[1st variety of SPARROWS]
These kinds of sparrows are brown in colour having white wings. They are a little tall and their legs, beaks and heads are a little long. They cry in the mornings and show the people, in general, the morning hours with their beautiful cry like crows and cocks. They are smooth, grateful and fond of bearing tbeir masters' s weet words. They jump and play both in morvings and evenings. They often drink water in the mid-duy owing to uubearable heat. They live ·
always in shades and they are very much passionate.
[2nd variety of JPARROWS]
These kinds of sparrows are short in size brown in colour thrcughout and their wings are either blue or black. Their eyes and feet are blood-red in colour. They have long nails, small beaks and small legs They become a little stout and often play: in various modes during spring season. There are thick and long foathers on their wings. Sonne have broad wings and some short wings. They generally live with their female sparrows. They are coward by nature and grateful to their nasters. They eat fruits, milk, curd, flesh etc., Their cry is pleasant. There are many kinds of spurrows of various colours uudescribed here. The female sparrows too resemble the male ones in all respects. Their utmost age is 2 years. Owing to nature and creed, they are called Tarrasa Madhyama or middle in 3rd class.
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