16. Caturo Va
3/17 (Caturaḥ)+ (Vā) Caturaḥ (Catur) 5/1 Va = alternatively Alternatively, after Catur cau, a long vowel takes place. Alternatively, on having the bhis' suffixes (hi, hiṁ, hiṁ 317, 3/124 of Instrumental Plural), the 'bhyas', suffixes (hinto and sunto of Ablative Plural) and the 'sup' suffix (“su' of Locative Plural) after cau, the short u vowel becomes long u. (Cau+bhis) = (Cau+ hi, his, hiṁ) - Caühi, Caühiń, Cauhiṁ.
(Instrumental Plural) (Cau+ bhyas) = (Cau+ hinto, sunto) = Caühinto, Causunto
(Ablative Plural) 'hi' is negated (3/127) Cau+ sup) = ( Cau+ su) - Causu
(Locative Plural)
By applying Sūtra 3/124, the other alternatives are: Cauhi, Cauhiń, Cauhim (Instrumental Plural) By applying Sūtra 3/124, the other alternatives are: Caühinto, Causunto (Ablative Plural) By applying Sūtra 3/124, the other alternative is: Causu (Locative Plural)
17. Lupte Śasi
3/18 Lupte (Lupta) PAP. 7/1 Śasi (Śas) 7/1 On having dropped out śas, a long vowel takes place. On having dropped out sas (suffix of Accusative Plural) after short i-ending, short u-ending Masculine and Feminine words, a long vowel takes the place of short i and u-ending words. (1) (i) Noun : Hari (Mas.): (Hari + śas) = (Hari + zero) = Hari
(Accusative Plural) (ii)Mai ( Fem.): (Mai + śas) = (Mai + zero) - Mai
(Accusative Plural) (iii)Sāhu (Mas.): (Sāhu + śas) = (Sāhu + zero) Sähū
(Accusative Plural)
Advanced Praksta Grammar
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