the time of their intercourse. They give birth to 2 to 5 kittens in their 4th or 5th month. The kittens often suck their mothers’milk and play with them for some months. Their varieties are described below:
[1st variety of CATS]
Cats of these kinds have black spots throughout their bodier. They are long-bodied, round faced and bushy tailed. They are often fond of eating rats, bandicoots, food, ghee, cnrds, milk ete., and living in dwelling houses, but they are coward. They can easily gee things at nights. They are very cruel, ungrateful and selfish. They have a little passion, baughtieeds and bad smell.
[2nd variety of CATS]
These varieties of cats are a little bit tall and stout. They often run from place to place. Their mews are a little bit harsh. They stoop
to do unpleasant things and deceive persons. They are very angry and passionate. They eat mach owing to severe hunger and thrist. They have long faces to a little extent and long stripes. Their jaws and claws are very sharp. They always quarrel with one wiother.
They are fond of dwelling in houses. They eat flesh alone, at times ard some times they pour down the food, milk, ghee etc., uud eat
them. They cohabit during night times.
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