Book Title: Upasakdasha and Anuttarau Papatikdasha sutra Sachitra
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana, Trilok Sharma
Publisher: Padma Prakashan

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Page 423
* BRS ORT 0 PRP PRP PHY 0 PHP PHY oP Vo PALO Vo PHLOP BY 0 PRI OPA 0 PIM OPAL OPAO LAO PAM OPEC WhookionkeownokeeS 5 The above description about the manner in which fastingwas & done indicates that in those days, the practice of Dharana B (eating rich food on the evening before the fasting day) and } % Parana (breaking fast with special preparations on the morning “ following the fasting day) were not prevailent. e ag Ayambil—It is made of two words Ayam and Aamla. Ayam § “/ means maand(thick liquid). Aamla means sour. When food is & 3} prepared by adding these two things, that is known as Ayambil i or Achamamila. According to this explanation rice, urad (a type & of pulse) and sattu (wheat or barley flour)—these three } foodstuffs can be used in Ayambil. The word Aamla (sour) om indicates that probably in ancient times, whey was taken in & © Ayambil. But Ayambil is important in controlling urge for taste. ¢ | Sometimes Ayambil is considered more important than evena fast. According to medical practitioners, Ayambil is very helpful x in curing many diseases. In Pravachan Saroddhar, verse 1603, ‘ % there is mention ofit in detail. x : Sansrisht and Ujjhit-dharmik—These two words are very § ac] important from the point of view of tasteless food. When a %& . householder is taking his food, his hand is besmeared with the ¢ “| cooked. pulse, vegetable, rice and other liquid or juicy food. In & § case a monk happens to come there at that time, if the By =“ householder offers food with those hands, it is called Sansrisht § food. Ascetic Dhanya had undertaken to accept only Sansrishit & 2 food. oe, y Ujjhit-dharmik—A food or drink that has becometasteless & *) to such an extent that no onelikes to acceptit and is only worthy @ \ of being thrown in the dust-bin is called Ujjhit-dharmik. Ascetic *“<\ Dhanya had undertaken to accept such food. This most difficult 2% 54 restraint indicates that Dhanya Anagar(Ascetic) had completely & % detached himself from the care for his body andfor the taste, so } as to conquersenseoftaste. FY < 9, AH SY TOY HOTTY AAA AAT AST TES TAT o e Trry r S T Sy O arperanitenayrgat { 3%% ) IllustratedAnuttaraupapatik-dashaSutra (6 L B POOR OR ORWIOWAORW TORY LO MYLO O SYA O Ona OMIA OYA On inG ONIYd Dad Ob lid Op Onwa Ona ONliGO Did Ob s Ne Ke‘Riid Cy te ‘ “4a. iS Vas


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