[14th variety of DEER)
These kinds of deer are of 5 kinds. They all resemble to deer
in colour, size, qualities, nature etc, but they have not horns and have hanging and stout navels.
[1st variety of Musk DEER]
They are brown in colour and very tall. They give more quantity of musk. They are very 'swift in running. They lie under shades in
[2nd variety of Musk DEER]
They are reddish-black in colour and spotted; but are short in size. They are sleepy and lazy. They have always rocky bed sleep. At some times they dwell in cold places. Very good smell like jasmine flower comes out of their bodies.
3rd vanety of Myek DEIR
They are whitish-red in colour and slow in paces. They have projected and hanging jaws with full long hair. They are stout. The y
always desire to live in forests. They will have big and stout navals. They ofton drink water. They are afraid of hot Sun, rain, cold etc. They are very calm and quiet-going.