[Sth variety of CROWS]
These kinds of crows have very dark-bodies and rough feathers. They eat flesh of corpse. They are not fair to look at. Their beaks are very long, sharp and strong. They perch for some time on the backs of goats, balls cows, buffaloes, and other quadrupeds. Their appearance would be rather dreadful to smallec birds. Their cries are unpleasant. They would, slowly, fly in the sky. They fear to go to other forests. They are always secluded. They do not like amongst themselves. They are mean minded and do mean things. They have bad smell. They would never sleep in moon-lights. They fear for
[9th variety of CROWSI
This variety of crow has long lise. IIence it is called Chirajivia. They are jet black-bodied; but, their necks, broasts and wings are a little whitish. They are a little tall in size. They have failing paces in their walk. They do not fly high in the sky. They fear to cross the floods of the rivers. They are fond of cating food alw:uys. They are ever angry. Their cry would be very harsh. They eat very mean things. They would always have side-sight. They would deceive people and other birds. As they are fickle-ininded, they have no stability.
[10th variety of CROWS]
This variety of crow is very sınall in size and blackish' white.