The cows too have the same nature, qualities, colours and their utmost age is like that of bulls. Owing to their nature breed and work, they are called Rajasa Uttama or Superior in 2nd class.
14th GROUP
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF GOATS. There are 5 varieties of goats. They are short. Some are white,some black,some red, some grey and some with mixed colours. They are very useful to sacrifies and good to human beings. Though they are dullnature, they are very faithful and submissive to their masters. They don't require punishment. They have much passion for cohabitation, Their skin and flesh are very soft. Thev are coward and quiet-going by nature. They are quick in paces. They eat very bitter leaves. Generally, they have hanging ears, testicles, very short tails, and
horns. Their milk and flesh give strength to human beings. Their
urine and dung are strong manures to productive lands. Their passion is increased in Spring and Autumn seasons. Their youth begins in their 2nd year. They will cohabit with she.gouts and give pregnance to them. They will give birth to 2 or 3 kids at a tiine. Every year
they become pregnant and give birth to kids. Their delivery time is in 4th or 5th month, especially at nights. The kids often suck their
mother's milk. Their varieties are mentioned below:
[lst variety of GOATS)
These varieties of goats are generally white in colour and a little bit tall in size. They are avaricious to eat always. They have
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