much passionate in spring and summer. Their youth begins in the 2nd
year. Their varieties are described below:
[Ist variety of GARUDA BIRDS]
This kind of bird is called Garuda bird. Their necks are purely whitish and they have curved beaks, buge and broad wings and strong and firm legs. They fly very high in the sky without waving their wings sometiines and waving thein at other times. They would at timer, kill fish and other smaller ones and eat them. They never feel tired even if they go afar. They live in cool trees and places crying plesantly. Thoy would kill cobras and eat them as they are their dead foes. When they are impatient, they would kill all the enemy birds
and swallow them.
[2nd variety of GARUDA BIRDS?
These kinds of Garuda birds are whitish in colour with their
wings- blackish-red. They are said to be the soms of Vinata, daughter of Devine Being und wife of the great sage Kasyape. Hence they are
called Vainatayas. They have a littl long tails and long leg. They are impatient. They will fly in the sky, collectively, crying often. They are stout.bodied. They can fly very swift in the sky even against the winds. They can withstand all sorts of difficulties, such as, fatigue, winds, rain, sun's heat, hunger and thirst, etc. Their necks are of pure white. They have the birds' eye view very acurately. They come
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