Iṇamamāmȧ 3/53
Iṇamamāmȧ [(Iṇam) + (Amā) + (Āmā]
Inam (Inam) 1/1 Amă (Am) 3/1 Amå (Am) 3/1
Along with am' and 'am' there is ‘iņam'.
(a) When there is 'am' (suffix of Accusative Singular) after Rāja, then 'ja' inherent in Raja, alongwith 'am' becomes 'iņam' alternatively.
(1) (Rāja + am) = (Ra+ja+ am) = (Ra+ iṇam) = Rāiņaṁ (Accusative Singular) (b) When there is 'am' (suffix of Genitive Plural) after Rāja then ja' inherent in Rāja alongwith 'am' becomes 'iņam' alternatively.
(1) (Raja + am) = (Rä+ja+ am) = (Rã+ iņaṁ) = Raiņaṁ
(Genitive Plural)
İdbhisbhyasamsupi İdbhisbhyasamsupi [(Ïd →İt) + (Bhis) + (Bhyas) + (Ām)+
İt (It) 1/1 [(Bhis) + (Bhyas) + (Âm) + (Sup) 7/1]
On having 'bhis',bhyas, am and 'sup' after Rāja it→i occurs in place of 'ja'.
Alternatively, on having bhis (suffix of Instrumental Plural) bhyas (suffix of Ablative Plural), 'am' (suffix of Genitive Plural) and sup (suffix of Locative Plural) after Rāja, i occurs in place of 'ja'.
(1) Rāja: (Rāja + bhis) bhis = hi, him, him (3/124)
(3/7) (3/16) (Rai + hi, him, him) = Räihi, Räihim, Raihim (Instrumental Plural)
(2) (Raja+ bhyas), bhyas = tto, o, u, hinto, sunto) (3/124)
(Rai + tto, o, u, hinto, sunto) = Räitto → Raitto, Raio, Räiu, Räihinto, Räisunto (Ablative Plural)
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