remnin in numbers and playing in shades. They are easily trainable and fond of sweet words. They eat flesh alone. Some are whitish-black
in colour and some with different coloured dots on their bodies. Somo are slow in speed. As these hares, there are many growing in abunda
nee in the foreste,
21st GROUP.
There are 3 and 6 varieties of wolves and dogs respectively livng in villages and towns. Some of the dogs are white, red, brown, black, grey and some in different colours. Wolves are very cruel and fond of flesh. They are tall and very impatient and mean minded. Generally, both for dogs and wolves, the youth begins in their 2nd year. They are very passionate in summer and wiuter seasons. They are shanelens in respect of cohabitation. Some-how or other, dogs coax the female ones (bitches) and cohabit with them for a long period in public places and under the shade of trees. The bitches become pregnant soon after their cohabitation. The duration of their pregnancy is 3 to 4 months. They give birth to 4 or 5 pups' at a time. The Pupo live on their mothers' milk and play for some months. Though thoy eat mean and silly things they are very intelligent. Dogs guard, well houses, bungalows, palaces and other places. They are very grateful to their innsters. They are not allowed to enter in to and driven out from places where cereigonialas and sacrifices take place. Their kinds
are mentioned below:
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