Their utmost age is 30 years. Owing to breed and work they are con sidered to be TAMÁSA UTTAMA Or superior in 3rd class.
There are 3 kinds of asses. They are gray, white or black in colour, and dull by nature. Their bodies are ingly and ears long. They resemble horaes in soune respects. They have long fases and gra ze always grass. They are fond of mean and shabby work. They are neither beautiful nor strong. Their cries are very awkward: nnd unpleasant to hear. They have much passion and black penis. They produce bad. smell. Though they walk slowly they can carry burdons. Their front legs do soratch each other while walking. Their youth begins in their third year. When they have muob passion ia rainy season and stand always by the side of femala 44466. They generally, enjoy with female ones more in night times. Then they become pregnant. They feel wearisome to a little exteat and give birth to young ones in their 9th or 10th month. The young ones often suck their mothers' milk and sleep. They are quite unfit for training even in their early ages. Their varieties are clearly described below :
[1st variety of ASSE 8]
These kinds of asses are gray:in colour throughout their bodies
save their faces, bellies, and hinder portions which are white. They are
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