ones in their 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th month. The young ones will suck their mother's milk for some time and play with their mothers. They will grow in abundance in Oasises only. They can bare heavy burdens and run very swiftly even in their early ages. They are very useful to human beings though they are low in breed.
[Ist variety of CAMELS]
These varieties of camels are 7 or 8 karams tall. (9 or 10 feet). Their lips would ever move. They have very tall legs and brown coloured bodies. They ran very fast with very heavy burdens. They can withstand cold, sun's heat, hunger, and thirst. They like deserts and run fast in deserts ogly. They possess huge humps and curved long necks. They never feel exhaustion even though they walk a long Listance. At times they like to go into forests also.. : :
[2nd variety of CAMELS]
Camels of these kinds are grey in colour and can run very swiftly. They have very big humps, and there is always much foam in their mouths. They become very fat when young and they are always healthy and strong. The hair on their bodies, is generally long. They can tolerate any kind of hardship at work. They are a little impatient when hungry and terrible at times. When they are exbausted, their eyes become red. They are very anxious to eat.