water on the face of the earth owing to the fear of being unhealthy. Therefore, they live, generally, in the high places as, the tops of the mountains, and tall trees wherever there are clouds They' would, ever, be looking at the sky with mouths wide open for rain. Sometimes they will be with their female birds on the shade of the branches of trees. They will collectively fly very high in the sky. They are very good to all birds. They are happy and healthy in the rainy season [2nd variety of CHATAKA BIRDS] (STOKAKA) These kinds of birds are called Stokaka birds. They are very 89 Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ small in size and black in colour. Their wings and beaks and feet are red. There are very small dots on their bodies. They will, always, be flying in the sky and looking for the outcome of rain. They will porch on the trees voly for a short space at the time of wearisome. Their wings are beautiful when they are young. They will, at times fly in the sky collectively. Their female birds resemble their male ores in all respects. Their youth is from 11 to 4 years, and their utnost age is 5 years. They may be kept in palaces and high buildings and well-trained. They would dance in different virieties and give amuse ment. Owing to dature and good qualities, they are called Rajaga Uttama or Superior in 2ud class. 25th GROUP GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF GARUDA AND HAWKS. There are 3 kinds of Garuda birds. They are called Kirig of birds, They possess very strong memory and good strength. They are white red or of different selours. They have huge strong wings. They are the best in creed. They are the enemies of serpants or cobran und will eat them. They can fly very high and swift in the sky, with couples, singly and collectively at times. They have long and soft feathers. They are neither cruel nor much passionate. They are very clever and have very keen eyes. They are fond of hunting and to remain with people. They eat the sweet and good fruits in the forests, Hesh by piercing with their stroog and powerful beaks. They can withstand cold, rain, hunger and thirst. They are kiud to all souls. They are -- 90 Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ much passionate in spring and summer. Their youth begins in the 2nd year. Their varieties are described below: [Ist variety of GARUDA BIRDS] (GARUDA-BRAHMANY KITE) This kind of bird is called Garuda bird. Their necks are purely whitish and they have curved beaks, buge and broad wings and strong and firm legs. They fly very high in the sky without waving their wings sometiines and waving thein at other times. They would at timer, kill fish and other smaller ones and eat them. They never feel tired even if they go afar. They live in cool trees and places crying plesantly. Thoy would kill cobras and eat them as they are their dead foes. When they are impatient, they would kill all the enemy birds and swallow them. [2nd variety of GARUDA BIRDS? (VAIN ATEYA) These kinds of Garuda birds are whitish in colour with their wings- blackish-red. They are said to be the soms of Vinata, daughter of Devine Being und wife of the great sage Kasyape. Hence they are called Vainatayas. They have a littl long tails and long leg. They are impatient. They will fly in the sky, collectively, crying often. They are stout.bodied. They can fly very swift in the sky even against the winds. They can withstand all sorts of difficulties, such as, fatigue, winds, rain, sun's heat, hunger and thirst, etc. Their necks are of pure white. They have the birds' eye view very acurately. They come - 91 -- Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ down from ths aky by circling. They cannot be prevented by any other bird when they fly in the sky. [3rd variety of GARUDA BIRDS] (PANNAGARI) These kinds of Garuda birds are called Pannagari as they are the enemies of serpants. They are till, white and spotted in different colours. They have huge wings and big and sharp beaks. They are very grand in appearance. No other bird could see and attack them when they are very impatient. They will fly very high and very far in the sky. They would sleep in day time. Their feathers are a little-bit long. Their bodies are stout and shining. They cannot be attackel by any one, anywhere. There are many kinds of Garuda birds of this species in the forests. The female birds, too, do resemble the male ones in all respects. They are more beautiful and less impatient. Their voice is very pleasant. The youth for both the sexes is from 2 to 7 years. Their utmost age is 10 years. Owing to good creed and nature, they are called Rajasa Uttama or Superior in 2nd class. 1st variety of HAWKS] (SYENA) There are 2 varieties of Syena birds. The first variety of bird is called Syena or the hawk and the second is called Sasada or falcon. The Syena birds are almost like Garuda birds, but a ittle taller and more impatient. Their bodies are red with white feet. Their beaks are very sharp. Their wings are very broad. Their cry 92 Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ is awfully, unpleasant. They are fond of eating much flesh. They are dreadful in appearance to other birds. They would fly swiftly high in the sky. They are available everywhere. Their feathers are rough and feet very strong. They are not easily capturable. They too have the "birds' eye view". They do not like the scent of human be ings. They are very cruel in day time, when they will kill all the other birds. [2nd variety of SYENA BIRDS] (SASADA-FALCON) These kinds of birds are called Sasida. They are tall and brown with white wings. Their feet and beaks are red. They are cruel-minded and their cry, too, is very unpleasant. They venture to do bad things and every-thing. They have rough feathers and bad smell on their bodies. They are dreadful to other birds. They are devoid of sweet words. They eat, pigeons, doves, wildrates etc. Some of the falcons have blood-red necks and some various coloured necks. They are fond of eating much flesh. They have the same youth, age etc, of the hawks- Owing to creed, nature and bad qualities, they are called Rajasa Madhyama or Middle in 2nd class. ; 26th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EAGLES. -93 Ma There are 4 kinds of eagles. They are the brother-species of hawks and Garuda birds, They are of different colours. They are Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ dull-natured, stout, and strong winged. They eat fruits, flesh and food etc, They are fond of huuting. They have increased passion in rainy season. Their youth begins in the Bud year. Their varieties are described below: [1st variety of EAGLES] (GRADHRA) These kinds of engles are blackish-red, stout bodied, and big winged. They are strong beaked, and rough fenthered. They are very strong and swift iu tylaz. They would often wave their wings when flynig. They are a little calm and quiet-geing. They are fond of living with people and hearing good and sweet words. They would fly in different pastures. They are available in every coruer of the forests. They will be dreadful and destroy the enemy birds when they are impazient. They never wander in nights. They can tolorate hunger and thirsti. They are eusily capturable and trainable. They are keen and intellegont. They have the "birds, eye view". They eat flesh, fruits and food. They are fond of hunting. : [2nd varicty of EACLES] (DARSITAYYA) These kinds of exglas are otherwise calleil Dakshayya. Their bodies are short :nd bulky. They have huge an: broad wings with whitro colour on their ends :wings). Their bodios are brown in colour. They have small heaks, stout stonnachs and long legs. They will winer collectively. They ure shrewd and clever; but they never desire to hear the sweet words and do not like the went of human beings, They never forget to revenge against the enemy birls. They will tly - 9 Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ high and to a long distance in the sky. At times they stoop to cruel actions. Enemy birds cannot attack these birds when they are young. [3rd variety of EAGLES] (ATAYI) Bodies of these kinds of eagles are small. They are of different coleurs. Their lege and wings are long and beaks very small. They have rough feathers. Their cry is, awfully cruel. They kill all the insects and fish which come to the shore. They, at times, eat flesh. They have accurate birds' eye view. They fly very high in the sky, collectively. They would be puffed up with haughtiness when they are young. They shirk from and fear for hunting. At times they are fond of fighting with each other. They become very stout in rainy season. They are easily trainable and they are fond of hearing sweet words. X [4th variety of EAGLES] (CHILLA) These varieties of ongles have small bodies. They have beautiful eyes and a little big heads with various dots. There are beautiful coloars on their wings. Their tone is very pleasant and they have a strong memory. They are fond of living with people and hearing sweet words. They eat insects and fish etc, which come to the surface of water and at times fruits and flesh, crying often. They are afraid of hunting. They w under collectively both in the sky and on earth. They fight with other birds futiously when they are impatient. They have smooth bodies and are clever. There are many varieties of eagles 95 Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ available in forests possessing the sune nature and quaiities. The female eagles, too, resemble, the male ones, in all respects. The youth for all the eagles is, generally, from 2 to 5 years. I'heir utmost age is 8 years. Owing to creed, nature and deed they are called Tomasa Madhyama or Middle in 3rd class. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CRANE. There are 4 kinds of Cranes. They are greyish, white, reddist and of different colours. They are dull-natured and their cry is unplenant. They are very strong when impatient. They are strong and have rough feathers. They can fly to some distance in the sky. They live with: their comrader; but, at times, they do guarrell with each other. They build their nests on the tops of trees and live in them Some like to remain with people and some do not like to be so and go away. They have much passion in rainy season. They are carnivorous. The youth for thein is froin 11 to 3 years. Their kinds are described below: [1st variety of CRANEST (CROWNCITA) These kinds of cranes have red bodies with white winggo They have very long legs, necks and beikh. They are stout bodied birds. Their apperance is riot pleasing and their cry is not long ata stritch. They have failling paces of walk. Their feathers are very rough. They fly with their coarades in the sky. They are strong and attack the enemy birds when impatient. They are fond of eating flesh and sleeping during day-times. They will at times dive in water and play. --- 96 - Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [2nd variety of CRANES] (BAKA) These kinds of cranes are white throughout. They have broad wings, very long beaks and feet and little smooth bodies. Some are stout and some lean and small. Those, which are small and lean are not pleasant in appearance. They would, always be secluded wherever they go. To attack enemy-birds they call for their comrades. They are fond of eating flesh and fish. They would, at times, play in water. Though they are dull in nature, they would yield to people and give pleasure to them. [let variety of KAHWA BIRDS] .(KAHWA- GEESE) Those which are very interior to crane class are called geese. They are white in colour. They would walk slowly and their cry is very unpleasant. They are fond of playing in mire. They are dull in nature and bad smell would be coining out from them. Their bodies are stout. They have very long uecks and beaks. They can swim in water. They cannot fly in the sky. They are very ugly in appearance. They eat insects, frogs and fish. They are unfit for training. They are not strong and they are mean-iniaded. They decrease peoples' welfare. (2nd variety of KAHWA BIRDS] (KUNCHA) These kinds of geese are very short in size. They are of --97 - Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ various colours. They walk slowly and their cry is awfully unplesunt. They have very long necks and beaks. They eat frogs, fish, grains and insects etc. They are fond of water. As they are dull in nature, they do mean and silly things. There are many geese of various colours, Their femile ducks too resemble then in all respects. Their bodies are soft possessing calm miod. Their utmost age is 4 years. Owing to creed, nature and deed they are called Tamasa-Adhama or inferior in Srd class. 27th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CROWS. There are 12 varieties of crows. They are, generally, black. They would generally live in villages. Their cry shows the forth coming of either good or b.d of the owners of houses on which they sit. They are useful and fit for the sacrified food. They are, generally, said to be the decorations of trees. They eat fruits, food, insects, fish and flesh etc., especially margosa seeds. They are fair and their cry is long and loud. They can play by jumping. They invariably cry both in the mornings and evenings. They can see by one eye alone. They are dull in nature. They would often pluy in water in summer season. They are grateful to their inisters. Their youth begins in 11 years. Their varieties are described below: --- 98 - Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st variety of CROWS] (KAKA) These kinds of crows are called Kaka owing to their cry as Kaka. They are jat black. They have big rough feathers, and long beaks. They often go by flying. Their cry is a little harsh. They would everbe with their groups. They are coward and lazy. They are longsighted. whey would ever be eating. Hence they are gluttons. They become tired in the hot Sun. Bad smell would be coming out of thair bodies. whey are troublesome to all kinds of birds [2nd variety of CROWS] (KARATA) This variety of crew is jet black and long winged. They would always be producing unbearable cries. They are very strong and have small beaks. They will fly swiftly very high in the sky. They can cross any big floods, lakes, and small seas. They are available every where. They revenge against the enemy birds. They take a little food. [3rd variety of CROWS] (BALIPUSHTA) This variety of crow is blue in colour and have smooth bodies. They are fair to look at. They have small tails, beaks, and stomachs. They take little food. They are very calm-minded. They are fond of reumaining with people. They are fond of eating the curd-food and sweet food, etc. Their cry and walk are very pleasant. They would - 99 Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ listen to sweet words. They never fear for people, and never do mene things. They would sleep during day times. They would always be single. They are good to all birds. Sacrificial food should be given to these crows. They have some other good qualities and nature. [4th variety of CROWSI (SAKRITPRAJA) This variety of crow is callel Sakritpraja; because they lay eggs only once in their life time. The wrole of their borlies are jet black; but, their necks whitish in colour. They are a little till in size having broad wings and a little long legs. They live strut heads and stomachs. They can swiftig fly very high in the sky. They would collectively, attack their enemy-birds. At times, they would quicrel with each other. They eat flesh, fruits, food and grains etus. At times, they would dwell in forests also. They are inigirty and powerlul. They would play in different vurieties by jinping. They cannot be controlled when they are impatient. Those who do not like the people uvud go awny are considered to be very inferior and those who like to be by the side of the people, are considered to be superior. [5th variety of (ROWS (DHWAASIA) Thege kinds of crows are deep blue in culour. They love long beaks and legs. They are capable of flying in different prstures waving their wings often. They can fly very high in the sky. They --100 Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ would attack the enemy birds with dreadful cries. They are always calm in temper and take a little food. [6th variety of CROWS] (ATMAGHOSHA) This vairety of crow is neither too black nor too blue, but a little tall. They would imitate singing in various ways. They would alwnys be alone. They build their nests always on the trees that ar@ by the side of water. They eat small fish sitting on the shores of the , water. They are calm in temper and much afraid of hunting. They , have no eremity at all. They would walk in different postures. They would 'go collectively to any place. They live both in forests and houses. [7th variety of CROWS] (PARABHRIT) This variety of crow protects the eggs of cuckoos without their own knowledge. Hence they are called parabbrit. They are beautiful and blue in colour throughout their bodies having some wbitish colour on the ends of their wings. They have small beaks and very charming cries. They are experts in building nests. They live in trees alone eating the msects. They are afraid of people and rainy season. They are capable of flying in various postures. They have pleasure during mornings and evenings. They bathe surely in water during day time. They wander only in pleasure gardeus and cool places. They have some good qualities and are very easily trainable. - 101 - Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [Sth variety of CROWS] (VAYASA) These kinds of crows have very dark-bodies and rough feathers. They eat flesh of corpse. They are not fair to look at. Their beaks are very long, sharp and strong. They perch for some time on the backs of goats, balls cows, buffaloes, and other quadrupeds. Their appearance would be rather dreadful to smallec birds. Their cries are unpleasant. They would, slowly, fly in the sky. They fear to go to other forests. They are always secluded. They do not like amongst themselves. They are mean minded and do mean things. They have bad smell. They would never sleep in moon-lights. They fear for thunder. [9th variety of CROWSI (OHIRAJIVIN) This variety of crow has long lise. IIence it is called Chirajivia. They are jet black-bodied; but, their necks, broasts and wings are a little whitish. They are a little tall in size. They have failing paces in their walk. They do not fly high in the sky. They fear to cross the floods of the rivers. They are fond of cating food alw:uys. They are ever angry. Their cry would be very harsh. They eat very mean things. They would always have side-sight. They would deceive people and other birds. As they are fickle-ininded, they have no stability. [10th variety of CROWS] (MAUKALI) This variety of crow is very sinall in size and blackish' white. Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ There will be some other colour or dots on the ends of their tails and wings. They have small beaks. They are fond of eating powdered rice and food etc. They often swim and play in water. They are fond of living with people. They sing at times pleasantly. They follow the female crows cften wherever they go, owing to extreme passion They join their comrades at the time of fear and danger. They are grateful to masters and fond of hearing sweet words. They are very smooth bodied and easily trainable. [11th variety of CROWS] (DRONAKAKA-RAVEN) This variety of crow is long bodied and jet black in colour. They are called Dronakaka. They have very long beaks, legs and broad wings and very rough feathers. Thay have small white dots on their bodies. They have sharp nails. They live always in forests. They are not easily obtainable. They do not like the scent of human beings. They are fond of eating flesh and their cry is very unplesant. They attack other birds unnecessarily. At times, they quarrel themselves. They do not take much food. They have cruel-mind. They have no fear when they are in groups. 12th variety of CROWS] (KAKOLA) 1 This variety of crow lives in mountains and at the foot of the mountains. Their cry is very harsh. They are jet black. They kill all the birds in the nests in the vicinity of their own nests. Their rear 103 Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ portiouis long. Their necks are long and feathers are very rough. They are when hungry. They are not easily obtainable. They would fly very swift in the skv. They would injure quadrupeds at tiines. They have enemity amongst themselves. They would always be wandering round and round. They are born in forests and live in forests alone. There are many varieties of crows born in forests possessing the same nature, qualities and colour. They must be caught in their early ages and trained. They are young until the 4th year. Their utmost age is 5 years. Owing to creed and nature they are said to be Tamasa adhama or inferior in 3rd class. 28th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF OWLS. There are 3 kinds of owls. They live in jungles, forests, gardens and towers. They have broad and big eyes. Their bodies are stout. They have big heads. They would, always be crying with KalaKala noises. Owing to their Kala-Kala noises the house owners hy their side attain good. Their passion would be increased in winter season. Their varieties are described below: (1st variety of OWLS] (ULOOKA) This kind of owl is blackish-red in colour. There are different colours on their feathers. They are yellowish in colour on the corners Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ of their eyes. They have very big and broad eyes. They are a little tall and have small wings. They are very smooth having stout bodies. They live always under the shade of the bushy tall trees. They are calm and quiet-going by nature. They search for prey in crowds. They eat flesh, insects and grains etc. They feel tired in the hot Sun. They would never come out of their nests in rainy and winter seasons. They are devoid of quarrels. They would dive in water and play at times. [2nd variety of OWLS] (VAYASAD WIT) This kind of owl often quarrels with crows. Hence they are called Vayasadwit. They are spotted in different colours. They have long and sharp beaks and long necks. They are very cruel-minded birds. They create fear to all birds in the forests. They are strong and powerful. They do not move so quick as other birds do. They quarrel amongst themselves at times. They cry very unpleasantly when they are angry. They are very fond of flesh. They often wave their wines. They aro vory pronl when they are young, [3rd variety of OWLS) (PECHAKA) These kinds of owls are small and have stont bodies. They are of muddy colonr. They liave white colour on the ends of their wings. They have yellowish eyes, and are a little lessia speed. They are calm and good by nature. They foretell always the outcome of good or bad by their cry. They live in the shade of bushy trees. They are good to all birds. Some are bicwn in colour. They have big spots of -- 105 - Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ different colours. Those people, who live where these ovis are, get goodnes:, prosperity and wealth. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF KAUSIKA BIRDS. (Another kind of OWIS) There are 4 kinds of Kausika birds. They are black, blackishred, or brown in colour. Their cry showe the outcome of bad results. They are very dull by nature and are cruel-minded birds. They always do mean things. They cannot see, generally, in day times and they can see well at nights. They produce often "Ghoo-Gnoo"noises, and thus create fear to people and other birds. They are very sinful birds. They must not be tained in houses. Their passion is increased in winter season. Their varieties are described below: [lst variety of KAUSIKA BIRDS] (KAUSIKA) These kinds of Kausika birds are a little tall and brown in colour. They are very swift in flying and have a little broad-eyes. They live, always, in dark places in nights. They would, always, be single. They would always create unpleasantness to all birds and people. They prey upon corpses. They would kill the quiet going and good birds. They are stift and powerful at nights. They dislike Moon Lights. (2nd variety of KAUSIKA BIRDS (CHOOKA) These varieties of Kausika birds are called Ghooka owing to their "Ghoo-Ghoo" cry at nights. They are brown in colour and have -106 - Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ black-wings. They have short-bodies and long beaks. Their featherg aro very rough. They are very swift and pounce upon any other birds, suddenly, at vights. They would search for their prey, flying in circles at nights. They are very impatient and are not, easily, capturahle. They are dull and foolish-natured birds, producing bad smell. They are very ungrateful. [3rd variety of KAUSIKA BIRDS] (DIVA-BHETA) These kinds of Kausika birds are iuuch afraid of day time. Ilence they are called Diva-Bheta and they are sinful birds. They are grey in colour, very tall having stout-bodies and broad-wings. They soar high, in the sky. They would injure the quiet-going birds. They eat flesh of bad odour. They catch, hold of the hair and attackall the birds and people at nights. They are very deceitful. As inoon. keys, these also do spoil all the birds and eggs, during night times. They sleep even in day times for a little while. They are of low breed and less passionate. [4th variety of KAUSIKA BIRDS] NISATANA Tbis kind of Kausika bird has small body, short-tail, short leg, very long heak and a very sharp-nail. They are very stout. They cry very often "Ghoo-Ghoo". They are very fond of eating flesh. There is much bad smell in them. They are very swift and strong to kill all the birds at nights by searching them from tree to tree. They - 107 -- Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ are much afraid of rainy season. They are not to be easily captured. There are many varieties of Kausika bir ts in forests having the bame rature, and qualities, etc. They are unfit for training. They would be young till their 4th year. Their utmost age is 5 years. Owing to their bad nature, low breed, and biud qurities, they are called Tamasa Madhyan or Middle in 3rd, class. 29th GROUP GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PARROTS. The parrots are of 3 varieties. They are green-coloured birds haring long tailes, curved beaks and smooth and soft feathers. They are very quiet-going and calm-natured, birds. They have beautiful eyes and are very shrewd and clever. They like to live in houses. They eat flesh, milk curd, food. fruits and grains ete. They speak beautifully if trught. They are ever clean. The are very swift in flying. They are much afraid of cats mew. They are coward by nature, They can not endure cool winds, bot Sun and rain etc. Their movements increase possion of the young human couples. They possess many good qurlities. They have much passion in spring and summer. Their youth begins in 11 years. They would cohabit with their feinnle oues giving food to each other. Their varieties are described below:-- [1st variety of PARROTS] (SUKA) They are beautiful having green coloured bodies, long tails, --- 108 - Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ very fair wings, curved beaks, and they are moderate in size. They would say Chandra, Surya, Naga, Vayu etc, if they are well taught. They would live in thick and deep shade of trees. They are coward and calm by nature. They are very grateful to their masters who give them curd, milk, and food. They would, generally, fly, collectively in the sky. They have very clean bodies and are easily trainable. They like to dwell in residing houses or bungalows. [2nd variety of PARROTS] (KEERA) These kinds of parrots are of the above-said colour and a little tall. They have broad and very smooth wings, short tails and very beautiful eyes. They are fond of playing with women. They are very keen and shrewd. They have strong memory, smooth bodies and take a little food. Their speech would give much pleasure to people. They would always be with their female birds. They would fly for pleasure walk both in mornings and evenings. Some times, they dive in water and play, in various ways. They have many other good qualities. They are superior in breed. [3rd variety of PARROTS] (SARIKA) These kinds of parrots are of five colours yellow, blue, red, green, and white. They are a little tall in size. They are very cheerful to look at. They possess, naturally, very many good qualities. They eat clean food, flesh and grains etc. They would always fly with their female birds. They are easily capturable and trainable. They would also speak distinctly. They have very smooth bodies and are very 109 Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ grateful to their masters. They are wearied a little in: day times. There would be coming good odour out of them. They would fly high in the sky in different postures. They have no auger and haughtin 38s. They are very superior in breed. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CUCKOOS. There are 4 kinds of Cuckoos. They are blackish red, blackish 66 white or blue in colour. They often cry cuckoo-cuckoo." Hence they are called Cuckoos. They have small beaks, and cry very beautifully. Their pleasant ory increases passion of the young (human) couples. especially in spring season, and they are puffed with haughtiness at that time They have no pride, dull-ness and impatience They always live in shade of trees They are much afraid of cold winds, hot Sun, and rain &c. They eat tender leaves, buds, fruits and grains etc. They have good smell in their bodies. Their eggs are being hatched by crows. They are ever with their couples in gardens and topes. Their passion would increased 'in spring and summer. They have their prime youth in the 1st year. They are capable of giving pregnancy to the female cuckoos. Their varieties are mentioned below: [1st variety of CUCKOOS] (VANAPRIYA) As these varieties of cuckoos live in thick and cool gardens, they are called Vanapriya. They are dark blue in celour having long tails. Their cry is very cheerful. They take a very little food. They would perch from one tree to another tree to enjoy good flavour. They eat tender leaves, buds, and fruits etc., with their female birds. -110 Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ They are shrewd, clever and very grateful. They will also eat curd, milk-food etc. They would increase passion to young human cou ples. They are easily trainable. They have no irritation, and haughtiness, They would speak some human words, as Natha, Hamsa, Sun, Cow etc. when they are trained to speak. They have some other good qualities too. [2nd variety of CUCKOOS] PARABHRIT) As these kinds of cuckoos are bred by crowz. they are called Parabhrit. They are reddish-black in colour, and a little tall possessing broud-wings. They often cry in spring and summer season. They are much pussionate. They live in nests on trees with their female : birds. They would be circling in day times. If there be any separation of the hunui couples, then the cry of these birds would be very harsh and unpleasant to the separated souls. Their cry is depressed in rainy and winter seasons. Their bodies are faded in summer and they feel much thirsty. Their bodily appearance would be, rather, very grand in Spring. (3rd variety of CUCKOOS] (KOKILA) : This kind of cuckoo is whitish-black in colour and moderate in size. They have beautiful winge, sweet cry, very long tails, a little stout heads and stout stomachs, They would always turning their eyelids. They are very happy in Spring. They are clever and fond of living with human beings. They have no anger and haughtiness. They are good to all birds and are always very calm-natured birds. -111 -- Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [4th variety of CUCKOOS] (PIKA) This kind of cuckoo is whitish-black in colour and their legs and stomachs are of some other colour. They have red eyes and small and smooth bodies. They are beautiful in spring and summer seasons. They are coward by nature. They would amuse people by their various plays. They are a little irritated when hungry. After their hunger is appeased they would be fair and calm. They are afraid of great noises. They would fly in groups both in mornings and evenings. They have a little sleep in nights, They are fond of sweet words. They are superior in creed. There are many cuckoos in forests of possessing better qualities. Their female birds also resemble them in all respects. The cuckoos have their youth till their 4th year. Their utmost age is 5 years. Owing to good nature and qualities, they are calle Rajasa Uttama or Superior in 2nd class. FOOK 30th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PEACOCKS. There are 6 varieties of peacocks. They have blue, green, and red colours on the whole of their bodies. Their necks are greenish crests on their tails. Those crests are They are fond of dwelling in houses blue. They have big and broad of different coloured feathers. and they would dance in different modes. Those peacocks, which have -112 Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ crowns on their heads, are malo ones. They see the clouds with amusement and curiosity, and they dance. They are stout in rainy Feason. The parrots and peacocks are called house ornaments. They eat curd, milk-food, grains, fruits' and insects etc. They would, at tinues, dwell in branches and bushes. They are very keen and shrewd. They are naturally coward. They cannot endure hot Sun, cool winds etc. They have neither passion por pride. They have much passion in spring and sanmer seasons. Their prime youth begins in 11 years. They cohabit with the female ones and give pregnancy to thein. Their Varieties are described below: [1st variety of PEACOCKS] (MAYURA) These kinds of peacocks are green in colour, tall in size, having long neoks and long legs. They have broad crests. They cry often. They fly in different ways. They dance more in evenings. They are not gluttons and are mach passionate. They are calm-natured birds. They feel much delighted at the noise of thunders. They would sleep in summer to a little extent. They hear the good words. [2nd variety of PEACOCKS] (BARAT) These kinds of peacocks are very tall having very broad crests. There are different varieties of spots on their bodies. They walk swiftly. They have small beaks and long legs. They have a little irritation of anger. They are fond of eating much. They would dance both in the mornings and evenings in various modes when they are - 113 Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ young. Some times, they live in slades with their per-hero. They are much delighted by hearing the noise of thunder. They are very happy in evenings. They never wander in hot sun but always are in shades. They are easily capturable and trainable, and they are good to people and hear the sweet words. [3rd variety of PEACOCKS] (NEELAKANTHA) As this variety of peacock have deep green necks they are called Neelakanthas. They have green colour throughont their bodies. They are short-bodied and short legged ones. Now and then they would jump and play in various modes. They are fond of music. They always sing songs. They do dance in various ways in rainy season. They are fit for the females' play. They are much passionate. They would always be with Pea-hens. They have a little sleep in nights. Their cry is pleasant. They increase passion of cohabitation to young couples." They wander beautifully in gardens and creepers. They have boautiful eyes, crests and necks. They are somewhat impatient when hungry. Good odour would come out from their bodies. They will play in water in summer sension. [4th variety of PEACOCKS] (BHUJANGABIIUK) As this variety of peacock eats serpants, they are called Blujangabhuk. Their bodies are sinall. They live in forests alone. They would often cry in inornings. Their eyes are red when angry. They 114 - Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ dwell on trees and under the trees. They are good to all birds and even go and remain in lotus ponds in the forests. They eat flesh. They have rough feathers. They are cruel and do not like the scent of human beings, when they are irritated. They have a little passion and eat a little food. They have lean bodies, lean legs and short wings. They cannot dance appreciably and bad odour would come out of their bodies. They are devoid of sweet words. They should not be tamed. [5th variety of PEACOCKS] (SIKITAVALA) These kinds of peacocks have different shining colours on their bodies. They are short. They have different coloured marks, very long necks, long beaks and smooth bodies. They would always be wandering. They are grateful. They are fond of dwelling in houses. They imitate the dance of the dancing girls. They are fond of going out in evenings even if they are kept in cages. They eat flesh, fruits and food etc. They are very keen, easily capturable and trainable. [6th variety of PEACOCKS] (KEKEE) As these peacocks would be crying often as "Ke-ka" while wandering and sitting, they are called Keki. They are a little tall. They desire to live in houses and bungalows and wander in streets. They have very smooth-bodies. They dance very often while they are young. They are much fatigued in hot Sun and hence they desire to go and remain on the shores of the water, and thick shady bushes. They would einbrace the pea-hens when fatigued. They have red eyes -115 Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and feet. They never stoop to do bad and mean actions and they have some good qualities. The pea-hens also resemble the pea-cocks in all respects but have no crowns on their heads. They often turn their necks. Their walk is very nice and fair. They have beautiful wings. Their crests resemble the rainbow for colours. They are very calm minded. They have much passion when they are in forests. The youth for both the sexes is till 5 years. Their utmost age is 6 years. Owing to creed and nature, they are called Rajasa Uttama or superior in 2nd class. YOOX 31st GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PIGEONS. (30 The pigeons are of 3 varities. Some are bluish green and some gray in colour. Their necks are a little white. Their cry is very pleaing. The sight of these pigeons increases passion of the young couples. They have calm-minds, beautiful wings and very smooth bodies. They dwell in branches of trees and in holes of houses and towers. Though they are kept in cages by people, they like freedom. They often fly high in the air. They are much passionate. They eat fruits grains and flesh. Their different kinds of play give amusements to lookers on. They are easily trainable. They cannot withstand rain, cold and hot Sun. They have much passion in winter season and have prime youth in their 1st year. When they cohabit with the female pigeons and give pregnancy to them. Their varieties are described below:-- -116 Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [lst variety of PIGEON] (PARAVATA) These kinds of pigeous are blackish in colour. Their necks are blackish-grey. They have small beaks, small legs and beutiful wings. They would always, make circle in the sky. They are very calm and quiet gring. They would ever be with their female birds owing to full passion. They fly in the air collectively to a great distance. Their cry is rather very harsh. Thay play in different nnoods in evenings. They are evsily trainable. They are coward by nature. They are much afraid of hot Sun, cold and wind etc., They would always dwell in shades. They are very grateful. They walk slowly in day times and sleep a little. They have strong memory. They eat fruits, flesh etc., very eagerly. [2nd variety of PIGEONS) KALARAVA) This kind of pigeon cries very curionsly and cheerfully and once they are called Kularuvas, their bodies are black and wings white. There are dots of different colours on the tails, necks and breasts. They have red eyes and feet. They are a little tall in size. They have stont stomachs and floated haughtiness. They have irritation owing to anger at times. They give pleasure in rainy season. They ent yriins insects and flesh much. They quarrel amongst themselves. They attack their enemy birds. They are fond of hunting. They can go to strange places and live. They are successful in theirwork. Sood odour would be blowing out of their bodies. They have zieither laziness nor sound sleep. They are much passionate at times. - 117 Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ They are deep greenish-blue in colour. Their necks are pure' white. Some have red beaks and some yellow beaks. Their bodies are small, legs stout, and wings broad. They have long tails. Though they fly very distans in the sky, they have no fatigue. They are fond of dwelling in houses. They are coward by nature but strong and powerful. They eat food, grains, fruits, insects, flesh etc. The female pigeons too resemble the male ones in all respects. They are more beautiful and more calm-minded. They play in various manners. Their youth is 5 is till 4th year. Their utmost age years. [3rd variety of PIGEONS] (KOPOTA) are There are 2 varieties of Blue-jays. They are blue coloured with whitish blue wings and a little smaller than the pigeons. They calm-natured. They increases much passion to human young couples. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BLUE-JAYS. [1st variety of BLUE JAYS] (CHASHA) This variety of blue-jay is dark blue in colour with very short beaks, broad wings and very smooth bodies. They often jump and play, especially, in mornings and evenings. They are much pieased and give happiness to people if they are smeared on their bodies. They often drink water and live always by the side of water. They are much -118 Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ reduced in summer. Their eyes would become red in the mid-day. They do not eat much food. They would always be accomanying their female ones owing to heavy passion. Some of these birds have red dots on their bodies. [2nd variety of BLUE JAYS] (KIKIDIVI) This kind of blue-jay always produce Ki-Ki cry. Hence they are called Ki-Ki-Divi. Their bodies are blue in colour. except their heads, breasts and ends of wings of whitish colour. They are very smooth bodied birds. They are very swift in the sky. Though they are separate and single at other times, they would fly collectively in mornings and evenings. They would be sitting by the side of water-pots if they happen to be in houses and by the bunds of the tank or rivers if they be in forests. Tae corners of their eyes are either yellowish in colour or of various coloured dots. They eat good flesh, milk and curd etc. The people, in general, are very happy when they happen to play or be with the parrots, blue jays and Shakora birds. The female birds, too, resemble the male blue-jays in all respects. Their utmost age is 3 years. Owing to good nature and creed they are called Rajasa Uttama or Superior in 2nd class. FEOR 32nd GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COCKS. There are 4 varieties of cocks. They, generally, live in villages -119 Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and towns. They are yello wish, red, hrown, or of different colours. Their feathers are rough. They have long beaks, and falling pices in walk. They would ruu very swift when they are angry. They cannot fly high in the air to a great distance. They are dull-natured and much passionate once in three hours. They generally live in cool places. They are afraid of hot Sun and cold wind etc. They do show the actual time by their long cry. They will eat insects, grains, food and other nuisance. At times they are very impatient. There are crowas on their heads. Within a year they get their prinne youth and passion. They are ever much passionate. They wonld often cohabit with the lens and give pregnancy to them. At a tine they will lay 6 to 8 eggs. The chickens come out of the eggs after a month and be with their mothers. They live collectively. Their varieties are mentioned below: [Ist variety of COCKS] (KRAKA VAKU) These kinds of cocks are of several colours, hut, their wings are red. They have yellowish beaks, very long cry and quick move_ ments. They are a little tall in size. They are coward and always live in shades. Though they are collectively playing with one another, they quarrel with each other unnecessarily. They are always fond of eating much. They have rough feathers and untimely irritation of anger. [2nd variety ot COCKS] (TAMRACHUDA) These varieties of cocks are red in colour with white wings. - 120 - Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ They have stout bodies, stout necks, sharp and short red beaks and a little smooth feathers and stout tails. They have much irritation of anger. Invariably, once in 3 hours, they do cry. They are a littie feirful when quirrelling. They are afraid of hot-Sun and rain. They are always with heng. They sleep in mid-day, especially, in summer. [3rd variety of COCKS] (KUKKUTA) These varieties of cocks are brown in colour having red beaks. and are short in size and quirrelsoins with each other. They are slow in walk and a little passionate. They play in mire and have much bad smell. They eat dung, insects and ants etc. They are dull-nature, and sleepy. They are unfit for training. They are afraid of big noised as heating of drums etc., Their ory is awfully anpleasant. Thucy go waving their wings when irritated. These sorts of cocks do always wicked and mean actions. Hence they should not be tamed. [4th variety of COOKS] (OIIA RANAYUD PINY These varieties of cocks are of one uniform colour on their bodies. They are called Charauayudha. They are stout bodied and long legged birds. They have broad wings and thiek feathers. They lift their heads while walking. They have sharp and long nails. They aure fearful to other cocks and hens when angry. They are calmnatured and keen. At times they go and rein u in by the shade of trees. They have sinooth and beautiful bodies. Once in three hours they also cry inviriably. Their cry is pleasing. They are tond of playing ofton. They eat curd, milk, food etc, and never eat mean things, - 121 - Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ They have stent bodies, stout necks, sharp and short red beaks and a little smooth feathers and stout tails. They have much irritation of ger. Invariably, once in 3 hours, they do cry. They are a littie feirful when quarrelling. They are afraid of hot-Sun and rain. They are always with bens. They sleep in mid-day, especially, in summer. Brd variety of COOKS] (KUKKUTA) There varieties of cocks are brown in colour having red beaks and are short in size and quarrelsoms with each other. They are slow in walk and a little passionate. They play in mire and have much \mul sell. They eat dung, insects and ants etc. They are dull-nature, arui simpy. They are unit for training. They are afraid of big noised xwe beating of drunk etc., 'Their cry is awfully unpleasant. Tlicy go waving their wings when irritated. These sorts of cocks do always wicked 11 maun tebionu. Elence they should not be tamed. [4th varioty of COOKS] (OHA RANAYUDMA) These varieties of cocke aro of one uniform colour on their berdies. They are called Charanayudha. They are stout bodied and long legged birds. They have broad wings and thiek feathers. They lift thrir hearls while walking. They have sharp and long nails. They are fearful to other cocks and hens when angry. They are calmpasstured and keen. At times they go and renu in by the shade of trees. They have smooth and beautiful bodies. Once in three hours they also cry invariably. Their cry is pleasing. They are tond of playing ofton. They eat curd, milk, food etc, and never eat mean things, - 121 - Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ They are fit to be used as watch-guards in some places at times. There are many varieties of cocks of the same. qualities which are not described here Some cocks live in the forests and they are a little bit cruel and carnivorous They are not beautiful to look at and their cry is unplesant. They are quite unfit to be trained and kept in houses as they are useless ones. The hens have the same resembjances in all respects save cr was on their heads. Some hens lay Their utmost age many eggs often and some, occasionaliy, a few. is 2 years. Owing to nature, and qualities, they are called Tanusa Uttama or superier in 3rd class. FOOK 33rd GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CHATAKA AND KARETU BIRDS. There are 2 varieties of Chataka birds (otherwise called Sparrows) and 2 varieties of Karetu birds, (another kind of sparrows.) The Chataka and Karetu birds generally live in villages and towns and some in forests. They are short and smooth and brown in colour. They can fly swift in the air. They are much afraid of noise. They pick up grains spread on the floor and eat them. They have lean legs, short tails and pleasant cry. Their youth begins after the 1st year and they begin to cohabit with their female birds very often. The female birds, begin to lay eggs after one year. Their varieties are described below: 122 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st variety of SPARROWS] (CHATAKA) These kinds of sparrows are brown in colour having white wings. They are a little tall and their legs, beaks and heads are a little long. They cry in the mornings and show the people, in general, the morning hours with their beautiful cry like crows and cocks. They are smooth, grateful and fond of bearing tbeir masters' s weet words. They jump and play both in morvings and evenings. They often drink water in the mid-duy owing to uubearable heat. They live * always in shades and they are very much passionate. [2nd variety of JPARROWS] (KALAVINKA! These kinds of sparrows are short in size brown in colour thrcughout and their wings are either blue or black. Their eyes and feet are blood-red in colour. They have long nails, small beaks and small legs They become a little stout and often play: in various modes during spring season. There are thick and long foathers on their wings. Sonne have broad wings and some short wings. They generally live with their female sparrows. They are coward by nature and grateful to their nasters. They eat fruits, milk, curd, flesh etc., Their cry is pleasant. There are many kinds of spurrows of various colours uudescribed here. The female sparrows too resemble the male ones in all respects. Their utmost age is 2 years. Owing to nature and creed, they are called Tarrasa Madhyama or middle in 3rd class. - 123 Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st variety of KARET U BIRDS] (KARETU) The Karetu birds resemble Chataka birds. They are black like crows but the ends of their wings are white' in colour. Some have various dots. They would, collectively, fly very swift in the sky. They live in shades and by the sides of water. Their cry is, rather, unpleasant and they are ungrateful. [2nd variety of KAKARETU BIRDS] (KARETU) This kind of Karetu bird is a little tnll. They are citliar white, black, brown or of various colours. They are not fuir in appearance. They have long beaks, long necks and legs. They have brord wingswith rough feathers. Their cry is very unpleasant. They swiftly fly high in the sky. They often quarrel amongst theraselves. They would fight with smaller birds and injare thein-unubcessarily. They are ulfit for training and bad smell would be coming out of their buddics. They live always in forests and invariably, eat flesh. The Karetu and Kar-kretu birds should not be trained and kept in houses. Their utmost age is 2 years. Owing to nature and creed, they are called Tamasa-Adhama or inferior in 3rd class. SGY. - 124 Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF HERON AND DARVAGHATA BIRDS. Each of Heron and Darvaaghata birds are two in varieties. They are either white, black, blue, or brown in solour. The heron birds are a little tall with long legs, 'long beaks and very long necks and small eyes. Their cry is very unpleasant and their appearance is ugly. Their feathers are very rough. They are dull-natured. They are afraid of big noises and hunting. They eat flesh and grains etc. They stoop to do mean actions as they are mean-minded. Those which have one unifrom and single colour are very stout in their youth and they always cohabit with their female birds. Their varieties are mentioned below: {1st variety of HERON BIRDS] (LOHAPRISHTA) This variety of heron bird is white in colour throughout with black coloured wings. They have very long legs, and necks and stout tails. Their cry is awkward. They become stout in their youth. They slowly fly in the air. Though they fly in the air collectively, they quarrel amongst themselves at times. They are less impatient and very passionate. They are dull-natured birds and they sleep a little in day times. They would prove to be successful and grateful if they are trained vith great difficulty. They always live in cool places. Their bodies are smooth and their eyes bocome red when they are impatient. - 125 - Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2nd variety of HERON BIRDS (KURANTAKA) This kind of heron bird has black body and white wings. Some have various coloured dots. They have broad wivgs and their legs are neither too tall nor too shcrt. They fly in the air very swiftly. They possess long nails and short necks. Their cry is a little passable. They are fond of living in houses also. They always follow their female birds owing to extreme passion. They are neither too stout nor too lean. They are much afraid of rain, and cool winds. They play, cheerfully, both in mornings and evenings. There are many varieties of heron birds in forests possessing the same nature, colour, and qualities. Their utmost age is 24 years, [lst variety of DARVAGHATA BIRDS] (DARVAGHATA) These kinds of Daravagbata birds are brown in colour having white wings. They have either red or white dots on their bodies. They have long legs, small beaks, broad wings, and beautiful cry. They are stout in the spring season, lik, percocks, They like to dwell in houses. They amuse people by exhibiting their skill of play. They collectively, fly in the air. They have extreme passion. They take a litte food and are less impatient. [2nd variety of DARVAGHATA BIRDS] (SATAPATRA) These kinds of Satapatra birds are whitish-black in colour with red beaks and reddish legs. They have various coloured big - 126 - Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ spots on their brond wings like peacocks. Those birds, which do not possons such spots on their wings, at leust hava various coloured dots on their bodies. I'he Sat uputra birds are generally stout. They live in houses and hear swast words. Thay dance in various ways. Their cry is cheerful, and they would become more stout in the spring season. They are easily trainable. After traizing, they can speak a fow words. They liky to live in cool and shady places. There are * many varioties of Durvaghat.birds possessing the same nature, and qualities in forests. The fernale birds too do resemble the male ones in all respects. They are culm-na uced birds and they can dance more beautifully. Their utmost age is 21 years. Owing to nature and creed, they are considered to be Tamasa Adhami or inferior in 3rd class. 35th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WAG TAILS, SKY LARKS, AND KALINGA BIRDS. There are 2 varities of Wag-tail and Sky-lark birds and 3 of Kalinga birdx. They all live, generally, in forests. They are calmnatured birds. Though they are different in colours, their nature and qualities are the same. They have small bodies and their cry is pleasent. Their play in various modes attracts every-body's mind. They Have extreine passion in spring and winter seasons. Their youth begins in the twelth month when they would cohabit with female birds and and give preguancy to them. - 127 - Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [1st variety of WAGTAILS.] KHANJARITA) These varieties of Wig tails are jet black in colour and having very long tails. They have smooth bodies and beautiful wings. They fly collectively,quickly and high in the sky. They desire to live in shade. They are afraid of people They are very quiet and begin to speak a few words when fully trained. Their walk is beautiful. They are ever cheerful. They often drink water when hungry and thirsty. They are easily capturable. They eat flesh, fruits,curd and grains etc. They would ever be following their feruale birds owing to extreme pission. They are good to all birds. Their ory will show the forecoming good or had to people. [2nd variety of WAG TAILS (KIIANJANA) These varieties of Wag tails are deep bule in colour and a little tall in size. They have long beaks, broad wings, and they beautifully cry. They lly, collectively, to a greut distance in the sky. They live in cool places and they are afrair of great noises. Thay vro ersily obtaiuable and trainable. They have a little of piission and floated hauglitiness. They play well, collectively, both in mornings and evenings. Some lave red dots on their bodies, red borks and reddish legs. They always wander with their female birds in their youth. (ist variety of SKY LARKS] (VYACHRATA) There This variety of Skylark is whitish-black in colour. --- 128. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ appear many red dots on their bodies. They have red beaks, a little long legs, short tails and smooth bodies. They like to dwell in yood - scented trees. They cannot withstand hunger, thrist, hot Sun and cool winds. They often play in water in day time. Their cry is pleasant in the Spring season. They are fond of music. They are easily trainable. [2nd variety of SKY LARKS] (BHARADWAJA) These kinds of Sky. larks are blue in colour with white dots on their bodies. They are a little tall. Their beaks are also white. They have short tails, short legs and braod wings. They live always in trees possessing good flowers. Naturally, they have good sinell. Their cry is very cheerful. They have strong memory and are easily trainable. They are fond of playing in water. They have long sight. They amuse people. They are fond of hunting. They have also other good qualities. They are more or less ornaments of houses. [lot variety of KALINGA BIRDS] (KALINGA) They are black in colour with black tails, yellowish wings and necks. They are short bodied and calm-natured birds. They are much bloated with haughtiness in Spring Season and they play in various modes. They increase passion of people. Their eyes are blood-red when angry. They desire to dwell in shades always. They are afraid of great noises. They are keen and clever. They eat fruits and flesh etc., - 129 Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [2nd variety of KALINGA BIRDS). (BHRINGA-WREN) These kinds of Kalinga Birds are either black or blue in colour and very small in size. They become stout in Spring season and sing in various ways. Some have white throats. They have glittering bodies and they sleep in day times. They are kind and grateful. They eat fruits, flesh, curd, and grains etc. They are very quick and fly, collectively, in the sky. They are 'devoid of dullness and impatience. Their eyes are beautiful when they are young. They are afraid of great noises, [3rd variety of KALINGA BIRDS] DHUMYATA WHITE THROATED SPARROWS) This kind of Kalinga Lird is of any colour, but, invariably, their throats are white. They have very long tails and beautiful wings. They sing songs beautifully. They are beautiful to look at. They often produce Chuu.Chun noise even when they are flying in the sky. The peoples passion increases when they see these birds with the female ones. They live by the side of water and often drink water in summer. Their bodies would be faded on account of excess of Sun's heat during day times. They have a little of sleep and impatience. Though they are a little impatient, their eyes are red. They can speak a few words when trained well. They have many other good qualities. They are greateful. Their female birds too resemble their male ones in all respects. They are easily obtainable and trainable as they are very calm-natured. They would ofteu play in various ways. Their utmost -- 130 - Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ age is 2) years. Owing to nature and creed, they are called Tamasa Adhara or inferior in 3rd class. 36th GROUP. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PLAVA AND 5 OTHER BIRDS. There are many varieties of Plava, Tittiri, Kukkubha, Lava, Koyashti and Harita birds; but most important variety for each kind of bird is d ageribal below. They are either black, white, red or brown, or of compound colours. They are said to be domestic and very calmnatured birds. At times, they sing songs and live collectively in the shade of trees. They are keen and clever, easily traiuable sud very grateful. Their prime youth begias in their first year. In Winter aud Spring seasons, they coh-bit with their female ones and give pregnancy to them. Their varieties are mentioned below: PLAVA BIRDS. They have blood-red eyes, white coloured bodies, and sinall wings. Soine have red dots on their bodies. They look at the sky. They live collectively. They are calm-natured and gruteful birds. They sleep a little in day times. They play in water, in the mid-day and generally play on land and sky both in mornings and evenings. Their cry is pleasant. They eat fruits, grains, curd and milk etc. TITTIRI BIRDS. They have white coloured decks, and they are either black, - 131 - Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ red, or brown in colour. They can speak a few words when trained well. They are very calm-Datured birds. They fly to a great distanee both in mornings and evenings with their group. They are clever and easily trainable. They are ever happy. They are very stout and strong in Spring season. They never seperates from their female birds owing to extreme passion. They are not impatient. KUKKU BHA BIRDS. They are brown coloured and stout bodied birds. They have long tails, lean legs and broad wings. They are calm-natured and beautiful ones to look at. They are easily trainable and can play in various ways with pleasant cry. They increase passion to young human coupies. LAVA BIRDS. They are white-bodied and black-winged or black bodied and white-winged ones. They are always with combination of ly two colours in their bodies and wings. They are sinooth and caliu satured. During mid-day their bodies fade and they sleep for some time. They are much passionate and are always with their female birds. They are afraid of thunder and their cry is cheerful. KOYASHTI BIRDS. There is white colour on the upper portion of their bodies and black on the lower portion or black on the upper portion and white on the lower, or red on the upper and white on the lower. They are called Koyashti birds. They are calm natured and grateful ones. Their cry is pleasant. They fly in the air with their comrades and play in various modes. They are stout in spring season and are always with their female birds. - 132 - Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HARITA BIRDS. There is a combination of 3 or 4 colours on their bodies. They always live by the side of mountains crying pleassantly. They become stout in rainy season and their cry is long and loud. They play in various modes both in water and on land, in day time. They are easily capturable and trainable. They fade on account of hot Sun and they are afraid of hunting, big noises, rain and cold winds. There are many hundred of birds, bigger and smaller than sparrows, differing in colours, unture and qualities. CONCLUSION: All kinds of birds are said to be the ornaments of trees. The organs of male and female birds of any kind from Swan to Haritaones could not be easily seen by naked eye. The male and female birds could not easily be indentified. Their menstrual course could not be seen by human beings. But, everything could be seen and identifled of all animals previously mentioned. Unless people move very closely and minutely with all the animals and birds, they can not understand their nature, qualities, intercourse time, the method of cohabitation, various methods of lonely plays, bad and good temper, period of pregnancy, and signs of abhortion etc. Though all the animals and birds, are, naturally bad in temper, they could be turned as good ones by good training. The animels and birds which are good and friendly among themselves, should be grouped in one place and those which are bad enemical amongst themselves, in another place. They must be kept in palaces, gardens, halls, cages, and by the side of tanks and wells. The different kinds of food should be given 133 Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ to them as per their desire according to the changes of seasons and climate and thus, be protected well. The main pature and qualities of the main breeds of all animals and bird: have been described in this Zoology and those of the mixed breed of animals and birds, may be learnt by intell@gent persons. Owing to the living of all animals and birds by the side of rivers and lakes and in forests, mountains, trees and lakes and rivers, their nature, colour and qualities do differ from those, which live in towns, palaces, and gardens and other places. They have been described in this work to some extent. Detailed description in full may be learent from the learned Pandits. BY THE ORDER OF THE KING SAUDA DEVA, I (AUTHOR) HAVE WRITTEN THIS BOOK, WHICH IS A SUN'S RACE TO HIS LOTUS MIND END OF SECOND PART CONTAINING THE DESCRIPTION OF THE BIRDS IN THE ZOOLOGY OF HAMSA DEVA OF MANDAKA VILLAGE. (FINIS] - 134 - Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Statistical Table of Animals and Birds ACCORDING TO THIS MRIGA-PAKSHI-SASTRA OR ZOOLOGY OF Hamasadeva, A Jain Author of 13th century A. D. Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No.of groups or chapters Name of animals and birds 1 STATISTICAL TABLE Noot varieties of Period and ti ladimais & birds, i Main colour of their full yo 4 6 varieties Golden colour, whitish ear brown, or whitish real Main colour . 1st group Lions 2nd group Tigers 3 varieties Yellowish red or golden 6-10 year colour. 3rd group Hyenas 2 varieties Blackish red or yellow - 6-9 years ish red. 4th group Bears 3 varieties Black or blackish white.B-veart 15th group Rhinoceroses 2 varieties Black 6-20 years group Elephants 13 varieties Black . 9-40 years 7th group Horses 17. varieties Waite, red, Black or Various colours. 4-16 years. 8th group Cameis 4 varieties Red, white or grey 4-16 year's 9th group Asses 13 varieties 3.8 years, Whitish black, ash or grey 10th group Boars 17 varieties Black, white or grey 2-5 years. 11th group, Buffaloes 5 varieties Black, blackish white, blackish rod or blue. 12th group Bullocks 17 varieties White, red black, grey 4-12 years. or varions colours 13th group Cow's 2 varieties do 4-12 years. 14th group Goats 5 varieties 2-7 years. 15th group Deer 1.1 varieties Red, golden colour or 3-7 years. blackish red. 16th group Sabaries 4 varieties Red. black, white or blackish red. 3-7 years. | 17th group Monkeys 8 varieties Red, black,white or grey 2-7 years. 18tb group Jackals 6 varieties Yellowish red, grey or whitish black. 2-7 years. Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Time for full passion G Whether quiet hot temper or dull 8 Rainy season 9-12 months. Hot temper do Spring Summer Rainy and 9-10 months. Cruel temper Middle in Autumn. 2nd class Spring Winter Winter do do Delivary time do Spring and Antunin do do do do 10-12months do STATISTICAL CABLE, 10-12months. Cruel temper Inferior in 3rd class Rainy season 9-10months. Dull nature Inferior in 3rd class Spring and 21-24months. Calm temper Superior in 100years Sugercane etc rainy 2nd class 25 years Grass etc Superior in 30 years Morgosa 3rd class 9-10 months: 4-5 months Bad temper Inferior in 2nd class Hot temper Inferior 3-4 months. Bad temper do do do do Satwor Caste 9 10-11 months Calm temper Inferior in 2nd class do Superior in 20 years 2nd class do do do do do d.. do do Middle in 2nd class do Utmost age 10 do Autumn and 3-4 months Cruel temper Inferior in Winter. 3rd class Rairy season 4-5 months. Cunning 16 years do 14 years 14 years Superior in 20 years 2nd class 32 years 20 years (2) Main food 11 Flesh do 9 years do do 12 years Grass etc. 9 years 10 years Roots etc. do 20 years Grass straw 10 years leaves etc. 9 years Grass etc do do do do 10 years Fruits grain Flesh Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (3) No.of groups or chapters 19th group 21st group 20th group Rats, Hares 22nd group 25th Name of anim is and birds Cats 32nd group Swan 33rd group group Caruda, STATISTICAL TABLE No.of varieties of animais & birds. 23rd group Ruddy geese 24th group Crane & 4 other birds 2 varieties White black or blue. Cocks Wolves, Dogs 3,6,varieties Red, black, white grey and various colours 7 varieties White or whitish blue. White red or whitish black 26th group Eagles, Crancs 4,4,varieties White black red or blackish red 27th group Crows 13 varieties Black jet back blue blackish white 28th group Owls, Kausikat.irds 3,4, varieties Blackish red black brown red I Sprrows Karkaretu Main colour 5 varieties White, black, grey or yellowish brown Birds 4,1, varieties Black, whitish black white or grey. Hawks 3,2,varieties 3 varieties White red or blackish 1-5 years. red. 1 varieties Whitish red brown Period and time Jof their full youth 5 34th group Haron, Darwahata 2 varieties White, black, blue or brown. 35th group Wagtails Skylark 2,3, varieties Black, blue, whitish black. 36th group Palva& other birbs 1-3 years. 29th group Parrots, Cuckoos 3,4,varieties Green blue.blackish red 1-3 yours. blackish white, 30th group Peacocks 6 varieties Blue green red 31st group Pigeons, Bluejays 3,2,varieties Bluish green grey blue, 1-2 years. Black,white, red or 8-16month brown. 2-7 years. 2-5 years. 11-5 years. 2-6 years. 26 years 1-3 years 1-3 years. 1-3 years. 2 varieties White, black or brown 1-2 years. 1-1 years. 1-2 years. 1-2 years. 1-2 years. 1-2 years. Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ** Delvary STATISTICAL TABLE ABM Whether quiet hot Sarwar temper or del caste Utmost jul! pastou tiune age Spring 14-5 months. Mean nature Inferior in 16 years Flesh, food 3rd class one month. Bad teia per g oly years Grain eto Rainy and Winter do 3-4 months, Orael temper Superior in Calm temper 3rd class 10 years Flesh food one month do ! Superior in 17 years end class Lotus 1 Spring do do 16 years Spring and Summer do 15 years Flesh cte do I do do Middle in 10 years Grain eto 2nd class Rainy season do Dull nature Middle in 8 years Grain Flesh 3rd class 4 years Rainy season do Inferior in 13rd class 5 years Flesh food insects Winter do do 5 years Flesh etc. Spring and Summer Calm temper Superior in 5 years Milk flesh 2nd class Summer and Raizy season do I do 6 years | do Winter do 3 years do Always Dull nature Superior in 3rd class 2%years Flesh ingects/ Middle in 22 years 3rd class do Inferior in 3rd class 2 years do Calma temper Superior in 27 years 3rd class Winter and Spring do I do do do? 24 years Fruits etc Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _