(3rà variety of CATS)
These kinds of cats are black in colour and spotted with different colours. They have long stripos (on their bodies,) jawa and claws. Some are a little dreadful living in forests alone. They are fond of eating flesh and sleeping always. They mew terribly. They are barmful to minor animals. They have roagh hair and long tails and a little broad eyes. They stoop to cruel actions always.
[4th variety of CATS]
Cats of these kinds are very tall and yellowish-brown in colour. They often kili small aniinals as they are fond of eating flesh. They are very cruel-minded and mow very dreadfully. They generally wander in night's Sonne have uniform colour on their faces, stomachs, and rear portions and the rest of the bodies are in some other colour. Naturally they do not hear weet worde and they are not easily capturable. Some
Have black faces, owing to long jaws. Some are white with bad smell.
[5th variety of CATS]
These kinds of cats are the best ones. They are born in forests
alone. Their bodies are long and they have very bushy tails. They have
much mustaches on their faces. When they are black, there are red dots on their bodies and when are red, there are white dots throughout.
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