[2nd variety of HYENAS]
These kinds of Hyenas are otheresiw called Leopords. They are mere or less equal to the 1st variety of hyenas in height. Some are yellowish red and some blackish red in colour. They are very cruel at heart. They have long tails and long claws There are many spots on their bedies. Some have long black stripes and some red stripes. They appear to be grand and run swift like au arrow. They are very strong. They are man-eaters. Their eyes are blood-red. They don't like the scent of human beings. They generally live upon cows, bulls, buffalees and other animals. Some have more mustaches and some have ambush. long and stout nostrils. They attack animals from They will be more hungry and thirsty during mid-dav. Their sleep is less and breath is heavy. They are always foolish. Their utinost age 1s 14 years. They are not easily controlable like tigers. They must he caught only by uoose by threatening and beating them. Owing to their cruelty and dull nature they are called RAJASA ADHAMA) or inferior, in 2nd class.
4th GROUP.
The bears are divided into 3 kinds owing to their nature, quality and work. They are generally dull by nature. They are neither cruel nor fearing nor patient (calm). During spring season, their passion increases, in their 3rd or 4th year. They enjoy either in mornings or evenings under the shade of trees, bushes or on the banks of rivers.
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