Book Title: Upasakdasha and Anuttarau Papatikdasha sutra Sachitra
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana, Trilok Sharma
Publisher: Padma Prakashan

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Page 283
iSOG‘n)Fa7)islle LOVATO PAO PART O OPA OLIN PANTO YAO PANT OPIN OVA OSA O TAL OPIN 0 PAN OPYN OPA OTA OLA OPA OPA OPA OPINTOP AL PIR (3) Maha-sarthvah—‘Sarth’ or ‘Caravan’ is a group of $¢ 0 PHT traders who move together to distant places on the land-route or 6 0 PRL sea-route for the purposeof trade. In those days, the trade-route /& o was very wild. It was not safe from undesirable elements like PHY O thieves and robbers. So the traders collectively used to make }& V PE arrangements for food, safety etc. and then start for trade. O PAY The head of the traders was called Sarthvah or Sarthpati. O V Sarthvah had personal experience of the trade route, he wasfar- O sighted, brave, courageous and expert in ensuring the protection DIS CO of every memberofthe caravan. I P CE) 0 0 In Jnata-dharm-katha Sutra, there is a mention of Dhanna 7 TARY ry T 0 Sarthvah. Before going out for trade, he made a proclamation in o PI pa4 the city that who-so-ever wanted to accompany him for his trade, 0 O DIAV should reach with his carts etc. and goods to the ship. All the D1 O © PAL arrangements during the journey shall be the responsibility of W. O D RT the Sarthvah. In case during the journey onefinds shortage of O FA A M O O NT money or food, he shall provide the same. Sarthvah had with PA aa O him many vehicles and carts and had all the arrangements of O E Z DANE safety during the journey. | NI O OO TA NIE O Bhagavan Mahavir also under his leadership, took the O VAST worldly beings safely on journey to the place of salvation (Moksh B TO O N PA Nagar). World has been mentioned as great wilderness. I N O I T hVAR There manytravellers lose their way. Sarthvah gives protection TIA O to all of them and takes them to the other side and then to the OO VAST BNITs O destination. So Bhagavan Mahaviris also described as Sarthvah O E S I A P helping the worldly beings to reach the area ofMoksha. O BIEGI 9° (4) Maha-dharm-kathi—It means expert lecturer in O 2 Scriptures. The duty of spiritual teacher is to show the proper DWT O T s} path to those who have gone astray. To those, who are in the I O darkness of wrong faith, he provides the sunshine and helps in D O s solving the hurdles. Bhagavan Mahavir used to explain in detail W B «the secrets of life in the common language with many types of O & Wea gj examples, stories, logic or in question-answer style so that |e O z ) psychologically it reaches the very mind of the recipient. W “;) There was force, sweetness, equanimity, solemnity in his words 6 TAH ( 29g ) Illustrated Upasak-dasha Sutra Gp PIO OR OR ORO ROL RIOR OR ORO ORI ORO ORT ORO OR ORC ORY TORY TORWTONVTORYTO RYTON CRSA (S Tc svt i 7 i F f r F ) we vou


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