76. Ameņam 3/78
Ameņam ((Ama) + (Inam)] Amă (Am) 3/1 Iņam (lņam) 1/1 Alongwith am lidam-ima) becomes inam. When there is ima (Masculine and Neuter Pronoun), then ima alongwith am (suffix of Accusative Singular) becomes iņam. Ima (Mas., Neu.): (Ima+am) - Iņam (Accusative Singular)
Klibe Syamedamiņamo Ca 3/79 Klibe Syamedamiņamo Ca [(Si)+(Amā)+(Idam) +(Inamo)] Klibe (Klība) 7/1 [(Si) -(Am) 3/1] Idam (Idam) 1/1 Inamo (Inamo) 1/1 Ca - And On having the Neuter Pronoun idam → ima then ima along with si and am becomes idam, inamo (and iņam). On having Neuter Pronoun ima, then ima alongwith si (suffix of Nominative Singular) and am (suffix of Accusative Singular) becomes idam, inamo and iņam. Ima (Neu.): (Ima +si) - Idam, Iñamo, lņam
(Nominative Singular) (Ima +am) - Idam, Iņamo, Iņam (Accusative Singular)
Kimah Kim 3/80 Kimah (Kim) 5/1 Kim (Kim) 1/1 After kim there occurs kiṁ. When there is kim, then kim alongwith si (suffix of Nominative Singular) and am (suffix of Accusative Singular) becomes kim. Kim (Neu.): (Kim +si) - Kim (Nominative Singular) kim (Neu.): (Kim+am) - Kim (Accusative Singular)
Advanced Prakrta Grammar
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