a little bluish, their tails a litte black and their beaks red. They are a little tall, stout aud big with curved necks. Their bodies are round. They are fond of swimming in water and living in trees at times. They are kind and pleasing to all birds. Their feet are very white and their feathers are very soft. Their tone is very plesant and stomachs are very stout in their youth. Their feathers are long. They are a little impatient and begin to cry often when they are seperated from their female group. They are always very fond of remaining with the female ones, as they are much passionate. They could easily be trained. Some swan are of various colours, and some with spots of different colours. The female swan too generally resemble their males in all respects but are more beautiful and calm. Generally the female ones like to remain under the shade of wings of male ones in summer. They always spend their time with their male ones. They have crowns on their heads. Their eyes and walk are very beautiful. Their youth begins in their 2nd year and lasts till the 5th year when they become pregnant. They could be caught in their early periods and kept in cages and well trained. Their utmost age is 7 years. Owing to good nature and qualities they are called Rajasa Uttama or superior in 2ud class.
23rd GROUP.
There are 3 kinds of chakravaka birds or ruddy-geese. Generally they are blackish. Some are white and some blue like Their nature and bodies resemble those of swan. They seperate