Thore are 8 varieties of Monkeys. They generally live in forests. Some are red, black, brown, white, gray and some with different colours. They always like to play with one another by climbing trees. They have red faces, long tails and small eyes. Their chins are very clearly apparent. They are fond of wicked deeds. They are always ill-tempered. They de cruel deeds. They could not be easily checked and controlled by people. They are foud of quarelling with one another. They are very fearful to look at. They are given training but it is in vain. As they are very wicked and mischievous they bave much passion for cohabitation especially in Autumn and Winter seasons. The female monkeys become pregnant after single enjoyment. They give birth to young ones in the 3rd or 4th month They cohabit at short intervals as they are very mean-uninded. For 2 or 3 months, the mother monkeys will be going out and doing things with their young ones underneath their stomachs. Their young ones
begin to run fast in their 4th month. Their varieties are mentioned!
[1st variety of MONKEYS)
These varieties of monkeys are red in colour with blond red faces. and a little tall in size. They are always angry. They always dwell in forests. They are bot easily captuarable by wild tribes. Their bodies are stout to a little extent and tails long. They suddenly jump from one bigh place to the other. They threaten all the minor animals, and
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