Book Title: Advanced Prakrit Grammar Part 1
Author(s): Kamalchand Sogani, Shakuntala Jain
Publisher: Apbhramsa Sahitya Academy
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Advanced Prakrta Grammar [ Part-1] Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani Smt. Shakuntala Jain W great evitat jainavidyA saMsthAna zrI mahAvIrajI Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy Jaina Vidya Samsthana Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji Rajasthan Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Advanced Prakrta Grammar sh Translation of the Praudha Prakrta Racana Saurabha] [Part - [] [Sutras Concerning Nouns, Pronouns and Numerals] Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani Director Smt. Shakuntala Jain Assistant Director Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy Jaipur diva ongevitat sitat jainavidyA saMsthAna zrI mahAvIrajI Published by Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy Jaina Vidya Samsthana Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji Rajasthan Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Publisher: Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy (Jaina Vidya Samsthana) Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji Sri Mahaviraji - 322 220 (Rajasthan) Copies From : 1. Jaina Vidya Samsthana Sri Mahaviraji - 322 220 (Rajasthan) Telephone : 07469-2224323 Sahitya Vikraya Kendra Digambara Jaina Nasiyam Bhattarakaji Savai Ramasimha Road, Jaipur - 302 004 Tel. : 0141-2385247 All rights reserved First Edition : 2009 Price : Rs. 700/ Computer Typesetting : Shyam Agarwal A-336, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur - 302 017 (Rajasthan) Ph. : 9887223674 Printed at: Jaipur Printers Pvt. Ltd. M.I. Road, Jaipur - 302 001 Telephone : 0141-2373822, 2362468 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Table of Contents Analysis of Sutras Subject Prelude Dedication Introduction Lesson - 1 Section 1 (i) Declension of thirteen Nouns (ii) Declension of Pronouns on the pattern of Nouns (iii) Declension of Numerals on the pattern of Nouns and Pronouns Sutras 3/2 to 38, 41,42,43 - Section 2 Declension of special Masculine Nouns like Piu (father), Bhau (brother), etc. and Adjectival Masculine Nouns (Agent Nouns) like Kattu (doer). Sutras 3/39, 40, 44 to 48 Section 3 Declension of Raja and Appa Sutras 3/49 to 55, 56, 57 Section 4 Pronominal declension not covered in the previous Sutras Sutras 3/58 to 89 Section 5 Personal Pronouns Tumha and Amha Sutras 3/90 to 117 Page No. 1 14 49 53 59 76 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section - 6 - Section 7 Cases and their interchangeability Sutras 3/ 130 to 137 Section -8 Declension of Numerals from two to eighteen Sutras 3/118 to 123 Section -9 Miscellaneous Appendix - 2 Appendix - 3 Appendix - 4 Negation of certain Suffixes Sutras 3/125 to 129 Section 10 Sauraseni Prakrta Sutras 4/260 to 264, 268 Appendix - 1 Reference Books Sutras 3/1,3/124, 1/27, 1/84, 4/448 Declensional Forms A. Declensional Forms of Nouns and other words B. Declensional Forms of Pronouns C. Declensional Forms of Numerals Ordinal Number Rules of Combination Summary of the Grammatical analysis of Sutras 91 96 100 104 110 113 200 214 219 278 OOO Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Diacritical Marks Vowels i I u 15 a a A a e e ai ai o 0 au au 3 Consonants ist dr m . od lkr , 51,4 4 , mr bh a1 mr 345 m h r mh 5 o lr - c lmr h (Anusvara) (Visarga) m Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ We feel great pleasure in placing this book Advanced Prakrta Grammar' Part-I in the hands of readers. This book is an improved English translation of the first edition of the Hindi work Praudha Prakrta Racana Saurabha' Part-1 published in 1999 by the Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy, Jaipur. Prelude It goes without saying that Prakrta language is one of the richest Indo-Aryan languages. It is an ancient and sacred language of India. It is of capital importance to note that Praakrta is the language of the masses. Its vast literature in varied literary forms contributes to the dignity and excellence of the cultural heritage of Indian tradition. In consequence, the proper understanding of Prakrta language and literature is indispensible for comprehending the development of Indian literature adequately. Recognising the importance of Prakrta language in the cultural history of India, the Managing Committee of the Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra, Sri Mahaviraji established Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy in 1988, which runs correspondence courses for teaching Prakrta and Apabhramsa languages. The Academy has published books for the implementation of these courses. Such books as the Prakrta Grammar and Composition (2006), the Prakrta Exercise Book (2006) and the Prakrta Prose and Verse Part-1 (2008) have been published for those desirous of Advanced Prakrta Grammar vii Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ learning the Praksta language through an English medium. For the purpose of teaching Praksta, our new publication Advanced Praksta Grammar Part-I will facilitate the learning of Praksta for students of the English language. We offer our thanks to the learned researchers of the Samsthana (Institute), especially to Smt. Shakuntala Jain, who has assisted us in preparing the translation of this book. We would also like to thank Smt. Lynna Dhanani from the United States for taking the trouble of going through the manuscript and making important suggestions. We also offer our thanks to M/s Jaipur Printers Pvt., Ltd. for organising the publication of this book. Naresh Kumar Sethi Prakash Chand Jain Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani President Secretary Samyojaka Managing Committee Jaina Vidya Samsthana Samiti Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Jaipur Sri Mahaviraji 3 September 2009 viii Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dedicated To Late Smt. Kamla Sogani Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction Relating to Prakrta language, the following should be understood. Alphabets of Praketa 31, a, 301, a, Vowels , & i, i, 3, u, 3, u, 8, e, 347 o th, ka, 21, ca, T, ta, a, ta, Consonants 2, , , 5 kha, ga, gha, na , , 37 37 cha, ja, jha, na 8, 6, &, tha, da, dha, na 91, a, a, 7 tha, da, dha, na is going to go pa, 7, ya, pha, ba, bha, ma ? , a ra, la, va m. sa, ha . (Anusvara) (Anunasika) n It may be noted here that in Praksta the use of na and na occurs only in conjunct form. In Hemacandra Praksta Grammar the use of na and na in conjunct form is traceable. The use of na is seen in conjunct and non-conjunct form. The alternative of na, na, na in conjunct form is . Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Number : In Prakyta language, there are only two Numbers : 1. Singular 2. Plural Gender: In Praksta language, there are three Genders: 1. Masculine Gender 2. Feminine Gender 3. Neuter Gender Person : In Prakrta language, there are only three Persons : 1. First Person 2. Second Person 3. Third Person Case: In Prakrta language, there are eight Cases : 1. Nominative Case 2. Accusative Case 3. Instrumental Case 4. Dative Case 5. Ablative Case 6. Genitive Case 7. Locative Case 8. Vocative Case Verb: In Prakrta language, there are only two kinds of Verbs: 1. Transitive 2. Intransitive Tense : In Praksta language, there are five type of Tenses : 1. Present Tense 2. Past Tense 3. Future Tense 4. Imperative 5. Conditional Words : In Praksta language, six kinds of Words are in use : 1. a-ending 2. a- ending 3. i-ending 4. i-ending 5.u-ending 6.u-ending 000 xii Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 1 Noun, Pronoun and Numerals Analysis of Sutras Introduction It is an acknowledged fact that Acarya Hemacandra wrote the Sabda Anusasana of which one section is devoted to Praksta Grammar. In composing the section on Praksta Grammar, he chose the Samskrta language as the medium of exposition. In order to make intelligible the Praksta Grammar, the established sutra-style of Samsksta Grammar was adopted. Although the Sutras are expressed in Samskrta language, it should not imply that a special knowledge of Samskrta is required to understand Praksta Grammar. A thoughtful analysis of the Sutras has shown us that a basic knowledge of Samskrta and Hindi or English will suffice to comprehend these Sutras. In Lesson 1, we shall decipher and explain the Sutras concerning the formation of Nouns, Pronouns , Numerals, etc. used in Praksta Grammar. In order that the Sutras may be properly assimilated, ordinary knowledge of Vowel combination, Consonant combination and Visarga combination in Samskrta is necessary. Additionally, the symbols that represent certain suffixes should be understood. In Praksta, there are two numbers Singular and Plural. Therefore, the Suffix-Symbols (S-S) are grouped into two columns, singular and plural, according to the cases as follows: S-S/Singular Si S-S/Plural Jas Sas Bhis Am Inflection Nominative Accusative Instrumental Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Ta Bhyas Ne Nasi Nas Bhyas Am Sup Ni Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In each of the Sutras, the Suffix-Symbols follow the inflectional patterns of certain masculine nouns in Samskrta. The following five points will give the various inflectional forms of Suffix-Symbols and some other words: 1 The inflection of 'si', 'nasi' and 'ni' will be according to the Masculine Noun 'Hari'. For example, the inflection of 'si' in Locative case Singular will be 'sau', in Instrumental case Singular will be 'sina'. The inflection of 'nasi' in Genitive case Singular will be 'naseh'. In this way, the other inflections may be understood. 2 The inflection of 'am', 'jas', 'sas', 'bhis', 'bhyas', 'am' and 'sup'will be according to the consonent - ending Masculine Noun 'Bhubhrt'. For example, the inflection of 'bhis' in Locative case Singular will be 'bhisi', the inflection of 'am' in Nominative case Singular will be 'am' and so on. In this way, the other inflections may be understood. 3 The inflection of 'ta' will be according to the Masculine Noun 'Gopa'. For example, the inflection of 'ta' in Locative case Singular will be 'ti', Genetive case Singular will be 'tah', and Instrumental case Singular will be 'ta'. In this way, the other inflections may be understood. 4 The inflection of 'ut'-'u', 'ot'-'o', 'et'-'e', 'it'-'i', and 'at'-'a', will be according to consonent - ending 'Bhubhrt'. Similarly, the word 'luk' will be inflected. 5 Other words have been used in the Sutras. For some of the words, the inflection will be according to 'Rama', whereas others to 'Stri', 'Guru, 'Matr', 'Rajan', 'Atman', 'Naman', 'Pitr, 'Karty', or 'Pums'. The inflections of the remaining words can be referenced in the declension tables provided or in an elementary Samskrta Grammar book. 2 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The language in the Sutras is always written in a concise form. In order to make clear the meaning, each sutrahas been analyzed in the following five steps: 1 Combination (sandhi 2 Inflection (vibhakti) 3 A literal translation (in italics) 4 A contextual translation 5 Examples and notes The declensional forms of Nouns, Pronouns and Numerals in Prakrta will be understood through a careful examination of the Sutras. The following vowel-ending Nouns, Pronouns and Numerals illustrate the declensional forms discussed in the Sutras (other words have been made known as well): Nouns Masculine Nouns : Neuter Nouns : Feminine Nouns : Advanced Praakrta Grammar (Deva, Hari, Gamani, Sahu, Sayambhu) a-ending: Deva (God) i-ending: Hari (Name of deity) i-ending: Gamani (Headman of village) u-ending: Sahu (Saint) u-ending: Sayambhu (Self-made person) (Kamala, Vari, Mahu) a-ending: Kamala (Lotus) i-ending: Vari (Water) u-ending: Mahu (Honey) (Kaha, Mai, Lacchi, Dhenu, Bahu) a-ending: Kaha (Story), i-ending: Mai (Understanding) i-ending: Lacchi (Wealth) u-ending: Dhenu (Cow) u-ending: Bahu (Daughter-in-law) 3 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Pronouns Masculine Pronouns : (Savva, Ta, Na, Ja, Ka, Eta, Ea, Ima, Anna, Amu) a-ending: (Inflection according to Savva) u-ending: Amu (This) (Inflection according to Sahu) Neuter Pronouns : (Savva, Ta, Na, Ja, Ka, Eta, Ea, Ima, Anna, Amu) In all the Genders: Savva (All), Ta (He), Na (He), Ja (Who), Ka (Who), Eta (This), Ea (This) 4 Ima (This), Anna (Other) (Inflection according to Savva) u-ending: Amu (This) (Inflection according to Mahu) Feminine Pronouns: (Savva, Ta, Ti, Ja, Ji, Ka, Ki, Eta, Ea, Ima, Anna, Amu) a-ending: Savva (All), Ta (That) Ja (Which), Ka (Who), Eta (This), Ea (This), Ima (This), Anna (Other) (Inflection according to Savva) i-ending: Ti (She), Ji (Which), Ki (Who), Ei (This), Imi (This) u-ending: Amu (This) (Inflection according to Dhenu) Amha (I), Tumha(You) a-ending: Savva (All), Ta (That), Na (That), Ja (Which), Ka (Who), Eta (This), Ea (This) Ima (This), Anna (Other) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Numerals Masculine Numeral : (Ekka. Ea, Ega, Ikka) a-ending: Ekka (One), Ea (One), Ega (One), Ikka (One) (Inflection according to Savva) In Singular, the meaning is one. In Plural, the meaning is some or certain ones. Neuter Numeral : (Ekka. Ea, Ega, Ikka) a-ending : Ekka (One), Ea (One), Ega (One), Ikka (One) (Inflection according to Savva) Feminine Numeral: (Ekka, Ikka) a-ending: Ekka (One), Ikka(One) (Inflection according to Savva) In all the Genders: (Saya , Visa, Satthi, Du, Do, Ti, Cau, Panca) Saya (Hundred) (Inflection according to Kamala) (Neuter) Visa (Twenty) (Inflection according to Kaha) (Feminine) Satthi (Sixty) (Inflection according to Mai) (Feminine) Du (Two) Do (Two) Ti (Three) Cau (Four) Panca (Five) Kai (How much or How many) As the inflection of Suffix-Symbols and other words in the Sutras follow the declensional forms of Samskrta, the declension tables of some of these Samskrta Nouns have been given in the following pages. Finally, a list of abbreviations used in the Sutras is also provided. Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. Hari (Name of a deity) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Nominative Harih Accusative Harim Instrumental Harina Dative Haraye Ablative Hareh Genitive Hareh Locative Harau Vocative He Hare Hari Hari Haribhyam Haribhyam Haribhyam Haryoh Haryoh He Hari Harayah Harin Haribhih Haribhyah Haribhyah Harinam Harisu He Harayah 2. Bhubhrt (King) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Nominative Bhubhrt Bhubhitau Accusative Bhubhtam Bhubhytau . Instrumental Bhubhrta Bhubhrdbhyam Dative Bhubhrte Bhubhidbhyam Ablative Bhubhitah Bhubhidbhyam Genitive Bhubhrtah Bhubhitoh Locative Bhubhsti Bhubhrtoh Vocative He Bhubhrt He Bhubhrtau Bhubhitah Bhubhrtah Bhubhrdbhih Bhubhidbhyah Bhubhrdbhyah Bhubhitam Bhubhitsu He Bhubhitah Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. Gopa (Milkman) Plural Singular Number Dual Number Number Nominative Gopah Gopau Accusative Gopam Gopau Instrumental Gopa Gopabhyam Dative Gope Gopabhyam Ablative Gopabhyam Genitive Gopah Gopoh Locative Gopi Gopoh Vocative He Gopah He Gopau Gopah Gopah Gopabhih Gopabhyah Gopabhyah Gopam Gopasu He Gopah 4. Rama (Rama) Dual Singular Number Plural Number Number Nominative Ramah Accusative Ramam Instrumental Ramena Dative Ramaya Ablative Ramat Genitive Ramasya Locative Rame Vocative He Rama Ramau Ramau Ramabhyam Ramabhyam Ramabhyam Ramayoh Ramayoh He Ramau Ramah Raman Ramaih Ramebhyah Ramebhyah Ramanam Ramesu He Ramah Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 5. Stri (Woman) Nominative Stri Accusative Instrumental Striya Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Vocative 6. Guru (Guru) Singular Number Dative Ablative Genitive Locative Vocative Striyam, Strim Striyai Striyah Striyah Striyam He Stri Nominative Guruh Accusative Gurum Instrumental Guruna Gurave Guroh Guroh Gurau He Guro Singular Number Dual Number Striyau Striyau Stribhyam Stribhyam Stribhyam Striyoh Striyoh He Striyau Dual Number Guru Guru Gurubhyam Gurubhyam Gurubhyam Gurvoh Gurvoh He Guru Plural Number Striyah Striyah,Strih Stribhih Stribhyah Stribhyah Strinam Strisu He Striyah Plural Number Guravah Gurun Gurubhih Gurubhyah Gurubhyah Gurunam Gurusu He Guravah Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. MatT (Mother) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Nominative Mata Accusative Mataram Instrumental Matra Dative Matre Ablative Matuh Genitive Matuh Locative Matari Vocative He Matah Matarau Matarau Matnbhyam Matnbhyam Matnbhyam Matroh Matroh He Matarau Matarah Matarh Matnbhih Matnbhyah Matnbhyah Matrrnam Matsu He Matarah 8. Rajan (King) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Nominative Raja Rajanau Accusative Rajanam Rajanau Instrumental Rajna Rajabhyam Dative Rajne Rajabhyam Ablative Rajnah Rajabhyam Genitive Rajnah Rajnoh Locative Rajni, Rajani Rajnoh Vocative He Rajan He Rajanau Rajanah Rajnah Rajabhih Rajabhyah Rajabhyah Rajnam Rajasu He Rajanah Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9. Atman (Soul) Plural Number Singular Number Nominative Atma Accusative Atmanam Instrumental Atmana Dative Atmane Ablative Atmanah Genitive Atmanah Locative Atmani Vocative He Atman Dual Number Atmanau Atmanau Atmabhyam Atmabhyam Atmabhyam Atmanoh Atmanoh He Atmanau Atmanah Atmanah Atmabhih Atmabhyah Atmabhyah Atmanam Atmasu He Atmanah 10. Naman (Name) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Nominative Nama Namni, Namani Namani Accusative Nama Namni, Namani Namani Instrumental Namna Namabhyam Namabhih Dative Namne Namabhyam Namabhyah Ablative Namnah Namabhyam Namabhyah Genitive Namnah Namnoh Namnam Locative Namni, Namani Namnoh Namasu Vocative He Nama, Naman He Namni, Namani He Namani 10 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11. Pitt (Father) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Pitarau Pitarau Nominative Pita Accusative Pitaram Instrumental Pitra Dative Pitre Ablative Pituh Genitive Pituh Locative Pitari Vocative He Pitah Pitabhyam Pitbhyam Pitbhyam Pitroh Pitroh He Pitarau Pitarah Pitn Pitbhih Pitbhyah Pit;bhyah Pityrnam Pitrsu He Pitarah 12. Karte (Doer) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Nominative Karta Accusative Kartaram Instrumental Kartra Dative Kartre Ablative Kartuh Genitive Kartuh Locative Kartari Vocative He Kartah Kartarau Kartarau Kartnbhyam Kartrbhyam Kart;bhyam Kartroh Kartroh He Kartarau Kartarah Karten Kartrbhih Kart;bhyah Kartsbhyah Kartyrnam Kartysu He Kartarah Advanced Praksta Grammar 11 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13. Pums (Human being) Singular Number Dual Number Plural Number Nominative Puman Pumamsau Pumamsah, Accusative Pumamsam Pumamsau Pussah Instrumental Pussa Pumbhyam Pumbhih Dative Purse Pumbhyam Pumbhyah Ablative Pumsah Pumbhyam Pumbhyah Genitive Pussah Pussoh Pumsam Locative Pursi Pussoh Pumsu Vocative He Puman He Pumamsau He Pumamsah 12 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Abbreviations and method of Grammatical analysis A = Indeclinable indicates the original word * [0) + ( ) + (.....) indicates the joining together of words *[(- ( ) - (.....) indicates the compounding of words * Where only Numbers 1/1, 2/1, etc. are written outside brackets, the word inside the bracket indicates the Noun. 1/1 Nominative Case / Singular Number 1/2 Nominative Case / Dual Number 1/3 Nominative Case / Plural Number 2/1 Accusative Case / Singular Number 2/2 Accusative Case / Dual Number 2/3 Accusative Case / Plural Number 3/1 Instrumental Case / Singular Number 3/2 Instrumental Case / Dual Number 3/3 Instrumental Case/Plural Number 4/1 Dative Case / Singular Number 4/2 Dative Case / Dual Number 4/3 Dative Case / Plural Number 5/1 Ablative Case / Singular Number 5/2 Ablative Case / Dual Number 5/3 Ablative Case / Plural Number 6/1 Genitive Case / Singular Number 6/2 Genitive Case / Dual Number 6/3 Genitive Case / Plural Number 7/1 Locative Case / Singular Number 7/2 Locative Case / Dual Number 7/3 Locative Case / Plural Number 8/1 Vocative Case / Singular Number 872 Vocative Case / Dual Number 8/3 Vocative Case / Plural Number Advanced Prakyta Grammar 13 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 (i) (ii) (iii) Section - 1 Sutras for knowing the following: Declension of Thirteen Nouns Declension of Pronouns on the pattern of Nouns Declension of Numerals on the pattern of Nouns and Pronouns. Sutras 3/2 to 38,41,42,43 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Noun - Pronoun- Numeral Words - Sutra 1. Atah Serdoh Atah Serdoh [(Seh)+(Doh)] Atah (At) 5/1 Seh (Si) 6/1 Doh (Do) 1/1 After at there occurs do -o in place of 'si'. After a-ending Masculine words there occurs 'o' in place of 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular). (1) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ si)= (Deva+ 0) = Devo (Nominative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvo, Jo, Ko, Imo, Anno (iii) Numeral : Ekko, Ikko 2. Vaitattadah 3/2 3/3 Vaitattadah [(Va)+(Etat)+(Tadah)] Va = alternatively [(Etat) - (Tadah Tatah) 5/1] Alternatively, there occurs 'o'in place of 'si' after etat- eta and tad tat-ta. (Nominative Singular) (Nominative Singular) Alternatively, there occurs o' in place of 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular) after eta and ta. (1) (i)Eta (Mas.): (Eta+ si) = (Eta+ o) (ii) Ta (Mas.): (Ta+ si) = (Ta+ o) By applying Sutra 3/86, Ta becomes Sa. (1) (i) Eta (Mas.): (Etat-Eta+si) = (Esa+ 0) = Eso Advanced Prakrta Grammar (ii) Ta (Mas.): (Tat-Ta) = (Sa+ si) = (Sa+ 0) = So (Nominative Singular) Alternatively, by applying Sutra 3/85, there occur Esa, Inam and Inamo. (Nominative Singular) Hemacandra's commentary says that 'sa' also occurs. (Nominative Singular) 15 Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. Jas- Sasorluk 3/4 Jas- Sasorluk [(Sasoh)+(luk)] [(Jas)- (sas) 6/2) Luk (Luk) 1/1 There occurs lopa (luk) - zero in place of 'jas' and 'sas'. On having 'jas' and 'sas' after a-ending Masculine words, there is zero in place of 'jas' (suffix of Nominative Plural) and 'sas' (suffix of Accusative Plural). (1) Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ jas) = (Deva+ zero) (Deva+ sas) = (Deva+ zero) --- --- ---- ----- ---- -- By applying Sutra 3/12, there occurs: (1) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.) = (Deva+ jas) = (Deva+ zero) = Deva (Nominative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/58, there occur: (ii) Pronoun: Savve, Te, Je, Ke, Ime, Ete, Ee, Anne (Nominative Plural) (iii) Numeral: Ekke, Ikke, etc. (Nominative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/12, there occur: (2) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ sas) = (Deva+ zero) = Deva (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savva, Ta, Ja, Ka, Ima, Ea, Eta, Anna (Accusative Plural) (iii) Numeral: Ekka, Ikka (Accusative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/14, there occur: (3) (i) Noun : Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ sas) = (Deva+ zero) = Deve (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savve, Te, Je, Ke, Ime, Ee, Ete, Anne (Accusative Plural) (iii) Numeral: Ekke, Ikke (Accusative Plural) ACCUS 16 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4. AmoSsya 3/5 AmoSsya [(Amah)+(Asya)] Amah (Am) 6/1 Asya (A) 6/1 The 'a'of'am' is dropped. The 'a' of 'am' is dropped (lopa) and 'm' remains. Monusvarah 1/23 [(Mah)+(Anusvarah)] Mah (M) 6/1 Anusvarah (Anusvara) 1/1 There occurs ( - ) in place of 'm'. After a-ending Masculine words, there occurs ( - ) in place of the remaining 'm' after dropping the 'a' of 'am' (suffix of Accusative Singular). (1) (i) Noun : Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ am) = (Deva+ m) = (Deva+ - ) - Devam (Accusative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvam, Tam, Jam, Kam, Etam, Eam, Imam, Annam (Accusative Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkar, Ikkam (Accusative Singular) 5. Ta-Amornah 3/6 TA-Amornah [(Amoh)+(Nah)] [(Ta)-(Am) 6/2) Nah (Na) 1/1 There occurs 'pa' in place of ta'and 'am'. After a-ending Masculine words, there occurs 'na' in place of *ta' (suffix of Instrumental Singular) and 'am' (suffix of Genitive Plural). (1) Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ ta) = (Deva+ na) (Deva+am) = (Deva+ na) By applying Sutra 3/14, there occur: (1) (i) Noun: Devena (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvena, Tena, Jena, Kena, Eena, Etena, Imena, Annena (Instrumental Singular) Advanced Praksta Grammar 17 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6. 18 (iii) Numeral: Ekkena, Ikkena (Instrumental Singular) By applying Sutra 1/27, there occur: (2) (i) Noun: Devenam (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvenam, Tenam, Jenam, Kenam, Eenam, Etenam, Imenam, Annenam (Instrumental Singular) (Instrumental Singular) (iii) Numeral: Ekkenam, Ikkenam By applying Sutra 3/69, there occur: (3) (i) Pronoun: Tina, Jina, Kina, Eina, Imina (Instrumental Singular) By applying Sutra 3/12, there occur: (4) (i) Noun: Devana (Genitive Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvana, Tana, Jana, Kana, Eana, Etana, Imana, Annana (Genitive Plural) (iii) Numeral Ekkana, Ikkana (Genitive Plural) By applying Sutra 1/27, there occur: (5) (i) Noun: Devanam (Genitive Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvanam, Tanam, Janam, Kanam, Eanam, Etanam, Imanam, Annanam (Genitive Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkanam, Ikkanam (Genitive Plural) For additional Declensions of a-ending Masculine Pronouns in Genitive Plural, refer to Sutras 3/61,3/62 and 3/81. Bhiso Hi Him Him 3/7 Bhiso Hi Him Him [(Bhisah)+(Hi)-(Him) -(Him)] Bhisah (Bhis) 6/1 Hi (Hi) 1/1 Him (Him) 1/1 Him (Him) 1/1 There occur 'hi', 'him" and 'him' in place of 'bhis'. After a-ending Masculine words, there occur 'hi', 'him' and 'him' in place of 'bhis' (suffix of Instrumental Plural). Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. (1) Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ bhis) = (Deva+ hi, him, him) By applying Sutra 3/15, there occur: (1) (i) Noun: Devehi, Devehim, Devehim (Instrumental Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvehi, Tehi, Jehi, Kehi, Etehi, Eehi, Imehi, Annehi, etc. (Instrumental Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkehi, Ikkehi, etc. (Instrumental Plural) Nases Tto-Do-Du-Hi-Hinto-Lukah Nases Tto-Do-Du-Hi-Hinto-Lukah [(Naseh)+(Tto)-(Do)-(Du) - (Hi)-(Hinto)-(Lukah)] Naseh (Nasi)6/1[(Tto)-(Do)-(Du)-(Hi)-(Hinto)-(Luk) 1/3] There occur tto, doo, du-u, hi, hinto and zero in place of 'nasi'. After a-ending Masculine words, there occur tto, o, u, hi, hinto and zero in place of 'nasi' (suffix of Ablative Singular). (1) Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ Nasi) = (Deva+ tto, o, u, hi, hinto and zero) By applying Sutra 3/12,3/82 and 1/84, there occur: (1) (i) Noun: Devatto, Devao, Devau, Devahi, Devahinto and Deva (Ablative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvatto, Savvao, Tatto, Jatto, Katto, Etto, Imatto, Annatto, etc. (Ablative Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkatto, Ikkatto, etc. (Ablative Singular) For additional Declensions of a - ending Masculine Pronouns in Ablative Singular, refer to Sutras 3/66,3/67, 3/68 and 3/83. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 3/8 19 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8. Bhyasas Tto Do Du Hi Hinto Sunto 3/9 Bhyasas Tto Do Du Hi Hinto Sunto [(Bhyasah)+(Tto)] Do Du Hi Hinto Sunto Bhyasah (Bhyas) 6/1 Tto (Tto) 1/1 Do (Do) 1/1 Du (Du) 1/1 Hi (Hi) 1/1 Hinto (Hinto) 1/1 Sunto (Sunto) 1/1 There occur tto, doo, du-u, hi, hinto and sunto in place of 'bhyas'. After a-ending Masculine words, there occur tto, o, u, hi, hinto and sunto in place of 'bhyas' (suffix of Ablative Plural). (1) Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ bhyas) = (Deva+ tto, o, u, hi, hinto, sunto) 20 By applying Sutra 3/12,3/13, 3/15 and 1/84, there occur: (1) (i) Noun: Devatto, Devao, Devau, Devahi, Devahinto, Devasunto, Devehi, Devehinto, Devesunto (Ablative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvatto, Savvao, Tatto, Jatto, Katto, Etatto, Imatto, Annatto etc. (Ablative Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkatto, Ikkatto etc. (Ablative Plural) 9. Nasah Ssah 3/10 Nasah (Nas) 6/1 Ssah (Ssa) 1/1 There occurs 'ssa' in place of 'nas'. After a-ending Masculine words, there occurs ssa in place of nas (suffix of Genitive Singular). (1) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ nas) = (Deva+ ssa) = (Genitive Singular) Devassa (ii) Pronoun: Savvassa, Tassa, Jassa, Kassa, Etassa, Imassa, Annassa (Genitive Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkassa, Ikkassa (Genitive Singular) For additional Declensions of a - ending Masculine Pronouns in Genitive Singular, refer to Sutras 3/63, 3/74 and 3/81. Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10. De Mmi Neh 3/11 De (De) 1/1 Mmi (Mmi) 1/1 Neh (Ni) 6/1 There occur de - eand mmi in place of 'ni'. After a-ending Masculine words, there occur'e'and 'mmi' in place of ni (suffix of Locative Singular). Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ ni) = (Deva+ e, mmi) - Deve, Devammi (Locative Singular) ---- --- --- -- ---- - --- - --- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- By applying Sutra 3/59,3/60, there occur: (1) (i) Pronoun: Savvammi, Savvahim, Jammi, Kammi, Etammi, Imammi, Annammi,etc. (Locative Singular) (ii) Numeral : Ekkammi, Ikkammi, etc. (Locative Singular) For additional Declensions of a - ending Masculine Pronouns in Locative Singular, refer to Sutras 3/65, 3/74, 3/75, 3/76, 3/83 and 3/84. 11. Jas-Gas-Nasi-Tto-Do-Dvami Dirghah 3/12 Jas-Sas-Nasi-Tto-Do-[(Du) + (Ami)] Dirghah [(Jas)-(Sas)-(Nasi)-(Tto)-(Do)-(Du)-(Am) 7/1] Dirghah (Dirgha) 1/1 On having jas, sas, nasi and tto, doo, duu and am, a long vowel takes place after a-ending Masculine words. On having 'jas' (Nominative Plural), "sas' (suffix of Accusative Plural), 'nasi' (suffix of Ablative Singular) and tto, o and u (suffixes of Ablative Plural) and am ( suffix of Genitive Plural) a long vowel takes place after a-ending Masculine words. Deva (Mas.) : (Deva+ jas), jas - zero 3/4 (Deva+ jas)=(Deva+ zero)-Deva (Nominative Plural) (Deva+ sas), sas - zero 3/4 (Deva+ sas)-(Deva+ zero)-Deva (Accusative Plural) (Deva+ nasi), nasi = tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero 3/8 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 21 Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 [A conjunct vowel becomes short if it comes after a long vowel. (Hrasvah Samyoge 1/84).] (1) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ nasi) = (Deva+ tto) = Devatto - Devatto (Ablative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvatto, Tatto, Jatto, Katto, Etatto, Imatto, Annatto. (Ablative Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkatto, Ikkatto etc. (Ablative Singular) (2) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ nasi) = (Deva+ 0) = (Ablative Singular) Devao (ii) Pronoun: Savvao, Tao, Jao, Kao, Etao, Imao, Annao. (iii) Numeral : Ekkao, Ikkao etc. In the same way; (3) (i) Noun: Devau, Devahi, Devahinto, Deva (Ablative Singular) (Ablative Singular) (Ablative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: (a) Savvau, Tau, Jau, Kau, Etau, Imau, Annau, (b) Savvahi, Tahi, Jahi, Kahi, Etahi, Imahi, Annahi, (c) Savvahinto,Tahinto,Jahinto,Kahinto,Etahinto, Imahinto, Annahinto (d) Savva, Ta, Ja, Ka, Eta, Ima, Anna (Ablative Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkau, Ikkau,,Ekkahi, Ikkahi, Ekkahinto, Ikkahinto, Ekka, Ikka. (Ablative Singular) (Deva+ tto, do, du) = [(Deva+Partial Bhyas)] Partial Bhyas tto, doo, du--- u By applying Sutra 1/84, there occur: (4) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ Partial Bhyas) = (Deva+ tto) = Devatto - Devatto (Ablative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvatto, Tatto, Jatto, Katto, = Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (iii) Numeral : Ekkatto, Ikkatto In the same way; (5) (i) Noun: Devao, Devau (Ablative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: (a) Savvao, Tao, Jao, Kao, Etao, Imao, Annao (Ablative Plural) Etatto, Imatto, Annatto (Ablative Plural) (Ablative Plural) (b) Savvau, Tau, Jau, Kau, Etau, Imau, Annau (Ablative Plural) (iii) Numeral: Ekkao, Ikkao, Ekkau, Ikkau 12. Bhyasi Va By applying Sutra 3/6, there occurs: (Deva+ am), am = na - (6) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ am) = (Deva+ na) = (Deva+ na) = Devana (Genitive Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvana, Tana, Jana, Kana, Etana, Imana, Annana (iii) Numeral : Ekkana, Ikkana Advanced Prakrta Grammar (Ablative Plural) 3/13 Bhyasi (Bhyas) 7/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, on having bhyas, a long vowel occurs. Alternatively, on having (remaining) 'bhyas' (suffix of Ablative Plural), a long vowel occurs after a-ending Masculine words. Deva (Mas.): [Deva+ (remaining) bhyas] = (Deva+ hi, hinto, sunto) = (1) (i) Noun: Devahi, Devahinto, Devasunto (Ablative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvahi, Tahi, Jahi, Kahi, Etahi, Imahi, Annahi etc. (Ablative Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkahi, Ikkahi etc. (Ablative Plural) (Genitive Plural) (Genitive Plural) 23 Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13. Tana- Sasyet Tana- Sasyet [(Sasi)+(Et)] 24 [ (Ta)-(Na)-(Sas) 7/1] Et (Et) 1/1 3/14 On having na in place of ta and on having sas, the ending vowel et-e occurs. p On having na in place of ta (suffix of Instrumental Singular) and on having sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) the ending vowel 'e' occurs after a-ending Masculine words. = (1) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ ta) = (Deva+ na) (Deve+ na) Devena (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvena, Tena, Jena, Kena, Etena, Imena, Annena (Instrumental Singular) (iii) Numeral: Ekkena, Ikkena, etc. (Deva+sas), sas = zero 3/4 (2) (i) Noun: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+sas) = (Deva+ zero) = (Deve+ zero) Deve (Accusative Plural) 14. Bhisbhyassupi By applying Sutra 3/58, there occur: (ii) Pronoun: Savve,Te, Je, Ke, Ete, Ime, Anne (iii) Numeral : Ekke, Ikke (Instrumental Singular) 3/15 Bhisbhyassupi [(Bhis)+(Bhyas)+(Supi)] (Accusative Plural) (Accusative Plural) [(Bhis)-(Bhyas)-(Sup) 7/1] On having 'bhis', 'bhyas', and 'sup', the vowel e occurs (3/14). On having 'bhis' (suffix of Instrumental Plural), 'bhyas', (suffix of Ablative Plural) and 'sup' su (suffix of Locative Plural), 'e' occurs after a-ending Masculine words. Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ By applying Sutra 3/7, there occur: Deva (Mas.): (Deva+ bhis), bhis - hi, hin, him (Deva+ bhis) = (Deva+ hi, his, him) = (Deve+ hi, his, him) (1) (i) Noun : Devehi, Devehin, Devehim (Instrumental Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvehi, Tehi, Jehi, Kehi, Etehi, Imehi, Annehi etc. (Instrumental Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkehi, Ikkehi etc. (Instrumental Plural) By applying Sutra 3/13, there occur: (Deva+bhyas), bhyas - hi, hinto, sunto (Deva+bhyas) = (Deva+ hi, hinto, sunto) = (Deve+ hi, hinto, sunto) (2) (i) Noun: Devehi, Devehinto, Devesunto (Ablative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvehi, Tehi, Jehi, Kehi, Etehi, Imehi, Annehi etc. (Ablative Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkehi, Ikkehi etc. (Ablative Plural) (Deva+ sup), sup - su (3) (i) Noun : Deva (Mas.) - (Deva+ sup) = (Deva+ su) = (Deve+ su) = Devesu (Locative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvesu, Tesu, Jesu, Kesu, Etesu, Imesu, Annesu (Locative Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkesu, Ikkesu (Locative Plural) 15. Iduto Dirghah 3/16 Iduto Dirghah ((It) + (Utah) + (Dirghah)] [(It) - (Ut) 6/1] Dirghah (Dirgha) 1/1 There occurs a long vowel in place of short i-ending and short u-ending words. On having 'bhis' ( suffix of Instrumental Plural), 'bhyas', (suffix of Ablative Plural) and 'sup' (suffix of Locative Plural) after Masculine, Feminine and Neuter words, there occurs a Advanced Prakyta Grammar 25 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 long vowel in place of short i- ending and short u- ending words. (and a long vowel remains long.) By applying Sutra 3/7, 3/124, there occur: (1) (i) Noun: Hari (Mas.) - (Hari + bhis), bhishi, him, him (Hari + bhis) = (Hari + hi, him, him) Harihi, Harihim, Harihim (Instrumental Plural) (ii) Vari (Neu.): Varihi, Varihim, Varihim (Instrumental Plural) (iii) Mai (Fem.): Maihi, Maihim, Maihim (Instrumental Plural) (iv) Numeral Satthii, Satthiim, Satthiim (Instrumental Plural) (v) Noun: Sahu (Mas.):(Sahu + bhis) = (Sahu + hi, him, him) Sahuhi, Sahuhim, Sahuhim (Instrumental Plural) (vi) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.) Amuhi, Amuhim, Amuhim (Instrumental Plural) (vii) Noun: Mahu (Neu.) : Mahuhi, Mahuhim, Mahuhim (Instrumental Plural) (viii) Pronoun: Amu (Neu.): Amuhi, Amuhim, Amuhim (Instrumental Plural) (ix) Noun: Dhenu (Fem.): Dhenuhi, Dhenuhim, Dhenuhim (Instrumental Plural) (x) Pronoun: Amu (Fem.): Amuhi, Amuhim, Amuhim (Instrumental Plural) (2) (i) Noun: Hari (Mas.): (Hari + bhyas), bhyas = tto, o, u, hinto and sunto but 'hi' is negated 3/124, 3/9, 3/127, (Hari + bhyas) = (Hari + tto, o, u, hinto, sunto) = Haritto - Haritto (1/84), Hario, Hariu, Harihinto, Harisunto (Ablative Plural) (ii) Vari (Neu.): Varitto-- Varitto (1/84), Vario, Variu, Varihinto, Varisunto (Ablative Plura By applying Sutra 3/124, 3/9 and 3/127, there occur: Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (iii) Noun : Mai (Fem.): Maitto - Maitto (1/84), Maio, Maiu, Maihinto, Maisunto (Ablative Plural) (iv) Numeral : Satthitto, Satthio, Satthiu, Satthihinto, Satthisunto (Ablative Plural) (u) Noun: Sahu (Mas.) : Sahutto - Sahutto (1/84) Sahuo, Sahuu, Sahuhinto, Sahusunto (Ablative Plural) (vi) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.) Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amuhinto, Amusunto (Ablative Plural) (vii) Noun : Mahu (Neu.): Mahutto, Mahuo, Mahuu, Mahuhinto, Mahusunto (Ablative Plural) (viii) Pronoun: Amu (Neu.): Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amuhinto, Amusunto (Ablative Plural) (ix) Noun : Dhenu ( Fem.): Dhenutto, Dhenuo, Dhenuu, Dhenuhinto, Dhenusunto (Ablative Plural) (x) Pronoun: Amu (Fem.): Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amuhinto, Amusunto (Ablative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/15, 3/124 there occur: (3) (i) Noun: Hari (Mas.): (Hari + sup), sup su (Hari + su) - Harisu (Locative Plural) (ii) Vari (Neu.): Varisu (Locative Plural) (iii) Noun: Mai (Fem.) Maisu (Locative Plural) (iv) Numeral : Satthisu (Locative Plural) (v) Noun: Sahu (Mas.): Sahusu (Locative Plural) (vi) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.): Amusu (Locative Plural) (vii) Noun : Mahu (Neu.): Mahusu (Locative Plural) (viii) Pronoun: Amu (Neu.): Amusu (Locative Plural) (ix) Noun: Dhenu ( Fem.): Dhenusu (Locative Plural) (x) Pronoun: Amu (Fem.): Amusu (Locative Plural) The declension of Noun : Gamani (Mas.), Sayambhu (Mas.), Lacchi (Fem.) and Bahu (Fem.) Pronoun : Ti, Ji, Ki, Ei and Imi (Fem.) will be as above in Instrumental Plural, Ablative Plural and Locative Plural. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 27 Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16. Caturo Va 3/17 (Caturah)+ (Va) Caturah (Catur) 5/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, after Catur cau, a long vowel takes place. Alternatively, on having the bhis' suffixes (hi, him, him 317, 3/124 of Instrumental Plural), the 'bhyas', suffixes (hinto and sunto of Ablative Plural) and the 'sup' suffix ("su' of Locative Plural) after cau, the short u vowel becomes long u. (Cau+bhis) = (Cau+ hi, his, him) - Cauhi, Cauhin, Cauhim. (Instrumental Plural) (Cau+ bhyas) = (Cau+ hinto, sunto) = Cauhinto, Causunto (Ablative Plural) 'hi' is negated (3/127) Cau+ sup) = ( Cau+ su) - Causu (Locative Plural) --- ---- --- - -- ----- ----- --- ------- ------ --- - By applying Sutra 3/124, the other alternatives are: Cauhi, Cauhin, Cauhim (Instrumental Plural) By applying Sutra 3/124, the other alternatives are: Cauhinto, Causunto (Ablative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/124, the other alternative is: Causu (Locative Plural) 17. Lupte Sasi 3/18 Lupte (Lupta) PAP. 7/1 Sasi (Sas) 7/1 On having dropped out sas, a long vowel takes place. On having dropped out sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after short i-ending, short u-ending Masculine and Feminine words, a long vowel takes the place of short i and u-ending words. (1) (i) Noun : Hari (Mas.): (Hari + sas) = (Hari + zero) = Hari (Accusative Plural) (ii)Mai ( Fem.): (Mai + sas) = (Mai + zero) - Mai (Accusative Plural) (iii)Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + sas) = (Sahu + zero) Sahu (Accusative Plural) 28 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (iv) Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu + sas) = (Dhenu + zero) Dhenu (Accusative Plural) In the same way, the declension of Gamani (Mas.), Sayambhu (Mas.), Lacchi (Fem.) and Bahu (Fem.) will take place. Pronoun: Amu (Mas.): (Accusative Plural) (Accusative Plural) Numeral : Satthi (Fem.): 18. Aklibe Sau 3/19 Aklibe (Akliba) 7/1 Sau (Si) 7/1 On having 'si' after non-neuter iande Masculine and Feminine words, there occurs a long vowel. (3/16) On having 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular) after short iending, short u- ending Masculine and Feminine words, there occurs long vowel. ( and as a rule 'si' disappears). (1) (i) Noun: Hari (Mas.): (Hari + si)= (Hari + si) = (Hari + zero)= Hari (Nominative Singular) (ii) Mai (Fem.): (Mai + si) = (Mai + si)= (Mai + zero) = Mai (Nominative Singular) (iii) Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + si) = (Sahu + si) = (Sahu+ zero) = Sahu (Nominative Singular) (iv)Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu+si) = (Dhenu+si) = (Dhenu+zero)= Dhenu (Nominative Singular) In the same way, the declension of Gamani (Mas.), Sayambhu (Mas.), Lacchi (Fem.) and Bahu (Fem.) will take place. Pronoun: Amu (Mas.) Amu (Fem.) Ei, Imi (Fem.) Numeral Satthi (Fem.) : Advanced Prakrta Grammar (Nominative Singular) (Nominative Singular) (Nominative Singular) (Sutra 3/33 negates ki, ji, ti) (Nominative Singular) 29 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 19. Pumsi Jasolau Dao Va 3/20 Pumsi Jasodau Dao Va (( Jasah)+(Dau)] Dao Va Pumsi (Pums) 7/1 Jasah ( Jas) 6/1 Dau (Dau) 1/1 Dao (Dao) 1/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, in Masculine words, there occur dau+ au and dao - ao in place of 'jas'. Alternatively, after i-ending, u-ending Masculine words, there occur au and ao in place of 'jas'(suffix of Nominative Plural). (1) Noun : Hari (Mas.): (Hari + jas) = (Hari + au,ao) = Harau, Harao (Nominative Plural) (2) Noun: Gamani (Mas.): (Gamani+jas) = (Gamani + au,ao) Gamanau, Gamanao (Nominative Plural) (3) (i) Noun: Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + jas) = (Sahu + au,ao) = Sahau, Sahao (Nominative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.): Amau, Amao (Nominative Plural) (4) Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+ jas)=(Sayambhu+au, ao) Sayambhau, Sayambhao (Nominative Plural) 20. Votodavo 3/21 Votouavo [(Va) + (Utah) + (Davo)] Va - alternatively Utah (Ut) 5/1 Davo (Davo) 1/1 Alternatively, after u-ending words, davo+avo takes place. Alternatively, after u-ending Masculine words, there is avo in place of Jas (suffix of Nominative Plural). (1) (i) Noun: Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + jas) = (Sahu + avo) = Sahavo (Nominative Plural) (ii) Pronoun : Amu (Mas.) Amavo (Nominative Plural) (2) Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+ jas)=(Sayambhu+ avo) Sayambhavo (Nominative Plural) 30 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 1. Jas- Sasorno Vu 3/22 Jas- Sasorno Va [(Sasoh) + (No)] Va = alternatively [(Jas) -(Sas) 6/2] No (No) 1/1 Va - alternatively Alternatively, there occurs no in place of jas and sas. Alternatively, after i-ending and u-ending Masculine words, there occurs no in place of jas ( suffix of Nominative Plural) and sas (suffix of Accusative Plural). By applying Sutra 3/125, the short vowel does not become long: (1) (i) Noun: Hari (Mas.): (Hari + jas) = (Hari + no) - Harino (Nominative Plural) (ii) (Hari + sas) = (Hari + no) - Harino (Accusative Plural) (2)(i) Noun : Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + jas) = (Sahu+ no) = Sahuno (Nominative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.): Amuno (Nominative Plural) (3)(i) Noun : Sahu (Mas.) : (Sahu + sas) = (Sahu+ no) = Sahuno (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.): Amuno (Accusative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/43, long vowel becomes short: (4)(i)Gamani(Mas.):(Gamani+jas)-(Gamani+no) =Gamanino (Nominative Plural) (ii)(Gamani+ sas) = (Gamani+no) - Gamanino (Accusative Plural) (5) (i) Sayambhu (Mas.) : (Sayambhu+ jas)= (Sayambhu+no) Sayambhuno (Nominative Plural) (ii)(Sayambhu+ sas)- (Sayambhu+no)- Sayambhuno (Accusative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/4, 3/12 and 3/124 there occur: (6) Noun: Hari, Sahu, Gamani and Sayambhu (Nominative Plural) (7) Pronoun : Amu (Nominative Plural) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 31 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22. Nasi - Nasoh Pum - Klibe Va 3/23 [(Nasi) -(Nas) 6/2] [(Pum) -(Kliba) 7/1] Va = alternatively Alternatively, in Masculine and Neuter words, there occurs no in place of nasi and nas. 32 Alternatively, after i-ending, u- ending Masculine and Neuter words, there occurs no in place of nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular) and nas (suffix of Genitive Singular). By applying Sutra 3/125, the short vowel does not become long: (1) (i) Noun: Hari (Mas.): (Hari + nasi) = (Hari + no) = Harino (Ablative Singular) (ii) (Hari + nas) = (Hari+ no) = Harino (Genitive Singular) (2) (i) Noun: Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + nasi) = (Sahu+ no) = Sahuno (Ablative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.): Amuno (Ablative Singular) (3) (i) Noun: Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + nas) = (Sahu+ no): (Genitive Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amuno (Mas.): (Genitive Singular) (4) Noun: Vari (Neu.): (Vari + nasi) = (Vari + no) = Varino (Ablative Singular) = Sahuno (Vari + nas) = (Vari + no) = Varino (Genitive Singular) (5) (i) Noun: Mahu (Neu.): (Mahu + nasi) = (Mahu + no) = Mahuno (Ablative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Neu.): Amuno (Ablative Singular) (6) (i) Noun: Mahu (Neu.): (Mahu + nas) = (Mahu + no). Mahuno (Genitive Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Neu.) Amuno (Genitive Singular) By applying Sutra 3/43, long vowel becomes short: (7)(i)Gamani (Mas.): (Gamani+nasi) = (Gamani+no) (Ablative Singular) -Gamanino (ii)(Gamani+nas)=(Gamani+no)-Gamanino(Genitive Singular) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (8) (i) Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+ nasi) = (Sayambhu+no) - Sayambhuno (Ablative Singular) (ii)(Sayambhu+ nas) = (Sayambhu+no) - Sayambhuno (Genitive Singular) 23. Tona 3/24 lona [(Tah) +(Na)] Tah (Ta) 6/1 Na (Na) 1/1 There occurs na in place of ta. After i-ending, u-ending Masculine and Neuter words, there occurs na in place of ta (Instrumental Singular). (1) Noun : Hari (Mas.): (Hari + ta) = (Hari + na) - Harina (Instrumental Singular) (2) (i) Noun : Sahu (Mas.): (Sahu + ta) = (Sahu+ na) - Sahuna (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Mas.): Amuna (Instrumental Singular) (3) Noun: Vari (Neu.): (Vari + ta) = (Vari + na) - Varina (Instrumental Singular) (4) (i) Noun : Mahu (Neu.): (Mahu + ta) = (Mahu + na) = Mahuna (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amu (Neu.): Amuna (Instrumental Singular) ------------------------------------------------------.. By applying Sutra 3/43, long vowel becomes short. (1) Gamani (Mas.): (Gamani+ta) = (Gamani+na) - Gamanina (Instrumental Singular) (2)Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+ ta)=(Sayambhu+na) Sayambhuna (Instrumental Singular) Advanced Praksta Grammar 33 Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24. Klibe Svaranm Seh 3/25 Klibe Svaranm Seh [(Svarat) + (M)] Seh Klibe (Kliba) 7/1 Svarat (Svara) 5/1 M (M) 1/1 Seh (Si) 6/1 After the end - vowel in Neuter words, there occurs 'm'in place of 'si'. After the end - vowel in a-ending, i-ending and u- ending Neuter words, there occurs m+ - in place of 'si' (Nominative Singular). (By applying Sutra (Monusvarah)1/23 the m becomes --) (1) (i) Noun: Kamala (Neu.): (Kamala + si) = (Kamala + ) - Kamalam (Nominative Singular) (ii) Pronoun : Savvam, Tam, Jam, Annam (Nominative Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkam, Ikkam (Nominative Singular) (2) Vari (Neu.): (Vari + si) = (Vari + - ) - Varim (Nominative Singular) (3) (i) Noun : Mahu(Neu.): (Mahu + si) = (Mahu + --- ): Mahum (Nominative Singular) (ii) Pronoun : Amu (Neu.) Amur (Nominative Singular) 25. Jas - Sas - In - Im Nayah Sapragdirghah 3/26 Jas * Sas - In * Im Nayah Sapragdirghah [(Sa) + (Prak) + (Dirghah)] [(Jas) - (Sas) - (ITM)- (lm)-(Ni) 1/3][(Sa) - (Prak) - (Dirgha) 1/3] After Neuter words, there occur in, is, ni in place of jas and sas (and) alongwith this the former vowel becomes long. After a-ending, i-ending and u-ending Neuter words, there occur im, im, ni in place of jas (suffix of Nominative Plural) and sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) (and) along with this the former vowel becomes long. 34 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1) (i) Noun: Kamala (Neu.): (Kamala + jas) = (Kamala +im, im, ni) = Kamalaim - Kamalaim, Kamalaim - Kamalani (Nominative Plural) --- Kamalaim, Kamalani (ii) Pronoun: Savvaim, Jaim, Kaim, Imaim, Annaim (Nominative Plural) etc. (iii) Numeral : Ekkaim, Ikkaim, etc. (Nominative Plural) (2) (i) Noun: Kamala (Neu.): (Kamala + sas) = (Kamala + im, im, ni) = Kamalaim-Kamalaim, Kamalaim- Kamalaim, Kamalani --- Kamalani (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvaim, Jaim, Kaim, Imaim, Annaim etc. (Accusative Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkaim, Ikkaim, etc. (Accusative Plural) (3) (i) Noun: Vari (Neu.) - (Vari + jas) = (Vari+im, im, ni) = Variim ---Variim, Variim -Variim, Varini --Varini (Nominative Plural) (ii) Noun: Vari (Neu.) : (Vari + sas) = (Vari+im, im, ni) - Variim --Variim, Variim --Variim, Varini --- Varini (Accusative Plural) (4) (i) Noun: Mahu (Neu.): (Mahu + jas) = (Mahu +im, im, ni) = Mahuim - Mahuim, Mahuim -> Mahuim, - Mahuni Mahuni (Nominative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Amuim, Amuim, Amuni - - (Nominative Plural) (5) (i) Noun: Mahu (Neu.): (Mahu + sas) = (Mahu+im, im, ni) = Mahuim -- Mahuim, Mahuim -Mahuim, Mahuni (Accusative Plural) - Mahuni (ii) Pronoun: Amuim, Amuim, Amuni Advanced Prakrta Grammar (Accusative Plural) 35 Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26. Striyamudotau Va 3/27 Striyamudotau Va [(Striyam) + (Ut) + (Otau)] Va Striyam (Stri) 7/1 [(Ut) -(Ot) 1/2] Va = alternatively Alternatively, there occur ut--u and ot-o in Feminine words. Alternatively, on having jas (suffix of Nominative Plural and sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after a-ending, i-ending and u- ending Feminine words, there occur u and o in place of jas and sas. By applying Sutra 3/26 the former vowel becomes 'long' if it is 'short'. (1) (i) Noun: Kaha (Fem.): (Kaha + jas) = (Kaha + u, o) -Kahau, Kahao (Nominative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvau, Tau, Jau, Kau, Imau, Annau, Savvao, Tao, Jao, Kao, Imao, Annao (Nominative Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkau, Ikkau, Ekkao, Ikkao, Visau, Visao (Nominative Plural) (2) (i) Noun: Kaha (Fem.): (Kaha + sas) = (Kaha + u, 0) = Kahau, Kahao (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Savvau, Tau, Jau, Kau, Imau, Annau, Savvao, Tao, Jao, Kao, Imao, Annao (Accusative Plural) (iii) Numeral : Ekkau, Ikkau, Ekkao, Ikkao, Visau, Visao (Accusative Plural) (3) (i) Noun: Mai (Fem.): (Mai + jas) = (Mai + u, o) = Maiu, Maio (Nominative Plural) (ii) Numeral Satthiu, Satthio (Nominative Plural) (4) (i) Noun: Mai (Fem.): (Mai + sas) = (Mai + u, o) = Maiu, Maio (Accusative Plural) (ii) Numeral : Satthiu, Satthio (Accusative Plural) (5) (i) Noun: Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + jas) = (Lacchi + u, 0) = Lacchiu, Lacchio (Nominative Plural) 36 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (ii) Pronoun: Tiu, Jiu, Kiu, Eiu, Imiu, Tio, Jio, Kio, Eio, Imio (Nominative Plural) (6) (i) Noun: Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + sas) = (Lacchi + u, o) = Lacchiu, Lacchio (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Tiu, Jiu, Kiu, Eiu, Imiu, Tio, Jio, Kio, Eio, Imio (Accusative Plural) (7) (i) Noun: Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu + jas) = (Dhenu+ u, 0) = Dhenuu, Dhenuo (Nominative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Amuu, Amuo (Nominative Plural) (8) (i) Noun: Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu + sas) = (Dhenu+ u, Dhenuu, Dhenuo (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Amuu, Amuo (Accusative Plural) (9) (i) Noun: Bahu (Fem.): (Bahu+ jas) = (Bahu+u, o) = Bahuu, Bahuo (Nominative Plural) (ii) Noun: Bahu (Fem.): (Bahu+ sas) = (Bahu + u, 0) = Bahuu, Bahuo (Accusative Plural) o) = 27. Itah Sesca Va 3/28 Itah Sesca Va [(Seh) + (Ca) + (A)] Va Itah (It) 5/1 Seh (Si) 6/1 Ca = and A (A) 1/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, after long i-ending Feminine words, there occurs a in place of 'si' and also a in place of jas' and 'sas'. Alternatively, after long i-ending Feminine words, there occurs a in place of 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular) and also a in place of 'jas'(suffix of Nominative Plural) and 'sas' (suffix of Accusative Plural) Sutra 3/27. (1) (i) Noun: Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + si) = (Lacchi + a) = Lacchia (Nominative Singular) (Nominative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Eia, Imia (Sutra 3/33, negates ki, ji, ti) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 37 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) (i) Noun : Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + jas) = (Lacchi + a) - Lacchia (Nominative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia (Nominative Plural) (3) (i) Noun : Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + sas) = (Lacchi ra) -Lacchia (Accusative Plural) (ii) Pronoun: Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia (Accusative Plural) 28. Ta-Nas-Neradadidedva Tu Naseh 3/29 Ta-Nas-Neradadidedva Tu Naseh [(Neh)+(At)+(At)+(lt)+(Et)+(Va)] Tu Naseh [(Ta) - (Nas) - (Ni) 6/1] At (At) 1/1 At (At) 1/1 It (it) 1/1 Et (Et) 1/1] Va = alternatively Tu = and Naseh (Nasi) 6/1 Alternatively, there occur ata, ata, it--i, et-te in place of ta, nas and ni and in place of nasi and alongwith this the former vowel becomes long if it is short. Alternatively, in a-ending, i-ending and u- ending Feminine words, there occur a, a, i and e in place of ta (suffix of Instrumental Singular), nas (suffix of Genitive Singular) and ni (suffix of Locative Singular) and in place of nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular),and alongwith this the former vowel becomes long if it is short. According to Sutra Nataat 3/30 there will not be a in a-ending words in place of ta, nas, ni and nasi. (1) (i) Noun: Kaha (Fem.): (Kaha + ta) = (Kaha + a, i, e) - Kahaa, Kahai, Kahae (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun : Savvaa, Taa, Jaa, Kaa, Imaa, Annaa Savvai, Savvae etc. (Instrumental Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkaa, Ekkai, Ekkae,Ikkaa, Viska, Visai, Viske etc. (Instrumental Singular) 38 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) (i) Noun : Kaha (Fem.): (Kaha + nas) = (Kaha + a, i, e) = Kahaa, Kahai, Kahae (Genitive Singular) (ii) Pronoun : Savvaa, Taa, Jaa, Kaa, Imaa, Annaa, Savvai, Savvae etc. (Genitive Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkaa, Ekkai, Ekkae,Ikkaa Visia, Visai, Visae, etc. (Genitive Singular) (3) (i) Noun: Kaha (Fem.): (Kaha + ni) = (Kaha + a, i, e) = Kahaa, Kahai, Kahae (Locative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvaa, Jaa, Kaa, Imaa, Annaa , Savvai, Savvae, etc. (Locative Singular) (iii) Numeral: Ekkaa, Ekkai, Ekkae,Ikkaa Visaa, Visai, Visae, etc. (Locative Singular) (4) (i) Noun: Kaha (Fem.): (Kaha + nasi) = (Kaha + a, i, e) = Kahaa, Kahai , Kahae (Ablative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvaa, Jaa, Kaa, Imaa, Annaa, Savvai, Savvae etc. (Ablative Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkaa, Ekkai, Ekkae, Ikkaa, Visaa, Visai, Viske etc. (Ablative Singular) (5) (i) Noun : Mai (Fem.): (Mai + ta) = (Mai + a, a, i, e) -Maia, Maia, Maii, Maie (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Numeral : Satthia, Satthia , Satthii, Sathie (Instrumental Singular) (6) (i) Noun: Mai (Fem.): (Mai + nas) = (Mai + a, a, i, e) = Maia, Maia , Maii, Maie (Genitive Singular) (ii) Numeral : Satthia, Satthia , Satthii, Satthie (Genitive Singular) (7) (i) Noun : (Fem.): (Mai + ni) = (Mai + a, a, i, e) - Maia, Maia, Maii, Maie (Locative Singular) (ii) Numeral : Satthia, Satthia , Satthii, Satthie (Locative Singular) (8) (i) Noun : Mai (Fem.): (Mai + nasi) = (Mai + a, a, i, e) =Maia, Maia , Maii, Maie (Ablative Singular) Advanced Praksta Grammar 39 Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 (ii) Numeral Satthia, Satthia, Satthii, Satthie (Ablative Singular) (9) (i) Noun: Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi+ta) = (Lacchi+ a, a, i, e) Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchii, Lacchie (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tii, Jii, Kii, Eii, Imii, Tie, Jie, Kie, Eie, Imie (Instrumental Singular) (10) (i) Noun: Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + nas) = (Lacchi+ a, a, i, e) = Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchii, Lacchie (Genitive Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tii, Jii, Kii, Eii, Imii, Tie, Jie, Kie, Eie, Imie (Genitive Singular) (11) (i) Noun: Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + ni) = (Lacchi + a, a, i, e) = Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchii, Lacchie (Locative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tii, Jii, Kii, Eii, Imii, Tie, Jie, Kie, Eie, Imie (Locative Singular) (12) (i) Noun: Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi+nasi) = (Lacchi+ a, a, i, e) Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchii, Lacchie (Ablative Singular) - (ii) Pronoun: Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tia, Jia, Kia, Eia, Imia, Tii, Jii, Kii, Eii, Imii, Tie, Jie, Kie, Eie, Imie (Ablative Singular) (13) (i) Noun: Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu+ ta) = (Dhenu+ a, a, i, e) = Dhenua, Dhenua, Dhenui, Dhenue (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amua, Amua, Amui, Amue (Instrumental Singular) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (14) (i) Noun: Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu+ nas) = (Dhenu+ a, a, i, e) Dhenua, Dhenua, Dhenui, Dhenue = (ii) Pronoun: Amua, Amua, Amui, Amue (Genitive Singular) (15) (i) Noun: Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu+ ni) = (Dhenu + a, a, i, e) = Dhenua, Dhenua, Dhenui, Dhenue (Locative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amua, Amua, Amui, Amue (Locative Singular) (16) (i) Noun: Dhenu (Fem.): (Dhenu+ nasi) = (Dhenu+ a, a, i, e) = Dhenua, Dhenua, Dhenui, Dhenue (Ablative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Amua, Amua, Amui, Amue (Ablative Singular) (17) (i) Noun: Bahu (Fem.): (Bahu+ ta) = (Bahu+ a, a, i, e) = Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahue - (Instrumental Singular) (18) (i) Noun: Bahu (Fem.): (Bahu+ nas) = (Bahu+ a, a, i, e) = Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahue (Genitive Singular) (19) (i) Noun: Bahu (Fem.) - (Bahu + ni) = (Bahu + a, a, i, e) = Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahue (Locative Singular) (20) (i) Noun: Bahu (Fem.) - (Bahu+ nasi) = (Bahu+ a, a, i, e) = Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahue (Ablative Singular) 29 Nataat (Genitive Singular) 3/30 Nataat [(Na) + (Atah) + (At)] Na = not Atah (At) 5/1 At (At) 1/1 After a-ending words, there does not occur at--a. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 41 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ After a-ending Feminine words, there does not occura in place of ta (suffix of Instrumental Singular), nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular), nas(suffix of Genitive Singular) and ni (suffix of Locative Singular). In Kaha a will not be added. 30. Pratyaye Nirna Va 3/31 Pratyaye Nirna VA [(Nih) + (na)] Pratyaye (Pratyaya) 7/1 Nih (Ni) 1/1 Na Va = alternatively Alternatively, as for the of suffix there occurs the ni - i suffix. Alternatively, for forming Feminine words, the suffix used is the ni - i suffix. (1) Kurucara + i= Kurucari Alternatively, for forming Feminine words, i occurs alongwith a. (2) Kurucara +a = Kurucara 31. Ajateh Pumsah 3/32 Ajateh (Ajati) 5/1 Pumsah (Puss) 5/1 After non-common Masculine words, there occurs i for forming Feminine words. After non-common Masculine words, there occurs ni -i for forming Feminine words, and alternatively alongwith a Sutra 3/31. (But in Common Nouns, Common Pronouns, Common Adjectives i does not take place in forming Feminine from the Masculine forms). (i) Nila + i, a = Nili, Nila Kala + i, a : Kali, Kala (ii) Eta - Ea+ i, a = Ei, Ea Ima + i, a : Imi, Ima According to Hemacandra's Commentary the Feminine word of Aja (Goat) will be Aja as 'i' can not be added here. 42 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32. Kim - YattadoSsyamami 3/33 Kim - Yattados syamami ((Yat) + (Tadah - Tatah) + (A) + (Si) + (Am) + (Ami)] [(kim) - (yat) - (tad -tat) 6/1]a = not [(si) - (am) - lam) 7/1] The Feminine Pronouns of kim - ka, yat ja and tat-ta are ka, ja, ta and ki, ji, ti. There is no declension of ki, ji and ti in si,amand am.In the rest of the cases, the declension is in conformity with ka, ja, and ta respectively. The Feminine Pronouns of kim ka, yat - ja and tat ta are ka, ja, ta and ki, ji, ti. There is no declension of ki, ji and ti in si (suffix of Nominative Singular)am(suffix of Accusative Singular)and am (suffix of Genitive Plural). In the rest of the cases, the declension is in conformity with ka, ja and ta respectively. (i) Ki+si = 0 (Nominative Singular) Ji + si = 0 (Nominative Singular) Ti + si = 0 (Nominative Singular) (ii) Ki + am = 0 (Accusative Singular) Ji + am = 0 (Accusative Singular) Ti + am = 0 (Accusative Singular) (iii) Ki + am = 0 (Genitive Plural) Ji + am = 0 (Genitive Plural) Ti + am : 0 (Genitive Plural) In all other cases an inflection takes place. 33. Chaya - Haridrayoh 3/34 [(Chaya) - (Haridra) 7/2] On having chaya- chaa and haridra - halidda / haladda, there is i alternatively. On having chaya - chaa and haridra halidda /haladda, there is i, alternatively, in place of a. (1) (i) Chaya + Chia +1 = Chai (ii) Haridra - Halidda / Haladda + i - Haliddi / Haladdi Advanced Praksta Grammar 43 Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34. Hosvomi 3/36 Htsvomi [(Hssvah) + (Mi)] Hrsvah (Hssva)1/1 Mi (M) 7/1 If m+ - is after the vowel, then the vowel becomes short. In a-ending Feminine words, and long i-ending and in longuending Masculine and Feminine words, if m - -- is after the vowel, then the vowel becomes short in Accusative Singular. --- --- - - By applying Sutra 3/124,3/5, there occur: (1) (i) Noun : Kaha (Fem.): (Kaha + - ) = (Kaha + ---) - Kaham (Accusative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Savvam, Tam, Jam, Kam, Eam, Imam, Annam (Accusative Singular) (iii) Numeral : Ekkam, Ikkam, Vissam (Accusative Singular) (2) (i) Noun : Lacchi (Fem.): (Lacchi + -) = (Lacchi + = ) Lacchin Accusative Singular) (ii) Pronoun: Imim, Eim, (Accusative Singular) (Sutra 3/33, negates ki, ji,ti) (3) Noun : Bahu (Fem.): (Bahu+ ---) = (Bahu+ --) = Bahum (Accusative Singular) (4) Noun: Gamani (Mas.): (Gamani+ -- ) = (Gamani+ --) -Gamanim (Accusative Singular) (5) Noun : Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+---)-(Sayambhu+ - ) Sayambhum (Accusative Singular) 35. Namantryatsau Mah 3/37 Namantryatsau Mah ((Na) + (Amantryat) + (Sau)] Mah Na : non-existence Amantryat (Amantrya) 5/1 Sau (Si) 7/1 Mah (M) 6/1 Where there are Neuter words, in Vocative Case, there is no m +4-). 44 Advanced Prakta Grammar Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ On having si (suffix of Nominative Singular) after a-ending, i-ending and u- ending Neuter words, in Vocative Case, there is no m (-). (1) Kamala (Neu.): ( He Kamala + si) = (He Kamala + zero) = He Kamala (Vocative Singular) (2) Vari (Neu.): ( He Vari + si) = ( He Vari + --- zero) = He Vari (Vocative Singular) (3) Mahu (Neu.): (He Mahu + si) = (He Mahu + zero) = He Mahu (Vocative Singular) 36. Do Dirghova 3/38 Do Dirghova [(Dirghah) + (Va)] Do (Do) 1/1 Dirghah (Dirgha) 1/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, there exist do- 0 and long. (i) Alternatively, after a-ending Masculine words in Vocative Case there exist o and long vowel in place of si (suffix of Nominative Singular). (1) (i) Deva (Mas.): (He Deva + si) = (He Deva + 0) = He Devo (Vocative Singular) (ii) (He Deva + si) = (He Deva + zero) = He Deva (Vocative Singular) Alternatively, according to Hemacandara's Commentary: (iii)(He Deva + si) = ( He Deva + long) = He Deva (Vocative Singular) Alternatively after short i-ending and u- ending Masculine and Feminine words used in the Vocative Case there exists a long vowel (3/19) in place of si (suffix of Nominative Singular). (2)(i)Hari (Mas.): ( He Hari + si) = ( He Hari + long) = He Hari (Vocative Singular) Alternatively: (ii)( He Hari + si) = ( He Hari + zero) = He Hari (Vocative Singular) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 45 Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (3) (i)Sahu (Mas.): ( He Sahu + si) =( He Sahu + long)= He Sahu (Vocative Singular) Alternatively :(ii) (He Sahu + si) = (He Sahu + zero) =He Sahu (Vocative Singular) (4) (i)Mai (Fem.): (He Mai + si) = (He Mai + long) = He Mai (Vocative Singular) Alternatively: (ii)(He Mai + si) = (He Mai + zero) = He Mai (Vocative Singular) (5) (i)Dhenu (Fem.): In the same way He Dhenu, He Dhenu Note: Sutras 3/39 and 3/40 have been dealt with here alongwith r-ending words. = 37. Vapae 46 3/41 Vapae [(Va) + (Apah) + (E)] Va alternatively Apah (Ap) 5/1 E (E) 1/1 Alternatively, there is 'e' after a - ending words. Alternatively, in Vocative Case, there is 'e' in place of 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular) after a - ending Feminine words. Kaha (Fem.): (He Kaha + si) = (He Kaha + e) = He Kahe (Vocative Singular) Alternatively: Kaha (Fem.): (He Kaha + si) = (He Kaha + zero) = He Kaha (Vocative Singular) 38. Idutorhrsvah 3/42 Idutorhrsvah [(It) + (Utoh) +(Hrsvah)] [(It)- (Ut) 7/2] Hrsvah (Hrsva) 1/1 In long i-ending and long u-ending words in Vocative Case there occurs a short vowel in place of 'si'. After long i-ending and long u-ending Masculine and Feminine words in Vocative Case, there occurs a short vowel in place of 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular). Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1) (i) Gamani (Mas.): ( He Gamani+ si) = He Gamani (Vocative Singular) (ii) Sayambhu (Mas.): ( He Sayambhu+ si) - He Sayambhu (Vocative Singular) (iii)Lacchi (Fem.): ( He Lacchi +si) - He Lacchi (Vocative Singular) (iv)Bahu (Fem.): (He Bahu+si) - He Bahu (Vocative Singular) 39. Kvipah' 3/43 Kvipah (Kvip) 5/1 After long i-ending and long u-ending Masculine words, the long vowel becomes short. On having ta, jas and sas after long i-ending and long uending Masculine words and on adding na (3/24) in place of ta, and no (3/22) in place of jas and sas long vowel becomes short. ------------ 1. Masculine si-ending and pu- ending, etc. words are known as words taking the 'kvip'suffix. Thus Masculine long i-ending and Masculine long u-ending words may be known as words with a 'kvip'suffix. According to Hemacandra's Commentary in Sutras 3/43, on adding the na and no suffixes after Masculine long i-ending and Masculine longu - ending Nouns the long vowel becomes short. (1) (i) Gamani (Mas.): (Gamani+ta)= (Gamani+na) = (Gamani+ na) - Gamanina (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+ta)= (Sayambhu+na) = one (Sayambhu+ na) - Sayambhuna (Instrumental Singular) (2) (i)Gamani (Mas.): (Gamani+jas)= (Gamani+no) = (Gamani+ no) - Gamanino (Nominative Plural) (ii)Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+ jas)= (Sayambhu+no) = (Sayambhu+ no) = Sayambhuno (Nominative Plural) Advanced Praksta Grammar 47 Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (3) (i) Gamani (Mas.): (Gamani+sas): (Gamani+no) - (Gamani+ no) - Gamanino (Accusative Plural)) (ii) Sayambhu (Mas.): (Sayambhu+ sas)= (Sayambhu+no) = (Sayambhu+ no) - Sayambhuno (Accusative Plural) OOO 48 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section-2 Sutras for knowing the Declension of special Nouns such as (i) Piu, etc. and (ii) Dau, etc. (1) Declension of Piu, Dau etc. 3/39,3/40 (Vocative Case) (2) Declension of Masculine Nouns (i) Piu (Father) 3/44, 3/48, Bhau (Brother) 3/44, 3/48, Jamau (Son-in law) 3/44, 3/48. (ii) Declension of Piara (Father) 3/47, Bhaara (Brother) 3/47, Jamaara (Son-in law) 3/47. (3) Declension of Adjectivel Masculine (Agent Nouns) (i) Kattu (Doer) 3/44, | Dau (Giver) 3/44. (ii) Declension of Kattara (Doer) 3/45, Daara (Giver) 3/45. (4) Declension of Feminine Nouns (i) Maa (Mother) 3/46, (ii) Maara (Mother) 3/46. olet (Declension according to a-ending Kaha) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 49 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40. KtoSdva 3/39 RtoSdva [(Rtah) + (At) + (Va)] Rtah (Rt) 6/1 At (At) 1/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, there is at -a in place of rt +r. Alternatively, on having 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular) after r-ending words in Vocative Case there occurs 'a'in place of rt -sand 'si' disappears. (1) (i) Pits (Mas.): (He Pit? + si) = (He Pita + si) = (He Pita) = He Pia (ii) Pitr (Mas.) - Piu - He Piura- He Pia( Vocative Singular) (2) (i) Datn (Adj.): (He Date + si)=(He Data+si)=(He Data) = He Daa (ii)Dats (Adj.) - Dau - He Daa+a: He Daa (Vocative Singular) Alternatively: He Pia, He Daa (3/48) 41. Namnyaram Vu 3/40 Namnyaram Va ((Namni) + (Aram)] Namni (Naman) 7/1 Aram (Aram) 1/1 Va - alternatively Alternatively, there is aram (in place ofrlin -ending Nouns. Alternatively, on having 'si'(suffix of Nominative Singular) in r-ending Nouns in Vocative case, there occurs aram in place of r and 'si' disappears. (1) Pit? (Mas.): (He Pitr + si) = (He Pitaram+si) = (He Pitaram) - He Piaram (Vocative Singular) 42. Rtamudaslamatsu Vu 3/44 tamudaspamausu Vu [(Rtam) + (Ud Ut ) + (A) + (Si) + (Am) + (Ausu)] Rtam (Rt) 6/3 Ut (Ut) 1/1 A = not [(Si) - (Am) - (Au) 7/3] Va = alternatively Alternatively, there is ut u in place of rt--l, but on having si, am and au ahead, u does not take place. 50 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Alternatively, inr-ending words there is u in place of l. The resulting word will be inflected according to u-ending Masculine Noun, but there is no such inflection in 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular)'am' (suffix of Accusative Singular) and 'au' (suffix of Nominative -Accusative Dual). Karts + u = Kartu - Kattu (1) (i) Kart? (Mas.) -Kattu (Inflection in all cases except si, am, au) (ii)PitT (Mas.) -Pitu - Piu (Inflection in all cases except si, am, au) 43. Arah Sydau 3/45 Arah Syadau [(Si) + (Adau)] Arah (Ara) 1/1 [(Si) -(Adi) 7/1] On having 'si', etc. there occurs ara in place of r. On having 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular), etc. after Adjectival ? - ending words, there occurs ara in place of r. (1) (i)Kartu (Adj.): (Karts + si, etc.) - Kartara - Kattara (ii)Dat(Adj.): (Dats + si, etc.) = Datara - Daara These are inflected like a - ending Masculine Nouns. 44. A Ara Matuh 3/46 A (A) 1/1 Ara (Ara) 1/1 Matuh (Matr) 5/1 After the word Matthere occur a and ara. On having 'si', etc. after Mat? there occur a and ara in place of r. (1) (i) MatI (Fem.): (Matu + si, etc.) = (Mata+ si etc.) = (Maa + si etc.) - Maa (ii) Mat? (Fem.): (Mate + si, etc.) = (Mata+ si etc.) = (Maara + si etc.) = Maara The declension will be according to Kaha (Hemacandra's commentary Sutra 3/46). et Advanced Prakrta Grammar 51 Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4 5. Namnyarah 3/47 Namnyarah [( Namni) + (Arah)] Namni (Naman) 7/1 Arah (Ara) 1/1 Ins-ending nouns, 'ara'occurs. On having 'si', etc. afteri - ending Nouns, 'ara' occurs in place of r. (1) (i) Pitr (Mas.): (Pit; + si etc.) - Pitara - Piara + si etc. These are inflected according to a - ending Masculine words. 46. A Sau Na Va 3/48 A (A) 1/1 Sau (Si) 7/1 Na Va - alternatively Alternatively, on having 'si', there occurs 'a' (in place of r). Alternatively, on having 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular) after r- ending words, there occurs '' in place ofr. (1) (i) Pit? (Mas.): (Pitu + si) - Pity - Pita - Pia (Nominative Singular) (ii) KartT (Adj.): (Karts + si)- Karts - Karta - Katta (Nominative Singular) By applying Sutra 3/45, 3/47 and 3/5. (1) (i) Pit? (Mas.): (Pitr + am) = (Piara+am) -Piaram (Accusative Singular) (3/47,3/5) (ii) Karts (Adj.): (Kart? + am) = (Kartara + am) - Kattaram (Accusative Singular) (3/45,3/5) 000 52 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section - 3 Sutras for knowing the Declension of Raja and Appa (1) Raya/Raa/ Rayana - Raja (King) Raya/Raa Declension according to Sutra 3/49, 3/50, 3/51, 3/52,3/53, 3/54 and 3/55. Raya/Raa/ Rayana Declension according to a-ending Masculine Noun. 3/49 (2) (i) Appa/Atta (3/56) Declension according to "Rajan' Sutra 3/49 etc. (ii) Appa/Atta (3/56) Declension according to a-ending Masculine Noun. (iii) Appana/Attana (3/56) Declension according to a ending Masculine Noun. (iv) Appania/ Appanaia (3/57)as different from the Declension of a-ending Masculine Noun. Advanced Praksta Grammar 53 Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 47. Rajnah 3/49 Rajnah (Rajan) 5/1 After Rajan' - Raa Raya, a/ya occurs in place of a/ya. (3/48) Alternatively, on having 'si' (suffix of Nominative Singular) after Raya, there occurs a/ya in place of a/ya. (1) Raya/Raa (Mas.): (Raya, Raa+ si)= Raya, Raa and 'si' disappears. (Nominative Singular) 1. Rajan Raja Antyavyanjanasya [(Antya) - (Vyanjana) 6/1] (Sutra 1/11) Luk (Luk) 1/1 (Sutra 1/10) Raja Raa Ka-Ga-Ca - Ja-Ta-Da-Pa-Ya-Vam Prayo Luk 1/177 Raa-Raya 1/180 Avarno Ya Srutih Avarn (Avarna) 1/1 - Ya (Ya) Ind. Srutih (Sruti) 1/1(1/180 the a Sound becomes a ya Sound) 48. Jas-Sas-Nasi-Nasanno 3/50 Jas-Gas-Nasi-Nasamno [(Nasam) + (No)] [(Jas)-(Sas)-(Nasi)-(Nas) 6/3] No (No) 1/1 There occurs 'no' in place of 'jas' 'sas''nasi'and 'nas'. Alternatively, on having 'jas' (suffix of Nominative Plural) 'sas' (suffix of Accusative Plural) 'nasi' (suffix of Ablative Singular) and "nas' (suffix of Genitive Singular) after Raja, there occurs 'no'in place of jas' 'sas''nasi' and 'nas'. (1) (i) (Raja + jas) = (Raja + no) (ii) (Raja + sas) = (Raja + no) (iii) (Raja + nasi) = (Raja + no) (iv) (Raja + nasa) = (Raja + no) ---------- By applying Sutra 3/52, there occur: 54 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (i) (Raja + no) = (Rai + no) - Raino (Nominative Plural) (ii) (Raja + no) - (Rai + no) - Raino (Accusative Plural) (iii) (Raja + no) = (Rai + no) Raino (Ablative Singular) (iv) (Raja + no) - (Rai + no) - Raino (Genitive Singular) 49. lona 3/51 lona [(sah) +(Na)] Tah (Ta) 6/1 Na (Na) 1/1 There occurs na in place of ta". Alternatively, on having 'ta' after Raja, there occurs 'na'in place of 'ta' (suffix of Instrumental Singular). Raja: (Raja + ta) = (Raja + na) ----------------------------- By applying Sutra 3/52, there occurs 'i' alternatively in place of 'ja'. (1) (Raja + na) - (Rai + na) Raina (Instrumental Singular) 50. Irjasya No-Na- Nau 3/52 Irjasya No-Na-Nau [(Ih) +(Jasya)] Ih (1) 1/1 Jasya (Ja) 6/1 [(No) - (Na) - (Ni) 7/1] On having 'no', 'na'and 'ni'after Raja, there occurs 'i' in place of 'ja! Alternatively, on having 'no', na and ni (suffix of Locative Singular) after Raja, there occurs 'i' in place of 'ja'. Suffix no and na are explained in Sutra 3/50 and 3/51 respectively. Raja - (Raja + ni) - (Rai+ ni) --------------------- By applying Sutra 3/11 and 3/128 the e is negated. Thus, ni becomes mmi. (1) (Rai+ ni) = (Rai+ mmi) - Raimmi (Locative Singular) Advanced Prakyta Grammar 55 Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 51. 52. 56 Inamamama 3/53 Inamamama [(Inam) + (Ama) + (Ama] Inam (Inam) 1/1 Ama (Am) 3/1 Ama (Am) 3/1 Along with am' and 'am' there is 'inam'. (a) When there is 'am' (suffix of Accusative Singular) after Raja, then 'ja' inherent in Raja, alongwith 'am' becomes 'inam' alternatively. (1) (Raja + am) = (Ra+ja+ am) = (Ra+ inam) = Rainam (Accusative Singular) (b) When there is 'am' (suffix of Genitive Plural) after Raja then ja' inherent in Raja alongwith 'am' becomes 'inam' alternatively. (1) (Raja + am) = (Ra+ja+ am) = (Ra+ inam) = Rainam (Genitive Plural) 3/54 Idbhisbhyasamsupi Idbhisbhyasamsupi [(Id -It) + (Bhis) + (Bhyas) + (Am)+ (Supi)] It (It) 1/1 [(Bhis) + (Bhyas) + (Am) + (Sup) 7/1] On having 'bhis',bhyas, am and 'sup' after Raja it-i occurs in place of 'ja'. Alternatively, on having bhis (suffix of Instrumental Plural) bhyas (suffix of Ablative Plural), 'am' (suffix of Genitive Plural) and sup (suffix of Locative Plural) after Raja, i occurs in place of 'ja'. (1) Raja: (Raja + bhis) bhis = hi, him, him (3/124) (3/7) (3/16) (Rai + hi, him, him) = Raihi, Raihim, Raihim (Instrumental Plural) (2) (Raja+ bhyas), bhyas = tto, o, u, hinto, sunto) (3/124) (3/9)(3/16) (Rai + tto, o, u, hinto, sunto) = Raitto - Raitto, Raio, Raiu, Raihinto, Raisunto (Ablative Plural) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (3) (Raja+ am), am = na (3/124) (3/6) (Rai + na) Raina (Genitive Plural) (4) (Raja + sup), sup- su (3/124) (3/15) (3/16) Rai + su = Raisu (Locative Plural) 53. Ajasya Ta-Nasi-Nassu Sananosvana 3/55 Ajasya Ta-Nasi-Nassu Sananosvana [(Sa)-(Na) + (Nosu) + (An)] Ajasya (Aja) 6/1 [(Ta)-(Nasi) - (Nas) 7/3] Sa = Similarly [(Na) - (No) 7/3] An (An) 1/1 On having ta, there occurs na in place of ta, and on having nasi and nas, there occurs no in place of nasi and nas,and similarly, there occurs an in place of 'aja' (inherent in Raja). Alternatively on having ta (suffix of Instrumental Singular) after Raja, there occurs na in place of ta and on having nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular) and nas (suffix of Genitive Singular) after Raja, there occurs no in place of nasi and nas and similarly, there occurs an in place of the 'aja' inherent in Raja. (1) (i) Raja: (Raja + ta) = (Raja + na) = (Ran + na) = Ranna (Instrumental Singular) (ii) (Raja + nasi) = (Raj + no) = (Ran + no) = Ranno (Ablative Singular) (iii) (Raja + nas) = (Raj+ no) = (Ran + no) = Ranno (Genitive Singular) 54. Pumsyana Ano Rajavacca 3/56 Pumsyana Ano Rajavacca [(Pumsi) + (Anah) + (Anah) + (Rajavat) + (Ca)] Pumsi (Pums) 7/1 Anah (An) 6/1 Anah (Ana) 1/1 Rajavat = Similar to Raja Ca = and In Masculine words, there occurs 'ana' in place of 'an',and Advanced Prakrta Grammar 57 Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ an inflection similar to Raja also takes place. Alternatively, in an-ending Masculine words, there occurs 'ana' in place of 'an'. The inflection of such words is similar to a-ending Masculine Nouns. And there is also inflection of an-ending words similar to Raja. (i) Atman = Atmana - Appana or Attana (inflection similar to a-ending Masculine Noun) (ii) Rajan = Raana - Rayana (inflection similar to a- ending Masculine Noun) (iii) Atman - Atma - Appa or Atta (inflection similar to Raja) 55. Atmanasto Nia Naia 3/57 Atmanasto Nia Naia [(Atmanah) + (Tah) + (Nia)] Atmanah((Atman) 5/1 Tah (Ta) 6/1 Nia (Nia)1/1 Naia (Naia) 1/1 After atman-tappa, nia and naia occur in place of ta'. Alternatively, on having ta after appa there occur nia and naia in place of ta (suffix of Instrumental Singular). Appa: (Appa + ta) = (Appa + nia, naia) = Appania, Appanai, (Instrumental Singular) OOO 58 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Advanced Prakrta Grammar Section-4 Pronominal declension not coverd in the previous Sutras Sutras 3/58 to 89 59 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56. Atah Sarvaderderjasah 3/58 Atah Sarvaderderjasah [(Sarva) + (Adeh) + (Deh) + (Jasah)] Atah (At) 5/1 [(Sarva) - (Adi) 5/1] Deh (De) 1/1 Jasah (Jas) 6/1 After a - ending sarva savva, de + e occurs in place of jas? On having jas after a - ending Masculine Pronouns sarva savva, etc., de + e occurs in place of jas (suffix of Nominative Plural). (1) Savva (Mas.Pronoun): (Savva + jas) = (Savva + e) = Savve (Nominative Plural) Similarly: Ta (He) (Mas. Pronoun): Te (Nominative Plural) Ja (Who) (Mas. Pronoun) : Je (Nominative Plural) Ka (Who) (Mas. Pronoun): Ke (Nominative Plural) Eta (This) (Mas. Pronoun): Ete/ Ee (Nominative Plural) Ima (This) (Mas. Pronoun) : Ime (Nominative Plural) Anna (Other) (Mas. Pronoun): Anne (Nominative Plural) 5 7. Neh Ssim-Mmi-Tthah 3/59 Neh Ssim-Mmi-Tthah Neh (Ni) 6/1 ((Ssim)-(Mmi) - (Ttha) 1/3) Ssis, mmi and ttha occur in place of 'ni'. On having ni after a - ending Masculine Pronouns sarva +savva, etc., there occur ssim, mmi and ttha in place of ni (suffix of Locative Singular). (1) Savva (Mas.): (Savva + ni) = (Savva +ssim, mmi, ttha) = Savvassim, Savvammi, Savvattha (Locative Singular) Similarly: Ta (He) (Mas. Pro.): Tassim, Tammi, Tattha (Locative Singular) 60 Advanced Prakta Grammar Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ja (Who) (Mas. Pro.): Jassim, Jammi, Jattha (Locative Singular) Ka (Who)(Mas. Pro.): Kassim, Kammi, Kattha (Locative Singular) Eta (This)(Mas. Pro.): Etassim, Etammi, Etattha (Locative Singular) Ima (This) (Mas. Pro.): Imassim, Imammi, (Locative Singular) Imattha is negated (3/76) Anna (Other) (Mas. Pro.): Annassim, Annammi, Annattha (Locative Singular) 58. Na Vanidametado Him 3/60 Na Vanidametado Him [(Va) + (An) + (Idam) + (Etadah - Etatah) + (Him)] Na Va - alternatively An = not [(Idam) - (Etat) 5/1 ] Him (Him) 1/1 Alternatively, after idam -ima and etat eta ea, him does not occur. Alternatively, on having ni after a-ending Masculine Pronouns sarva->savva, etc., his occurs in place of ni (suffix of Locative Singular) buton having ni after idam-ima and etat >eta ea, him does not occur. (1) Savva (Mas.): (Savva + ni) = (Savva + him) - Savvahim (Locative Singular) Similarly: Ta (He) (Mas. Pronoun): Tahim (Locative Singular) Ja (Who) (Mas. Pronoun): Jahim (Locative Singular) Ka (Who) (Mas. Pronoun): Kahim (Locative Singular) Anna (Other) (Mas. Pronoun): Annahim (Locative Singular) According to Hemacandra's Commentary in Feminine Pronouns: Advanced Praksta Grammar 61 Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In Kim Ka (Fem. Pronoun), Yat+Ja (Fem. Pronoun) and Tat-Ta (Fem.Pronoun) there occurs alternatively him in Locative Singular. (1) (i) Ta+him - Tahim (Locative Singular) (ii) Ja +him - Jahim (Locative Singular) (iii) Ka+him - Kahim (Locative Singular) 59. Amo Desim 3/61 Amo Desim ((Amah) +(Desim)] Amah (Am) 6/1 Desim (Desim) 1/1 There occurs desim -esim in place ofam. Alternatively, on having am after a-ending Masculine Pronouns sarva->savva, etc., there occurs desim esim in place of am (suffix of Genitive Plural). (1) Savva (Mas.): (Savva+am) = (Savva + esim) - Savvesim (Genitive Plural) Similarly: Ta (He) (Mas. Pronoun): Tesim (Genitive Plural) Ja (Who) (Mas. Pronoun): Jesim (Genitive Plural) Ka (Who) (Mas. Pronoun): Kesim (Genitive Plural) Eta (This) (Mas. Pronoun) : Etesim (Genitive Plural) Ima (This) (Mas. Pronoun): Imesim (Genitive Plural) Anna (Other) (Mas. Pronoun): Annesim (Genitive Plural) 60. Kim Tadbhyam Dasah 3/62 Kim Tadbhyam Dasah [(Kim) - (Tat) 5/2] Dasah (Dasa) 1/1 After kin + ka and tat-ta, there occurs alternatively, dasa -asa in place of am. Alternatively, after a - ending Masculine Pronouns kis+ka and tat->ta, there occurs alternatively dasa - asa in place of am (suffix of Genitive Plural). 62 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kim (Mas.): (Ka + am) = (Ka + asa) - Kasa (Genitive Plural) Ta (Mas.): (Ta +am) = (Ta + asa) - Tasa (Genitive Plural) 61. Kim Yattadbhyonasah 3/63 Kim Yattadbhyonasah [(Yat) + (Tadbhyah) + (Nasah)] [(Kim) - (Yat) - (Tat) 5/3] Nasah (Nas) 6/1 After kim ka, yat - ja and tat ->ta there occurs (dasa -asa) in place of nas. Alternatively,on having nas after a-ending Masculine Pronouns kim ka, yat ja and tatta there occurs dasa -asa in place of nas (suffix of Genitive Singular). (1) (i) Ka (Mas.Pro.): (Ka + nas) = (Ka + asa) = Kasa (Genitive Singular) (ii) Ta (Mas.Pro.): (Ta + nas) = (Ta + asa) = Tasa (Genitive Singular) (iii) Ja (Mas.Pro.): (Ja + nas) = (Ja + asa) - Jasa (Genitive Singular) According to Hemachandra's commentary on Pronouns (Sutra 3/63), kim +ka (Fem.) and tat >ta (Fem.), there occurs alternatively dasa -asa in Genitive Singular. (1) (i) Ka (Fem.Pro.) = Kasa (Genitive Singular) (ii) Ta (Fem.Pro.) - Tasa (Genitive Singular) 62. Idbhyah Ssa Se 3/64 Idbhyah (st) 5/3 Ssa (Ssa) 1/1 Se (Se) 1/1 After it-i-ending words, there occur ssa and se in place of nas. Alternatively, on having nas after Feminine Pronoun it - i- ending words, there occur ssa and se in place of nas (suffix of Genitive Singular). Advanced Praksta Grammar 63 Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64. By applying Sutra 1/84, the long vowel becomes a short vowel before a conjunct consonant. Ki (Fem.): (Ki+ nas) = (Ki + ssa, se) = Kissa, Kise 63. Nerdahe Dala la Kale 64 (Genitive Singular) Ti (Fem.): (Ti + nas) = (Ti + ssa, se) = Tissa, Tise (Genitive Singular) Ji (Fem.): (Ji + nas) = (Ji + ssa, se) = Jissa, Jise 3/65 Nerdahe Dala la Kale [(Neh) + (Dahe)] Neh (Ni) 6/1 Dahe (Dahe) 1/1 Dala (Dala) 1/1 la(la) 1/1 Kale (Kala) 7/1 (Genitive Singular) There occur dahe- ahe, dala -ala and ia in place of ni, when there is expressed time-sense. Alternatively on having ni after adjectival pronoun ka, ta, and ja there occur dahe-ahe, dala --- ala and ia in place of ni (suffix of Locative Singular), when there is an expressed time-sense. (1) (i) Ka (Mas.): (Ka + ni) =(Ka + ahe, ala, ia) = Kahe, Kala, Kaia (Locative Singular) (ii) Ta (Mas.): (Ta + ni) (Ta + ahe, ala, ia) = Tahe, Tala, Taia (Locative Singular) (iii) Ja (Mas.): (Ja + ni) =(Ja + ahe, ala, ia) = Jahe, Jala, Jaia (Locative Singular) Nasermha 3/66 Nasermha [(Naseh) + (Mha)] Naseh (Nasi) 6/1 Mha (Mha) 1/1 There occurs mha in place of nasi. Alternatively, on having nasi after a ending Masculine Pronouns ka, ta and ja there occurs mha in place of nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular). Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1) (i) Ka (Mas.): (Ka + nasi) =(Ka + mha) - Kamha (Ablative Singular) (ii) Ta (Mas.): (Ta + nasi) = (Ta + mha) = Tamha (Ablative Singular) (iii) Ja (Mas.): (Ja + nasi) = (Ja + mha) - Jamha (Ablative Singular) 65. Tado Doh 3/67 Tado Doh [(Tadah - Tatah) + (Doh)] Tatah (Tat) 5/1 Doh (Do) 1/1 After tat ta, there occurs do-o in place ofnasi. Alternatively, on having nasi after a - ending Masculine Pronoun ta (suffix of Ablative Singular), there occurs 'o'in place of nasi (1) Ta (Mas.): (Ta + nasi) = (Ta + o) = To (Ablative Singular) 66. Kimodino - Disau 3/68 Kimoaino * Disau [(Kimah) + (Dino)] Kimah (Kim) 5/1 [(Dino) - (Disa) 1/2] After kim - ka there occur dino - ino, disa isa ( in place of nasi). On having nasi after a - ending Masculine Pronoun kim ka, there occur dino -ino and disa isa in place of nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular). (1) Ka (Mas.): (Ka + nasi) = (Ka + ino, isa) - Kino, Kisa (Ablative Singular) 67. Idametatkim - Yattadbhyasto Dina 3/69 Idametatkim - Yattadbhyasto Dina [(Idam) + (Etat) + (Kim) - (Yat) + (Tadbhyah) + (Tah) + (Dina)] [(Idam) - (Etat) - (Kim) - (Yat) - (Tat) 5/3] Tah (Ta) 6/1 Dina (Dina) 1/1 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 65 Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ After idam-ima, etat- eta, ea, kim - ka, yat - ja and tatta there occurs dina- ina in place of Ta. Alternatively, on having 'ta' after a-ending Masculine Pronouns Idam -ima, etat - eta, ea, kim -ka, yat-ja, and tat - ta, there occurs dina-ina in place of ta (Suffix of Instrumental Singular). (1) (i) Ima (Mas.): (Idam - ima+ta) = (Ima + ina) = Imina (Instrumental Singular) (ii) Eta (Mas.): (Etat - Eta, Ea +ta) = (Eta, Ea + ina) = Etina, Eina (Instrumental Singular) (iii) Ka (Mas.): (Kim - Ka+ta) = (Ka + ina) = Kina (Instrumental Singular) (iv) Ja (Mas.): (Yat-- Ja+ta) = (Ja + ina) = Jina (Instrumental Singular) (v) Ta (Mas.): (Tat-- Ta+ta) = (Ta + ina) = Tina (Instrumental Singular) 68. Tado Nah Syadau Kvacit Tado Nah Syadau Kvacit [(Si) + (Adau)] Tatah (Tat) 6/1 Na (Na) 1/1 [(Si) -(Adi) 7/1] Kvacit = sometimes 66 3/70 [(Tadah - Tatah) + (Nah)] On having si, etc., there occurs na in place oft at - ta occasionally. On having si, etc. (Nominative Singular, and all other case suffixes) after a- ending Masculine Pronoun tat -ta, there occurs na in place of tat-ta occasionally. Na takes the same case suffixes as ta. (1) (i) Ta (Mas.): (Ta+ si) = (Na + si) = So (3/86) (Nominative Singular) (ii)Ta (Mas.): (Ta+ jas) = (Na + jas) = Te, Ne (3/58) (Nominative Plural) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 69. Kimah Kastra - Tasosca 3/71 Kimah Kastra - Tasosca [(Kah) + (Tra)][(Tasoh) +(Ca)] Kimah (Kim) 6/1 Kah (Ka) 1/1 ((Tra) -(Tas) 7/2] Ca = And On having tra-- hi, ha, ttha and tas+o, tto,do, there occurs ka in place of kim. On having si, etc. and on having tra - hi, ha,ttha and tas - o, tto, do after kim, there occurs ka in place of kim. (In ka are added case suffixes). (1) (i) Kima (Mas.): (Kim +si) -(Ka+si, etc.) = (Ka+si) = Ko (aphorism 3/2) (Ka+ jas) - Ke (aphorism 3/58 etc.) (Kim +tra) - (Ka+hi, ha, ttha) - Kahi, Kaha, Kattha (Indeclinable) (Kim+tas)--(Ka+o,tto,do)- Kao,Katto,Kado (Indeclinable) Refer: Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/71. 70. Idama Imah 3/72 Idama Imah [(Idamah) + (Imah)] Idamah (Idam) 6/1 Imah (Ima) 1/1 There occurs ima in place of idam (and in Feminine there occurs ima). On having si, etc. after Masculine idam there occurs ima in place of idam. (In Feminine there occurs ima). (1) (i) Ima (Mas.): (Idam + si) = (Ima + si) = Imo (by aphorism 3/2 there is 'o') (Nominative Singular) (ii)Ima (Fem.): (Idam + si) = (Ima + si) - Ima 4/448 (Nominative Singular) one In this way will be added other case suffixes. Advanced Praksta Grammar 67 Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 71. Pum - Striyorna Vayamimia Sau 3/73 Pum - Striyorna Vayamimia Sau [(Pum-Striyoh) + (Na va) +(Ayam) + (Imia)] [(Pum) - (Stri) 7/2] Na Va = alternatively Ayam (Ayam) 1/1 Imia (Imia) 1/1 Sau (Si) 7/1 Alternatively, on having si in Masculine and Feminine Pronoun (ima and ima) respectively, there occurayam,imia respectively. Alternatively, on having si (Nominative Singular) in Masculine and Feminine Pronoun ima and ima, there occur in their place ayam (Mas.) and imia (Fem.) respectively. (1) (i) Ima (Mas.): (Ima +si) = Ayam (Nominative Singular) (ii) Ima (Fem.): (Ima +si) = Imia (Nominative Singular) 72. Ssim - Ssayorat 3/74 Ssim - Ssayorat [(Ssim) - (Ssayoh) + (At)] [(Ssim)-(Ssa) 7/2] At (At) 1/1 On having ssim and ssa there occurs ata lin place of ima Pronoun). Alternatively on having ssim suffix after a-ending Masculine Pronoun ima in Locative Singular and on having ssa suffix after ima in Genitive Singular, there occurs 'a' in place of ima. (1) (i) Ima (Mas.): (Ima + ssim) = (A + ssim) = Assim (Locative Singular) (ii) (Ima + ssa)= (A+ ssa) = Assa (Genitive Singular) 73. Nermenahah 3/75 Nermenahah [(Neh) + (Mena)] Neh (Ni) 6/1 Mena (Ma) 3/1 Hah (Ha) 1/1 Alternatively, there occurs ha in place of ni alongwith ma (inherent in ima). 68 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Alternatively, there occurs ha in place of ni (Locative Singular) along with the ma inherant in the Masculine Pronoun ima. (1) Ima (Mas.): (Ima +ni) = (l+ ha) = Iha (Locative Singular) 74. Na Tthah 3/76 Na : not Tthah (Ttha) 1/1 There does not occur ttha. There does not occur ttha suffix in Locative Singular of ima Masculine Pronoun. (Ima + ttha) - Imattha does not occur. 75. NoSm Sasta * Bhisi 3/77 NoSm Sasta - Bhisi ((Nah) + (Am)] [(Sas) + (la)] Nah (Na) 1/1 ((Am) -(Sas) - (la) - (Bhis) 7/1] On having am, sas, ta and bhis, there occurs na. Alternatively, on having am (suffix of Accusative Singular), sas (suffix of Accusative Plural), ta (suffix of Instrumental Singular) and bhis (suffix of Instrumental Plural) after aending Masculine Pronoun ima, there occurs na. In na, case-suffixes are added. (1) (i) Ima (Mas.): (Ima - Na + am) = (Na + -- ) = Nam (By applying Sutra 3/5 am='=' )(Accusative Singular) (ii) (Ima - Na+sas) = (Na + zero) - Na (By applying Sutra 3/4 sas = "zero', by applying Sutra 3/12 na = na) (Accusative Plural) (iii) (Iman Na+sas) = (Na + zero) - Ne (By applying Sutra 3/4 sas = 'zero', by applying Sutra 3/14 na = ne) (Accusative Plural) (iv)(Ima+Na+ta) = (Na+ina) = Nina (By applying Sutra 3/69 ta = 'ina') (Instrumental Singular) (u) (Ima - Na+bhis) = (Na + hi, hin, him)Nehi, Nehis, Nehim (By applying Sutra 3/7,3/15 bhis - hi, hii, him) (Instrumental Plural) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 69 Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76. Amenam 3/78 Amenam ((Ama) + (Inam)] Ama (Am) 3/1 Inam (lnam) 1/1 Alongwith am lidam-ima) becomes inam. When there is ima (Masculine and Neuter Pronoun), then ima alongwith am (suffix of Accusative Singular) becomes inam. Ima (Mas., Neu.): (Ima+am) - Inam (Accusative Singular) 77. Klibe Syamedaminamo Ca 3/79 Klibe Syamedaminamo Ca [(Si)+(Ama)+(Idam) +(Inamo)] Klibe (Kliba) 7/1 [(Si) -(Am) 3/1] Idam (Idam) 1/1 Inamo (Inamo) 1/1 Ca - And On having the Neuter Pronoun idam - ima then ima along with si and am becomes idam, inamo (and inam). On having Neuter Pronoun ima, then ima alongwith si (suffix of Nominative Singular) and am (suffix of Accusative Singular) becomes idam, inamo and inam. Ima (Neu.): (Ima +si) - Idam, Inamo, lnam (Nominative Singular) (Ima +am) - Idam, Inamo, Inam (Accusative Singular) 78. Kimah Kim 3/80 Kimah (Kim) 5/1 Kim (Kim) 1/1 After kim there occurs kim. When there is kim, then kim alongwith si (suffix of Nominative Singular) and am (suffix of Accusative Singular) becomes kim. Kim (Neu.): (Kim +si) - Kim (Nominative Singular) kim (Neu.): (Kim+am) - Kim (Accusative Singular) 70 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 79. Vedam - Tadetado Nasambhyam Se-Simau 3/81 Vedam - Tadetado Nasambhyam Se - Simau [(Va +(Idam)] [(Tad - Tat) + (Etadah -Etatah)+(Nas). (Ambhyam) + (Se)] Va - alternatively ((Idam) - (Tat) - (Etat) 5/1) [(Nas) -(Ama) 3/2][(Se) - (Sim) 1/2] Aternatively,after idam - ima, ima, tat ta, ta, etat-- eta, eta, ea and ea there occur se and sim alongwith nas and am Alternatively, after idam + ima, ima, tat ta, ta, etat - eta, eta, ea and ea (Mas., Neu. and Fem. Pronoun), there occur se and sim along with nas (suffix of Genitive Singular) and am (suffix of Genitive Plural). (1) (i) Ima (Mas. Neu.) Ima (Fem.): (Ima, Ima +rasa) - Se (Genitive Singular) (Ima, Ima tam) - Sim (Genitive Plural) (ii) Ta (Mas., Neu.) Ta (Fem.) - (Ta, Ta +rasa) = Se (Genitive Singular) (Ta, Ta tam) - Sim (Genitive Plural) (iii) Eta (Mas. ,Neu.) Eta (Fem.) - (Eta, Eta +nasa) = Se (Genitive Singular) (iv) (Ea, Ea +nasa) = Se (Genitive Singular) (v) (Eta, Eta +am) - Sim (Genitive Plural) (vi) (Ea, Ea + am) - Sim (Genitive Plural) 80. Vaitado Nasestto Ttahe 3/82 Vaitado Nasestto Ttahe [(Va) +(Etadah - Etatah) +(Naseh) + (Tto)] Va - alternatively Etatah (Etat) 5/1 Naseh (Nasi) 6/1 Tto (Tto) 1/1 Ttahe (Ttahe) 1/1 Alternatively, after etat-- eta, there occur tto and ttahe in place of nasi. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 71 Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Alternatively, on having nasi after etat --eta (Masculine, Neuter Pronoun) and etat-eta (Feminine pronoun), there occur tto and ttahe in place of nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular). Eta (Mas., Neu.): (Eta + rasi) = (Eta + tto, ttahe) By applying sutra 3/83, the ta inherent in etadisapperas: (1) (i) Eta (Mas., Neu.): (Eta + nasi) = (Eta + tto, ttahe) = Etto, Ettahe (Ablative Singular) (ii) Eta (Fem.): (Eta - Ea + nasi) = (Ea + tto, ttahe): Eatto Eatto, Eattahe-Eattahe (Ablative Singular) 81. Tthe Ca Tasya Luk 3/83 Tthe (Ttha) 7/1 Ca = and Tasya (Ta) 6/1 Luk (Luk) 1/1 On having ttha, ttahe and tto suffixes (after eta), there occurs the disappearance of ta (inherent in eta). Alternatively on having ttha (suffix used in the inflection of Masculine and Neuter eta in Locative Singular) and tto, ttahe (suffixes used in the inflection of Masculine and Neuter eta in Ablative Singular) after Masculine and Neuter eta, there occurs the disappearance of ta (inherent in eta). (1) (i) Eta (Mas. Neu.): (Eta + tto, ttahe) = (E + tto, ttahe) = Etto, Ettahe (Ablative Singular) (ii)(Eta + ttha) = (E+ ttha) - Ettha (Locative Singular) 82. Eraditau Mmau Vu 3/84 Eraditau Mmau Va ((Eh) +(At) + (Itau)] Eh (E) 6/1 [(At) - (it) 1/2] Mmau (Mmi) 7/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, on having mmi (after etat) there occur ata, iti in place of e! 72 Advanced Prakyta Grammar Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Alternatively, on having mmi (suffix used in the inflection of Masculine and Neuter eta in Locative Singular) after etat -eta ea, there occur at -a, it -i in place of 'e'. (1) (i) Eta (Mas., Neu.): (Etatea + mmi) = (Ea+aa + mmi) = Aammi Ayammi (Locative Singular) (ii) Eta (Mas., Neu.): (Eta -ia + mmi) = (Ea -ia + mmi) - Iammi>Iyammi (Locative Singular) 83. Vaisenaminamo Sina 3/85 Vaisenaminamo Sina [(Va) +(Esa) + (lnam) + (Inamo)] Va = alternatively Esa (Esa) 1/1 Inam (Inam) 1/1 lnamo (Inamo) 1/1 Sina (Si) 3/1 Alternatively (etat >eta ea) alongwith si becomes esa, there is inam and inamo. Alternatively, when there is si (suffix of Nominative Singular) after Masculine and Neuter etateta ea, then ea alongwith si becomes esa, inam and inamo in Nominative Singular. (1) Eta (Mas. ,Neu.): (Etat -->Eta - Ea + si) = Esa, Inam, Inamo (Nominative Singular) 84. Tadasca Tasya SoSklibe 3/86 Tadasca Tasya SoSklibe [(Tadah Tatah) + (Ca)][(Sah) + (Aklibe)] Tatah (Tat) 5/1 Ca = and Tasya (Ta) 6/1 Sah (Sa) 1/1 Aklibe (Akliba) 7/1 On having si after Masculine and Feminine tat-ta, ta and (etateta , eta), there occurs sa in place of ta. On having si ( suffix of Nominative Singular) after Masculine and Feminine tatta, ta, etat->eta and eta there occurs sa in place of ta. Eta (Mas.): (Eta - Esa + si) Ta (Mas.): (Ta - Sa+si) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 73 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Eta (Fem.): (Eta - Esa + si) Ta (Fem.): (Ta - Sa + si) By applying Sutra 3/2, the following occur: (1) (i) Eta (Mas.): (Eta - Esa + si) = (Esa + o) = Eso (Nominative Singular) (ii) Ta (Mas.): (Ta - Sa + si) = (Sa + o) - So (Nominative Singular) By applying Sutra 4/448, the following occur: (1) (i) Eta (Fem.): (Eta -Esa+si) = Esa (Nominative Singular) (ii) Ta (Fem.): (Ta- Sa + si) = Sa (Nominative Singular) 85. Vadaso Dasya HoSnodam 3/87 Vadaso Dasya HoSnodam [(Va) +(Adasah) + (Dasya)] [(Hah) +(An) + (Ot) + (A) +(M)] Va - alternatively Adasah (Adas) 5/1 Dasya (Da) 6/1 Hah (Ha) 1/1 An = not Ot (Ot) 1/1 A(A) 1/1 M(M) 1/1 Alternatively, after adas - ada, there occurs ha in place of da. (In aha Masculine, Feminine and Neuter Nominative Case Singular there does not occuro, a, and m -suffix). On having si (suffix of Nominative Singular) after adas - ada, there occurs ha in place of da (inherent in ada) in Masculine, Feminine and Neuter Nominative Case Singular. The inflected aha is free from o (suffix of Nominative SingularinMasculine), a (suffix of Nominative Singular in Feminine) and -- (suffix of Nominative Singular in Neuter). (1) Adas (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Adas -Ada + si) = Aha (Nominative Singular) 74 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 86. Muh Syadau 3/88 Muh Syadau [(Si) +((Adau)] Muh (Mu) 1/1 [(Si) -((Adi) 7/1] On having si ,etc. (after ada), there occurs mu (in place of da). On having si, etc. (Nominative Singular etc.) after ada (Mas., Fem. Neu. Pronoun), there occurs mu in place of da in all cases Singular and Plural. ------------- By applying Sutra 3/19, the following occurs: (1) Ada (Mas.): (Ada - Amu + si) - Amu (Nominative Singular) By applying Sutra 3/25, the following occurs: (1) Ada (Neu.): (Ada - Amu + si) - Amum (Nominative Singular) By applying Sutra 3/19, the following occurs: (1) Ada (Fem.): (Ada - Amu + si) - Amu (Nominative Singular) 87. Mmavateau Vu 3/89 Mmavayeau Va [(Mmau) +(Aya) + (lau)] Mmau (Mmi) 7/1 [(Aya) - (la)] 1/2] Va - alternatively Alternatively, on having mmi (after ada) there occur aya and ia (in place of ada). Alternatively on having mmi (suffix of Locative Singular) in a-ending Masculine and Neuter, there occur in Masculine and Neuter aya and ia in place of ada. (1) Ada (Mas. , Neu.): (Ada Aya, la + mmi) = Ayammi, lammi (Locative Singular) 000 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 75 Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section - 5 Sutras for Knowing the declension - of Personal Pronouns: Amha and Tumha Sutras 3/ 90 to 3/117 76 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88. Yusmadastam Tum Tuvam Tuha Tumam Sina 3/90 Yusmadastam Tum Tuvam Tuha Tumam Sina [(Yusmadah) + (Tam)] Yusmadah (Yusmad) 5/1 Tam (Tam) 1/1 Tum (Tum) 1/1 Tuvam (Tuvam) 1/1 Tuha (Tuha) 1/1 Tumam (Tumam) 1/1 Sina (Si) 3/1 After yusmad + tumha, if there occurs si, then tumha alongwith si becomes ta, tum, tuvam, tuha and tumas. When there is si (suffix of Nominative Singular) after tumha, then tumha along with si becomes tan, tus, tuvam, tuha and tumam. Yusmad - Tumha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): ( Tumha +si) = Tam, Tum, Tuvam, Tuha, Tumam (Nominative Singular) Bhe Tubbhe Tujjha Tumha Tuyhe Uyhe Jasa 3/91 Bhe (Bhe) 1/1 Tubbhe (Tubbhe) 1/1 Tujjha (Tujjha) 1/1 Tumha (Tumha) 1/1 Tuyhe (Tuyhe) 1/1 Uyhe (Uyhe) 1/1 Jasa (Jas) 3/1 After yusmad - tumha, if there occurs jas, then tumha alongwith jas becomes bhe, tubbhe, tujjha, tumha, tuyhe, and uyhe. When there is jas (suffix of Nominative Plural) after tumha, then tumha alongwith jas becomes bhe,tubbhe, tujjha, tumha, tuyhe and uyhe. Yusmad - Tumha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): ( Tumha + jas) = Bhe, Tubbhe, Tujjha, Tumha, Tuyhe, Uyhe (Nominative Plural) 90., Tam Tum Tumam Tuvam Tuha Tume Tue Ama 3/92 Tam (Tam) 1/1 Tum (Tum) 1/1 Tumam (Tumam) 1/1 Tuvam (Tuvam) 1/1 Tuha(Tuha) 1/1 Tume (Tume) 1/1 Tue (Tue) 1/1 Ama (Am) 3/1 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 77 Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ After yusmad - tumha, if there occurs am, then tumha alongwith am becomes tan, tun, tumam,tuvar, tuha, tume, and tue. When there is am (suffix of Accusative Singular) after tumha, then tumha alongwith am becomes tam, tun, tumam, tuvar, tuha, tume and tue. Tumha (Mas., Neu. , Fem.); ( Tumha + am) = Tam, Tum, Tumam, Tuvam, Tuha, Tume, Tue (Accusative Singular) 91. Vo Tujjha Tubbhe Tuyhe Uyhe Bhe Sasa 3793 Vo (Vo) 1/1 Tujjha (Tujjha) 1/1 Tubbhe (Tubbhe) 1/1 Tuyhe (Tuyhe) 1/1 Vyhe (Uyhe) 1/1 Bhe (Bhe) 1/1 Sasa (sas) 3/1 After yusmad + tumha, if there occurs sas, then tumha alongwith sas becomes vo, tujjha, tubbhe, tuyhe, uyhe and bhe. When there is sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after tumha, then tumha along with sas becomes vo, tujjha, tubbhe,tuyhe, uyhe and bhe. Tumha (Mas., Neu. , Fem.): (Tumha +sas) = Vo, Tujjha, Tubbhe,Tuyhe, Vyhe, Bhe (Accusative Plural) 92. Bhe Di De Te Tai Tae Tumam Tumai Tumae Tume Tumai la 3/94 Bhe (Bhe) 1/1 Di (Di) 1/1 De (De) 1/1 Te (Te)1/1 Tai (Tai) 1/1 Tae (Tae) 1/1 Tumam (Tumam) 1/1 Tumai (Tumai) 1/1 Tumae (Tumae) 1/1 Tume (Tume) 1/1 Tumai (Tumai) 1/1 Ta (Ta) 3/1 After yusmad - tumha, if there occurs ta, then tumha along with ta becomes bhe, di, de, te, tai, tae,tumam, tumai, tumae, tume and tumai. When there is ta (Instrumental Singular) after tumha, then 78 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ tumha along with ta becomes bhe, di, de, te, tai, tae,tumam, tumai, tumae, tume and tumai. Tumha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Tumha + ta) - Bhe, Di, De, Te, Tai, Tae,Tumam, Tumai, Tumae, Tume, Tumai (Instrumental Singular) 93. Bhe Tubbhehim Ujjhehim Umhehim Tuyhehim Uyhehim Bhisa 3/95 Bhe (Bhe) 1/1 Tubbhehim (Tubbhehim) 1/1 Ujjhehim (Ujjhehim) 1/1 Umhehim (Umhehim) 1/1 Tuyhehim (Tuyhehim) 1/1 Uyhehim (Uyhehim) 1/1 Bhisa (Bhis) 3/1 After yusmad-- tumha, if there occurs bhis, then tumha alongwith bhis becomes bhe, tubbhehin, ujjhehis, umhehii, tuyhehim and uyhehin. When there is bhis (suffix of Instrumental Plural) after tumha, then tumha along with bhis becomes bhe, tubbhehim, ujjhehim, umhehim, tuyhehim and uyhehim. Tumha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Tumha +bhis) - Bhe, Tubbhehim, Ujjhehim, Umhehim, Tuyhehim, Uyhehim (Instrumental Plural) 94. Tai - Tuva - Tuma - Tuha - Tubbha Nasau 3/96 Tai - Tuva * Tuma - Tuha ((Tubbhah) +(Nasau)] [(Tai) - (Tuva) - (Tuma) - (Tuha) - (Tubbha) 1/3] Nasau (Nasi) 7/1 On having nasi after tumha, there occur tai, tuva, tuma, tuha and tubbha in place of tumha. On having nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular) after tumha' there occur tai, tuva, tuma, tuha and tubbha in place of tumha. 1. Refer to Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/96 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 79 Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tumha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Tumha +nasi) = (Tai, Tuva, Tuma, Tuha, Tubbha + nasi) By applying Sutra 3/8 and 3/12, the following occur: (Tai +tto, o, u, hinto) Taitto, Taio, (In i-ending 'zero', hi are negated) Taiu, Taihinto, (Tuva +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero) - Tuvatto, Tuvao, Tuvau, Tuvahi, Tuvahinto, Tuva (Tuma +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero) - Tumatto, Tumao, Tumau, Tumahi, Tumahinto, Tuma (Tuha+tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero) = Tuhatto, Tuhao, Tuhau, Tuhahi, Tuhahinto, Tuha (Tubbha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero) - Tubbhatto, Tubbhao, Tubbhau, Tubbhahi, Tubbhahinto, Tubbha (Ablative Singular) 95. Tuyha Tubbha Tahinto Nasina 3/97 Tuyha (Tuyha) 1/1 Tubbha (Tubbha) 1/1 Tahinto (Tahinto)1/1 Nasina (Nasi) 3/1 Yusmad tumha, along with nasi becomes tuyha, tubbha and tahinto. When there is nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular) after tumha, then tumha along with nasi becomes tuyha, tubbha and tahinto. Tumha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Tumha+nasi) - Tuyha, Tubbha, Tahinto (Ablative Singular) 96. Tubbha - Tuyhoyhomha Bhyasi 3/98 Tubbha - Tuyhoyhomha Bhyasi [(Tuyha) +(Uyha) + (Umhah) + (Bhyasi)] [(Tubbha) - (Tuyha) - (Uyha) - (Umha) 1/3]Bhyasi (Bhyas) 7/1 On having bhyas (after tumha) there occur tubbha, tuyha, uyha and umha (in place of tumha). 80 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ On having bhyas (suffix of Ablative Plural) after tumha, there occur tubbha, tuyha, uyha and umha in place of tumha. Tumha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Tumha + bhyas) = (Tubbha, Tuyha, Uyha, Umha + bhyas) --------------------- -- - - -- ----- - - By applying Sutra 3/9, 3/12, 3/13 and 3/15, the following occur: (Tubbha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, sunto) - Tubbhatto, Tubbhao, Tubbhau, Tubbhahi, Tubbhahinto, Tubbhasunto, Tubbhehi etc. (Tuyha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, sunto) - Tuyhatto, Tuyhao, Tuyhau, Tuyhahi, Tuyhahinto, Tuyhasunto. Tuyhehi etc. (Uyha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, sunto) = Uyhatto, Vyhao, Uyhau, Uyhahi, Vyhahinto, Uyhasunto, Uyhehi etc. (Umha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, sunto) - Umhatto, Umhao, Umhau, Umhahi, Umhahinto, Umhasunto, Umhehi etc. (Ablative Plural) 97. Tai-Tu-Te-Tumham-Tuha- Tuham-Tuva-Tuma. Tume. Tumo- Tumai-Di-De-I-E Tubbhobbhoyha Nasa 3/99 Tubbhobbhoyha Nasa ((Tubbha) +(Ubbha) + (Uyhah) + (Nasa) ] [(Tai)-(Tu)-(Te)-(Tumham)-(Tuha). (Tuham)-(Tuva). (Tuma)- (Tume). (Tumo)-(Tumai) - (Di)- (De)-(1)-(E). (Tubbha)-(Ubbha)-(Uyha) 1/3] Nasa (Nas) 3/1 Yusmad +tumha, along with nas becomes tai, tu, te, tumhas, tuha, tuhas, tuva, tuma, tume, tumo, tumai, di, de, i, e, tubbha, ubbha and uyha. When there is nas (suffix of Genitive Singular) after tumha, then tumha along with nas becomes tai, tu,te, tumham, tuha, Advanced Prakta Grammar 81 Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98. 99. 82 tuham, tuva, tuma, tume, tumo, tumai, di, de, i, e, tubbha, ubbha and uyha. Tumha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Tumha +nas) = Tai, Tu, Te, Tumham, Tuha, Tuham, Tuva, Tuma, Tume, Tumo, Tumai, Di, De, I, E, Tubbha, Ubbha, Uyha (Genitive Singular) Tu Vo Bhe Tubbha Tubbham Tubbhana Tuvana Tumana Tuhana Umhana Ama 3/100 Tu (Tu) 1/1 Vo (Vo) 1/1 Bhe (Bhe) 1/1 Tubbha (Tubbha) 1/1 Tubbham (Tubbham) 1/1 Tubbhana (Tubbhana) 1/1 Tuvana (Tuvana) 1/1 Tumana (Tumana) 1/1 Tuhana (Tuhana) 1/1 Umhana (Umhana) 1/1 Ama (Am) 3/1 Yusmad-tumha, along with am becomes tu, vo, bhe, tubbha, tubbham, tubbhana, tuvana, tumana, tuhana and umhana. When there is am (suffix of Genitive Plural) after tumha, then tumha alongwith am becomes tu,vo,bhe,tubbha, tubbham, tubbhana, tuvana, tumana, tuhana and umhana. Tumha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Tumha +am) Tu, Vo, Bhe, Tubbha, Tubbham, Tubbhana, Tuvana, Tumana, Tuhana, Umhana, (Genitive Plural) Tume Tumae Tumai Tai Tae Nina 3/101 Tume (Tume) 1/1 Tumae (Tumae) 1/1 Tumai (Tumai) 1/1 Tai (Tai) 1/1 Tae (Tae) 1/1 Nina (Ni) 3/1 Yusmad- tumha, along with ni becomes tume, tumae, tumai, tai and tae. When there is ni (suffix of Locative Singular) after tumha, then tumha alongwith ni becomes tume, tumae, tumai, tai and tae. Tumha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Tumha +ni) = Tume, Tumae, Tumai, Tai, Tae (Locative Singular) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100. Tu-Tuva-Tuma-Tuha-Tubbha Nau 3/102 Tubbha Nau [(Tubbhah) + (Nau) ] [(Tu)-(Tuva)-(Tuma)-(Tuha)-(Tubbha)- 1/3] Nau (Ni) 7/1 On having ni after tumha, there occur tu,tuva, tuma, tuha, and tubbha in place of tumha. On having ni (suffix of Locative Singular) after tumha, there occur tu, tuva, tuma, tuha and tubbha in place of tumha. Tumha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Tumha +ni) = (Tu, Tuva, Tuma, Tuha, Tubbha + ni) By applying Sutra 3/59, the following occur: (Tu+mmi) = Tummi (Tuva +mmi, ssim, ttha) = Tuvammi, Tuvassim, Tuvattha (Tuma +mmi, ssim, ttha) = Tumammi, Tumassim, Tumattha (Tuha +mmi, ssim, ttha) = Tuhammi, Tuhassim, Tuhattha (Tubbha +mmi, ssim, ttha) = Tubbhammi, Tubbhassim, Tubbhattha (Locative Singular) 101. Supi 3/103 Supi (Sup) 7/1 On having sup-su after tumha, there occur tu, tuva, tuma, tuha and tubbha in place of tumha. On having sup-su (suffix of Locative Plural) after tumha, there occur tu, tuva, tuma, tuha and tubbha in place of tumha. By applying Sutra 3/15, the following occur: Tumha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Tumha +su) (Tu, Tuva, Tuma, Tuha, Tubbha+ su) Tusu, Tuvesu, Tumesu, Tuhesu, Tubbhesu (Locative Plural) Advanced Prakrta Grammar = 83 Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102. Bbho Mha - Jjhau Va 3/104 Bbho Mha * Jjhau Va [Bbhah) +(Mha)] Bbhah (Bbha) 1/1 [(Mha) - (Jjha)1/2] Va - alternatively Alternatively, on having tubbha linflection of tumha) there occur mha and jjha in place of bbha inherent in tubbha. Alternatively, on having tubbha (inflection of tumha) there occur (in Dative, Ablative, Genitive and Locative Singular and Plural cases) mha and jjha in place of bbha inherent in tubbha. Tumha (Mas. , Neu., Fem.): Tubbha + tumha, tujjha Inflection of Dative Singular: Tumha, Tujjha etc. Inflection of Dative Plural: Tumhana, Tujjhana. Inflection of Ablative Singular : Tumhatto, Tujjhatto etc. Inflection of Ablative Plural : Tumhatto, Tujjhatto etc. Inflection of Genitive Singular: Tumha, Tujjha etc. Inflection of Genitive Plural: Tumhana, Tujjhana. Inflection of Locative Singular: Tumhammi, Tujjhammi etc. Inflection of Locative Plural: Tumhesu, Tujjhesu. 103. Asmadommi Ammi Amhi Ham Aham Ahayam Sina 3/105 Asmadommi Ammi Amhi Ham Aham Ahayam Sina [(Asmadah) + (Mmi) Asmadah (Asmad) 5/1 Mmi (Mmi) 1/1 Ammi (Ammi) 1/1 Amhi (Amhi) 1/1 Ham (Ham) 1/1 Aham (Aham) 1/1 Ahayam (Ahayam) 1/1 Sina (Si) 3/1 After asmad+amha, if there is si,then amha alongwith si becomes mmi, ammi, amhi, ham, aham and ahayam. When there is si (suffix of Locative Plural) Nominative Singular) after amha, then amha alongwith si becomes mmi, ammi, amhi, ham, aham and ahayam. 84 Advanced Prakyta Grammar Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Amha (Mas., Neu. , Fem.): (Amha+si) = Mmi, Ammi, Amhi, Ham, Aham, Ahayam (Nominative Singular) 104. Amha Amhe Amho Mo Vayam Bhe Jasa 3/106 Amha (Amha) 1/1 Amhe (Amhe) 1/1 Amho (Amho) 1/1 Mo(Mo) 1/1 Vayam (Vayam) 1/1 Bhe (Bhe) 1/1 Jasa (Jas) 3/1 After asmad-amha, if there is jas, then amha alongwith jas becomes amha, amhe, amho, mo, vayas and bhe. When there is jas (suffix of Nominative Plural) after amha, then amha alongwith jas becomes amha, amhe, amho, mo, vayam and bhe. Amha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): ( Amha +jas) = Amha, Amhe, Amho, Mo, Vayam, Bhe (Nominative Plural) 105. Ne Nam Mi Ammi Amha Mamha Mam Mamam Mimam Aham Ama 3/107 Ne (Ne) 1/1 Nam (Nam) 1/1 Mi (Mi) 1/1 Ammi (Ammi) 1/1 Amha (Amha) 1/1 Mamha (Mamha) 1/1 Mam (Mam) 1/1 Mamam (Mamam) 1/1 Mimam (Mimam) 1/1 Aham (Aham) 1/1 Ama (Am) 3/1 After asmad-amha, if there is am, then amha alongwith am becomes ne, nam, mi, ammi, amha, mamha, mam, maman, mimam and aham. When there is am (Accusative Singular) after amha, then amha alongwith am becomes ne, nam, mi, ammi, amha, mamha, mam, mamam, mimam and ahan. Amha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): ( Amha + am) - Ne, Nam, Mi, Ammi, Amha, Mamha, Mam, Mamam, Mimam, Aham (Accusative Singular) Advanced Prakta Grammar 85 Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106. Amhe Amho Amha Ne Sasa 3/108 Amhe (Amhe) 1/1 Amho (Amho) 1/1 Amha (Amha) 1/1 Ne (Ne) 1/1 Sasa (sas) 3/1 After asmad-amha, if there is sas, then amha alongwith sas becomes amhe, amho, amha and ne. When there is sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after amha, then amha alongwith sas becomes amhe, amho,amha and ne. Amha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Amha +sas) - Amhe, Amho, Amha, Ne (Accusative Plural) 107. Mi Me Mamam Mamae Mamai Mai Mae Mayai Ne Ta 3/109 Mi (Mi) 1/1 Me (Me) 1/1 Mamam (Mamam) 1/1 Mamae (Mamae) 1/1 Mamai (Mamai)1/1 Mai (Mai) 1/1 Mae (Mae) 1/1 Mayai (Mayai) 1/1 Ne (Ne) 1/1 Ta (Ta) 3/1 After asmad-amha if there is ta, then amha alongwith ta becomes mi, me, mamam, mamae, mamai, mai, mae, mayai, and ne. When there is ta (suffix of Instrumental Singular) after amha, then amha alongwith ta becomes mi, me, mamam, mamae, mamai, mai, mae, mayai and ne. Amha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Amha +ta) - Mi, Me, Mamam, Mamae, Mamai, Mai, Mae, Mayai, Ne (Instrumental Singular) 108. Amhehi Amhahi Amha Amhe Ne Bhisa 3/110 Amhehi (Amhehi) 1/1 Amhahi (Amhahi ) 1/1 Amha (Amha) 1/1 Amhe (Amhe) 1/1 Ne (Ne) 1/1 Bhisa (Bhis) 3/1 After asmad-amha, if there is bhis, then amha alongwith bhis becomes amhehi, amhahi, amha, amhe and ne. 86 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ When there is bhis (suffix of Instrumental Plural) after amha, then amha alongwith bhis becomes amhehi, amhahi,amha, amhe, ne. Amha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Amha +bhis) = Amhehi, Amhahi, Amha, Amhe, Ne (Instrumental Plural) 109. Mai - Mama - Maha - Majjhanasau Mai - Mama - Maha - Majjhanasau [(Majjhah) +(Nasau)] [(Mai) - (Mama) - (Maha) - (Majjha) 1/3] Nasau (Nasi) 7/1 On having nasi after amha, there occur mai, mama, maha, and majjha in place of amha. On having nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular) after amha1 there occur mai, mama, maha and majjha in place of amha. Amha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Amha +nasi) = (Mai, Mama, Maha, Majjha + nasi) By applying Sutra 3/8 and 3/12, the following occur: (Mai +tto, o, u, hinto) Maitto, Maio, (In i-ending 'zero', hi disappear) Maiu, Maihinto, (Ablative Singular) (Mama +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero) = Mamatto, Mamao, Mamau, Mamahi, Mamahinto, Mama (Ablative Singular) (Maha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero) = Mahatto, Mahao, Mahau, Mahahi, Mahahinto, Maha (Ablative Singular) 1. Refer to Hemacandra Commentary Sutra 3/111. (Majjha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, zero) Majjhatto, Majjhao, Majjhau, Majjhahi, Majjhahinto, Majjha (Ablative Singular) 110. Mamamhau Bhyasi 3/111 Mamamhau Bhyasi [(Mama) + (Amhau)] Advanced Prakrta Grammar 3/112 87 Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [(Mama) - (Amha) 1/2] Bhyasi (Bhyas) 7/1 On having bhyas after amha, there occur mama and amha in place of amha. On having bhyas (suffix of Ablative Plural) after amha there occur mama, amha in place of amha. Amha (Mas. , Neu., Fem.): (Amha + bhyas) = (Mama, Amha +bhyas) -- ------ ---- --- -------- By applying Sutra 3/9, 3/12,3/13, 3/15, the following occur: (Mama +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, sunto): Mamatto, Mamao, Mamau, Mamahi, Mamahinto, Mamasunto etc. (Ablative Plural) (Amha +tto, o, u, hi, hinto, sunto) - Amhatto, Amhao, Amhau, Amhahi, Amhahinto, Amhasunto (Ablative Plural) 111. Me Mai Mama Maha Maham Majjha Majjham Amha Amham Nasa 3/113 Me (Me) 1/1 Mai ( (Mai) 1/1Mama (Mama) 1/1 Maha (Maha) 1/1 Maham (Maham)1/1 Majjha (Majjha) 1/1 Majjham (Majjham)1/1Amha (Amha) 1/1 Amham (Amham) 1/1 Nasa (Nas) 3/1 After asmad amha, if there is nas, then amha alongwith nas becomes me, mai, mama, maha, mahan, majjha, majjham, amha and amham. When there is nas (suffix of Genitive Singular) after amha, then amha alongwith nas becomes me, mai, mama, maha, maham, majjha, majjham, amha and amham. Amha (Mas. , Neu., Fem.): (Amha +nas) = Me, Mai, Mama, Maha, Maham, Majjha, Majjham, Amha, Amham (Genitive Singular) 88 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112. Ne No Majjha Amha Amham Amhe Amho Amhana Mamana Mahana Majjhana Ama 3/114 Ne (Ne) 1/1 No (No) 1/1 Majjha (Majjha) 1/1 Amha (Amha) 1/1 Amham (Amham) 1/1 Amhe (Amhe) 1/1 Amho (Amho) 1/1 Amhana (Amhana) 1/1 Mamana (Mamana) 1/1 Mahana (Mahana) 1/1 Majjhana (Majjhana) 1/1 Ama (Am) 3/1 After asmad- amha, if there is am,then amha alongwith am becomes ne, no, majjha, amha, amham, amhe, amho, amhana, mamana, mahana and majjhana. When there is am (suffix of Genitive Plural) after amha, then amha alongwith am becomes ne, no, majjha, amha, amham, amhe, amho, amhana, mamana, mahana and majjhana. Amha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Amha +am) Ne, No, Majjha, Amha, Amham, Amhe, Amho, Amhana,Mamana, Mahana, Majjhana, (Genitive Plural) 113. Mi Mai Mamai Mae Me Nina 3/115 Mi (Mi) 1/1 Mai (Mai) 1/1 Mamai (Mamai) 1/1 Mae (Mae) 1/1 Me (Me) 1/1 Nina (Ni) 3/1 After asmad- amha, if there is ni, then amha alongwith ni becomes mi, mai, mamai, mae and me. = When there is ni (suffix of Locative Singular) aftetr Amha, then amha alongwith ni becomes mi, mai, mamai, mae and me. Amha (Mas., Neu., Fem.): (Amha +ni) = Mi, Mai, Mamai, Mae, Me (Locative Singular) 114. Amha-Mama-Maha-Majjhanau 3/116 Amha-Mama-Maha-Majjhanau [(Majjhah) + (Nau)] [(Amha)- (Mama)-(Maha)-(Majjha) 1/3] Nau (Ni) 7 / 1 On having ni after amha, there occur amha, mama, maha, and majjha in place of amha. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 89 Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ On having ni (suffix of Locative Singular) after amha, there occur amha, mama, maha and majjha in place of amha. Amha (Mas., Neu. ,Fem.): (Amha+ni) = (Amha, Mama, Maha, Majjha+ni) -------------------------- By applying Sutra 3/59, the following occur: * (Amha +mmi, ssim, ttha) - Amhammi, Amhassim, Amhattha (Mama +mmi, ssim, ttha) - Mamammi, Mamassim, Mamattha (Maha +mmi, ssim, ttha) = Mahammi, Mahassim, Mahattha (Majjha +mmi, ssim, ttha) - Majjhammi, Majjhassim, Majjhattha ( Locative Singular) 115. Supi 3/117 Supi (Sup) 7/1 On having sup+su after amha, there occur amha, mama, maha and majjha in place of amha. On having sup+su (suffix of Locative Plural) after amha, there occur amha, mama, maha, majjha in place of amha. Amha (Mas. , Neu. , Fem.): (Amha, Mama, Maha, Majjha + su) ----------- By applying Sutra 3/15, the following occur: (Amha+su) - Amhesu (Locative Plural) (Mama+su) -Mamesu (Locative Plural) (Maha+su) - Mahesu (Locative Plural) (Majjha +su) - Majjhesu (Locative Plural) 90 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section - 6 Sutras for knowing Declension of Numerals: Cardinal Numerals Do (Two), Ti (Three), Cau (Four), Panca (Five) Sutras 3/ 118 to 123 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 91 Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116. Tresti Totiyadau 3/118 Tresti Tstiyadau [(Treh) + (Ti) ] [(Tytiya) + (Adau)] Treh (Tri) 6/1 Ti (Ti) 1/1 [(Tytiya) + (Adi) 7/1] On having Instrumental Cases, etc. Plural Number, there occurs ti in place of tri. On having Instrumental, Dative, Ablative, Genitive, Locative Cases Plural Number after toi, there occurs ti in place of tri. ---------------------------------------------- By applying Sutra 3/124 and 3/7, the following occur: (1) Tri Ti (Mas.): (Tri Ti+bhis) - Tihi, Tihim, Tihin (Instrumental Plural) By applying Sutra 3/1 24 and 3/9, the following occur: (2) (Ti +bhyas) = Titto, Tio, Tiu, Tihinto, Tisunto (Ablative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/123, the following occurs: (3) (Ti +bhyas, am) = Tinha (Dative, Genitive Plural) By applying Sutra 4/448 and 1/27, the following occurs: (4) (Ti +sup) - Tisu (Locative Plural) 117. Dverdo Ve 3/119 Dverdo Ve [(Dveh) + (Do)] Dveh (Dvi) 6/1 Do (Do) 1/1 Velve) 1/1 Do and Ve occur in place of Dvi. On having Instrumental, Ablative, Genitive and Locative Cases Plural Number after dvi , there occur do and ve in place of dvi. ------- ----------------- By applying Sutra 3/124 and 3/7, the following occur. (1) Dvi - Do, Ve (Do, Ve +bhis) - Dohi, Dohim, Dohin, Vehi, Vehim, Vehin (Instrumental Plural) By applying Sutra 3/1 24 and 3/9, the following occur. (2)(Do, Ve+bhyas) - Dutto, Doo, Dou, Dohinto, Dosunto, 92 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vitto, Veo, Veu, Vehinto, Vesunto (Ablative Plural) By applying Sutra 3/123 and 1/27, the following occur. (3) (Do, Ve + am) - Donha, Venha, Donham, Venham (Genitive Plural) By applying Sutra 4/448 and 1/27, the following occur. (4) (Do, Ve +su) = Dosu, Vesu, Dosum, Vesum (Locative Plural) 118. Duve Donni Venni Ca Jas-Sasa 3/120 Duve (Duve) 1/1 Donni (Donni) 1/1 Venni (Venni) 1/1 Ca = And [(Jas)-(Sas) 3/11 Do and ve alongwith jas and sas become duve, donni, venni and in addition to these do and ve also occur. When there is jas (suffix of Nominative Plural) sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after do and ve, and alongwith jas and sas they become duve, donni, venni. In addition, do and ve also occur. = Dvi Do, Ve (Do and ve+jas) = Duve, Donni, Venni, Do, Ve, Dunni, Vinni (Nominative Plural) (Do and ve +sas) - Duve, Donni, Venni, Do, Ve, Dunni, Vinni (Accusative Plural) Refer: (Hemacandra's Commentary also indicates Dunni, Vinni) 119. Trestinnih 3/121 Trestinnih [(Treh) + (Tinni)] Treh (Tri) 5/1 Tinnih (Tinnih) 1/1 After tri- ti, if there are jas and sas, then ti alongwith jas and sas becomes tinni. When there are jas (suffix of Nominative Plural) and sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after tri- ti, then ti alongwith jas and sas becomes tinni. Tri - (Tri- Ti +jas) = Tinni Tri (Tri- Ti +sas) = Tinni Advanced Prakrta Grammar (Nominative Plural) (Accusative Plural) 93 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120. Caturascattaro Cauro Cattari 3/122 Caturascattaro Cauro Cattari [(Caturah) + (Cattaro)] Caturah (Catur) 5/1 Cattaro (Cattaro) 1/1 Cauro (Cauro) 1/1 Cattari (Catari) 1/1 After catur cau, if there are jas and sas, then cau alongwith jas and sas becomes cattaro, cauro, cattari. When there is jas (suffix of Nominative Plural) sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after catur --cau, then cau alongwith jas and sas becomes cattaro, cauro, cattari. Catur-(Catur Cau +jas) Cattaro, Cauro,Cattari (Nominative Plural) 94 (Catur Cau +sas) = Cattaro, Cauro, Cattari 121. Samkhyayamonha Nham 3/123 Samkhyayamonha Nham [(Samkhyayah) + (Amah) + (Accusative Plural) (Nha)] Samkhyayah (Samkhya) 5/1 Amah (Am) 6/1 Nha (Nha) 1 / 1 Nham (Nham) 1/1 After Numerals there occur, nha and pham in place of am. On having am (suffix of Genitive Plural) after Numerals up to eighteen there occur, nha and pham in place of am. (Do, Ve +am) = Donha, Donham, Dunha, Dunham, Venha, Venham (Genitive Plural) (Genitive Plural) (Ti +am) = Tinha, Tinham (Catur --Cau +am) Caunha, Caunham (Genitive Plural) In the Same way: = Pancanha, Pancanham, Channha, Chanham, Sattanha, Sattanham, Atthanha, Atthanham, Navanha, Navanham, Dahanha, Dahanham, Dasanha, Dasanham, Eyarahanha, Eyarahanham, Barahanha, Barahanham, Terahanha, Terahanham, Cauddanha, Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Cauddanham, Pannarahanha, Pannarahanham, Solahanha, Solahanham, Sattarahanha, Sattarahanham, Attharahanha, Attharahanham Refer: According to Hemacandra's Commentary in Sutra 3/123, this rule applies for numerals up to eighteen. For numerals nineteen and onwords, refer to P.196 of this book. 000 Advanced Praksta Grammar 95 Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96 Section - 7 Cases and their interchangeability Sutras 3/ 130 to 137 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122. Dvivacanasya Bahuvacanam 3/130 Dvivacanasya (Dvivacana) 6/1 Bahuvacanam (Bahuvacana) 1/1 There is Plural Number in place of Dual Number. There is no Dual Number. There is only Singular and Plural Number. 123. Caturthyah Sasthi 3/131 Caturthyah (Caturthi) 6/1 Sasthi (Sasthi) 1/1 There is Genitive case in place of Dative case. Only one kind of suffix is used for Genitive and Dative Cases. For example, Namo Devassa - Salution to the god. Munina Dei - Gives for the muni's. Tadarthya - Nerva 3/132 Tadarthya Nerva [(Tadarthya) - (Neh) +(Va)] [(Tadarthya) - (Ne) 6/1] Va = alternatively Alternatively, the meaning 'for' laya) occurs in place of ne. Alternatively the meaning 'for' (aya) occurs in place of ne (suffix of Dative Singular). ----------------------------- By applying Sutra 4/448, the following occurs. Deva (Mas.): (Deva +ne) = Devaya (Dative Singular) 12 5. Vadhiddaisca Vu 3/133 Vadhaddaisca Va [(Vadhat) - (Daih) +(Ca)] Va - Vadhat (Vadha) 5/1 Daih (Dai) 1/1 Ca - and Va : alternatively Alternatively, after vadha, there occur dai -ai and aya in place of ne. Advanced Praksta Grammar 97 Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Alternatively, on having ne after vadha, there occur dai-i and aya in place of ne (suffix of Dative Singular). (Vadha Vaha +ne) - Vahai, Vahaya (Dative Singular) 126. Kvacid Dvitiyadeh 3/134 Kvacid Dvitiyadeh ((Kvacit) + (Dvitiya) +(Adeh)] Kvacit Sometimes [(Dvitiya) +(Adi) 6/1] Sometimes the Genitive case occurs in place of the Accusative case, etc. Sometimes the Genitive case occurs in place of the Accusative, Instrumental, Ablative and Locative cases. Refer: Hemacandra's Commentry Sutra 3/134 Aham Simandharassa (6/1) Vandami - I salute (Simandhara) 2/1. (Accusative + Genitive) Dhanassa (6/1) So Laddho = He was obtained (by wealth) 3/1. (Instrumental Genitive) So Corassa (6/1) Bihai = He is (afraid of) the thief 5/1. (Ablative Genitive) Tasa Pitthie (6/1) Kesa Bharo - He has hair-load (on the back) 7/1. Locative -Genitive) 1 27. Dvitiya- Tstiyayoh Saptami 3/135 Dvitiya - Tstiyayoh Saptami [(Dvitiya)- (Tstiya)6/2)] Saptami (Saptami) 1/1 Sometimes the locative case occurs in place of Accusative and Instrumental cases. Sometimes, the LocativeCase is used in place of the Accusative and Instrumental Cases. Aham Nayare (7/1) Na Jami = I do not go to city. (2/1) (Accusative - Locative) Tesu Tisu (7/2) Puhai Alankia - The earth has been decorated by those three (3/2) (Instrumental - Locative) 98 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * 128. Pancamyastatiya Ca 3/136 Pancamyastrtiya Ca [(Pancamyah)+(Tytiya))] Pancamyah (Pancami) 6/1 Tstiya (Titiya) 1/1 Ca = and Sometimes, the Instrumental and the locative cases occur in place of the Ablative case. Sometimes, the Instrumental and the Locative cases are used in place of the Ablative case. So Corena (3/1) Bihai - He is afraid of the thief (5/1). (Ablative Instrumental) Anteure (7/1) Ramium Raya Agao = Having enjoyed, the king has come from palace. (Women's quarters) (Ablative - Locative) 129. Saptamya Dvitiya 3/137 Saptamya Dvitiya [(Saptamyah) +(Dvitiya)] Saptamyah (Saptami) 6/1 Dvitiya (Dvitiya) 1/1 Sometimes, the Accusative case occurs in place of the Locative case. Sometimes, the Accusative case is used in place of the Locative case. So Rattim (2/1) Vijjupayasam Sumarai - He remembers the electric light at night (7/1). (Locative - Accusative) Tenas Kalenam (3/1) Tenam Samaenam (3/1) - At that time (and) on that occasion. (Locative Instrumental) Cauvisam Pi Jinavara (2/1) = Also twenty four Tirthankaras. (1/1) (Nominative -> Accusative) 000 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 99 Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 Section - 8 Sutras for the Negation of certain Suffixes 3/ 125 to 129 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130. Na Dirgho No 3/125 Na Dirgho No [(Dirghah) + (No)] Na - not Dirghah (Dirgha) 1/1 No (No) 1/1 If there is no, a long vowel does not take place. If there are jas (suffix of Nominative Plural) and sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after i-ending and u-ending words, the ending vowels i and u do not become long. Similar to this, if there is nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular) the ending short vowel does not become long. (Hari + jas, sas) - Harino (Nominative, Accusative Plural) (Hari +nasi) = Harino (Ablative Singular) (Sahu + jas, sas) - Sahuno (Nominative, Accusative Plural) (Sahu +nasi) = Sahuno (Ablative Singular) Refer: Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/125 131. Naserluk 3/126 Naserluk [(Naseh) + (luk] Naseh (Nasi) 5/1 Luk (Luk) 1/1 After nasi, there does not occur zero suffix. After nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular), a - ending, i - ending and u-ending Masculine and Feminine words, there does not occur zero suffix. (Kaha +nasi) = Kaha does not occur. (Mai, Lacchi + nasi) - Mai, Lacchi do not occur. (Dhenu, Bahu + nasi) - Dhenu, Bahu do not occur. (Hari , Gamani+ nasi) = Hari, Gamani do not occur. (Sahu, Sayambhu +nasi) - Sahu, Sayambhu do not occur. (Ablative Singular) 132. Bhyasasca Hih 3/127 Bhyasasca Hih [(Bhyasah) + (Ca] Bhyasah (Bhyas) 5/1 Ca = and Hih (Hi) 1/1 Advanced Praksta Grammar 101 Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ After bhyas and (nasi), there does not occur hi. On having nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular) and bhyas (suffix of Ablative Plural) after a - ending, i - ending and u-ending Mas. and Fem. words, there does not occur hi. (Kaha +nasi, bhyas ) - Kahahi does not occur. Primo (Mai, Lacchi + nasi, bhyas) = Maihi , Lacchihi do not occur. (Dhenu, Bahu + nasi, bhyas )= Dhenuhi, Bahuhi do not occur. (Hari , Gamani+ nasi, bhyas) - Harihi, Gamanihi do not occur. (Sahu, Sayambhu +nasi, bhyas) - Sahuhi, Sayambhuhi do not occur. (Ablative Singular, Plural) 133 Nerdeh 3/128 Nerdeh [(Neh) + (Deh)] Neh (Ni) 5/1 Deh (De) 1/1 Afterni, de e does not occur. On having ni (suffix of Locative Singular) after a - ending, i - ending and u- ending Masculine and Feminine words, there does not occur de - e. (Kaha +ni) = Kahe does not occur. (Mai, Lacchi + ni) - Maie, Lacchie do not occur. (Dhenu, Bahu + ii) = Dhenue, Bahue do not occur. (Hari , Gamani+ ni) - Harie, Gamanie do not occur. (Sahu, Sayambhu +ni) - Sahue, Sayambhue do not occur. (Locative Singular) 134. Et 3/129 Et (Et) 1/1 Et - e does not occur. On having sas (suffix of Accusative Plural), ta (Suffix of Instrumental Singular), bhis (suffix of Instrumental Plural), 102 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bhyas (suffix of Ablative Plural) and sup (suffix of Locative Plural) after a - ending, i - ending and u-ending Masculine and Feminine words, there does not occur de + ein place of ending a, i, i, u, u. (Kaha +sas, ta, bhis, bhyas, sup) -e does not occur in place of a. (Mai, Lacchi + sas, ta, bhis, bhyas, sup) ='e' does not occur in place of i, i. (Hari, Gamani + sas, ta, bhis, bhyas, sup) = e does not occur in place of i, i. (Sahu, Sayambhu + sas, ta, bhis, bhyas, sup) : e does not occur in place of u,u. Refer: Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/129 000 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 103 Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section - 9 Miscellaneous Sutras 3/ 1, 3/124 1/27,1/84, 4/448 104 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 3 5. Vipsyat Svadervipste Svare Mo Vu 3/1 Vipsuat Svadervipste Svare Mo Vu [(Si)+(Adeh) + (Vipsye)] Svare [(Mah)+(Va)] Vipsyat (Vipsya) 5/1 [(Si) - (Adi) 6/1] Vipsye (Vipsya) 7/1 Svare (Svara) 7/1 Mah (M) 1/3 Va - alternatively Alternatively, on having vowel in the beginning of repetitive words and after repetitive words, moccurs in place of si etc. land if 'm'does not occur, then the suffix of the first inflected word disappears. On having vowel in the beginning of repetitive words, m occurs in place of si etc.after the first repetitive word and alternatively if 'm' does not occur, then the suffix of the first repetitive word disappears. 1 (i) Ekko Ekko - Ekkamekko (Example of Nominative Singular) (ii) Ekkena Ekkena - Ekkamekkena (Example of Instrumental Singular) (iii) Angammi Angammi = Angamangammi (Example of Locative Singular) Alternatively: 2 (i) Ekko Ekko - Ekkekko (Example of Nominative Singular) (ii) Ekkena Ekkena - Ekkekkena (Example of Instrumental Singular) (iii) Angammi Angammi = Angangammi (Example of Locative Singular) 136. Sese Sdantavat 3/124 SeseSdantavat((sese) + (Adantavat)] Sese (Sesa) 7/1 Adantavat - Similar to adanta In remaining words, the declension is similar to a-ending words. Advanced Praksta Grammar 105 Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In the previous sutras the declension of some a - ending, i - ending, u - ending etc. words, has not been indicated. In such cases the suffixes of a-ending words will be used. The following are the words and their declension. (1) Jas(Nominative Plural): Hari, Gamani, Sahu, Sayambhu, Kaha, Mai, Lacchi, Dhenu, Bahu (2) Am (Accusative Singular): Harim, Gamanis, Sahum, Sayambhum, Varim, Mahum, Kaham, Maim, Lacchim, Dhenum, Bahum (3) Sas (Accusative Plural): Kaha (4) Bhis (Instrumental Plural): Harihi , Harihim, Harihi Gamanihi , Gamanihim, Gamanihin Sahuhi, Sahuhin, Sahuhim Sayambhuhi, Sayambhuhim, Sayambhuhin Varihi, Varihim,Varihin Mahuhi , Mahuhim, Mahuhin Kahahi , Kahahim, Kahahis Maihi , Maihim, Maihin Lacchihi , Lacchihim , Lacchihin Dhenuhi, Dhenuhim , Dhenuhin Bahuhi , Bahuhim , Bahuhin (5) Nasi (Ablative Singular): Haritto - Haritto, Hario, Hariu, Harihinto Gamanitto, Gamanio, Gamaniu, Gamanihinto Sahutto, Sahuo, Sahuu, Sahuhinto Sayambhutto, Sayambhuo, Sayambhuu, Sayambhuhinto 106 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Varitto, Vario, Variu, Varihinto Mahutto, Mahuo, Mahuu, Mahuhinto Kahatto, Kahao, Kahau, Kahahinto Maitto, Maio, Maiu, Maihinto Lacchitto, Lacchio, Lacchiu, Lacchihinto Dhenutto, DheNuo, Dhenuu, Dhenuhinto Bahutto, Bahuo, Bahuu, Bahuhinto (6) Bhyas (Ablative Plural): Haritto - Haritto, Hario, Hariu, Harihinto , Harisunto Gamanitto, Gamanio, Gamaniu, Gamanihinto, Gamanisunto Sahutto, Sahuo, Sahuu, Sahuhinto, Sahusunto Sayambhutto, Sayambhuo, Sayambhuu, Sayambhuhinto, Sayambhusunto Varitto, Vario, Variu, Varihinto, Varisunto Mahutto, Mahuo, Mahuu, Mahuhinto, Mahusunto Kahatto, Kahao, Kahau, Kahahinto, Kahasunto Maitto, Maio, Maiu, Maihinto, Maisunto Lacchitto, Lacchio, Lacchiu, Lacchihinto, Lacchisunto Dhenutto, Dhenuo, Dhenuu, Dhenuhinto, Dhenusunto Bahutto, Bahuo, Bahuu, Bahuhinto, Bahusunto (7) Nas(Genitive Singular): Harissa, Gamanissa, Sahussa, Sayambhussa, Varissa, Mahussa (8) Am (Genitive Plural): Harina, Harinam, Gamanina, Gamaninam, Sahuna, Sahunam, Sayambhuna, Sayambhunam, Varina, Varinam, Mahuna, Mahunam, Kahana, Kahanam, Maina, Mainam, Lacchina, Advanced Praksta Grammar 107 Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lacchinam, Dhenuna, Dhenunam, Bahuna, Bahunam (9) Ni (Locative Singular): Harimmi, Gamanimmi, Sahummi, Sayambhummi, Varimmi, Mahummi (10) Sup (LocativePlural) : Harisu, Gamanisu,Sahusu, Sayambhusu, Varisu, Mahusu etc. 137. Ktva - Syaderna - Svorva 1/27 Ktva - Syaderna - Svorva [(Si)+(Adeh) +(Na)] [(Svoh)+(Va)] [(Ktva) - (Si) - (Adi) 6/1][(Na) - (Su) 7/2] Vas alternatively Alternatively, on having ktva - una and uana and on having na and su in place ofsi, etc., there occurs anusvara (-) on them. Alternatively, on having ktva- una and uana (suffix of Absolutive) and on having na and su in place of si, etc. (Nominative, Accusative etc.) there occurs anusvara ( - ) on them. (i) Hasiuna: Hasiunam (ii) Devena : Devenam (Instrumental Singular) Devana : Devanam (Genitive Plural) Devesu : Devesum (Locative Plural) 138. Hrsvah Samyoge 1/84 Hrsvah (Hrsva) 1/1 Samyoge (Samyoga) 7/1 On having conjunct letter ahead of a long vowel, the long vowel becomes short. If there is conjunct letter ahead of a long vowel, then the long vowel becomes short. Devatto : Devatto (Ablative Singular) 108 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 139. Sesam Samskrtavat Siddham 4/448 Sesam Samskrtavat Siddham [(Sesam)+(Samskrtavat)] Sesam (Sesa) 1/1 Samskrtavat Siddham (Siddha) 1/1 The remaining Declensional forms are to be regarded as similar to Samskrta. In Prakrta, the remaining Declensional forms are to be regarded as similar to Samskrta. (Kaha +si) = Kaha (Kaha +sup) = Kahasu etc. Advanced Prakrta Grammar (Nominative Singular) (Locative Plural) OOO 109 Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section - 10 Sutras for Knowing about the Sauraseni Praksta 4/ 260 to 264, 268 110 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140. To Donadau Saurasenyamayuktasya 4/260 To Donadau Saurasenyamayuktasya [(Tah)+(Dah) + (Anadau)][(Saurasenyam) +(Ayuktasya)] Tah (T)6/1 Dah (D)1/3 Anadau (Anadi) 7/1 Saurasenyam (Sauraseni) 7/1 Ayuktasya (Ayukta) 6/1 In Sauraseni 'd' occurs in place of 't', if it does not occur in the beginning of a word, and if it is not conjoined with any other consonant. In Sauraseni Praksta 'd'occurs in place of 't' on the condition that 't' does not occur in the beginning of a word, and t is not conjoined with any other consonant. Taya Karihimo Jay.......(Since t'is in the beginning of a word 'd' does not occur). Matto, Ayyautto ........ (Since t'is conjoined with a consonant 'd' does not occur). Etahi - Edahi Etao - Edao 141. Adhah Kvacit 4/261 Adhah (Adha) 1/1 Kvacit - Sometimes Sometimes it is seen as given below (as in the example). In a conjunct consonant word, sometimes t' becomes 'd'. Mahanto : Mahando Niccinto : Niccindo 142. Vadestavati 4/262 Vadestavati [(Va)+(Adeh) +(Tavati)] Va - alternatively Adeh (Adi) 6/1 Tavati (Tavat) 7/1 Alternatively, on having 'tavat' there occurs d' in place of the beginning t. Alternatively, on having 'tavat' there occurs 'd' in place of the beginning`t'. Tavat Tava - Dava Advanced Praksta Grammar 111 Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 143. A Amantrye Sau Veno Nah 4/263 A Amantrye Sau [(Va)+(Ino) ] Nah A (A) 1/1 Amantrye (Amantrana) 7/1 Sau (Si) 7/1 Va:alternatively Inh (In) 5/1 Nah (N) 6/1 Alternatively,on having Vocative 'si'after in- ending words, there occurs a in place of 'n'. Alternatively, on having in Vocative Case 'si' after in-ending words, there occurs a in place of'n'. The alternative is that a disappears." He Manasvin + (He Manasvin+si) = (He Manassia+si) = He Manassia or He Manassi (a thoughtful person) (Vocative si also disappears) He Sukhin + (He Suhin +si) = (He Suhia+si) = He Suhia or He Suhi (an happy man) (Vocative si also disappears) 1. Refer: (Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 4/263) 144. Mo Va 4/264 Mo Vu [(Mah)+(Vu)]. Mah (M) 6/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively,on having ending consonent'n'in words, 'm' is used in place of 'n'in Vocative. Alternatively, on having Vocative case 'si' after words, having ending consonent 'n', 'm'occurs in place of consonent'n' along with the disappearance of Vocative 'si'. Rajan - (Rajan+si) He Rajas He Rayam 14 5. Sesam Praketavat 4/268 Sesam (Sesa) 2/1 Prakrtavat - Similar to Praksta The remaning rules are similar to Praksta. The remaning rules of Declensional forms in Sauraseni Praksta are similar to Praksta already discussed. 000 112 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Masculine Nouns : Neuter Nouns : (A) Declensional Forms of Nouns Feminine Nouns : Other words and : their Declension Advanced Prakrta Grammar Appendix - 1 Declensional Forms (Deva, Hari, Gamani, Sahu, Sayambhu) (5) a-ending: Deva (God) i-ending: Hari (Name of deity) i-ending: Gamani (Headman of village) u-ending: Sahu (Saint) u-ending: Sayambhu (Self-made person) (Kamala, Vari, Mahu) a-ending: Kamala (Lotus) i-ending: Vari (Water) u-ending: Mahu (Honey) (Kaha, Mai, Lacchi, Dhenu, Bahu) a-ending: Kaha (Story), i-ending: Mai (Understanding) i-ending: Lacchi (Wealth) u-ending: Dhenu (Cow) u-ending: Bahu (Daughter-in-law) Piu, Piara, Kattu, kattara, Appa/Atta, Appana, Attana Raya/Raa, Rayana (3) (5) 113 Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Noun Masculine (Deva) (god) Singular Plural Nominative case Devo (3/2), Deve Deva (3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Devam (3/5) Deva (3/4, 3/12), Deve (3/4, 3/14) Insturmental Devena (3/6, 3/14), Devehi, Devehin Devenam? (1/27) Devehin (3/7), (3/15) Dative Devaya (3/132, Devana (3/131, 3/6, 4/448), 3/12), Devanam? (1/27) Devassa (3/131, 3/10) Ablative case Devatto?, Devao, Devatto3, Devao, Devau, Devahi, Devau (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Devahinto, Devahi, Devahinto, Deva (3/8, 3/12, Devasunto (3/9, 3/13), 1/84) Devehi, Devehinto, Devado, Devadu Devesunto (3/9, 3/15), (3/8) Devado, Devadu (3/9) Genitive case Devassa (3/10) Devana (3/6, 3/12), Devanam (1/27) Locative case Deve, Devesu (3/15), Devammi (3/11), Devesum? (1/27) Devamhi", Devamsi Vocative case He Deva, He Deva, He Deva (4/448) He Devo (3/38), He Deve? 1. Di In Ardhamagadhi literature, this use is found. (Prakrta Bhasaom Ka Vyakarana) Pischel, P. 515. According to Sutra 1/27, there occur the use of na and nam suffixes in Instrumental Singular and Genitive Plural. Likewise, there occurs the use of su and sum suffixes in Locative Plural. According to Sutra 1/84, if there exists a conjunct consonant ahead of long vowel, then that long vowel becomes short - Devatto Devatto. In Sauraseni literature, 'mhi' suffix is found. 4. 114 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Noun Masculine (Hari) (Name of a deity) Singular Plural Nominative case Hari (3/19) Harau, Harao (3/20), Harino (3/22, 3/125), Hari (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Harim (3/124, 3/5) Harino (3/22), Hari (3/18) Insturmental Harina (3/24) Harihi, Harihim, Harihin (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Harissa (3/124, 3/10) Harina (3/124, 3/6, 3/12) Genitive case Harino (3/23,3/125) Harinam (1727) Ablative case Harino (3/23,3/125) Haritto, Hario, Hariu, Haritto, Hario, Harihinto, Harisunto Hariu, Harihinto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, (3/124, 3/8, 3/12, 3/127) 3/126, 3/127) Harido, Haridu Harido, Haridu (3/124, 3/9) (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Harimmi (3/124, Harisu (3/16, 3/15, 3/124), 3/11, Harisum (1/27) Harimhi, Harimsi Vocative case He Hari, He Hari He Harau, He Harao, (3/38, 3/19) He Harino, He Hari (4/448) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 115 Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Noun Masculine (Gamani) (Headman of village) Singular Plural Nominative case Gamani (3/19) Gamanau, Gamanao (3/20), Gamanino (3/22, 3/43), Gamani (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Gamanim (3/124, 3/5, 3/36) Instrumental Gamanina (3/24, Gamanino (3/22, 3/43), Gamani (3/18) Gamanihi, Gamanihim Gamanihim (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Gamanina (3/124, 3/6), 3/43) Dative & Genitive case Gamanissa(3/124, 3/10) Gamanino (3/23, 3/43) Gamaninam (1/27) Ablative case Gamanino (3/23,3/43) Gamanitto, Gamanio, Gamanitto, Gamanio, Gamaniu, Gamanihinto Gamaniu, Gamanihinto Gamanisunto (3/124, (3/124, 3/8, 3/126 3/9, 3/16, 3/127), 3/127), Gamanido, Gamanidu Gamanido, Gamanidu (3/124, 3/9) (3/124, 3/8) Gamanimmi (3/124, Gamanisu (3/16, 3/15, 3/11) 3/124) Gamanisum (1/27) Gamanimhi, Gamanissi Vocative case He Gamani (3/42) He Gamanau, He Gamanao, He Gamanino, He Gamani (4/448) 116 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Noun Masculine (Sahu) (Saint) Singular Plural Nominative case Sahu (3/19) Sahau, Sahao (3/20), Sahuno (3/22), Sahavo (3/21), Sahu (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Sahum (3/124, 3/5) Sahuno (3/22), Sahu (3/18) Instrumental Sahuna (3/24) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case Sahussa (3/124, 3/10), Sahuna (3/124, 3/6, 3/12), Sahuno (3/23, 3/125) Sahunam (1/27) Sahuno (3/23, 3/125) Sahutto, Sahuo, Sahuu, Sahutto, Sahuo, Sahuu, Sahuhinto, Sahusunto Sahuhinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/12, 3/126, 3/127), Sahudo, Sahudu (3/124, 3/8) Sahummi (3/124, 3/11), Sahumhi, Sahumsi Sahuhi, Sahuhim, Sahuhim (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) He Sahu, He Sahu (3/38, 3/19) Advanced Prakrta Grammar (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, 3/127) Sahudo, Sahudu (3/124, 3/9) Sahusu (3/16, 3/15, 3/124), Sahusum (1/27) He Sahau, He Sahao, He Sahuno, He Sahavo, He Sahu (4/448) 117 Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Noun Masculine (Sayambhu) (Self-made person) Singular Plural Nominative case Sayambhu (3/19) Sayambhau, Sayambhao (3/20), Sayambhuno (3/22, 3/43), Sayambhavo (3/21), Sayambhu (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Sayambhum (3/124 Sayambhuno (3/22, 3/43), 3/5, 3/36) Sayambhu (3/18) Instrumental Sayambhuna Sayambhuhi, Sayambhuhin, (3/24, 3/43) Sayambhuhis (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Sayambhussa(3/124, Sayambhuna (3/124, 3/6), Genitive case 3/10), Sayambhuno Sayambhunam (1/27) (3/23, 3/43) Ablative case Sayambhuno (3/23, Sayambhutto, Sayambhuo, 3/43), Sayambhutto, Sayambhuu, Sayambhuhinto Sayambhuo, Sayambhusunto (3/124, Sayambhuu, 379, 3/16, 3/127), Sayambhuhinto Sayambhudo, Sayambhudu (3/124, 3/8, (3/124, 3/9) 3/126, 3/127) Sayambhudo, Sayambhudu (3/1 24 3/8) Locative case Sayambhummi Sayambhusu (3/16, (3/124, 3/11), 3/15, 3/124) Sayambhumhi, Sayambhusum (1/27) Sayambhumsi Vocative case He Sayambhu He Sayambhau, (3742) He Sayambhao, He Sayambhuno, He Sayambhavo, He Sayambhu (4/448) 118 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Neuter (Kamala) (Lotus) Singular Plural Nominative case Kamalam (3/25) Kamalaim, Kamalaim Kamalani (3/26 Accusative case Kamalam (3/5) Kamalaim, Kamalais, Kamalani (3/26) Instrumental Kamalena (3/6, 3/14) Kamalehi, Kamalehim, Kamalenam (1727) Kamalehin (3/7, 3/15) Dative Kamalaya (3/132), Kamalana (3/131, 376, Kamalassa (3/131, 3/12), 3/10) Kamalanam (1/27) Ablative case Kamalatto, Kamalao, Kamalatto, Kamalao, Kamalau, Kamalahi, Kamalau (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Kamalahinto, Kamala Kamalahi, Kamalahinto, (3/8, 3/12, 1784) Kamalasunto (379, 3/13), Kamalado, Kamaladu Kamalehi,Kamalehinto, (3/8) Kamalesunto (3/9, 3/15) Kamalado, Kamaladu (3/9) Genitive case Kamalassa (3/10) Kamalana (3/6, 3/12) Kamalanam (1/27) Locative case Kamale, Kamalammi Kamalesu (3/15), (3/11), Kamalashi, Kamalesum (1727) Kamalassi Vocative case He Kamala (3/37) He Kamalaim, He Kamalais, He Kamalani (4/448) 1. According to Sutra 240 of the Katantra Grammar, the declension of Neuter Gender words from Instrumental case to Locative case is similar to Masculine words. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 119 Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Neuter (Vari) (Water) Singular Plural Nominative case Varim (3/25) Variim, Variin, Varini (3726) Accusative case Varim (3/124, 3/5) Variim, Variin, Varini (3/26) Instrumental Varina (3/24) Varihi, Varihim, Varihin (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Varissa(3/124, 3/10), Varina (3/124, 3/6, 3/12), Genitive case Varino (3/23, 3/125) Varinam (1/27) Ablative case Varino (3/23, 3/125) Varitto, Vario, Variu, Varitto, Vario, Varihinto, Varisunto (3/124, Variu, Varihinto 379, 3/16, 3/127) (3/124, 3/8, 3/12 Varido, Varidu (3/124, 3/126, 3/127) 3/9) Varido, Varidu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Varimmi (3/124, Varisu (3/16, 3/15, 3/124), 3/11) Varisum (1/27) Varimhi, Varimsi Vocative case He Vari (3737) He Variim, He Variis, He Varini (4/448) 120 Advanced Prakyta Grammar Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Neuter (Mahu) (Honey) Singular Plural Nominative case Mahum (3/25) Mahuis, Mahuis, Mahuni (3/26) Accusative case Mahum (3/124, Mahuis, Mahuis, Mahuni 3/5) (3/26) Instrumental Mahuna (3/24) Mahuhi, Mahuhim, Mahuhis (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Mahussa (3/124, Mahuna (3/124, 3/6, 3/12), Mahunan 3/10), Mahuno Genitive case (1/27) (3/23, 3/125) Ablative case Mahuno (3/23, 3/125). Mahutto, Mahuo, Mahuu. Mahutto, Mahuo, Mahuu, Mahuhinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/12 3/126, 3/127) Mahudo, Mahudu (3/124, 3/8) Mahuhinto, Mahusunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16 3/127) Mahudo, Mahudu (3/124, 3/9) Locative case Mahummi (3/124, Mahusu (3/16, 3/15, 3/8, 3/129) 3/124) Mahumhi, Mahusun (1727) Mahumsi Vocative case He Mahu (3/37) He Mahuim, He Mahuis. He Mahuni (4/448) Advanced Praksta Grammar 121 Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Feminine (Kaha) (Story) Singular Plural Nominative case Kaha (4/448) Kaha (3/124, 3/4), Kahau, Kahao (3/27) Accusative case Kaham (3/124, Kaha (3/124, 3/4), 3/5, 3/36) Kahau, Kahao (3/27) Instrumental Kahaa, Kahai, Kahae Kahahi, Kahahim, Kahahin (3/29, 3/30) (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Kahaa, Kahai, Kahae (3/29, 3/30) Kahana (3/124, 3/6), Kahanam (1727) Genitive case Ablative case Kahaa, Kahai, Kahae, Kahatto, Kahao, Kahau, (3/29, 3/30) Kahahinto, Kahasunto Kahatto, Kahao, Kahau, (3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Kahahinto (3/124, Kahado, Kahadu 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) (3/124, 3/9) Kahado, Kahadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Kahaa, Kahai, Kahae Kahasu (4/448), (3/29, 3/30) Kahasum (1/27) Vocative case He Kaha, He Kahe He Kaha, He kahau, (3/41) He Kahao (4/448) 122 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Feminine ( Ma) (Mother) Singular Plural Nominative case Maa (4/448) Maa (3/124, 3/4), Maku, Maao (3/27) Accusative case Maam (3/124, Maa (3/124, 3/4), 3/5, 3/36) Maau, Maao (3/27) Instrumental Maka, Maai, Make Maahi, Maahim, Maahis (3/29, 3/30) (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Maaa, Maai, Make Maana (3/124, 3/6), Genitive case (3/29, 3/30) Maanam (1/27) Ablative case Maaa, Maai, Maae, Maatto, Maao, Maau, (3/29, 3730) Maahinto, Maasunto Maatto, Maao, Maau, (3/124, 379, 3/127) Maahinto (3/124, Maado, Maadu 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) (3/124, 3/9) Maado, Maadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Maza, Maai, Maae Maasu (4/448), (3/29, 3/30) Maasum (1/27) Vocative case He Maa, He Mae, He Maa, He Maau, (3/41) He Maao (4/448) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 123 Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Feminine (Maara) (Mother) Singular Nominative case Maara (4/448) Accusative case Maaram (3/124, Instrumental Maaraa, Maarai, Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case 124 3/5, 3/36) Plural Maarau, Maarao (3/27), Maara (3/124, 3/4) Maarae (3/29, 3/30) Maarahim(3/124, 3/7) Maaraa, Maarai, Maarana (3/124, 3/6), Maarae (3/29, 3/30) Maaranam (1/27) He Maa, He Mae, Maarau, Maarao (3/27), Maara (3/124, 3/4) Maarahi, Maarahim, Maaraa, Maarai, Maaratto, Maarao, Maarau, Maarae, (3/29, 3/30), Maarahinto, Maarasunto Maaratto, Maarao, (3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Maarau, Maarahinto Maarado, Maaradu (3/124, 3/8, 3/126 (3/124, 3/9) 3/127), Maarado, Maaradu (3/124, 3/8) (3/41) Maaraa, Maarai, Maarasu (4/448), Maarae (3/29, 3/30) Maarasum (1/27) He Maara, He Maarau, He Maarao (4/448) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Feminine (Mai) (Understanding) Singular Plural Nominative case Mai (3/19) Maiu, Maio (3/27), Mai (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Maim (3/124, 3/5) Maiu, Maio (3/27), Mai (3/18) Instrumental Maia, Maia, Maii, Maie Maihi, Maihim, Maihin (3/29) (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Maia, Maia, Maii, Maie Maina (3/124, 3/6, 3/12) Genitive case (3/29) Mainam (1727) Ablative case Maia, Maia, Maii, Maie, Maitto, Maio, Maiu, Maihinto (3/29), Maisunto (3/124, 3/9, Maitto, Maio, Maiu, 3/16, 3/127) Maihinto (3/124, Maido, Maidu (3/124, 3/8, 3/12, 3/126, 3/9) 3/127) Maido, Maidu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Maia, Maia, Maii, Maie Maisu (3/16, 3/15, 3/124), (3729) Maisum (1/27) Vocative case He Mai, He Mai He Maiu, He Maio, He Mai (3/38, 3/9) (4/448) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 125 Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Feminine (Lacchi) (Wealth) Singular Plural Nominative case Lacchi (3/19), Lacchia (3/28) Lacchiu, Lacchio (3/27) Lacchia (3728), Lacchi (3/124, 3/4) Lacchiu, Lacchio (3/27), Lacchia (3/28), Lacchi (3/18) Accusative case Lacchim (3/124, 3/5, 3/36) Instrumental Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchii, Lacchie Lacchihi, Lacchihim, Lacchin (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) (3/29) Dative & Lacchina (3/124, 3/6), Genitive case Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchii, Lacchie (3729) Lacchinam (1/27) Ablative case Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchitto, Lacchio, Lacchiu, Lacchii, Lacchie (3/29), Lacchihinto, Lacchisunto Lacchitto, Lacchio, (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, Lacchiu, Lacchihinto 3/127), Lacchido, (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, Lacchidu (3/124, 3/9) 3/127) Lacchido, Lacchidu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Lacchia, Lacchia, Lacchisu (3/16, 3/15, 3/1 24), Lacchii, Lacchie (3/29) Lacchisum (1/27) Vocative case He Lacchi (3/42) He Lacchi, He Lacchiu, He Lacchio, He Lacchia (4/448) 126 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Feminine (Dhenu) (Cow) Singular Plural Nominative case Dhenu (3/19) Dhenuu, Dhenuo (3/27), Dhenu(3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Dhenum (3/124, Dhenuu, Dhenuo (3/27), 3/5) Dhenu (3/18) Instrumental Dhenua, Dhenua, Dheoui, Dhenue (3/29) Dhenuhi, Dhenuhim, Dhenuhim (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Dhenua, Dhenua, Dhenuna (3/124, Dhenui, Dhenue 3/6, 3/12) (3/29) Dhenunam (1727) Dhenua, Dhenua, Dhenutto, Dhenuo, Dhenui,Dhenue (3/29), Dhenuu, Dhenuhinto, Dhenutto, Dhenuo, Dhenusunto (3/124, Dhenuu, Dhenuhinto 3/9, 3/16, 3/127) (3/124, 3/8, 3/12, Dhenudo, Dhenudu 3/126, 3/127) (3/124, 3/9) Dhenudo, Dhenudu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Dhenua, Dhenua, Dhenusu (3/16, 3/15, Dhenui, Dhenue 3/124) (3729) Dhenusun (1/27) He Dhenu, He Dhenuu, Vocative case He Dhenu, He Dhenu (3/38, 3/19) He Dhenuo (4/448) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 127 Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . u-ending Feminine (Bahu) (Daughter-in-law) Singular Plural Nominative case Bahu (3/19) Bahuu, Bahuo (3/27), Bahu (3/124, 3/4) ? Accusative case Bahum (3/124, 3/5, 3/36) Bahuu, Bahuo (3/27), Bahu (3/18) Instrumental Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahue (3729) Bahuhi, Bahuhim, Bahuhis (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahuna (3/124, 3/6), Genitive case Bahue (3/29) Bahunam (1/27) Ablative case Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahutto, Bahuo, Bahuu, Bahue (3/29) Bahuhinto, Bahusunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, Bahutto, Bahuo, Bahuu, Bahuhinto 3/127) (3/124, 3/8, Bahudo, Bahudu (3/124, 3/126, 3/127) 3/9) Bahudo, Bahudu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Bahua, Bahua, Bahui, Bahusu (3/16, 3/15, Bahue (3/29) 3/124), Bahusum (1/27) Vocative case He Bahu (3/42) He Bahu, He Bahuu, He Bahuo (4/448) 128 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Masculine (Piu) (Father) (Different from u-ending declension) Singular Plural Nominative case Pia (3/48) Accusative case Piaram (3/47, 3/5) - u-ending Masculine (Piu) (Father) (Similar to u-ending declension) Singular Plural Nominative case - Piau, Piao (3/20), Piavo (3/21), Piuno (3/22), Piu (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case - Piuno (3/22), Piu (3/18) Instrumental Piuna Piuhi, Piuhim, Piuhis (3/24) (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Piussa (3/124, 3/10) Piuna (3/124, 3/6, 3/12) Genitive case Piuno (3/23, 3/125) Piunam (1727) Ablative case Piuno (3723), Piutto, Piuo, Piuu, Piutto, Piuo, Piuhinto, Piusunto Piuu, Piuhinto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, (3/124, 3/8, 3/12 3/127), 3/126, 3/127) Piudo, Piudu Piudo, Piudu (3/124, 3/9) (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Piummi (3/124, Piusu (3/16, 3/15, 3/124), 3/11, 3/129) Piusum (1/27) Piumhi, Piussi Vocative case He Piu, He Piu He Piau, He Piao, He Piavo, (3/38, 3/19) He Piuno, He Piu (4/448) Advanced Praksta Grammar 129 Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Masculine (Piara) (Father) (3/47) Singular Plural Nominative case Piaro (3/2) Accusative case Piaram (3/47, 3/5) Piara (3/4, 3/12) Piara (3/4, 3/12), Piare (3/4, 3/14) Instrumental Piarena (3/6, 3/14) Piarehi. Piarehim. Piarehim (3/7, 3/15) Piarana (3/131, 3/6, 3/12) Dative Piarenam (1/27) Piaraya (3/132), Piarassa (3/131, 3/10) Piaratto, Piarao, Piaranai (1/27) Piaratto, Piarao, Piarau, Piarau, Piarahi, Piarahinto, Piara (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Piarado, Piaradu (3/8) (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Piarahi, Piarahinto, Piarasunto (3/9, 3/13) Piarehi, Piarehinto, Piaresunto (3/9, 3/15) Piarado, Piaradu (3/9) Piarana ( 3/6, 3/12) Piaranam (1/27) Genitive case Piarassa (3/10) Locative case Piaresu (3/15), Piare, Piarammi (3/11) Piaresum (1/27) Piaramhi, Piaramsi Vocative case He Piara (4/448) He Piaram (3/40) 1. Sutra 3/47 130 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Masculine (Kattu) (Doer] (Different from to u-ending declension) Singular Plural Nominative case Katta (3/48) Accusative case Kattaram (3/45, 3/5) - u-ending Masculine (Kattu) (Similar to u-ending declension) Singular Plural Nominative case - Kattau, Kattao (3/20), Kattavo (3/21), Kattuno (3/22), Kattu (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case - Kattu (3/18), Kattuno (3/22) Instrumental Kattuna Kattuhi, Kattuhin, Kattuhis (3/24) (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Kattuno (3/23), Kattuna (3/124, 3/6, 3/12) Genitive case Kattussa (3/124, 3/10) Kattunam (1/27) Ablative case Kattuno (3/23), Kattutto, Kattuo, Kattuu, Kattutto, Kattuo, Kattuhinto, Kattusunto Kattuu, Kattuhinto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16), (3/124, 3/8, 3/12, Kattudo, Kattudu 3/126, 3/127) (3/124, 3/9) Kattudo, Kattudu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Kattummi (3/124, 3/11, 3/129) Kattumhi, Kattumsi Kattusu (3/16, 3/15, 3/124), Kattusum (1727) Vocative case He Kattu, He Kattu (3/38, 3/19) He Kattau, He Kattao, He Kattavo, He Kattuno, He Kattu (4/448) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 131 Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Masculine (Kattara)' (Doer) Singular Plural Nominative case Kattaro (3/2) Kattara (3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Kattaram (3/5) Kattara (3/4, 3/12) Kattare (3/4, 3/14) Instrumental Kattarena (3/6, 3/14) Kattarehi, Kattarehim, Kattarenam (1/27) Kattarehim (3/7, 3/15) Kattarassa (3/10), Kattarana (3/6, 3/12) Dative & Genitive case Kattaranam (1/27) Ablative case Kattaratto, Kattarao, Kattaratto, Kattarao, Kattarau, Kattarahi, Kattarau (3/9, 3/12) Kattarahinto, Kattara Kattarahi, Kattarahinto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Kattarasunto (3/9, 3/13) Kattarado, Kattaradu Kattarehi, Kattarehinto, (3/8) Kattaresunto (3/9, 3/15) Kattarado, Kattaradu (3/9) Kattaresu (3/15), Locative case Kattare, Kattarami (3/11) Kattaresum (1/27) Kattaramhi, Kattaramsi Vocative case He Kattara, He Kattara He Kattara (4/448) He Kattaro (3/38) 1. Sutra 3/45 132 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appa/Atta' (Soul) (Different from a-ending Masculine declension) Singular Plural Appano, Attano (3/50, 3/12) Nominative case Appa, Atta (3/56, 3/49) Ada,? Aya,Ata,4 Cedas Accusative case - Appano, Attano (3/50, 3/12) Instrumental Appana, Attana (3/56, 3/51) Appanaia, Attanaia, Appania, Attania (3/57) Dative & Appano". Attano (3/50) Genitive case Ablative case Appano (3/50, 3/12) Locative case Vocative case - He Attano (4/448) 1. Sutra 3/56. 2. Samayasara, Gatha, 1-26-26. Prakrta Bhasaom Ka Vyakarana, Dr. R. Pischel, P. 584. 4. Acaranga Sutra, 171. 5. Samayasara, Gatha, 3-50-118. 6. Hemacandra Praksta Vyakarana Bhaga - 2, Sutra 3/56 Ki Vrtti. Advanced Praksta Grammar 133 Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appa/Atta (Soul) (Similar to a-ending Masculine declension) Singular Plural Nominative case Appo, Atto (3/2) Appa. Atta (3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Appam, Attam (3/5) Appa, Atta (3/4, 3/18 Adam Appe, Atte (3/4, 3/14) Instrumental Appena, Attena (3/6, Appehi, Appehim, Appehis, 3/14), Attehi, Attehim, Attehin Appenam, Attenan (3/7, 3/15) (1/27) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Appassa, Attassa (3/10) Appatto, Appao, Appana, Attana (3/6, 3/12), Appanam, Attanam (1/27) Appatto, Appao, Appau, Appau, Appahi, Appahinto, Appasunto, Appahinto, Appa, Appehi, Appehinto, Attatto, Attao, Attau, Appesunto, Attatto, Attao, Attahi, Attahinto, Atta Attau, Attahinto, Attasunto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Attehi, Attehinto, Attesunto Appado, Appadu, (3/8, 3/12, 3/13, 3/15, Attado, Attadu (3/8) 1784) Appado, Appadu, Attado, Attadu (3/9) Appammi, Attammi, Appesu, Attesu (3/15), Appe, Atte (3/11) Appesum, Attesum (1/27) Adamhi? Locative case Vocative case He Appa, He Appa, He Appa, He Atta He Appo, He Atta, (4/448) He Atta, He Atto (3/38) 1. Samayasara, Gatha - 31. 2. Samayasara, Gatha - 203. 134 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appana' (soul) (Similar to a-ending Masculine declension) Singular Plural Nominative case Appano (3/2) Appana (3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Appanam (3/5) Appana (3/4, 3/12), Ayanam? Appane (3/4, 3/14) Instrumental Appanena Appanehi, Appanehim, (3/6, 3/14) Appanehin Appanenam (1/27) (3/7, 3/15) Dative & Appanassa (3/10) Appanana (3/6, 3/12), Genitive case Appananam (1/27) Ablative case Appanatto, Appanao, Appanatto, Appanao Appanau, Appanahi Appanau, Appanahi, Appanahinto, Appana Appanahinto, Appanasunto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Appanehi, Appanehinto, Appanado, Appanadu Appanesunto (3/9, 3/12 (3/8) 3/13, 3/15, 1/84) Appanado, Appanadu (3/9) Locative case Appanammi, Appane Appanesu (3/15), (3/11), Ayane3 Appanesum (1/27) Appanamhi, Appanamsi Vocative case He Appana, He Appana, He Appana (4/448) He Appano (3/38) 1. Sutra 3/56. 2. Praksta Bhasaom ka Vyakarana, Dr. R. Pischel, P. 584. 3. Prakyta Bhasaom Ka Vyakarana, Dr. R.Pischel, P. 586. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 135 Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Attana' (soul) (Similar to a-ending Masculine declension) Singular Plural Nominative case Attano (372) Attana (3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Attanam (3/5) Attana (3/4, 3/12), Attane (3/4, 3/14) Instrumental Attanena (3/6, 3/14) Attanenam (1/27) Attanehi, Attanehim, Attanehis (3/7, 3/15) Attanana (3/6, 3/12), Attananam (1/27) Dative & Attanassa (3/10) Genitive case Ablative case Attanatto, Attanao, Attanau, Attanahi, Attanahinto, Attana (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Attanado, Attanadu (3/8) Attanatto, Attanao Attanau, Attanahi, Attanahinto, Attanasunto, Attanehi, Attanehinto, Attanesunto (3/9, 3/12 3/13, 3/15, 1/84) Attanado, Attanadu (3/9) Locative case Attanammi, Attane Attanesu (3/15), Attanesun (1/27) (3/11), Attanamhi, Attanamsi Vocative case He Attana, He Attana, He Attana (4/448) He Attano (3/38) 1. Sutra 3/56. 136 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Raya/Raa (King) (Similar to a-ending Masculine declension) Singular Nominative case Rao1 Accusative case Rayam, Raam (3/5) Instrumental Rayena, Raena (3/6, 3/14), Rayenam, Raenam (1/27) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case Rayassa, Raassa (3/10) Raye, Rae, Rayammi, Raammi (3/11) Rayamhi, Raamhi, Rayamsi, Raamsi Rayahi, Rayahinto, Raya, Raatto, Raao, Raau, Raahi, Raahinto, Raa (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Rayado, Rayadu, Raado, Raadu Rayatto, Rayao, Rayau, Rayatto, Rayao, Rayau, Rayahi, Rayahinto, Rayasunto, Rayehi, Rayehinto, Rayesunto, Raatto, Raao, Raau, Raahi, Raahinto, Raasunto, Raehi, Raehinto, Raesunto, (3/9,3/12,3/13, 3/15, 1/84) (3/8) He Raya, He Raya, He Rayo, He Raa, He Raa, He Rao (3/38) 1. Kartikeyanupreksa, P. 123. Advanced Prakrta Grammar Plural Raya, Raa (3/4, 3/12) Raya, Raa (3/4, 3/12) Raye, Rae (3/4, 3/14) Rayehi, Rayehim, Rayehim, Raehi, Raehim, Raehim (3/7, 3/15) Rayana, Raana (3/6, 3/12) Rayanam, Raanam (1/27) Rayado, Rayadu, Raado, Raadu (3/9) Rayesu, Raesu (3/15) Raesum (1/27) Rayesum He Raya, He Raa (4/448) 137 Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (Raya/Raa) (King) (Different from a-ending Masculine declension) Singular Plural Nominative case Raya (3/49) Raino (3/50, 3/52) Accusative case Rainam (3/53) Raino (3/50, 3/52) Instrumental Raina (3/51, 3/52), Raihi, Raihim, Raihin Ranna (3/55), (3/54, 3/7, 3/124, 3/16) Rayana (3751) Dative & Genitive case Ranno (3/55), Rainam (3/53), Raino (3/50, 3/52), Raina (3/54, 3/124, Rayano (3/50) 3/6) Ablative case Ranno (3/55), Raitto, Raio, Raju, Raino (3/50, 3/52) Raihinto, Raisunto (3/54, 3/9, 3/16, 3/127) Locative case Raisu (3/54, 3/16), (3/52, 3/11, Raisum (1/27, 3/124) 3/128) Vocative case - He Raino (4/448) 138 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (Rayana)" (King) (Similar to a-ending Masculine declension) Singular Plural Nominative case Rayano (3/2) Rayana (3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Rayanam (3/5) Rayana (3/4, 3/12) Rayane (3/4, 3/14) Instrumental Rayanena (3/6, Rayanehi, Rayanehim, 3/14), Rayanehim (3/7, 3/15) Rayanenam (1/27) Dative & Rayanassa (3/10), Rayanana (3/6, 3/12), Genitive case Rayananam (1/27) Ablative case Rayanatto, Rayanao, Rayanatto, Rayanao, Rayanau, Rayanahi, Rayanau (3/9, 3/12, 1/84) Rayanahi, Rayanahinto, Rayana Rayanahinto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Rayanasunto (3/9, 3/13) Rayanehi, Rayanado, Rayanadu Rayanehinto, Rayanesunto (3/8) (3/9, 3/15) Rayanado, Rayanadu (379) Locative case Rayane, Rayanammi Rayanesu (3/15), (3/11) Rayanesum (1727) Rayanamhi, Rayanamsi Vocative case He Rayana, He Rayana, He Rayana He Rayano (3/38) (4/448) 1. Sutra 3/56. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 139 Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Masculine Pronouns: (Savva, Ta, Na, Ja, Ka, Eta, Ea, Ima, Anna, Amu) a-ending: (B) Declensional Forms of Pronouns Neuter Pronouns : 140 Savva (All), Ta (He), Na (He), Ja (Who), Ka (Who), Eta (This), Ea (This) Ima (This), Anna (Other) (Inflection according to Savva) u-ending:- Amu (This) (Savva, Ta, Na, Ja, Ka, Eta, Ea, Ima, Anna, Amu) a-ending: Savva (All), Ta (That), Na (That), Ja (Which), Ka (Who), Eta (This), Ea (This) Ima (This), Anna (Other) (Inflection according to Savva) u-ending: Amu (This) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine Pronouns:-(Savva, Ta, Ti, Ja, Ji, Ka, Ki, Eta, Ea, Ima, Anna, Amu) a-ending: Savva (All), Ta (That) Ja (Which), Ka (Who), Eta (This), Ea (This), Ima (This), Anna (Other) (Inflection according to Savva) i-ending: Ti (She), Ji (Which), Ki (Who), Ei (This), Imi (This) u-ending: Amu (This) In all (Mas.,Neu., Fem.) the Genders:- Amha (1), Tumha(You) In this chapter Declension of Pronouns is given. In the pages to follow Declension forms of Pronouns used frequently in Sauraseni and Ardhamagadhi Praksta have been shown in bold letter. Advanced Praksta Grammar 141 Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Masculine-Savva (All) Singular Plural Nominative case Savvo (3/2), Savve (3758) Savve Accusative case Savvam (3/5) Savva (3/4, 3/12), Savve (3/4, 3/14) Instrumental Savvena (3/6, 3/14) Savvehi, Savvehim, Savvenam (1/27) Savvehim (3/7, 3/15) Dative Savvaya (3/132) Savvana (3/131, 3/6, Savvassa (3/131, 3/12), Savvanam (1/27), 3/10) Savvesim (3/131, 3/61) Ablative case Savvatto, Savvao, Savvatto, Savvao, Savvau, Savvau, Savvahi, (3/9, 3/12) Savvahinto, Savva Savvahi, Savvahinto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Savvasunto, Savvehi, Savvado, Savvadu Savvehinto, Savvesunto (3/8) (3/9, 3/13, 3/15), Savvado, Savvadu (3/9) Genitive case Savvassa (3/10) Savvana (3/6, 3/12), Savvanam (1/27), Savvesim (3/61) Locative case Savvassim, Savvammi, Savvesu (3/15), Savvattha (3/59), Savvesum (1727) Savvahim (3760) Savvamhi, Savvamsi 142 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ta (He) a-ending Masculine Singular Plural Te (3/58) Nominative case So (3/86, 3/2), Se Sa (3/3) Accusative case Tam (3/5) Te (3/4, 3/14), Ta (3/4, 3/12) Tehi, Tehim, Tehir (3/7, 3/15) Instrumental Tena (3/6, 3/14), Tenam (1/27), Tina (3769) Dative & Tassa (3/10), Se (3/81), Genitive case Tana (3/6, 3/12), Tanam (1727) Tesis (3/61), Sim (3/81), Tasa (3/62) Tasa (3/63) Tatto, Tao, Tau, Tatto, Tao, Tau Tahinto, Tahi, Ta (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Tahi, Tahinto, Tasunto Tamha (3766), (3/9, 3/13) To (3/67), Tehi, Tehinto, Tesunto Tado, Tadu (3/8) (3/9, 3/15) Tado, Tadu (3/9) Tassim, Tammi, Tesu (3/15), Tattha (3/59) Tesum (1/27) Tahim (3/60), Tahe, Tala, Taia (3/65), Tamhi. Tamsi Locative case Advanced Prakrta Grammar 143 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Singular Nominative case So (3/86, 3/2) Se, Sa (3/3) Accusative case Nam (3/5) Instrumental Nena (3/6, 3/14) Nenam (1/27), Nina (3/69) Nassa (3/10) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case 1. Sutra 3/70. Ta - Na1 (He) a-ending Masculine 144 Natto, Nao, Nau, Nahinto, Na(3/8, 3/12) Nado, Nadu (3/8) Nassim, Nammi, Nattha (3/59), Nahim (3/60), Nahe, Nala, Naia (3/65), Namhi, Namsi Plural Ne (3/58) Ne (3/4, 3/14), Na (3/4, 3/12) Nehi, Nehim, Nehim (3/7, 3/15) Nana (3/6, 3/12), Nanam (1/27) Natto, Nao, Nau (3/9, 3/12) Nahi, Nahinto, Nasunto (3/9, 3/13), Nehi, Nehinto, Nesunto (3/9, 3/15) Nado, Nadu (3/9) Nesu (3/15), Nesum (1/27) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ja (which or who) a-ending Masculine Singular Plural Nominative case Jo (3/2), Je Je (3/58) Accusative case Jam (3/5) Je (3/4, 3/14), Ja (3/4, 3/12) Instrumental Jena (3/6, 3/14), Jenam (1/27) Jehi, Jehim, Jehir (3/7, 3/15) Jina (3/69) Dative & Jassa (3/10), Genitive case Jasa (3/63) Jana (3/6, 3/12), Janam (1/27), Jesim (3761) Ablative case Jatto, Jao, Jau, Jatto, Jao, Jau Jahinto, Ja (3/9, 3/12, 1784), (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Jahi, Jahinto, Jasunto Jamha (3/66), (3/9, 3/13), Jado, Jadu (3/8) Jehi, Jehinto, Jesunto (3/9, 3/15), Jado, Jadu (3/9) Locative case Jassis, Jammi, Jesu (3/15) Jesum (1/27) Jattha (3/59), Jahim (3/60), Jahe, Jala, Jaia (3/65), Jamhi. Jamsi Advanced Prakrta Grammar 145 Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Singular Nominative case Ko (3/2), Ke Accusative case Kam (3/5) Instrumental Kena (3/6, 3/14), Kenam (1/27) Kina (3/69) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Ka (Who) a-ending Masculine 146 Kassa (3/10), Kasa (3/63) Katto, Kao, Kau, Kahinto, Ka (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Kamha (3/66), Kino, Kisa (3/68) Kado, Kadu (3/8) Kassim, Kammi, Kattha (3/59), Kahim (3/60), Kahe, Kala, Kaia (3/65), Kamhi, Kamsi Plural Ke (3/58) Ke (3/4, 3/14), Ka (3/4, 3/12) Kehi, Kehim, Kehim (3/7, 3/15) Kana (3/6, 3/12), Kanam (1/27), Kasa (3/62) Kesim (3/61) Katto, Kao, Kau (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Kahi, Kahinto, Kasunto (3/9, 3/13), Kehi, Kehinto, Kesunto (3/9, 3/15), Kado, Kadu (3/9) Kesu (3/15) Kesum (1/27) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Singular Nominative case Eso (3/86, 3/2) Esa, Inam, Inamo (3/85) Accusative case Etam (3/5), Dative & Genitive case Instrumental Etena (3/6, 3/14), Etenam (1/27), Etina (3/69), Edena, Edenam, Edina (4/260) Etassa (3/10), Se (3/81), Edassa (4/260) Ablative case Eta (This) a-ending Masculine Locative case Edam (4/260) (3/82, 3/83) Edado, Edadu (3/8) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Etassim, Etammi (3/59) Ayammi, Iyammi (3/59, 3/84), Ettha (3/59, 3/83) Etamhi, Etamsi Plural Ete (3/58), Ede (4/260) Ete (3/4, 3/14), Eta (3/4, 3/12), Ede, Eda (4/260) Etatto, Etao, Etau Etao, Etau, Etahi, Etahinto, Eta (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Etahi, Etahinto, Etasunto Etto, Ettahe (3/9, 3/13), Etehi, Etehinto, Etesunto (3/9, 3/15) Edado, Edadu (3/9) Etehi, Etehim, Etehim (3/7, 3/15), Edehi, Edehim, Edehim (4/260) Etana (3/6, 3/12), Etanam (1/27), Etesim (3/61), Sim (3/81), Edana, Edanam, Edesim (4/260) Etesu (3/15), Etesum (1/27) 147 Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Eta - Ea (This) a-ending Masculine Singular Plural Nominative case Eso (3/86, 3/2) Ee (3758) Esa, Inan, Inamo (3785) Accusative case Eam (3/5), Ee (3/4, 3/14), Ea (3/4, 3/12) Instrumental Eena (3/6, 3/14), Eehi, Eehim, Eehir Eenam (1/27), (3/7, 3/15) Eina (3769) Dative & Eassa (3/10), Eana (3/16, 3/12), Genitive case Se (3/81), Eanam (1/27), Eesim (3/61), Sim (3/81) Ablative case Eao, Eau, Eahi, Eatto, Eao, Eau Eahinto, Ea (3/9, 3/12), (3/8, 3/12), Eahi, Eahinto, Easunto Etto, Ettahe (3/9, 3/13), (3/82, 3/83), Eehi, Eehinto, Eesunto Eado, Eadu (3/8) (3/9, 3/15) Eado, Eadu (3/9) Locative case Eassim, Eesu (3/15), Eammi (3759), Eesum (1/27) Ayammi, Iyammi (3/59, 3/84, 3/89), Ettha (3/59, 3/83), Eamhi, Eamsi 148 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ima (This) a-ending Masculine Singular Plural Nominative case Imo (3/2). Ime (3/58) Ayam (3/73) Ime Accusative case Imam (3/5), Ime (3/4, 3/14), Inam (3/78), Ima (3/4, 3/12), Nam (3/77, 3/5) Ne (3/77, 3/14), Na (3/77, 3/4, 3/12) Instrumental Imena (3/6, 3/14), Imehi, Imehim, Imehin Imenam (1/27), (3/7, 3/15), Imina (3/69), Nehi, Nehim, Nehin Nena, Nenas, Nina (3/77, 3/7, 3/15) (3/77, 3/6, 3/14, 3/69) Dative & Imassa (3/10), Imana (3/6, 3/12), Genitive case Assa (3/74), Imanan (1/27), Se (3/81) Imesim (3/61), Sim (3/81) Ablative case Imatto, Imao, Imau, Imatto, Imao, Imau, Imahi, Imahinto, Ima (3/9, 3/12, 1/84) (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), imahi, Imahinto, Imasunto Imado, Imadu (3/8) (3/9, 3/13), Imehi, Imehinto, Imesunto (3/9, 3/15) Imado, Imadu (3/9) Locative case Imassim, Imammi Imesu (3/15), (3/59, 3/76), Imesum (1/27) Assim (3/74), Iha (3/75), Imamhi, Imamsi Advanced Prakrta Grammar 149 Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Amu (That) u-ending Masculine Singular Plural Nominative case Aha (3/87), Amu (3/88) Amau, Amao (3/20), Amuno (3/22), Amavo (3/21) Amu (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Amum (3/124, 3/5) Amuno (3/22), Amu (3/18) Instrumental Amuna (3/24) Amuhi, Amuhim, Amuhir (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Genitive case Amussa (3/124, 3/10) Amuno (3/23) Amuna (3/124, 3/6, 3/12), Amunam (1/27) Ablative case Amuno (3/23, 3/125), Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amuhinto, Amusunto Amuhinto (3/124, (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, 3/8, 3/12, 3/126, 3/127) 3/127), Amudo, Amudu Amudo, Amudu (3/124, 3/9) (3/124, 3/8) Amusu (3/16, 3/15, 3/124) Locative case Ayammi, lammi (3/89), Amummi (3/124, 3/11), Amusum (1/27) Amumhi, Amursi 150 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Anna (Other) a-ending Masculine Singular Plural Nominative case Anno (3/2) Anne (3758), Anne Accusative case Annam (3/5) Anne (3/4, 3/14), Anna (3/4, 3/12) Instrumental Dative & Annena (3/6, 3/14), Annehi, Annehim, Annehin Annenam (1/27) (3/7, 3/15) Annaya (3/132), Annana (3/131, 3/6, 3/12) Annassa (3/131, Annanam (1/27), 3/10) Annesim (3/131, 3/61) Genitive case Ablative case Annatto, Annao, Annau Annatto, Annao, Annau Annahi, Annahinto, (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Anna (3/8, 3/12, Annahi, Annahinto, 1/84), Annasunto (3/9, 3/13), Annado, Annadu Annehi, Annehinto, (3/8) Annesunto (3/9, 3/15), Annado, Annadu (3/9) Annassa (3/10) Annana (3/6, 3/12), Annanam (1/27), Annesim (3/61) Genitive case Locative case Annassim, Annammi, Annattha (3/59), Annahim (3/60), Annesu (3/15), Annesum (1/27) Annamhi, Annamsi Advanced Praksta Grammar 151 Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter-Savva (All) Singular Plural Nominative case Savvam (3/25) Savvaim, Savvaii, Savvani (3/26) Accusative case Savvam (3/5) Savvaim, Savvain, Savvani (3/26) Instrumental Savvena (3/6, 3/14), Savvehi, Savvehin, Savvenam (1/27) Savvehin (3/7, 3/15) Dative Savvaya (3/132), Savvana (3/131, 3/6, Savvassa (3/131. 3/12), 3/10) Savvanam (1/27), Savvesim (3/131, 3/61) Ablative case Savvatto, Savvao, Savvatto, Savvao, Savvau, Savvau, Savvahi, (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Savvahinto, Savva Savvahi, Savvahinto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Savvasunto, Savvehi, Savvado, Savvadu Savvehinto, Savvesunto (3/8) (3/9, 3/13, 3/15) Savvado, Savvadu (3/9) Genitive case Savvassa (3/10) Savvana (3/6, 3/12), Savvanam (1/27), Savvesim (3/61) Locative case Savvassim, Savvammi, Savvesu (3/15) Savvattha (3/59), Savvesum (1/27) Savvahim (3760), Savvamhi, Savvamsi 152 Advanced Prakta Grammar Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Singular Nominative case Tam (3/25) Accusative case Tam (3/5) Instrumental Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Neuter-Ta (He) Tena (3/6, 3/14) Tenam (1/27) Tina (3/69) Tassa (3/10), Tasa (3/63) Se (3/81) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Plural Taim, Taim, Tani (3/26) Taim, Taim, Tani (3/26) Tehi, Tehim, Tehim (3/7, 3/15) Tana (3/6, 3/12), Tanam(1/27), Tesim (3/61), Sim (3/81), Tasa (3/62) Tatto, Tao, Tau, Tahi, Tatto, Tao, Tau Tahinto, Ta (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Tamha (3/66) To (3/67), Tado, Tadu (3/8) (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Tahi, Tahinto, Tasunto (3/9, 3/13), Tehi, Tehinto, Tesunto (3/9, 3/15), Tado, Tadu (3/9) Tassim, Tammi, Tattha (3/59), Tahim (3/60), Tahe, Tala, Taia (3/65), Tamhi, Tamsi Tesu (3/15), Tesum (1/27) 153 Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter-Ta - Na (He) Singular Plural Nominative case Nam (3/25) Naim, Nair, Nani (3/26) Accusative case Nam (3/5) Nais, Nain, Nani (3/26) Instrumental Nena (3/6, 3/14) Nenam (1/27) Nina (3/69) Nehi, Nehim, Nehin (3/7, 3/15) Dative & Nassa (3/10), Nana (3/6, 3/12), Nanam (1/27), Genitive case Ablative case Natto, Nao, Nau, Nahi, Natto, Nao, Nau Nahinto, Na (3/8, (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), 3/12, 1/84) Nahi, Nahinto, Nasunto Nado, Nadu (3/8) (3/9, 3/13), Nehi, Nehinto, Nesunto (3/9, 3/15), Nado, Nadu (3/9) Locative case Nassim, Nammi, Nesu (3/15), Nattha (3/59) Nesum (1/27) Nahim (3/60), Nahe, Nala, Nai) (3/65), Namhi, Namsi 154 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter- Ja (Who Which) Singular Plural Nominative case Jam (3/25) Jaim, Jain, Jani (3/26) Accusative case Jam (3/5) Jaim, Jain, Jani (3/26) Instrumental Jena (3/6, 3/14) Jenam (1/27) Jina (3/69) Jehi, Jehim, Jehin (3/7, 3/15) Dative & Jassa (3/10), Jana (3/6, 3/12), Janam (1/27), Genitive case Jasa (3/63) Jesim (3/61) Ablative case Jatto, Jao, Jau, Jahi, Jahinto, Ja (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Jamha (3766) Jado, Jadu (3/8) Jatto, Jao, Jau (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Jahi, Jahinto, Jasunto (3/9, 3/13), Jehi, Jehinto, Jesunto (379, 3/15), Jado, Jadu (3/9) Locative case Jassim, Jammi, Jesu (3/15), Jattha (3/59), Jesum (1/27) Jahim (3/60), Jahe, Jala, Jaia (3/65), Jamhi, Jamsi Advanced Praksta Grammar 155 Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Instrumental Nominative case Kim (3/80) Accusative case Kim (3/80) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case 156 Neuter- Ka (Who) Singular Kena (3/6, 3/14) Kenam (1/27) Kina (3/69) Kassa (3/10), Kasa (3/63) Plural Kaim, Kaim, Kani (3/26) Kaim, Kaim, Kani (3/26 Kehi, Kehim, Kehim (3/7, 3/15) Kana (3/6, 3/12), Kanam (1/27), Kasa (3/62), Kesim (3/61) Katto, Kao, Kau, Kahi, Katto, Kao, Kau Kahinto, Ka (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Kamha (3/66) Kino, Kisa (3/68) Kado, Kadu (3/8) (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Kahi, Kahinto, Kasunto (3/9, 3/13), Kehi, Kehinto, Kesunto (3/9, 3/15), Kado, Kadu (3/9) Kesu (3/15), Kesum (1/27) Kassim, Kammi, Kattha (3/59) Kahim (3/60), Kahe, Kala, Kaia (3/65), Kamhi, Kamsi Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter- Eta (This) Singular Plural Nominative case Esa, Inan, Etaim, Etaii, Etani (3/26) Inamo (3/85), Edaim, Edaii, Etam (3/25) Edani (3/26) Accusative case Etam (3/5), Etain, Etim, Etani (3/26) Edam (4/260) Edaim, Edain, Edani (4/260) Instrumental Etena (3/6, 3/14), Etehi, Etehim, Etehis Etenam (1/27), (317, 3/15) Etina (3769), Edehi, Edehim, Edena, Edenam, Edehim (4/260) Edina (4/260) Dative & Etassa (3/10), Etana (3/6, 3/12), Genitive case Se (3/81), Etanam (1/27), Edassa (4/260) Etesim (3/61), Sim (3/81), Edana, Edanan, Edesim (4/260) Ablative case Etao, Etau, Etahi, Etatto, Etao, Etau Etahinto, Eta (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), (3/8, 3/12), Etahi, Etahinto, Etasunto, Etto, Ettahe Etehi, Etehinto, Etesunto (3/82, 3/83), (3/9, 3/13, 3/15), Edado, Edadu (3/8) Edado, Edadu (3/9) Locative case Etesu (3/15), Etesum (1/27), Edesu, Edesum (4/260) Etassim, Etammi (3/59), Ayammi, Iyammi (3/59, 3/84), Ettha (3/59, 3/83) Etamhi, Etamsi Advanced Prakrta Grammar 157 Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Singular Esa, Inam, Inamo (3/85), Eam (3/25) Accusative case Eam (3/5) Instrumental Nominative case Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case 158 Neuter- Eta Eena (3/6, 3/14), Eenam (1/27), Eina (3/69) Eassa (3/10), Se (3/81), Eao, Eau, Eahi, Eahinto, Ea (3/8, 3/12) Etto, Ettahe - (3/82, 3/83), Eado, Eadu (3/8) Ea (This) Plural Eaim, Eaim, Eani (3/26) Eassim, Eammi (3/59), Ayammi, Iyammi (3/59, 3/84, 3/89), Ettha (3/59, 3/83) Eamhi, Eamsi Eaim, Eaim, Eani (3/26) Eehi, Eehim, Eehim (3/7, 3/15) Eana (3/6, 3/12), Eanam (1/27), Eesim (3/61), Sim (3/81) Eatto, Eao, Eau (3/9, 3/12) Eahi, Eahinto, Easunto, (3/9, 3/13), Eehi, Eehinto, Eesunto (3/9, 3/15), Eado, Eadu (3/9) Eesu (3/15), Eesum (1/27) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter- Ima (This) Singular Plural Nominative case Idam, Inamo, Inam (3/79) Imaim, Imain, Imani (3/26) Imaim, Imaii, Imani (3/26) Accusative case Idam, Inamo, Inan (3/78, 3/79) Nam1 Instrumental Imena (3/6, 3/14) Imenam (1/27) Imina (3/69), Nena, Nenar, Nina (3/77, 3/6, 3/14, 3/69) imehi, Imehis, Imehin (3/7, 3/15) Nehi, Nehim, Nehis (3/77, 3/7, 3/15) Dative & Genitive case Imassa (3/10), Assa (3/74), Se (3781) Imana (3/6, 3/12), Imanam (1/27), Imesim (3/61), Sim (3/81) Ablative case Imatto, Imao, Imau, Imahi, Imahinto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Imado, Imadu (3/8) Imatto, Imao, Imau, Imahi, Imahinto, Imasunto, Imehi, Imehinto, Imesunto, (3/9, 3/12, 3/13, 3/15) Imado, Imadu (3/9) Locative case Imassim (3/59, 3/76) Imesu (3/15), Assim (3/74), Imesum (1/27) Tha (3/75), Imamhi, Imamsi 1. Prakrta Bhaskom ka Vyakarana, Dr. R. Pischel, P. 641. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 159 Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter- Amu (That) Singular Plural Nominative case Aha (3/87), Amuim, Amuin, Amum (3/88, 3/25) Amuni (3/26) Accusative case Amum (3/124, 3/5) Amuim, Amuis, Amuni (3/26) Instrumental Amuna (3/24) Amuhi, Amuhim, Amuhis (3/124, 377, 3/16) Dative & Amussa (3/124, Amuna (3/124, 376, 3/12) Amunam (1/27) Genitive case 3/10) Amuno (3/23) Ablative case Amuno (3723), Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amuhinto, Amusunto, Amuhinto (3/124, (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, 3/8, 3/12, 3/126, 3/127) Amudo, Amudu 3/127) (3/124. 3/9) Amudo, Amudu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Ayammi, Amusu (3/16), lammi (3/89), Amusum (1/27) Amummi (3/124, 3/11), Amumhi, Amumsi 160 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter- Anna (Other) Singular Plural Nominative case Annam (3/25). Annaim, Annaim, Annani (3/26) Accusative case Annam (3/5), Annaim, Annain, Annani (3/26) Instrumental Annena (3/6, 3/12), Annehi, Annehir, Annehin Annenam (1/27) (3/7, 3/15) Dative Annaya (3/132), Annassa (3/131, 3/10) Annana (3/6, 3/12), Annanam (1/27), Annesim (3/131, 3/61) Ablative case Annatto, Annao, Annau, Annahi, Annahinto, Anna (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Annado, Annadu (3/8) Annatto, Annao, Annau, (3/9, 3/12, 1/84), Annahi, Annahinto, Annasunto (379, 3/13), Annehi, Annehinto, Annesunto (3/9, 3/15) Annado, Annadu (3/9) Genitive case Annassa (3/10) Annana (3/6, 3/12), Annanam (1/27), Annesim (3/61) Annesu (3/15), Annesum (1/27) Locative case Annessim, Annammi, Annattha (3/59) Annahim (3760) Annamhi, Annamsi Advanced Praksta Grammar 161 Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a-ending Feminine - Savva (All) Singular Plural Nominative case Savva (4/448) Savva (3/124, 3/4), Savvau, Savvao (3/271 Accusative case Savvam (3/124, Savva (3/124, 3/4), 3/5, 3/36) Savvau, Savvao (3/27) Instrumental Savvaa, Savvai, Savvahi, Savvahim, Savvae (3/29, 3/30) Savvahim (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Savvaa, Savvai, Savvana (3/124, 3/6) Genitive case Savvae (3/29, 3/30) Savvanam (1/27) Savvesim (3/61) Ablative case Savvaa, Savvai, Savvatto, Savvao, Savvau, Savvae (3/29, 3/30), Savvahinot, Savvasunto, Savvatto, Savvao, (3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Savvau, Savvahinto Savvado, Savvadu (3/124, 3/8, (3/124, 3/9) 3/126, 3/127) Savvado, Savvadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Savvaa, Savvai, Savvasu, Savvasum Savvae (3/29. 3/30) (4/448) 162 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ta (She) Plural Singular Nominative case Sa (3/86, 4/448) Ta (3/124, 3/4). Accusative case Tam (3/124, 3/5, Tau, Tao (3/27) Ta (3/1 24, 3/4), Tau, Tao (3/27) 3/36) Instrumental Taa, Tai, Tae Tahi, Tahim, Tahin Dative & Genitive case (3/29, 3/30) (3/124, 3/7) Taa, Tai, Tae Tana (3/124, 3/6), (3/29, 3/30) Tasa (3763), Tanam (1/27), Se (3/81) Sim (3/81), Tesim (3761) Tatto, Tao, Tau, Tatto, Tao, Tau, Tahinto Tahinto (3/124, Tasunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) 3/127) Taa, Tai, Tae (3729) Tado, Tadu (3/124, 3/9) Tado, Tadu (3/124, 3/8) Ablative case Locative case Taa, Tai, Tae Tasu, Tasum (4/448) (3/29, 3/30) Tahim (3/60) Advanced Praksta Grammar 163 Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ta> Na (This) Singular Plural Nominative case Na (4/448) Na (3/124, 3/4), Nau, Nao (3727) Accusative case Nam (3/124, 3/5, Na (3/124, 3/4), 3/36) Nau, Nao (3/27) Instrumental Naa, Nai, Nae (3/29, 3/30) Nahi, Nahim, Nahin (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Nana (3/124, 3/6), Genitive case Naa, Nai, Nae (3/29, 3/30) Nasa (3763), Se (3781) Nanam (1/27), Sim (3/81), Nesim (3761) Ablative case Naa, Nai, Nae Natto, Nao, Nau, Nahinto, (3/29, 3/30) Nasunto (3/124, 3/9, Natto, Nao, Nau, 3/127) Nahinto (3/124, Nado, Nadu (3/124, 3/9) 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) Nado, Nadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Naa, Nai, Nae Nasu, Nasus (4/448) (3/29, 3/30) Nahim (3760) 164 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ti '(That) Singular Plural Nominative case Tia (3/28) Tiu, Tio (3/27), Tia (3/28) Ti (3/124, 3/4) Accusative case Tiu, Tio (3/27), Tia (3/28) Ti (3/18) Instrumental Tia, Tia, Tii, Tihi, Tihim, Tihin (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Tie (3/29) Dative & Tia, Tia, Tii Genitive case Tie (3/29) Tissa, Tise (3/64) Ablative case Tia, Tia, Tii, Tie (3/29) Titto, Tio, Tiu, Tihinto, Tisunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, 3/127) Tido, Tidu (3/124, 3/9) Titto, Tio, Tiu, Tihinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) Tido, Tidu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Tia, Tia, Tii, Tie Tisu (3/16), (3/29) Tisuri (1/27) 1. Sutra 3/31 Advanced Praksta Grammar 165 Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ja (Who) Singular Plural Nominative case Ja (4/448) Jau, Jao (3/27), Ja (3/124, 3/4) Accusative case Jam (3/124, 3/5, Jau, Jao (3/27), Ja (3/124, 3/4) 3/36) Instrumental Jahi, Jahim, Jahin Jaa, Jai, Jae (3/29, 3/30) (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Jaa, Jai, Jae (3/29, 3/30) Genitive case Jana (3/124, 3/6) Janam (1/27), Jesim (3/61) Ablative case Jaa, Jai, Jae (3/29) Jatto, Jao, Jau, Jahinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, Jatto, Jao, Jau, Jahinto, Jasunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Jado, Jadu (3/124, 3/9) 3/127) Jado, Jadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Jasu (4/448) Jaa, Jai, Jae (3/29, 3/30), Jasum (1/27) Jahim (3/60) 166 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine. Ji' (Who) Singular Plural Nominative case Jia (3/28) Jiu, Jio (3/27), Jia (3/28) Ji (3/124, 3/4) Accusative case - Jiu, Jio (3/27), Jia (3/28) Ji (3/18) Instrumental Jia, Jia, Jii. Jihi, Jihim, Jihin (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Jie (3/29) Dative & Jia, Jia, Jii, Jie (3/29) Genitive case Jissa, Jise (3/64) Ablative case Jia, Jia, Jii, Jitto, Jio, Jiu, Jihinjo, Jie (3/29) Jisunto (3/124, 3/9, Jitto, Jio, Jiu, 3/16, 3/127) Jihinto (3/124, Jido, Jidu (3/124, 3/9) 3/8, 3/126, 3/127), Jido, Jidu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Jia, Jia, Jii, Jie Jisu, (3/16), (3/29) Jisum (1/27) 1. Sutra 3/31 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 167 Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Ka (4/448) Accusative case Kam (3/124, 3/5, 3/36) Dative & Instrumental Kaa, Kai, Kae (3/29, 3/30) Genitive case Ablative case Feminine - Ka (Who) Locative case Singular 168 Kaa, Kai, Kae (3/29, 3/30) Kaa, Kai, Kae (3/29, 3/30) Katto, Kao, Kau, Kahinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, 3/127), Kado, Kadu (3/124, 3/8) Kaa, Kai, Kae (3/29, 3/30), Kahim (3/60) Plural Kau, Kao (3/27), Ka (3/124, 3/4) Kau, Kao (3/27), Ka (3/124, 3/4) Kahi, Kahim, Kahim (3/124, 3/7) Kana (3/124, 3/6), Kasa (3/63) Kanam (1/27), Kesim (3/61) Katto, Kao, Kau, Kahinto, Kasunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Kado, Kadu (3/124, 3/9) Kasu (4/448), Kasum (1/27) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ki (Who) Singular Plural Nominative case Kia (3/28) Kiu, Kio (3/27), Kia (3/28) Accusative case - Ki (3/124, 3/4) Kiu, Kio (3/27), Kia (3/28) Ki (3/18) Instrumental Kia, Kia, Kii, Kihi, Kihim, Kihis Kie (3729) (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Kia, Kia, Kii, Genitive case Kie (3/29) Kissa, Kise (3/64) Ablative case Kia, Kia, Kii, Kie Kitto, Kio, Kiu, Kihinko, Kisunto (3/124, 3/9, (3729), Kitto, Kio, Kiu, 3/16, 3/127), Kihinto (3/124, Kido, Kidu (3/124. 3/9) 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) Kido, Kidu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Kia, Kia, Kii, Kie Kisu (3/16), Kisum (1/27) (3/29) Advanced Praksta Grammar 169 Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Eta - Ea (This) Singular Plural Nominative case Esa (4/448) Eau, Eao (3/27), Ea (3/124, 3/4) Accusative case Eam (3/124, 3/5, Eau, Eao (3/27), 3/36) Ea (3/124, 3/4) Instrumental Eaa, Eai, Eke (3/29, 3/30) Eahi, Eahim, Eahis (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Eana (3/124, 3/6), Eaa, Eai, Eke (3/29, 3/30) Genitive case Se (3/81) Eanam (1/27), Sim (3/81) Ablative case Eatto, Eattahe (3782), Eatto, Eao, Eau, Eva, Eai, Eae (3/29), Eahinto, Easunto Eao, Eau, Eahinto (3/124, 3/9, 3/127), (3/124, 3/8, Eado, Eadu (3/124, 3/9) 3/126, 3/127) Eado, Eadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Eaa, Eai, Eae Easu (4/448), (3/29, 3/30) Easum (1/27) 170 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Dative & Accusative case Eim (3/124, 3/5, Genitive case Ablative case Instrumental Eia, Eia, Eii, Locative case Singular Ei (3/19), Eia (3/28) 3/36) Feminine - Ei (This) Eie (3/29) Eia, Eia, Eii, Eie (3/29) Eia, Eia, Eii, Eie (3/29) Eitto, Eio, Eiu, Eihinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, 3/127), Eido, Eidu (3/124, 3/8) Eia, Eia, Eii, Eie (3/29) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Plural Eiu, Eio (3/27), Eia (3/28) Ei (3/124, 3/4) Eiu, Eio (3/27), Eia (3/28) Ei (3/18) Eihi, Eihim, Eihim (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Eina (3/124, 3/6), Einam (1/27) Eitto, Eio, Eiu, EihinEo, Eisunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, 3/127) Eido, Eidu (3/124, 3/9) Eisu, (3/16), Eisum (1/27) 171 Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Ima (4/448) Imia (3/73) Instrumental Accusative case Imam (3/124, 3/5, 3/36) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Feminine Ima (This) 172 Singular Imaa, Imai, Imae (3/29, 3/30) Imaa, Imai, Imae (3/29, 3/30) Se (3/81) Imaa, Imai, Imae (3/29, 3/30), Imatto, Imao, Imau, Imahinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) Imado, Imadu (3/124, 3/8) Imaa, Imai, Imae (3/29, 3/30) Plural Imau, Imao (3/27), Ima (3/124, 3/4) Imau, Imao (3/27), Ima (3/124, 3/4) Imahi, Imahim, Imahim (3/124, 3/7) Imana (3/124, 3/6), Imanam (1/27), Sim (3/81) Imesim (3/61) Imatto, Imao, Imau, Imahinto, Imasunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/127), Imado, Imadu (3/124, 3/9) Imasu (4/448), Imasum (1/27) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine . Imi (This) Singular Plural Nominative case Imi (3/19), Imiu, Imio (3/27), Imia (3/28) Imia (3/28) Imi (3/124, 3/4) Accusative case Imim (3/124, 3/5, Imiu, Imio (3/27), 3/36) Imia (3/28) Imi (3/18) Imnstrumental Imia, Imia, Imii, Imihi, Imihim, Imihin Imie (3/29) (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Imia, Imia, Imii, Imina (3/124, 3/6), Genitive case Imie (3/29) Iminam (1727) Ablative case Imia, Imia, Imii, Imie (3/29), Imitto, Imio, Imiu, Imihinto, Imisunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, 3/127) Imido, Imidu (3/124, Imitto, Imio, Imiu, Imihinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/9) 3/126, 3/127) Imido, Imidu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Imia, Imia, Imii, Imie Imisu, (3/16), (3/29) Imisun (1/27) Advanced Praksta Grammar 173 Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Amu (That) Singular Plural Nominative case Aha (3/87), Amuu, Amuo (3/27), Amu(3/88, 3/19) Amu (3/124, 3/4, 3/12) Accusative case Amum (3/1 24, 3/5) Amuu, Amuo (3/27), Amu (3/18) Imnstrumental Amua, Amua, Amui, Amuhi, Amuhim, Amuhis Amue (3/29) (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Dative & Amua, Amua, Amui, Amuna (3/124, 3/6, Genitive case Amue (3/29) 3/12) Amunam (1/27) Ablative case Amua, Amua, Amui, Amutto, Amuo, Amuu, Amue (3/29), Amuhinto, Amusunto Amutto, Amuo, (3/124, 3/9, Amuu, Amuhinto 3/16, 3/127) (3/124,3/8, 3/12, Amudo, Amudu 3/126, 3/127) (3/124, 3/9) Amudo, Amudu 13/124, 3/8) Locative case Amua, Amua, Amui, Amusu, (3/16), Amue (3/29) Amusum (1/27) 174 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Anna (4/448) Dative & Instrumental Annaa, Annai, Annae (3/29, 3/30) Genitive case Accusative case Annam (3/124, 3/5, Annau, Annao (3/27), 3/36) Anna (3/124, 3/4) Ablative case Feminine - Anna (Other) Singular Locative case Annaa, Annai, Annae (3/29, 3/30) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Plural Annaa, Annai, Annae (3/29, 3/30) Annau, Annao (3/27), Anna (3/124, 3/4) Annahi, Annahim, Annahim (3/124, 3/7) Annaa, Annai, Annae (3/29, 3/30), Annahinto, Annasunto Annatto, Annao, Annau, (3/124, 3/9, 3/127), Annahinto (3/124, Annado, Annadu 3/8, 3/126, 3/127) (3/124, 3/9) Annado, Annadu (3/8) Annana (3/124, 3/6), Annanam (1/27), Annatto, Annao, Annau, Annasu (4/448), Annasum (1/27) 175 Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In all the three Genders Masculine, Feminine, Neuter - Tumha (You) Singular Nominative case Tam, Tum, Tumam, Tuvam, Tuha (3/90) Accusative case Tam, Tum, Tumam, Tuvam, Tuha, Tume, Tue (3 Instrumental Tumam, Tai, Tae, Tumai, Tumai, Tume, Tumae, Bhe, Di, De, Te (3/94) Dative & Tai, Tuva, Tuma, Tuha, Tuhar, Tumhan, Tume, Genitive case Tumo, Tumai, Tubbha, Ubbha, Uyha, Di, De, I, E, Tu, Te (3/99) Tumha, Tujjha, Umha, Ujjha (3/104, 3/991) Ablative case Taitto, Taio, Taiu, Taihinto, Tuvatto, Tuvao, Tuvau, Tuvahi, Tuvahinto, Tuva, Tumatto, Tumao, Tumau, Tumahi, Tumahinto, Tuma, Tuhatto, Tuhao, Tuhau, Tuhahi, Tuhahinto, Tuha, Tubbhatto, Tubbhao, Tubbhau, Tubbhahi, Tubbhahinto , Tubbha (3/96, 3/8, 3/12), Tuyha, Tubbha, Tahinto (3/97), Tumhatto, Tumhao, Tumhau, Tumhahi, Tumhahinto, Tumha, Tujjhatto, Tujjhao, Tujjhau, Tujjhahi, Tujjhahinto, Tujjha (3/104), Taido, Taidu, Tuvado, Tuvadu, Tumado, Tumadu, Tuhado, Tuhadu, Tubbhado, Tubbhadu, Tumhado, Tumhadu, Tujjhado, Tujjhadu (3/96, 3/8, 3/12) 1. Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/99 176 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In all the three Genders Masculine, Feminine, Neuter - Tumha (You) Plural Nominative case Tujjha, Tumha, Tubbhe, Tuyhe, Uyhe, Bhe (3/91), Tumhe, Tujjhe Accusative case Tujjha, Tubbhe, Tuyhe, Uyhe, Bhe, Vo (3/93) Tumhe, Tujjhe Instrumental Tumhehim, Tubbhehim, Tujjhehim, Ujjhehir, Tuyhehim, Uyhehis, Umhehis, Bhe (3/95) Dative & Tubbha, Tubbhan, Tubbhana, Tuvana, Tumana, Tuhana, Genitive case Umhana, Tu, Vo, Bhe (3/100), Tumhana, Tujjhana (3/104, 3/6, 3/12), TubbhanamTuvanan, Tumanan, Tuhanan, Umhanan, Tumhanam, Tujjhanam (1/27) Ablative case Tubbhatto, Tubbhao, Tubbhau, Tubbhahi, Tubbhahinto, Tubbhasunto, Tubbhehi, Tubbhehinto, Tubbhesunto, Tuyhatto, Tuyhao, Tuyhau, Tuthihi, Tuyhahinto, Tuyhasunto, Tuyhehi, Tuyhehinto, Tuyhesunto, Uyhatto, Vyhao, Uyhau, Uyhahi, Vyhahinto, Vyhasunto, Uyhehi, Uyhehinto, Uyhesunto, Umhatto, Umhao, Umhau, Umhahi, Umhahinto, Umhasunto, Umhehi, Umhehinto, Umhesunto (3/98, 3/9, 3/12, 3/13, 3/15), Tumhatto, Tumhao, Tumhau, Tumhahi, Tumhahinto, Tumhasunto, Tumhehi, Tumhehinto, Tumhesunto, Tujjhatto, Tujjhao, Tujjhau, Tujjhahi, Tujjhahinto, Tujjhasunto, Tujjhehi, Tujjhehinto, Tujjhesunto (3/104, 3/9, 3/12, 3/13, 3/15), Tubbhado, Tubbhadu, Tuyhado, Tuyhadu, Vyhado, Uyhadu, Umhado, Umhadu, Tumhado, Tumhadu, Tujjhado, Tujj hadu (3/98, 3/9) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 177 Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Locative case 1. 178 Singular Tai, Tae, Tumai, Tumae. Tume (3/101), Tummi (3/102, 3/59)2 Tuvammi, Tumammi, Tuhammi, Tubbhammi, Tuvassim, Tumassim, Tuhassim, Tubbhassim, Tuvattha, Tumattha, Tuhattha, Tubbhattha (3/102, 3/59), Tuvahim, Tumahim, Tuhahim, Tubbhahim (3/102, 3/60), Tuve, Tume, Tuhe, Tubbhe (3/102, 3/11) Tumhe, Tujjhe, Tumhammi, Tujjhammi, Tumhassim, Tujjhassim, Tumhattha, Tujjhattha, Tumhahim, Tujjhahim (3/104, 3/11, 3/59, 3/60) Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/59 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Plural Locative case Tusu (3/103, 4/448) Tuvesu, Tumesu, Tuhesa, Tubbhesu (3/103, 3/15), Tumhesu, Tujjhesu (3/104, 3/15), Tuvasu, Tumasu, Tuhasu, Tubbhasu, Tumhasu, Tujjhasu, Tubbhasu, Tumhasu, Tujjhasu (3/103)" Tuvasun, Tumasun, Tuhasun, Tubbhasun, Tumhasur, Tujjhasun, Tuvesun, Tumesum, Tuhesun, Tubbhesum, Tumhesun, Tujjhesum (1727) 1. Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/103 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 179 Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In all the Three Genders - Masculine, Feminine, Neuter - Amha (I) Singular Nominative case Aham, Ham, Ahayam, Mmi, Ammi, Amhi (3/105) Accusative case Aham, Mam, Mamam, Mi, Mmi, Ammi, Amha, Mamha, Nam, Ne (3/107) Instrumental Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case 180 Mai, Mae, Mamai, Mayai, Me, Mamae, Mi, Mimam, Ne (3/109) Mai, Mama, Maha, Maham, Majjha, Majjham, Amha, Amham, Me (3/113) Maitto, Maio, Maiu, Maihinto, Mamatto, Mamao, Mamau, Mamahi, Mamahinto, Mama, Mahatto, Mahao, Mahau, Mahahi, Mahahinto, Maha, Majjhatto, Majjhao, Majjhau, Majjhahi, Majjhahinto, Majjha (3/111, 3/8, 3/12) Maido, Maidu, Mamado, Mamadu, Mahado, Mahadu, Majjhado, Majjhadu (3/111, 3/8) 1. Prakrta Bhasaom Ka Vyakarana, Dr. R. Pischel, P. 610. Mai, Mae, Mamai, Mi, Me (3/115), Amhammi, Mamammi, Mahammi, Majjhammi, Amhe, Mame, Mahe, Majjhe (3/116, 3/11)1 Amhassim, Mamassim, Mahassim, Majjhassim, Amhattha, Mamattha, Mahattha, Majjhattha (3/116, 3/59)1 Amhahim, Mamahim, Mahahim, Majjhahim (3/116, 3/60)1 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In all the Three Genders - Masculine, Feminine, Neuter - Amha (I) Plural Nominative case Amha, Amhe, Amho, Mo, Vayam, Bhe (3/106) Accusative case Amha, Amhe, Amho, Ne (3/108) Instrumental Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Amha, Amhe, Amhehi, Amhahi, Ne (3/110) Amha, Amham, Amhe, Amho, Ne, No, Majjha, Majjhana, Amhana, Mamana, Mahana (3/114) Amhanam, Mamanam, Mahanam, Majjhanam (1/27) Mamatto, Mamao, Mamau, Mamahi, Mamahinto, Mamasunto, Mamehi, Mamehinto, Mamesunto, Amhatto, Amhao, Amhau, Amhahi, Amhahinto, Amhasunto, Amhehi, Amhehinto, Amhesunto (3/112, 3/9, 3/12, 3/13, 3/15), Mamado, Mamadu, Amhado, Amhadu (3/112, 3/9) Locative case Amhesu, Mamesu, Mahesu, Majjhesu (3/117, 3/15), Amhasu, Mamasu, Mahasu, Majjhasu, Amhasu (3/117)1, Amhesum, Mamesum, Mahesum, Majjhesum, Amhasum, Mamasum, Mahasum, Majjhasum, Amhasum (1/27) 1. Hemacandra's Commentary Sutra 3/117 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 181 Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (C) Declensional Forms of Numerals Masculine Numeral: (Ekka. Ea, Ega, Ikka) a-ending : Ekka (One), Ea (One), Ega (One), Ikka (One) (Inflection according to Savva) In Singular the meaning is one. In Plural the meaning is Some or Certain ones. Neuter Numeral: (Ekka. Ea, Ega, Ikka) a-ending : Ekka (One), Ea (One), Ega (One), Ikka (One) (Inflection according to Savva) Feminine Numeral: (Ekka, Ikka) a-ending : Ekka (One), Ikka(One) (Inflection according to Savva) In all (Mas.,Neu., Fem.) the Genders: (Saya , Visa, Sasthi, Du,Do, Ti, Cau, Panca) Saya (Hundred) (Inflexion according to Kamala) (Neuter) Visa (Twenty) (Inflexion according to Kaha) (Feminine) Satthi (Sixty) (Inflexion according to Mai) (Feminine) Du (Two) Do (Two) Ti (Three) Cau (Four) Panca (Five) Kai (How much or How many) Besides the inflection of these words, the inflections of some other words have been made known. While making intelligible the Sutras some mathematical symbols have been used. These have been put in the list of abbreviations. 182 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In the following Pages, Cardinal Numbers and their Declensional forms are being shown. First, Cardinal Numbers and their Declensional forms are given. Afterwards, Ordinal Numbers alongwith their Masculine, Feminine and Neuter Genders are given. According to the Ardhamagadhi dictionary, ordinarily Ordinal Numbers are formed by adding the 'ma' suffix to the Cardinal Number. 'We have accepted the use of this rule for all the Ordinal Numbers'. But in the dictionary irregular Ordinal Numbers are also found. They are shown by putting No.'l' on them. Cardinal Numbers = One - Two - Three : Four = Five 1. Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea 2. Do, Duve, Be 3. Ti 4. Cau 5. Panca 6. Chattha 7. Satta 8. Attha 9. Nava 10. Daha, Dasa 11. Ekkaraha, Ikkaraha, Egaraha, Earaha, Ekkarasa, Ikkarasa, Egarasa, Earasa 12. Baraha, Barasa, Duvalasa 13. Teraha, Terasa 14. Cauddha, Cauddsa, Coddsa - Six - Seven - Eight = Nine = Ten - Eleven = Twelve - Thirteen = Fourteen Advanced Praksta Grammar 183 Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - Fifteen - Sixteen - Seventeen - Eighteen = Nineteen 15. Pannaraha, Pannarasa 16. Solaha, Solasa, Chaddsa 17. Sattaraha, Sattarasa, Sattaddsa 18. Astharaha, Attharasa, Atthadasa, Atthadaha 19. Egunavisa, Aunavisa, Agunavisai, Aunavisai 20. Visa, Visai 21. Egavisa, Egavisai 22. Bavisa, Bavisai, Baisa 23. Tevisa, Tevisai 24. Cauvisa, Cauvisai 25. Pannavisa, Pannavisai, Panuvisa 26. Chavvisa 27. Sattavisa, Sattavisa, Sattavisai, Sattavisai 28. Atthavisa, Atthavisa, Atthavisai 29. Agunatisa, Agunatisai, Aunatisa, Aunatisai 30. Tisa, Tisai 31. Ekkatisa 32. Battisa 33. Tettisa, Tittisa, Tettisai 34. Cautisa, Cautisai 35. Pannatisa, Pancatisa, Pannatisai, Pancatisai 36. Chattisa, Chattisai - Twenty - Twenty One - Twenty Two - Twenty Three = Twenty Four - Twenty Five - Twenty Six = Twenty Seven - Twenty Eight - Twenty Nine - Thirty - Thirty One - Thirty Two - Thirty Three - Thirty Four - Thirty Five - Thirty Six 184 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Thirty Seven - Thirty Eight = Thirty Nine - Forty = Forty One = Forty Two - Forty Three = Forty Four = Forty Five - Forty Six - Forty Seven - Forty Eight 37. Sattatisa, Sattatisai 38. Atthatisa, Atthatisai 39. Agunacattalisa, Aunacattalisa 40. Cattalisa, Calisa 41. Ekkacattalisa, Igayala 42. Bayalisa, Bayala 43. Tealisa 44. Caualisa, Coyalisa 45. Panayalisa, Panayala, Pancatalisa 46. Chayalisa 47. Sattacatalisa, Siyalisa, Sattacalisa 48. Atthacatalisa, Atthatalisa, Atthayala, Adhayala, Adhayalisa 49. Egunapannasa, Aunapanna 50. Pannasa 51. Egapannasa, Ekkapannasa, Egavanna, Ekkavanna 52. Bavanna 53. Tevanna 54. Cauvanna, Caupanna, Caupannasa 55. Panapanna, Panavanna 56. Chappanna 57. Sattavanna 58. Atthavanna 59. Egunasatthi, Aunasatthi, Aunatthi 60. Sathi = Forty Nine = Fifty - Fifty One - Fifty Two - Fifty Three = Fifty Four * Fifty Five = Fifty Six - Fifty Seven - Fifty Eight - Fifty Nine - Sixty Advanced Prakrta Grammar 185 Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 61. Egasatthi 62. Basatthi, Bavatthi, Bisatthi 63. Tesatthi, Tevatthi, Tisatthi 64. Causatthi 65. Pancasatthi, Panasatthi 66. Chasatthi 67. Sattasatthi, Sattatthi 68. Atthasatthi, Atthasatthi, Adasatthi 69. Agunasattari, Aunattari 70. Sattari, Sayari 71. Ekkasattari, Egasattari, Ikkasattari, Ehattari 72. Bavattari, Bahattari, Bisattari, Bisayari 73. Tevattari, Tevuttari 74. Cauhattari 75. Pancahattari 76. Chahattari, Chassayari, Chahattari 77. Sattahattari, Sattahuttari 78. Atthahattari, Atthattari 79. Egunasii 80. Asii 81. Egasii, Ekkasii 82. Basi, Basii 83. Tesii, Teasi 84. Caurasi. Caurasii, Caurasiya 85. Panasii, Pancasii 86. Chasii, Chalasii 186 Sixty One = Sixty Two = Sixty Three Sixty Four Sixty Five Sixty Six Sixty Seven Sixty Eight Sixty Nine Seventy Seventy One = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Seventy Two Seventy Three Seventy Four Seventy Five Seventy Six Seventy Seven Seventy Eight Seventy Nine = = = Eighty Eighty One Eighty Two Eighty Three Eighty Four Eighty Five Eighty Six Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 87. Sattasii 88. Atthasii, Atthasi 89. Egunanaui 90. Navai, Naui 91. Ekkanaui 92. Banaui, Banuvai 93. Tenavai, Tenaui, Tinavai 94. Caunavai, Caunaui 95. Pancanaui, Pannaui 96. Channavai, Channaui, Chanuvai 97. Sattanaui, Sattanaui 98. Atthanavai, Atthanaui 99. Navanavai, Navanaui 100. Saya Dusaya Tisaya, Tinni Saya Cattari Saya Panasaya, Pancasaya Chasaya, Chassaya Sattasaya Atthasaya Navasaya Sahassa Dasasahassa Lakkha Dahalakkha Kodi Dahakodi - Eighty Seven * Eighty Eight - Eighty Nine = Ninety = Ninety One - Ninety Two = Ninety Three - Ninety Four - Ninety Five - Ninety Six - Ninety Seven = Ninety Eight - Ninety Nine - Hundred : Two Hundred - Three Hundred - Four Hundred - Five Hundred - Six Hundred - Seven Hundred - Eight Hundred - Nine Hundred * Thousand - Ten Thousand = Lac = Ten Lac - Crore = Ten Crore Advanced Praksta Grammar 187 Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Masculine - Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (One) Singular Nominative case Ekko, Ikko, Ego, Eo (3/2) Accusative case Ekkam, Ikkam, Egan, Eam (3/5) Instrumental Ekkena, Ikkena, Egena, Eena (3/6, 3/14), Ekkenam, Ikkenas, Egenan, Eenam (1727) Dative case Ekkaya, Ikkaya, Egaya, Eaya (3/132), Ekkassa, Ikkassa, Egassa, Eassa (3/131, 3/10) Ablative case Ekatto, Ikatto, Egatto, Eatto, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eko, Ekkau, Ikkau, Egau, Eau Ekkahi, Ikkahi, Egahi, Eahi, Ekkahinto, Ikkahinto, Egahinto, Eahinto, Ekka, Ikka, Ega, E(3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Ekkado, Ikkado, Egado, Eado, Ekkadu, Ikkadu, Egadu, Eadu (3/8) Genitive case Ekkassa, Ikkassa, Egassa, Eassa (3/10) Locative case Ekkammi, Ikkammi, Egammi, Eammi, Ekkattha, Ikkattha, Egattha, Eattha (3/59), Ekkahim, Ikkahim, Egahim, Eahim (3/60), Ekkamhi, Ikkamhi, Egamhi, Eamhi, Ekkamsi, Ikkamsi, Egamsi, Eamsi 188 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Plural Nominative case Ekke, Ikke, Ege, Ee (3758) Accusative case Ekke, Ikke, Ege, Ee (3/4, 3/14), Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (3/4, 3/12) Instrumental Ekkehi, Ikkehi, Egehi, Eehi, Ekkehim, Ikkehim, Egehim, Eehim, Ekkehir, Ikkehis, Egehis, Eehir (3/7, 3/15) Dative case Ekkana, Ikkana, Egana, Eana (3/131, 3/6, 3/12), Ekkanam, Ikkanam, Eganam, Eanam (1/27), Ekkesim, Ikkesim, Egesim, Eesim (3/131, 3/61) Ablative case Ekkatto, Ikkatto, Egatto, Eatto, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eao, Ekkau, Ikkau, Egau, Eau. Ekkahi, Ikkahi, Egahi, Eahi, Ekkahinto, Ikkahinto, Egahinto, Eahinto, Ekkasunto, Ikkasunto, Egasunto, Easunto, Ekkehi, Ikkehi, Egehi, Eehi, Ekkehinto, Ikkehinto, Egehinto, Eehinto, Ekkesunto, Ikkesunto, Egesunto, Eesunto (3/9, 3/12, 3/13, 3/15) Ekkado, Ikkado, Egado, Eado, Ekkadu, Ikkadu, Egadu, Eadu (3/9) Ekkana, Ikkana, Egana, Eana (3/6, 3/12), Ekkanan, Ikkanam, Eganam, Eanam (1/27), Ekkesim, Ikkesim, Egesim, Eesim (3761) Genitive case Locative case Ekkesu, Ikkesu, Egesu, Eesu (3/15), Ekkesum, Ikkesum, Egesum, Eesum (1/27) Advanced Praksta Grammar 189 Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter - Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (One) Singular Nominative case Ekkam, Ikkam, Egam. Eam (3/25) Accusative case Ekkam, Ikkam, Egam, Eam (375) Instrumental Ekkena, Ikkena, Egena, Eena (3/6, 3/14), Ekkenas, Ikkenam, Egenam, Eenam (1/27) Dative case Ekkaya, Ikkaya, Egaya, Eaya (3/132), Ekkassa, Ikkassa, Egassa, Eassa (3/131, 3/10) Ablative case Ekatto, Ikatto, Egatto, Eatto, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eao, Ekkau, Ikkau, Egau, Eau, Ekkahi, Ikkahi, Egahi, Eahi, Ekkahinto, Ikkahinto, Egahinto, Eahinto, Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (3/8, 3/12, 1/84), Ekkado, Ikkado, Egado, Eado, Ekkadu, Ikkadu, Egadu, Eadu (3/8) Genitive case Ekkassa, Ikkassa, Egassa, Eassa (3/10) Locative case Ekkassim, Ikkassim, Egassim, Eassim, Ekkammi, Ikkammi, Egammi, Eammi, Ekkattha, Ikkattha, Egattha, Eattha (3/59), Ekkahim, Ikkahim, Egahim, Eahim (3/60), Ekkamhi, Ikkamhi, Egamhi, Eamhi, Ekkamsi, Ikkamsi, Egamsi, Eamsi 190 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Plural Nominative case Ekkaim, Ikkaim, Egaim, Eaim, Ekkais, Ikkain, Egain, Eaii, Ekkani, Ikkani, Egani, Eani (3/26) Accusative case Ekkaim, Ikkaim, Egaim, Eaim, Ekkaii, Ikkaii, Egaim, Eain, Ekkani, Ikkani, Egani, Eani (3/26) Instrumental Ekkehi, Ikkehi, Egehi, Eehi, Ekkehim, Ikkehim, Egehim, Eehim, Ekkehis, Ikkehin, Egehin, Eehin (3/7, 3/15) Dative case Ekkana, Ikkana, Egana, Eana (3/131, 3/6, 3/12), Ekkanam, Ikkanan, Eganam, Eanam (1/27). Ekkesim, Ikkesim, Egesim, Eesim (3/131, 3/61) Ablative case Ekkatto, Ikkatto, Egatto, Eatto, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eao, Ekkau, Ikkau, Egau, Eau. Ekkahi, Ikkahi, Egahi, Eahi, Ekkahinto, Ikkahinto, Egahinto, Eahinto, Ekkasunto, Ikkasunto, Egasunto, Easunto, Ekkehi, Ikkehi, Egehi, Eehi, Ekkehinto, Ikkehinto, Egehinto, Eehinto, Ekkesunto, Ikkesunto, Egesunto, Eesunto (3/9, 3/12, 3/13, 3/15) Ekkado, Ikkado, Egado, Eado, Ekkadu, Ikkadu, Egadu, Eadu (3/9) Genitive case Ekkana, Ikkana, Egana, Eana (3/6, 3/12), Ekkanas, Ikkanam, Eganam, Eanam (1/27), Ekkesim, Ikkesis, Egesim, Eesim (3/61) Ekkesu, Ikkesu, Egesu, Eesu (3/15), Ekkesum, Ikkesum, Egesum, Eesum (1/27) Locative case Advanced Praksta Grammar 191 Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (One) Singular Nominative case Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (4/448) Accusative case Ekkam, Ikkam, Egam, Eam (3/124, 3/5, 3/36) Instrumental Ekkaa, Ikkaa, Egaa, Eaa, Ekkai, Ikkai, Egai, Eai, Ekkae, Ikkae, Egae, Eae (3729) Dative & Genitive case Ekkaa, Ikkaa, Egaa, Eaa, Ekkai, Ikkai, Egai, Eai, Ekkae, Ikkae, Egae, Eae (3729) Ablative case Ekkaa, Ikkaa, Egaa, Eaa, Ekkai, Ikkai, Egai, Eai, Ekkae, Ikkae, Egae, Eae (3729) Ekkatto, Ikkatto, Egatto, Eatto, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eao, Ekkau, Ikkau, Egau, Eau, Ekkahinto, Ikkahinto, Egahinto, Eahinto (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, 1/127), Ekkado, Ikkado, Egado, Eado, Ekkadu, Ikkadu, Egadu, Eadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Ekkaa, Ikkaa, Egaa, Eaa, Ekkai, Ikkai, Egai, Eai, Ekkae, Ikkae, Egae, Eke (3729) 192 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Plural Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (3/124, 3/4), Ekkau, lkkau, Egau, Eau, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eao (3/27) Accusative case Ekka, Ikka, Ega, Ea (3/124, 3/4), Ekkau, Ikkau, Egau, Eau, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eao (3/27) Instrumental Ekkahi, Ikkahi, Egahi, Eahi, Ekkahim, Ikkahim, Egahim, Eahin, Ekkahis, Ikkahis, Egahis, Eahis (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Genitive case Ekkana, Ikkana, Egana, Eana (3/124, 3/6), Ekkanam, Ikkanam, Eganam, Eanam (1/127), Ekkesim, Ikkesim, Egesim, Eesim (3/61) Ablative case Ekkatto, Ikkatto, Egatto, Eatto, Ekkao, Ikkao, Egao, Eao, Ekkau, Ikkau, Egau, Eau, Ekkahinto, Ikkahinto, Egahinto, Eahinto, Ekkasunto, Ikkasunto, Egasunto, Easunto (3/124, 3/9), Ekkado, Ikkado, Egado, Eado, Ekkadu, Ikkadu, Egadu, Eadu (3/124, 3/9) Locative case Ekkasu, Ikkasu, Egasu, Easu (4/448), Ekkasun, Ikkasun, Egasut, Easum (1727) Advanced Praksta Grammar 193 Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (ii) The Declension of Du/ Do/ Ve (Two) Numerals in all the three Genders in Plural Number will be as follows: Plural Nominative case Duve, Donni, Venni, Do, Ve, Dunni, Vinni (3/120) 2 Accusative case Duve, Donni, Venni, Do, Ve, Dunni, Vinni (3/120) Instrumental Dohi, Dohim, Dohim, Vehi, Vehim, Vehim (3/119, 3/124, 3/7) Donha, Venha, Donham, Venham. Dunha, Dunham (3/119, 3/123) Dutto, Doo, Dou, Dohinto, Dosunto, Vitto, Veo, Veu, Vehinto, Vesunto (3/119, 3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Dosu, Vesu (3/119, 4/448), Dosum, Vesum (1/27) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case (iii) The Declension of 'Ti' (Three) Numerals in all the three Genders in Plural Number will be as follows. Plural Nominative case Tinni (3/121) Accusative case Tinni (3/121) Instrumental Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case 194 Tihi, Tihim, Tihim (3/118, 3/124, 3/7) Tinha, Tinham (3/118, 3/123) Titto, Tio, Tiu, Tihinto, Tisunto (3/118, 3/124, 3/9,3/127) Tisu (4/448), Tisum (1/27) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (iv) The Declension of 'Cau' (Four) Numerals in all the three Genders in Plural Number will be as follows: Plural Nominative case Cattaro, Cauro, Cattari (3/122) Accusative case Cattaro, Cauro, Cattari (3/122) Instrumental Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Cauhi, Cauhim, Cauhim, Cauhi, Cauhim, Cauhim (3/17, 3/124, 3/7) Caunha, Caunham (3/123) (v) The Declension of 'Panca' (Five) Numerals in all the three Genders in Plural Number will be as follows. Locative case Cauo, Cauu, Cauhinto, Causunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/127), Cautto, Cauo, Cauu, Cauhinto, Causunto (3/17, 3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Causu, Causu (3/17, 3/16), Causum, Causum (1/27) Plural Nominative case Panca (4/448) Accusative case Panca (4/448) Instrumental Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Pancahi, Pancahim, Pancahim (3/7) Pancanha, Pancanham (3/123) Pancatto, Pancao, Pancau, Pancahi, Pancahinto, Pancasunto, Pancehi, Pancehinto, Pancesunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/13, 3/15) Pancasu (4/448), Pancasum (1/27), Pance1 1. Pischel, Prakrta Bhasaom Ka Vyakarana, P. 654. Advanced Prakrta Grammar 195 Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Declension of Numerals beginning from 'Chah'(Six) to 'Attharaha' (Eighteen) will be similar to 'Panca'. The Numerals beginning from 'Egunavisa'(Nineteen) to 'Atthavana? (Fifty eight) will be inflected similar to Feminine Gender in spite of their being a - ending. They will be inflected similar to Feminine 'Visa' as follows the i - ending Numerals like 'Visai' will be inflected similar to 'Satthi'. (vi) Visa (Twenty) Sungular Plural Nominative case Visa (4/448) Visa (3/124, 3/4) Visau, Visao (3/27) Accusative case Visam (3/124, 3/5, Visa (3/124, 3/4) 3/36) Visau, Visao (3/27) Instrumental Visaa, Visai, Viske Visahi, Visahim, Visahin (3/29, 3/30) (3/124, 3/27) Dative & Visaa, Visai, Visae Visana (3/124, 3/6), Genitive case (3/29, 3/30) Visanam (1/27), Ablative case Visaa, Visai, Visae Visatto, Visao, Visau, (3/29, 3/30) Visahinto, Visasunto, Visatto, Visao, Visau, (3/124, 3/9, 3/127) Visahinto (3/124, Visado, Visadu (3/124, 3/8, 3/126, 3/9) 3/127) Visado, Visadu (3/124, 3/8) Locative case Visaa, Visai, Viske Visasu (4/448), (3/29, 3/30) Visasun (1/27) 196 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (vii) The Numerals beginning from 'Egunasatthi' Fifty Nine) to 'Navanavai' (Ninety Nine) will be inflected like 'Satthi'. The inflection of there in Singular and Plural Number will take place like 'Mai'. Sungular Nominative case Satthi (3/19) Accusative case Satthim (3/124, 3/5) Satthi (3/18) Dative & Genitive case Ablative case Satthi (Sixty) Satthiu, Satthio (3/27) Instrumental Satthia, Satthia, Satthii, Satthihi, Satthihim, Satthim Satthie (3/29) (3/124, 3/7, 3/16) Satthia, Satthia, Satthii, Satthina (3/124, 3/6, Satthie (3/29) 3/12), Satthinam (1/27) Satthia, Satthia, Satthii, Satthitto, Satthio, Satthiu, Satthie (3/29), Satthihinto, Satthisunto Satthitto, Satthio, (3/124, 3/9, 3/16, 3/127) Satthiu, Satthihinto Satthido, Satthidu (3/124, 3/8, 3/12, (3/124, 3/9) 3/126, 3/127) Satthido, Satthidu (3/124, 3/8) Satthia, Satthia, Satthii, Satthie (3/29) 3/124) Locative case Advanced Prakrta Grammar Plural Satthi (3/124,3/4, 3/12), Satthiu, Satthio (3/27) Satthisu (3/16, 3/15, Satthisum (1/27) 197 Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (viii) Saya (Hundred) The Declension of 'Saya' (Hundred) is similar to Neuter Gender 'Kamala'. Sungular Plural Nominative case Sayam (3/25) Sayaim, Sayain, Sayani (3/26) Accusative case Sayam (3/5) Sayaim, Sayais, Sayani (3/26) Instrumental Sayena (3/6, 3/14), Sayehi, Sayehin, Sayehir Sayenam (1/27), (3/7, 3/15) Dative & Sayassa (3/10) Sayana (3/6, 3/12), Sayanam (1/27) Genitive case Ablative case Sayatto, Sayao, Sayau, Sayatto, Sayao, Sayau, Sayahi, Sayahinto, Saya Sayahi, Sayahinto, (3/8, 3/12, 1/84) Sayasunto, Sayehi, Sayado, Sayadu Sayehinto (3/9, 3/12, (3/8) 3/13, 3/15, 1784), Sayado, Sayadu (3/9) Saye, Sayammi (3/11) Sayesu (3/15), Sayamhi, Sayamsi Sayesum (1727) Locative case The Declension of Numerals beginning from 'Dusaya' (Two Hundred) to 'Lakkha'(Lac) are similar to 'Saya'. The Declension of 'Kodi' (Crore), 'Dahakoai' (TenCrore), "Sayakodi' (Hundred Crore) are similar Feminine Gender 'Mai'. 198 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kai (How much) The word 'Kai' (How much) is inflected in all the three Genders in Plural Number as follows. Plural Nominative case Kai (4/448) Accusative case Kai (4/448) Instrumental Kaihi, Kaihim, Kaihin (3/124, 3/7) Dative & Kainha, Kainham (3/123) Genitive case Ablative case Kaitto, Kaio, Kaiu, Kaihinto, Kaisunto (3/124, 3/9, 3/13) Locative case Kaisu (4/448), Kaisum (1/27) OOO Advanced Prakrta Grammar 199 Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix - 2 Ordinal Number Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ordinal Number Cardinel Ordinal Number Number Feminine Ordinal Number (Masculine, Neuter) Padhama, Padhamilla 1. Ekka, Padhama Ikka, Ega, Ea Bia, Bia, 2. Do, Duve, Be Biia Bija 3. Ti Taia Taia, Tiiya, Tiijja 4. Cau Cauttha Cautthi 5. Panca Pancama Pancami 6. Chattha Chattha' Chatti! 7. Satta Sattama Sattami, Sattamiya? 8. Attha Atthama Atthami 9. Nava Navama Navami 10. Daha, Dasa Dahama, Dasama Dahami, Dasami Advanced Praksta Grammar 201 Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11. Egaraha, Egarasa, Ekkarasa, Earaha Egarahama, Egarasama, Ekkarasama, Earahama Egarasi", Egarahami, Egarasami, Ekkarasami, Earahami 12. Baraha, Barasa, Duvalasa Barahama, Barasa", Barasama, Duvalasama Barasi, Barahami, Barasami, Duvalasami 13. Teraha, Terasa Terahama, Terasama Terasi, Terahami, Terasami 14. Cauddaha, Cauddasa, Coddasa Cauddahama, Cauddasama, Coddasama Cauddasi', Cauddahami, Cauddasami, Coddasami 15. Pannaraha, Pannarasa Pannarahama, Pannarasama Pannarasi, Pannarahami Pannarasami 16. Solaha, Solasa, Chaddasa Solahama, Solasama, Chaddasama Solahami, Solasami, Chaddasami 17. Sattaraha, Sattarahami, Sattarahama, Sattarasa! Sattarasama, Sattaddasama Sattarasa, Sattaddasa Sattarasami Sattaddasami 202 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18. Attharasa, Attharaha, Atthadasa, Atthadaha 19. Egunavisa, Aunavisa, Egunavisai, Aunavisai 20. Visa, Visai 21. Egavisa, Egavisai 22. Bavisa, Bavisai, Baisa 23. Tevisa, Tevisai 24. Cauvisa, Cauvisai 25. Pannavisa, Pannavisai, Panuvisa Advanced Prakrta Grammar Attharasama, Attharahama, Atthadasama, Atthadahama Egunavisama, Aunavisama, Egunavisaima, Aunavisaima Visama, Visaima Egavisama, Egavisaima Bavisa1, Bavisama, Bavisaima, Baisama, Tevisa, Tevisama, Tevisaima Cauvisa1, Cauvisama, Cauvisaima Pannavisama, Pannavisaima, Panuvisama Attharasami, Attharahami, Atthadasami, Atthadahami Egunavisami, Aunavisami, Egunavisaimi, Aunavisaimi Visami, Visaimi Egavisami, Egavisaimi Bavisami, Bavisaimi, Baisami Tevisami, Tevisaimi Cauvisami, Cauvisaimi Pannavisami, Pannavisaimi, Panuvisami 203 Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26. Chavvisa 27. Sattavisa, Sattavisa, Sattavisai, Sattavisai 28. Atthavisa, Atthavisa, Atthavisai 29. Egunatisa, Egunatisai, Aunatisa, Aunatisai 30. Tisa, Tisai 31. Ekkatisa 32. Battisa, Battisai 33. Tettisa, Tittisa, Tettisai 34. Cautisa, Cautisai 204 Chavvisama, Chavvisaima, Sattavisama, Sattavisama, Sattavisaima, Sattavisaima Atthavisama, Atthavisama, Atthavisaima Egunatisama, Egunatisaima, Aunatisama, Aunatisaima Tisama, Tisaima Ekkatisama Battisama, Battisaima Tettisama, Tittisama, Tettisaima Cautisama, Cautisaima Chavvisami Sattavisami Sattavisami, Sattavisaimi, Sattavisaimi Atthavisami, Atthavisami, Atthavisaimi Egunatisami, Egunatisaimi, Aunatisami, Aunatisaimi Tisami, Tisaimi Ekkatisami Battisami, Battisaimi Tettisami, Tittisami, Tettisaimi Cautisami, Cautisaimi Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35. Pannatisa, Pannatisai, Pancatisa, Pancatisai 36. Chattisa, Chattisai 37. Sattatisa, Sattatisai 38. Atthatisa, Atthatisai 40. Cattalisa, Calisa 41. Ekkacattalisa, 39. Egunacattalisa, Egunacattalisama, Aunacattalisa Aunacattala1, Egunacattalisaima lgayala 42. Bayalisa, Bayala 43. Tealisa Advanced Prakrta Grammar Pannatisama, Pannatisaima, Pancatisama, Pancatisaima, Chattisama, Chattisaima Sattatisama, Sattatisaima Atthatisama, Atthatisaima Cattala1, Cattalisama, Calisama Egacattala1, Ekkacattalisama, Igayalama Bayalisama, Bayalisa1, Bayalisaima Tealisama, Tealisaima1 Pannatisami, Pannatisaimi, Pancatisami, Pancatisaimi Chattisami, Chattisaimi Sattatisami, Sattatisaimi Atthatisami, Atthatisaimi Egunacattalisami, Cattalisami, Calisami Ekkacattalisami, Igayalami Bayalisami Tealisami 205 Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44. Caualisa, Caualisami, Caualisama, Cauttalisa! Coyalisama Coyalisa Coyalisami 45. Panayalisa, Pancatalisa, Panayala Panayalisama, Pancatalisama, Panayala? Panayalisami, Pancatalisami 46. Chayalisa Chayalisami Chayalisama, Chayalisa? 47. Sattacatalisa, Siyalisa, Sattacalisa Sattacattala', Sattacatalisama, Siyalisama, Sattacalisama Sattacattalisami, Siyalisami, Sattacalisami 48. Atthacatalisa, Atthatalisa, Atthayala, Adhayala, Adhayalisa Atthacattala", Atthacatalisama, Atthatalisama, Atthayalama, Adhayalama, Adhayalisama Atthacatalisami, Atthatalisami, Atthayalami, Adhayalami, Adhayalisami 49. Egunapannasa, Egunapannasa', Egunapannasami, Aunapanna Egunapannasaima', Aunapannami Egunapannasama, Aunapannama 50. Pannasa Pannasami Pannasaima? Pannasama 206 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 51. Egapannasa, Egapannasaima", Egapannasami, Ekkapannasa, Ekkapannasaima", Ekkapannasami, Egavanna, Egapannasama, Egavannami, Ekkavanna Ekkapannasama, Ekkavannami Egavannama, Ekkavannama 52. Bavanna Bavannami Bavanna? Bavannama 53. Tevanna Tevannami Tepancasaima Tevannama, Tipancasaima 54. Cauvanna, Caupanna, Caupannasa Caupannaima, Caupannasaima', Cauvannama, Caupannama, Caupannasama Cauvannami, Caupannami, Caupannasami 55. Panapanna, Panavanna Panapannaima', Panapannama, Panavannama Panapannami, Panavannami 56. Chappanna Chappannami Chappanna! Chappannama 57. Sattavanna Sattavannami Sattavanna, Sattavannama 58. Atthavanna Atthavannami Atthavanna?, Atthavannama Advanced Prakrta Grammar 207 Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 59. Egunasatthi, Aunasatthi, Aunatthi Egunasattha', Egunasatthima, Aunasastha', Aunasatthima, Aunatthima Egunasatthimi. Aunasatthimi, Aunatthimi 60. Sasthi Satthima Satthimi 61. Egasatthi Egasatthimi Egasattha, Egasatthima Basatthimi, 62. Basatthi, Bavatthi, Bisatthi Basattha', Basatthima Bavatthima, Bisatthima Bavasthimi, Bisatthimi 63. Tesatthi, Tevatthi, Tisatthi Tesattha', Tesatthima, Tevasthima, Tisattha', Tisatthima Tesatthimi, Tevatthimi Tisatthimi 64. Causatthi Causatthima Causatthimi 65. Pancasatthi, Panasatthi Pancasattha', Pancasathima, Panasatthima Pancasatthima, Panasatthimi 66. Chasatthi Chasatthimi Chasattha', Chasatthima, 208 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 67. Sattasatthi, Sattasasthimi, Sattasastha', Sattasatthima, Sattatthima Sattatthi Sattathimi 68. Atthasathi, Atthasatthi, Adasatthi Atthasasthima, Atthasatshima, Adasatthima Atthasatthimi, Atthasatthimi, Adasatthimi 69. Egunasattari, Aunattari Egunasattara, Agunsattarima, Aunattarima Agunasattarimi, Aunattarimi 70. Sattari, Sayari Sattara', Sattarima, Sayarima Sattarimi, Sayarimi, 71. Ekkasattari, Ekkasattarimi Egasattari, Egasattarimi Ekkasattara, Ekkasattarima Egasattara, Egasattarima, Ikkasattara, Ikkasattarima, Ikkasattari, Ikkasattarimi Ehattari Ehattarima Ehattarimi 72. Bavattari, Bavattarimi Bahattari, Bahattarimi Bavattara', Bavattarima, Bahattara, Bahattarima, Bisattarima, Bisayarima Bisattari, Bisayari Bisattarimi Bisayarimi Advanced Prakrta Grammar 209 Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 73. Tevattari, Tevuttari 74. Cauhattari 75. Pancahattari 76. Chahattari, 77. Sattahattari, Sattahuttari 78. Atthahattari, 210 Chahattara1, Chahattarima, Chassayari, Chassayarima, Chahattari Chahattarima Atthattari 79. Egunasii, Egunasi 80. Asii Tehattara1, Tihattara1, Tevattarima, Tevuttarima Cauhattara1, Cauhattarima Pancahattara1, Pancahattarima Sattahattara1, Sattahattarima, Sattahuttarima Atthahattara1, Atthahattarima, Atthattarima Egunasiya1, Egunasiima, Egunasima Asiima Tevattarimi Tevuttarimi Cauhattarimi Pancahattarim Chahattarimi, Chassayarimi, Chahattarimi Sattahattarimi Sattahuttarimi Atthahattarimi Atthattarimi Egunasiimi, Egunasimi Asiimi Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 81. Egasii, Egasiimi, Egasiya', Egasiima, Ekkasiya', Ekkasiima, Ekkasii Ekkasiimi Basima, Basimi, 82. Basi, Basii Basiima Basiimi Tesiimi, 83. Tesii, Teasi Tesiima, Teasiima', Teasima Teasimi 84. Caurasi, Caurasii, Caurasiya Caurasima, Caurasiima, Caurasiyama Caurasimi, Caurasiimi, Caurasiyami 85. Panasii, Pancasii Panasiima, Pancasiima Panasiimi Pancasiimi Chasiima, 86. Chasii, Chalasii Chasiimi, Chalasiimi Chalasiima 87. Sattasii Sattasiima, Sattasiimi 88. Atthasii, Atthasiimi Atthasiya", Atthasiima, Atthasima Atthasi Atthasimi 89. Egunanaui Egunanauimi Egunanaui', Egunanauima, Egunanauya Advanced Prakrta Grammar 211 Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90. Navai, Navaimi Nauiya, Navaiyama, Navaima, Nauima Naui Nauimi 91. Ekkanaui Ekkanauimi Ekkanauya, Ekkanauima 92. Banaui, Banauimi Banauya, Banauima, Banuvaima Banuvai Banuvaimi 93. Tenavai, Tenaui, Tenavaimi Tenauimi Tenavaima, Tenauya, Tenauima Tinavaima Tinavai Tinavaimi 94. Caunavai, Caunavaimi, Caunauya, Caunavaima, Caunauima Caunaui Caunauimi 95. Pancanaui, Pancanauimi Pannanauimi Pannanaui Pancanauya, Pancanauima Pannanauya', Pannanauima 96. Channavai, Channaui, Channavaimi, Channauimi, Channavaima, Channauya?, Channauima, Chanuvaima Chanuvai Chanuvaimi 212 Advanced Prakta Grammar Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 97. Sattanaui, Sattanauimi Sattanauya?, Sattanauima, Sattanauima Sattanaui Sattanauimi 98. Atthanavai, Atthanavaimi Atthanauya", Atthanavaima, Atthanauima Atthanaui Atthanauimi 99. Navanavai, Navanavaimi Navanauya', Navanavaima, Navanauima Navanaui Navanauimi 100. Saya Sayama Sayami 000 Advanced Prakrta Grammar 213 Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix - 3 Rules of Combination utilised in the Sutras 214 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vowel Combination 1. If after i and u, there are different Vowels like a, a, e, etc., then there occurs 'y'in place of 'i' and 'v' in place of 'u'. Namni+Aram - Namnyaram (Sutra-3/40) Si+Adau = Syadau (Sutra-3/45) Sasi+Et = Sasyet (Sutra-3/14) Du+Ami = Dvami (Sutra-3/12) Sananosu+An - Sananosvan (Sutra-3/55) If after a anda there exists i ore, then there occurs 'e' and 'ai' in place of both. Mmavaya+lau * Mmavayeau (Sutra-3/89) Ama+Imam = Amenam (Sutra-3/78) Va+Esa * Vaisa (Sutra-3/85) Va+Etado = Vaitado (Sutra-3/82) If after a and a there is u then there occurs 'o' in place of both. Tuyha+Upha : Tuyhosha (Sutra-3/98) Va+Utah : Votah (Sutra-3/21) If after a and a there is a or a, then there occurs 'a' in their place. Na+Ata = Nata (Sutra-3/30) Va+Adaso - Vadaso (Sutra-3/87) Inamama+Ama : Inamamama (Sutra-3/53) 5. If after 'au' there is vowela, etc., then 'av'takes the place of 'au'. Mmau+Aya - Mmavaya (Sutra-3/89) Advanced Prakta Grammar 215 Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6. If after e or o there is a, then there occurs "5' (Avagraha) in place of 'a'. Sese + Adantavat = Sesesdantavat [Sutra - 3/124) Consonant Combination If after 't' there are a, a, i, i, u, d, e, o, d, bh and va then there occurs 'd' in place of 't'. If after 'k' there is 'd', then there occurs 'g'in place of k'. Rtamut +A Rtamuda (Sutra-3/44) Derat+At+It+Et+Va - Deradadidedva (Sutra-3/29) Erat+Itau = Eraditau (Sutra-3/84) It+Utah = Idutah (Sutra-3/16) It+Utoh - Idutoh (Sutra-3/42) Ut+Otau = Udotau (Sutra-3/27) Kvacit+Dvitiyadeh - Kvaciddvitiyadeh (Sutra-3/134) It+Bhis = idbhis (Sutra-3/54) Prak+Dirgha - Pragdirgha (Sutra-3/26) If after 't' there is c', then 't' becomes 'c' Rajavat+ C = Rajavacca (Sutra-3/56) If at the end of a word there is 'm'and after 'm' there is some Consonant, then 'm'changes into Anusvara ( - ). Nasam+No = Nasamno (Sutra-3/50) Ambhyam+Se = Ambhyam Se (Sutra-3/81) 10. If after 't' there is anunasika (m), then 't' becomes 'n'. Svarat+M - Svaranm (Sutra-3/25) 11. Ifafter 'there is 't' becomes 'd. Vadhat+Dai : Vadhaddoi (Sutra-3/133) 216 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Visarga Combination 12. If before visarga there exist vowels like i, e and o and there does not exist a ora, and after the visarga there exist vowels like a, etc. or Consonants like m, n, n,j,d, d, 1, v, etc., then the visarga changes into'r'. Ssayoh+At * Ssayorat (Sutra-3/74) Neh+Mena * Nermena (Sutra-3/75) Amoh+Na = Amorna (Sutra-3/6) Nih+Na Nirna (Sutra-3/31) Ih+Jasya = Irjasya (Sutra-3/52) Neh+ Dahe = Nerdahe Dveh+Do = Dverdo (Sutra-3/119) Naseh+ Luk = Naserluk (Sutra-3/126) Neh+Va : Nerva (Sutra-3/132) 13. If before the visarga there is a or a, and if after the visarga there are some vowels orn,m, etc., then visarga disappears. Natah+ At : Nataat (Sutra-3/30) Idamah+ Imah - Idama Imah (Sutra-3/72) Vapah+E - Vapae (Sutra-3/41) Tubbhah+ Nasau = Tubbha Nasau (Sutra-3796) Tuyhoyhomhah+Bhyasi - Tuyhoyhomha Bhyasi (Sutra-3/98) 14. If before the visarga there is a and if after visarga there are m, n, n, d, d, r, v, h, etc., then a and visarga jointly become'o'. Hssvah+ Mi - Hosvo Mi (Sutra-3/36) Yattadbhyah+ Nasah = Yattadbhyonasah (Sutra-3763) Tah+ Na - Tona (Sutra-3/24) Jasah+ Dau - Jasodau (Sutra-3/20) Idutah+ Dirghah - Idutodirghah (Sutra-3/16) Advanced Praksta Grammar 217 Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15. 16. 17. 218 Anah+ Rajavacca Caturah+ Va Bhisah+ Hi 'visarga'. Bhyasah+ Tto Tasoh+ Ca = = = If after the visarga there is 't' then there occurs 's' in place of the visarga and if there is 'c' then, there occurs 's' in place of = = If before the visarga there is 'a' and after the visarga there is also 'a', then jointly they become 'os'. Amah+ Asya Nah+ Am H = Anorajavacca (Sutra-3/56) CaturoVa (Sutra-3/17) Bhisohi (Sutra-3/7) = Bhyasastto (Sutra-3/9) Tasosca (Sutra-3/71) If after the visarga there is 't' then there occurs 's' in place of the visarga. Atmanah+ Tah Yatadbhyah+Tah = Amossya (Sutra-3/5) Nosm (Sutra-3/77) Atmanastah (Sutra-3/57) Yatadbhyastah (Sutra-3/69) OOO Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix * 4 Summary of the Grammatical analysis of Sutras Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 220 Sutra Number (2) 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 Sutra (3) Atah Serdoh [(Seh)+(Doh)] Vaitattadah [(Va)+(Etat)+(Tadah)] Jas- Sasorluk [(Sasoh)+(luk)] AmoSsya [(Amah)+(Asya)] Ta-Amornah [(Amoh)+(Nah)] Bhiso Hi Him Him [(Bhisah)+(Hi)] Nases Tto-Do-Du-Hi Hinto-Lukah [(Naseh)+(Tto] Combination rule (4) 12 2 12 16 12 14 15 YOUR HO Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word (5) (6) (7) Bhubhrt Atah Seh Doh (At) 5/1 (Si) 6/1 (Do) 1/1 Hari Following the tradition Va Etat (Va) (Etat) Tadah -Tatah (Tat) 5/1 Bhubhrt Jas Sasoh luk (Jas) (Sas) 6/2 (luk) 1/1 Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Amah (Am) 6/1 (A) 6/1 Bhubhrt Rama Asya Ta Amoh Nah (Ta) (Am) 6/2 (Nah) 1/1 Bhubhrt Rama Bhisah Hi Hin (Bhis) 6/1 (Hi) 1/1 (His) 1/1 (Him) 1/1 Bhubhrt Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Him Naseh Hari sto (Nasi) 6/1 (Tto) (Do) Du (Du) Advanced Prakrta Grammar 221 Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 8. 319 15 Bhyasas Tto-DoDu-Hi-Hinto-Sunto [(Bhyasah)+(Tto)] 3/10 Nasah Ssah 10. 3/11 De Mmi Neh 11. 3/12 1 Jas-Gas-Nasi-Tto-DoDvami Dirghah [(Du) + (Ami)] 222 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) Hi Hinto Lukah Bhyasah Tto Do Du Hi Hinto Sunto Nasah Ssah De Mmi Neh Jas Sas Nasi Tto Do Dy Ami Dirghah Original Word Declension (6) (Hi) (Hinto) (Luk) 1/3 (Bhyas) 6/1 (Tto) 1/1 (Do) 1/1 (Du) 1/1 (Hi) 1/1 (Hinto) 1/1 (Sunto) 1/1 (Nas) 6/1 (Ssa) 1/1 (De) 1/1 (Mmi) 1/1 (Ni) 6/1 (Jas) (Sas) (Nasi) (Tto) (Do) (Du) (Am) 7/1 (Dirgha) 1/1 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Following the Declinable word (7) Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Rama Following the tradition Following the tradition Hari Bhubhrt Rama 223 Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 12. 3/13 Bhyasi Va 13. 3/14 Tana- Sasyet [(sasi)+(Et)] 14. 3/15 Bhisbhyassupi [(Bhis)+(Bhyas)+(Supi)] 15. 3/16 Iduto Dirghah [(It) + (Utah) + (Dirghah)] 7.14 16. 3/17 14 Caturo Va (Caturah)+ (Va) 17. 3/18 Lupte Sasi 18. 3/19 Aklibe Sau 19. 3/20 13 Pumsi Jasodau Dao Va [(Jasah)+(Dau)] 224 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word (5) (6) (7) Bhyasi Bhubhrt (Bhyas) 7/1 (Va) Va Ta Na (Ta) (Na) (Sas) 7/1 (Et) 1/1 Sasi Et Bhubhrt Following the tradition Bhis Bhyas Supi (Bhis) (Bhyas) (Sup) 7/1 Bhubhrt Utah Dirghah (It) (Ut) 6/1 (Dirgha) 1/1 Bhubhrt Rama (Catur) 5/1 Bhubhrt Caturah Va (Va) Lupte Sasi (Lupta) 7/1 (sas) 7/1 Rama Bhubhrt Rama Aklibe Sau (Akliba) 7/1 (Si) 7/1 Hari Pumsi Jasah Dau Dao (Pums) 7/1 (Jasa) 6/1 (Dau) 1/1 (Dao) 1/1 (Va) Purs Bhubhrt Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Va Advanced Prakrta Grammar 225 Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 20. 3/21 Votodavo [(Va) + (Utah) + (Davo)] 3,14, 21. 3/22 12 Jas- Sasorno Va [(Sason) + (No)] 12 22. 3/23 Nasi - Nasoh Pum - Klibe Va 23. 3/24 14 Tona [(sah) +(Na)] 24. 3/25 10 Klibe Svaranm Seh [(Svarat)+(M)] 25. 25. 3/26 3/26 Jas - Sas - In - Im Nayah Sapragdirghah [(Sa) + (Prak) + (Dirghah)] 226 Advanced Prakyta Grammar Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Va Utah (Va) (Ut) 5/1 (Davo) 1/1 Bhubht Following the tradition Davo Jas Sasoh No (Jas) (sas) 6/2 (No) 1/1 (Va) Bhubhrt Following the tradition Va Nasi Nasoh Pum Klibe Va (Nasi) (Nas) 6/2 (Pum) Bhubht Rama (Kliba) 7/1 (Va) Tah Na (Ta) 6/1 (Na) 1/1 Gopa Following the tradition Klibe Svarat (Kliba) 7/1 (Svara) 5/1 (M) 1/1 (Si) 6/1 Rama Rama Bhubhrt Hari M Seh Jas (Jas) (Sas) Sas (ln) ln Im Nayah (lm) (Ni) 1/3 Hari Advanced Praksta Grammar 227 Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 26. 3/27 Striyamudotau Va [(Striyam) + (Ut) + (Otau)] 27. 3/28 15,4 Itah Sesca Va [(Seh) + (Ca) + (A)] 28. 3/29 12,7, 7 7,7 TA-Nas-Neradadidedva Tu Naseh [(Neh)+(At)+(At)+(It)+ (Et)+ (Va)] 2 28 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Sa Prak Dirghah (Sa) (Prak) (Dirgha) 1/3 Rama Stri Striyam Ut (Stri) 7/1 (Ut) (Ot) 1/2 (Va) Bhubhrt Otau Va Itah Bhubhrt Seh Hari (It) 5/1 (Si) 6/1 (Ca) (A) 1/1 (Va) Lata Va (Ta) (Nas) (Ni) 6/1 (At) 1/1 (At) 1/1 (lt) 1/1 (Et) 1/1 (Va) Hari Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Bhubhrt (Tu) Naseh (Nasi) 6/1 Hari Advanced Praksta Grammar 229 Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 230 Sutra Number (2) 3/30 3/31 3/32 3/33 3/34 3/36 Sutra (3) Nataat [(Na) + (Atah) + (At)] Pratyaye Nirna Va [(Nih) + (na)] Ajateh Pumsah Kim - YattadoSsyamami [(Yat) + (Tadah -Tatah) + (A) + (Si) + (Am) + (Ami)] Chaya - Haridrayoh Hrsvomi [(Hrsvah) + (mi)] Combination rule (4) 4, 13, 12 7,16,1 14 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) Na Atah (Na) (At) 5/1 (At) 1/1 Bhubhrt Bhubhrt At Rama Laksmi Pratyaye Nih Na Va (Pratyaya) 7/1 (Ni) 1/1 (Na) (Va) Ajateh Pussah (Ajati) 5/1 (Puss) 5/1 Hari Bhubhrt Kim Yat Tatah Bhubhrt (Kim) (Yat) (Tat) 6/1 (A) (Si) (Am) (Am) 7/1 Am Ami Bhubhrt Chaya Haridryoh (Chaya) (Haridra) 7/2 Lata Hssvah Miy (Hssva) 1/1 (M) 7/1 Rama Bhubhrt Advanced Praksta Grammar 231 Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) 35. 3/37 Namantryatsau Mah [(Na) + (Amantryat) 36. 3/38 12 Do Dirghova ((Dirghah) + (Va)] 37. 3/41 4,13 Vapae [(Va) + (Apah) + (E)] 38. 3/42 7. 12 idutorhtsvah [(st) + (Utoh) +(Hrsvah)] 39. 3/43 Kvipah 40. 3/39 16,7 Rtosdva [(Rtah) + (At) + (Val] 41. 3740 Namnyaram Va [(Namni) + (Aram)] 232 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) Na Amantryat Sau Mah Do Dirghah Va Va Apah E It Utoh Hrsvah Kvipah Rtah At Va Namni Aram Va Original Word Declension (6) (Na) (Amantrya) 5/1 (Si) 7/1 (M) 6/1 (Do) 1/1 (Dirgha) 1/1 (Va) (Va) (Ap) 5/1 (E)1/1 (It) (Ut) 7/2 (Hrsva) 1/1 (Kviap) 5/1 (Rt) 6/1 (At) 1/1 (Va) (Naman) 7/1 (Aram) 1/1 (Va) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Following the Declinable word (7) Rama Hari Bhubhrt Following the tradition Rama Bhubhrt Following the tradition Bhubhrt Rama Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Naman Following the tradition 233 Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 234 Sutra Number (2) 3/44 3/45 3/46 3/47 3/48 3/49 Sutra (3) Rtamudasyamausu Va [(Rtam) + (Ut ) + (A) + (Si) + (Am) + (Ausu)] Arah Syadau [(Si) + (Adau)] A Ara Matuh Namnyarah [(Namni) + (Arah)] A Sau Na Va Rajnah Combination rule (4) 7,1 1 1 ITHER THREE Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Rtam Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Ut (Rt) 6/3 (Ut) 1/1 (A) (Si) (Am) (Au) 7/3 (Va) Am Ausu Glau Va Arah Rama Si (Ara) 1/1 (Si) (Adi) 7/1 Adau Hari Ara Matuh (A) 1/1 (Ara) 1/1 (Maty) 5/1 Rama Rama Mat? Naman Namni Arah (Naman) 7/1 (Ara) 1/1 Rama Lata Hari Sau Na Va (A) 1/1 (Si) 7/1 (Na) (Va) Rajnah (Rajan) 5/1 Rajan Advanced Prakrta Grammar 235 Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 236 Sutra Number (2) 3/50 3/51 3/52 3/53 3/54 3/55 Sutra (3) Jas-Sas-Nasi-Nasamno [(Nasam) + (No)] Tona [(Tah) + (Na)] Irjasya No-Na- Nau [(Ih) + (Jasya)] Inamamama [(Inam) + (Ama) + (Ama] Idbhisbhyasamsupi [(It) + (Bhis) + (Bhyas) + (Am) + (Supi)] Ajasya Ta-Nasi-Nassu Sananosvana [(Sa)-(Na) + (Nosu) + (An)] Combination rule (4) 8 a 4 11, 12 JERNERS HOTE 4 7 1 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Jas Sas Nasi Nasam (Jas) (sas) (Nasi) (Nas) 6/3 (No) 1/1 Bhubhrt Following the tradition No Tah Na (Ta) 6/1 (Na) 1/1 Gopa Lata Hari Rama Jasya No (I) 1/1 (Ja) 6/1 (No) (Na) (Ni) 7/1 Na Nau Hari Inam Ama Ama (Inam) 1/1 (Am) 3/1 (Am) 3/1 Following the tradition Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Bhis Bhyas (it) 1/1 (Bhis) (Bhyas) (Am) (Sup) 7/1 Am Supi Bhubhrt Ajasya Rama Ta (Aja) 6/1 (Ta) (Nasi) Nasi Advanced Praksta Grammar 237 Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Site Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 54. 3/56 Pumsyana Ano Rajavacca [(Pussi) + (Anah) + (Anah) + (Rajavat) + (Ca)] 1,13, 14,8 55. 3/57 17,14 Atmanasto Nia Naia [(Atmanah) + (sah) + (Nia)] 56. 3/58 Atah Sarvaderderjasah 4,12 [(Sarva) + (Adeh) + (Deh) + (Jasah)] 57. 3/59 Neh Ssim-Mmi-Tthah 238 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6): (7) Nassu Bhubhrt a Na Nosu An (Nas) 7/3 (Sa) (Na) (No) 7/3 (An) 1/1 Go Bhubhrt Purs Bhubhrt Pursi Anah Anah Rajavat Sa (Pums) 7/1 (An) 6/1 (Ana) 1/1 (Rajavat) (Ca) Rama Atmanah Atman Gopa Tah (Atman) 5/1 (Ta) 6/1 (Nia) 1/1 (Naja) 1/1 Nia Naia Lata Lata Atah Bhubhrt Sarva Adeh Deh Jasah (At) 5/1 (Sarva) (Adi) 5/1 (De) 1/1 (Jas) 6/1 Hari Following the tradition Bhubhrt Hari Neh Ssim Mmi Tthah (Ni) 6/1 (Ssim) (Mmi) (Ttha) 1/3 Rama Advanced Prakrta Grammar 239 Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 58. 3/60 Na Vanidametado Him 4,14, [(Va) + (An) + (Idam) + (Etadah > Etatah) + (Him)] 59. 3/61 14 Amo Desim ((Amah) +(Desim)] 60. 3/62 Kim Tadbhyam Dasah 12 61. 3/63 14 Kim Yattadbhyonasah ((Yat) + (Tadbhyah) + (Nasah)] 62. 3/64 Idbhyah Ssa Se 63. 3/65 12 Nerdahe Dala la Kale [(Neh) + (Dahe)] 240 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) Na Va An Idam Etatah Him Amah Desim Kim Tat Dasah Kim Yat Tadbhyah Nasah Idbhyah Ssa Se Neh Dahe Dala la Kale Original Word Declension (6) (Na Va) (An) (Idam) (Etat) 5/1 (Him) 1/1 (Am) 6/1 (Desim) 1/1 (Kim) (Tat) 5/2 (Dasa) 1/1 (Kim) (Yat) (Tat) 5/3 (Nas) 6/1 (It) 5/3 (Ssa) 1/1 (Se) 1/1 (Ni) 6/1 (Dahe) 1/1 (Dala) 1/1 (la) 1/1 (Kala) 7/1 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Following the Declinable word (7) Bhubhrt Following the tradition Bhubhrt Following the tradition Bhubhrt Rama Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Lata Following the tradition Hari Following the tradition Lata Lata Rama 241 Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number | Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 64. 3766 Nasermha [(Naseh) + (Mha)] 65. 3767 14 Tado Doh [(Tadah - Tatah) + (Doh)] 66. 3/68 14 Kimodino - Disau [(Kimah) + (Dino)] 67. 3/69 Idametatkim - Yattadbhyasto 17,14 Dina [(Idam) + (Etat) + (Kim)-Yat) + (Tadbhyah) + (Tah) + (Dina)] 68. 3/70 14,1 Tado Nah Syadau Kvacit [(Tadah - Tatah ) + (Nah)] [(Si)+(Adau)] 69. 69. 3/71 15 Kimah Kastra - Tasosca [Kab) + (Tra)][(Tasoh) +(Ca)] 242 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Hari Naseh Mha (Nasi) 6/1 (Mha) 1/1 Lata Tatah Doh (Tat) 5/1 (Do) 1/1 Bhubhrt Following the tradition Bhubhrt Kimah Dino Disau (Kim) 5/1 (Dino) (Disa) 1/2 Ram Idam (Idam) Etat (Etat) Kim Yat Tadbhyah Tah (Kim) (Yat) (Tat) 5/3 (Ta) 6/1 (Dina) 1/1 Bhubhrt Gopa Lata Dina Tadah Nah Bhubhrt Rama Si Tatah (Tat) 6/1 (Na) 1/1 (Si) (Adi) 7/1 (Kvacit) Adau Hari Kvacit Bhubhrt Rama Kimgh Kah Tra Tasoh Ca (Kim) 6/1 (Ka) 1/1 (Tra) (Tas) 7/2 (Ca) Bhubhrt Advanced Praksta Grammar 243 Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 244 Sutra Number (2) 3/72 3/73 3/74 3/75 3/76 3/77 Sutra (3) Idama Imah [(Idamah) + (Imah)] Pum - Striyorna Vayamimia Sau [(Pum-Striyoh) + (Na va) +(Ayam) + (Imia)] Ssim - Ssayorat [(Ssim)-(Ssayoh) + (At)] Nermenahah [(Neh) + (Mena)] Na Tthah Combination NoSm Sasta - Bhisi [(Nah) + (Am)] [(Sas) + (Ta)] rule (4) 13 12,4 12 12 16 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Idamah Imah (Idam) 6/1 (Ima) 1/1 Bhubhrt Rama Stri Pun Striyoh Na Va Ayam Imia Sau (Pum) (Stri) 7/2 (Na Va) (Ayam) 1/1 (Imia) 1/1 (Si) 7/1 Bhubhrt Lata Hari Ssim Ssayoh (Ssim) (Ssa) 7/2 (At) 1/1 Rama At Bhubhrt Hari Neh Mena Hah (Ni) 6/1 (Ma) 3/1 (Ha) 1/1 Rama Rama Na Tthah (Na) (Ttha) 1/1 Rama (Na) 1/1 Rama Nah Am (Am) Sas) Ta (sas) (Ta) (Bhis) 7/1 Bhisi Bhubhrt Advanced Prakrta Grammar 245 Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 246 Sutra Number (2) 3/78 3/79 3/80 3/81 3/82 Sutra (3) Amenam [(Ama) + (Inam)] Klibe Syamedaminamo Ca [(Si) + (Ama) + (Idam) + (Inamo)] Kimah Kim Combination Vaitado Nasestto Ttahe [(Va) +(Etadah - Etatah) + (Naseh) + (Tto)] - rule (4) Z Vedam - Tadetado Nasambhyam 2,7 Se - Simau 14,9 [(Va + (Idam)] [(Tad- Tat) + (Etadah - Etatah) + (Nas) -(Ambhyam) + (Se)] 1,2 2,14,15 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Ama (Am) 3/1 (Inam) 1/1 Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Inam Klibe Rama Si Ama Idam Inamo Ca (Kliba) 7/1 (Si) (Am) 3/1 (Idam) 1/1 (Inamo) 1/1 (Ca) Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Following the tradition Kimah Kim (Kim) 5/1 (Kim) 1/1 Bhubhrt Kim Va Idam (Va) (Idam) (Tat) (Etat) 5/1 Tat Bhubht Etatah Nas Ambhyam (Nas) Bhubhrt Se (Am) 3/2 (Se) (Sim) 1/2 Simau Bhubhyt Etatah Naseh (Va) (Etat) 5/1 (Nasi) 6/1 (Tto) 1/1 Bhubhrt Hari Following the tradition Following the tradition Tto Ttabe (Ttahe) 1/1 Advanced Prakyta Grammar 247 Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (1) (3) (4) (2) 3/83 (3) Tthe Ca Tasya Luk 81. 82. 3/84 Eraditau Mmau Va [(Eh) +(At) + (Itau)] - 12,7 12,7 83. 3/85 Vaisenaminamo Sina [(Va) +(Esa) + (Inam) + (Inamo)] 84. 3/86 Tadasca Tasya SoSklibe 15,16 [(Tadah - Tatah) + (Ca)][(Sah) + (Aklibe)] 85. 3/87 Vadaso Dasya HoSnodam 4,14, [(Va) +(Adasah) + (Dasya)] 16,7 [(Hah) +(An) + (Ot) + (A) +(M)] 248 Advanced Prakyta Grammar Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Tthe Rama Ca (Ttha) 7/1 (Ca) (Ta) 6/1 (Luk) 1/1 Tasya Rama Bhubhrt Luk Go Itau (E) 6/1 (At) (It) 1/2 (Mmi) 7/1 (Va) Bhubhrt Mmau Hari Va Va Esa Inam Inamo Sina (Va) (Esa) 1/1 (Inam) 1/1 (Inamo) 1/1 (Si) 3/1 Following the tradition Bhubhrt Following the tradition Hari Bhubhrt Tatah Ca Tasya (Tat) 5/1 (Ca) (Ta) 6/1 (Sa) 1/1 (Akliba) 7/1 Sah Aklibe Rama Rama Rama Va Adasah Dasya Hah An (Va) (Adas) 5/1 (Da) 6/1 (Ha) 1/1 (An) Bhubhrt Rama Rama Advanced Praksta Grammar 249 Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 86. 87. 88. 89. 250 Sutra Number (2) 3/88 3/89 3/90 3/91 Sutra (3) Muh Syadau [(Si) +((Adau)] Mmavayeau Va [(Mmau) + (Aya) + (lau)] Combination Yusmadastam Tum Tuvam Tuha Tumam Sina [(Yusmadah) + (Tam)] Bhe Tubbhe Tujjha Tumha Tuyhe Uyhe Jasa rule (4) 1 5,2 15 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Bhubhrt (Ot) 1/1 (A) 1/1 (M) 1/1 Lata Bhubhrt (Mu) 1/1 Guru Muh Si Adau (Si) (Adi) 7/1 Hari Hari Mmau Aya lau (Mmi) 7/1 (Aya) (la) 1/2 (Va) Rama Va Yusmadah Tas Tum Tuvam (Yusmad) 5/1 (Tam) 1/1 (Tur) 1/1 (Tuvam) 1/1 (Tuha) 1/1 (Tumam) 1/1 (Si) 3/1 Bhubhrt Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Hari Tuha Tumam Sina Bhe Tubbhe Tujjha Tumha Tuyhe Uyhe Jasa (Bhe) 1/1 (Tubbhe) 1/1 (Tujjha) 1/1 (Tumha) 1/1 (Tuyhe) 1/1 (Uyhe) 1/1 (Jas) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Advanced Praksta Grammar 251 Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 90. 3/92 Tam Tum Tumam Tuvam Tuha Tume Tue Ama 91. 3/93 Vo Tujjha Tubbhe Tuyhe Uyhe Bhe Sasa 92. 3/94 Bhe Di De Te Tai Tae Tumam Tumai Tumae Tume Tumai Ta 252 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Tam Tum Tumam Tuvam Tuha Tume Tue Ama (Tam) 1/1 (Tum) 1/1 (Tumam) 1/1 (Tuvam) 1/1 (Tuha) 1/1 (Tume) 1/1 (Tue) 1/1 (Am) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Vo Tujjha Tubbhe Tuyhe Uyhe Bhe (Vo) 1/1 (Tujjha) 1/1 (Tubbhe) 1/1 (Tuyhe) 1/1 (Uyhe) 1/1 (Bhe) 1/1 (Sas) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Sasa Bhe Di Te Tai (Bhe) 1/1 (Di) 1/1 (De) 1/1 (Te)1/1 (Tai) 1/1 (Tae) 1/1 (Tumam) 1/1 (Tumai) 1/1 (Tumae) 1/1 (Tume) 1/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Tae Tyman Tumai Tumae Tume Advanced Praksta Grammar 253 Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Sutra Number Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 93. 3/95 Bhe Tubbhehim Ujjhehim Umhehim Tuyhehim Vyhehim Bhisa 94. 3/96 13 Tai - Tuva - Tuma - TuhaTubbha Nasau [(Tubbhah) +(Nasau)] 95. 3/97 Tuyha Tubbha Tahinto Nasina 96. 3/98 Tubbha - Tuyhoyhomha Bhyasi 3,13 [(Tuyha) +(Uyha) +(Umhah) +(Bhyasi)] 254 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Tumai Ta (Tumai) 1/1 (Ta) 3/1 Following the tradition Gopa Bhe Tubbhehim Ujjhehis Umhehim Tuyhehim Uyhehim Bhisa (Bhe) 1/1 (Tubbhehim) 1/1 (Ujjhehim ) 1/1 (Umhehim) 1/1 (Tuyhehin) 1/1 (Uyhehim) 1/1 (Bhis) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Tai Tuva Tuma Tuha Tubbhah Nasau (Tai) (Tuva) (Tuma) (Tuha) (Tubbha) 1/3 (Nasi) 7/1 Rama Hari Tuyha Tubbha Tahinto Nasina (Tuyha) 1/1 (Tubbha) 1/1 (Tahinto) 1/1 (Nasi) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Hari Tubbha Tuyha Uyha (Tubbha) (Tuyha) (Uyha) (Umha) 1/3 (Bhyas) 7/1 Rama Umhah Bhyasi Bhubhrt Advanced Praksta Grammar 255 Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 97. 3/99 3,13, Tai-Tu-Te-Tumham-Tuha- Tuham-Tuva-Tuma-TumeTumo-Tumai-Di-De-I-E Tubbhobbhoyha Nasa [(Tubbha) +(Ubbha) + (Uyhah) + (Nasa) ] 98. 3/100 Tu Vo Bhe Tubbha Tubbham Tubbhana Tuvana Tumana Tuhana Umhana Ama 256 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word (5) (6) (7) Tai Tu Te Tumham Tuha Tuham Tuva Tuma Tume Tumo Tumai Di De (Tai) (Tu) (Te) (Tumham) (Tuha) (Tuham) (Tuva) (Tuma) (Tume) (Tumo) (Tumai) (Di) (De) (1) Tubbha Ubbha Uyhah Nasa (E) (Tubbha) (Ubbha) (Uyha) 1/3 (Nas) 3/1 Rama Bhubhrt Tu Vo Bhe Tubbha Tubbham Tubbhana Tuvana Tumana (Tu) 1/1 (Vo) 1/1 (Bhe) 1/1 (Tubbha) 1/1 (Tubbham)1/1 (Tubbhana) 1/1 (Tuvana)1/1 (Tumana) 1/1 Advanced Praksta Grammar 257 Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) 99. 3/101 Tume Tumae Tumai Tai Tae Nina 100. 3/102 13 13 Tu-Tuva-Tuma-TuhaTubbha Nau [(Tubbhah) + (Nau) ] 101. 3/103 Supi 102. 3/104 14 Bbho Mha - Jjhau Va ((Bbhah) +(Mha)] 14 103. 3/105 14 Asmadommi Ammi Amhi Ham Aham Ahayam Sina [(Asmadah) +(Mmi) 258 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Tuhana Umhana Ama (Tuhana)1/1 (Umhana)1/1 (Am) 3/1 Bhubhrt Tume Tumae Tumai Tai Tae Nina (Tume) 1/1 (Tumae) 1/1 (Tumai) 1/1 (Tai) 1/1 (Tae) 1/1 (Ni) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Hari Tu Tuva Tuma Tuha Tubbhah Nau (Tu) (Tuva) (Tuma) (Tuha) (Tubbha) 1/3 (Ni) 7/1 Rama Hari Supi (Sup) 7/1 Bhubhrt Bbhah Rama Mha Jjhau (Bbha) 1/1 (Mha) a) 1/2 (Va) Rama Asmadah Mmi (Asmad) 5/1 (Mmi) 1/1 Bhubhrt Following the tradition Advanced Praksta Grammar 259 Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 104. 3/106 Amha Amhe Amho Mo Vayam Bhe Jasa 105. 3/107 Ne Nam Mi Ammi Amha Mamha Mam Mama Mimam Aham Ama 106. 3/108 Amhe Amho Amha Ne Sasa 260 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Ammi Amhi Ham Aham Ahayam Sina (Ammi) 1/1 (Amhi) 1/1 (Ham) 1/1 (Aham) 1/1 (Ahayam) 1/1 (Si) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Hari Amha (Amha) 1/1 Amhe Amho Mo Vayam Bhe (Amhe) 1/1 (Amho) 1/1 (Mo) 1/1 (Vayam) 1/1 (Bhe) 1/1 (Jas) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Jasa Ne Nam Mi Ammi Amha Mamha Mam Mamam Mimam Aham Ama (Ne) 1/1 (Nam) 1/1 (Mi) 1/1 (Ammi) 1/1 (Amha) 1/1 (Mamha) 1/1 (Mam) 1/1 (Mamar) 1/1 (Mimam) 1/1 (Aham) 1/1 (Am) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Amhe Amho (Amhe) 1/1 (Amho) 1/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Advanced Praksta Grammar 261 Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 107. 3/109 Mi Me Mamam Mamae Mamai Mai Mae Mayai Ne Ta 108. 3/110 Amhehi Amhahi Amha Amhe Ne Bhisa 109. 3/111 Mai - Mama - Maha - Majjhanasau 13 [(Majjhah) +(Nasau)] 262 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word (5) (6) (7) Amha Ne Sasa (Amha) 1/1 (Ne) 1/1 (Sas) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Mi Me Maman Mamae Mamai (Mi) 1/1 (Me) 1/1 (Mamam) 1/1 (Mamae) 1/1 (Mamui) 1/1 (Mai) 1/1 (Mae) 1/1 (Magai) 1/1 (Ne) 1/1 (Ta) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Gopa Mai Mae Magai Ne Ta Amhehi Amhahi Amha Amhe Ne Bhisa (Amhehi) 1/1 (Amhahi) 1/1 (Amha) 1/1 (Amhe) 1/1 (Ne) 1/1 (Bhis) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Mai Mama Maha Majjhah Nasau Mama (Mai) (Mama) (Maha) (Majjha) 1/3 (Nasi) 7/1 (Mama) Rama Hari Advanced Prakyta Grammar 263 Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 110. 3/112 Mamamhau Bhyasi [(Mama) +(Amhau)] 111. 3/113 Me Mai Mama Maha Maham Majjha Majjham Amha Amham Nasa 112. 3/114 Ne No Majjha Amha Amham Amhe Amho Amhana Mamana Mahana Majjhana Ama 264 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) (6) (7) Amhau Bhyasi (Amba) 1/2 (Bhyas) 7/1 Rama Bhubhrt Me Mai Mama Maha Mahar Majjha Majjham Amha Amhai Nasa (Me)1/1 (Mai) 1/1 (Mama) 1/1 (Maha) 1/1 (Maham)1/1 (Majjha) 1/1 (Majjham)1/1 (Amha) 1/1 (Amham) 1/1 (Nas) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Ne No Majjha Amha Amham Amhe Amho Amhana Mamana Mahana Majjhana Ama (Ne) 1/1 (No) 1/1 (Majjha) 1/1 (Amha) 1/1 (Amhar) 1/1 (Amhe) 1/1 (Amho) 1/1 (Amhana) 1/1 (Mamana) 1/1 (Mahana) 1/1 (Majjhana) 1/1 (Am) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Bhubhrt Advanced Prakrta Grammar 265 Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) Sutra Number 113. 3/115 (2) 114. 3/116 115. 3/117 116. 3/118 118. 117. 3/119 266 3/120 Sutra (3) Mi Mai Mamai Mae Me Nina Supi Tresti Trtiyadau [(Treh) + (Ti) ] [(Trtiya) + (Adau)] Amha-Mama-Maha-Majjhanau 13 [(Majjhah) + (Nau) ] Dverdo Ve [(Dveh) + (Do)] Combination rule Duve Donni Venni Ca Jas-Sasa (4) 15,4 1241 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word (5) (6) (7) Mi Mai Mamai Mae Me Nina (Mi) 1/1 (Mai) 1/1 | Mamai) 1/1 (Mae) 1/1 (Me) 1/1 (Ni) 3/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Hari Amha Mama Maha (Amha) (Mama) (Maha) (Majjha) 1/3 (Ni) 7/1 Rama Majjhah Nau Hari Supi (Sup) 7/1 Bhubhrt Treh Ti Trtiya Hari Following the tradition (Tri) 6/1 (Ti) 1/1 (Trtiya) (Adi) 7/1 Adau Hari Dveh (Dvi) 6/1 (Do) 1/1 Do Hari Following the tradition Following the tradition Ve (Ve) 1/1 Duve Donni Venni (Duve) 1/1 (Donni) 1/1 (Venni) 1/1 Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Advanced Prakyta Grammar 267 Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 119. 3/121 15 Trestinnih [(Treh) + (Tinni)] 120. 3/1 22 15 Caturascattaro Cauro Cattari [(Caturah) + (Cattaro)] 121. 3/123 Samkhyayamonha Nham 13, 14 [(Samkhuayah) + (Amha) + (Nha)] 122. 3/130 Dvivacanasya Bahuvacanam 123. 3/131 Caturthyah Sasthi 124. 3/132 12 Tadarthya-Nerva [(Neh) +(Va)] 268 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) Ca Jas Sasa Treh Tinnih Caturah Cattaro Cauro Cattari Samkhyayah Amah Nha Nham Caturthyah Sasthi Tadarthya Neh Va Original Word Declension (6) (Ca) (Jas) (Sas) 3/1 (Tri) 5/1 (Tinnih) 1/1 Dvivacanasya (Dvivacana) 6/1 Bahuvacanam (Bahuvacana) 1/1 (Catur) 5/1 (Cattaro) 1/1 (Cauro) 1/1 (Cattari) 1/1 (Samkhya) 5/1 (Am) 6/1 (Nha) 1/1 (Nham) 1/1 (Caturthi) 6/1 (Sasthi) 1/1 (Tadarthya) (Ne) 6/1 (Va) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Following the Declinable word (7) Bhubhrt Hari Hari Bhubhrt Following the tradition Following the tradition Following the tradition Lata Bhubhrt Following the tradition Rama Phala Nadi Nadi Following the tradition 269 Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Serial Number (1) 125. Sutra Number (2) 126. 3/134 127. 3/135 130. 3/133 128. 3/136 129. 3/137 270 3/125 131. 3/126 Sutra (3) Vadhaddaisca Va [(Vadhat) - (Daih) + (Ca)] Kvacid Dvitiyadeh [(Kvacit) + (Dvitiya) +(Adeh)] Dvitiya- Trtiyayoh Saptami Pancamyastrtiya Ca [(Pancamyah)+(Trtiya))] Saptamya Dvitiya [(Saptamyah) +(Dvitiya)] Na Dirgho No [(Dirghah) + (No)] Combination Naserluk [(Naseh) + (luk] rule (4) 11,15 7,4 15 13 14 12 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra Original Word Declension Following the Declinable word (5) (6) (7) Vadhat Rama Hari Daih (Vadha) 5/1 (Dai) 1/1 (Ca) (Va) Ca Va Kvacit Dvitiya Adeh (Kvacit) (Dvitiya) (Adi) 6/1 Hari Dvitiya Tstiyayoh Saptami (Dvitiya) (Tstiya)6/2 (Saptami) 1/1 Lata Nadi Nadi Pancamyah Titiya Ca (Pancami) 6/1 (Tstiya) 1/1 (Ca) Lata Nadi Saptamyah Dvitiya (Saptami) 6/1 (Dvitiya) 1/1 Lata Na Dirghah (Na) (Dirgha) 1/1 (No) 1/1 No Rama Following the tradition Naseh Luk (Nasi) 5/1 (Luk) 1/1 Hari Bhubhrt Advanced Praksta Grammar 271 Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Sutra Number Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 132. 3/127 Bhyasasca Hih [(Bhyasah) + (Ca] 133. 3/128 12 Nerdeh [(Neh) + (Deh)] 134. 3/129 Et (Et) 1/1 135. 3/1 1,12,14 Vipsyat Syadervipsye Svare Mo Va [(Si)+(Adeh) +(Vipsye)] [(Mah)+(Va)] 136. 3/124 SeseSdantavat [(Sese) + (Adantavat)] 137. 1/27 1,12 Ktva - Syaderna - Svorva [(Si)+(Adeh) +(Na)] [(Svoh)+(Va)] 272 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) Bhyasah Ca Hih Neh Deh Et Vipsyat Si Adeh Vipsye Svare Mah Va Sese Adantavat Ktva Si Adeh Na Svob Va Original Word Declension (6) (Bhyas) 5/1 (Ca) (Hi) 1/1 (Ni) 5/1 (De) 1/1 (Et) 1/1 (Vipsya) 5/1 (Si) (Adi) 6/1 (Vipsya) 7/1 (Svara) 7/1 (M) 1/3 (Va) (Sesa) 7/1 (Adantavat) (Ktva) (Si) (Adi) 6/1 (Na) (Su) 7/2 (Va) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Following the Declinable word (7) Bhubhrt Hari Hari Following the tradition Bhubhrt Rama Hari Rama Rama Bhubhrt Rama Hari Guru 273 Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) 138. 1/84 Hrsvah Samyoge 139. 4/448 9 Sesam Samsketavat Siddham [(Sesam)+(Samskrtavat) ] 140. 4/260 14.16 To Donadau Saurasenyamayuktasya [(Tah)+(Dah) +(Anadau)] [(Saurasenyam) +(Ayuktasya)] 141. 4/261 Adhah Kvacit 142. 4/262 4,15 Vadestavati [(Va)+(Adeh) +(Tavati)] 274 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) Hrsvah Samyoge Sesam Samskrtavat Siddham Tah Dah Anadau Adhah Kvacit Va Adeh Tavati Original Word Declension (6) (Hrsva) 1/1 (Samyoga) 7/1 (Anadi) 7/1 Saurasenyam (Sauraseni) 7/1 Ayuktasya (Ayukta) 6/1 (Sesa) 1/1 (Samskrtavat) (Siddha) 1/1 (T) 6/1 (D) 1/3 (Adha) 1/1 (Kvacit) (Va) (Adi) 6/1 (Tavat) 7/1 Advanced Prakrta Grammar Following the Declinable word (7) Rama Rama Phala Phala Bhubhrt Bhubhrt Hari Stri Rama Rama Hari Bhubhrt 275 Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sutra Serial Number Sutra Number Combination rule (1) (2) (3) (4) 143. 4/263 A Amantrye Sau Veno Nah [(Va)+(Ino)] 144. 4/264 14 Mo Va [(Mah)+(Va)] 145. 4/286 Sesam Praketavat 276 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inflected/Original word occuring in the Sutra (5) A Amantrye Sau Va Inh Nah Mah Va Sesam Prakrtavat Original Word Declension (6) (A) 1/1 (Amantrana) 7/1 (Si) 7/1 (Va) (In) 5/1 (N) 6/1 (M) 6/1 (Va) (Sesa) 2/1 (Prakrtavat) Advanced Prakrta Grammar Following the Declinable word (7) Hari Naman Naman Bhubhrt Rama 000 277 Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Reference Books 1. Hemacandra Prakyta Vyakarana : Vyakhyata Sri Pyara Carrdaji Bhaga 1-2 Maharaja (sri Jaina Divakara Divya Jyoti Karyalaya, Mevadi Bajara, Byavara) 2. Prakrta Bhasaom Ka Vyakarana : Dr. R. Pischel (Bihara Rastrabhasa Parisad, Patana) 3. Abhinava Praksta Vyakarana : Dr. Nemicandra Sastri (Tara Pablikesana, Varanasi) 4. Prakrta Margopadesika : Pam. Becaradas Jivaraja Dosi (Motilala Banarasidasa, Delhi) 5. Praudha Racananuvada Kaumudi : Dr. Kapiladeva Dvivedi (Visvavidyalaya, Prakasana, Varanasi) 6. Paia-Sadda-Mahannavo : Pam. Haragovindadasa Trikamacanda Setha (Prakyta Grantha Parisad, Varanasi) 7. Apabhramsa-Hindi Kosa, : Dr. Naresa Kumara Bhaga 1-2 (Indo-Vijana Pra. Lt.) II A, 220, Nehru Nagar, Gajiyabada) 8. Hemacandra Praksta Vyakarana : Dr. Kamala Canda Sogani Sutra Vivecana (Jaina Vidya Samsathana,) (Jaina Vidya - 9, Yogindu Visesanka) Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji) 278 Advanced Praksta Grammar Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9. Apabhramsa of Hemacandra 10. Introduction of Ardha Magadhi 11. Katantra Vyakarana : Dr. Kantilala Baladevarama Vyasa (Praksta Text Society, Ahmedabad) :A. M. Ghataga (School and College Book Stall, Kolhapur) : Ganini Aryika Ganamati (Digambara Jaina Triloka Sodha Samsathana, Hastinapur, Meerut) : Dr. Nemichandra Sastri (Caukhambha Vidyabhavan, Varanasi - 1) : Cakradhara Nautiyala 'Hamsa' (Motilala Banarasidasa Narayana, Pheja - 1, Delhi) 12. Praksta-Prabodha 13. Vrhad Anuvada-Candrika DOO Advanced Prakrta Grammar 279 Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________