Book Title: Upasakdasha and Anuttarau Papatikdasha sutra Sachitra
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana, Trilok Sharma
Publisher: Padma Prakashan

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Page 460
TN 09) oP R{o oPKQ0$ oF Ro PRY QoOKoPRLoPKLo MPA PRI OOKIP} OPK PKLO PKI Cobito sp ne e Palya or palla is a well, or a big silo to store food-grains. e Counting oftime by usingpalya as a unit is calledpalyopam. a Palyopam is of three types—(1) Uddhar Palyopam, (2) Addha © Palyopam, and(3) Kshetra Palyopam. é (1) Uddhar Palyopam—tThefirst is defined as—consider a es palya (well) which is one yojan (4 kos or eight miles) long, one 4 yojan wide and one yojan deep. It should be filled with the % % extremely small pieces of hair of a newborn Yaugalik baby (child & ss} of the era of twins) of not more than seven days. Thefilling «) should be so packed thatthefire or water are unable to damage {& »} it and even a few pieces do not go astray even if the large army 6 § of a chakravarti passes overit. If a piece of hair is taken out every samay (a very subtle unit of time that cannot be divided 41 further), the period taken to make the well empty is known as § | Uddharpalyopam (uddhar meansto take out). Uddhar Palyopam is of two types—Subtle Uddhar Palyopam o& - and - Practical (Vyavaharik) Uddhar Palyopam. The above O T A description is of Practical Uddhar Palyopam. Subtle Uddhar | OS T Palyopam is explained as under—Thepieces of hair that were tiL A T O done in case of Practical Uddhar Palyopam be further divided % T +R A OV into innumerable pieces that are almost invisible. The well %& C R I T should be filled with these subtle pieces as before and well xX O MC‘| packed as mentioned earlier. Thereafter after each samay, one & 3} piece be taken out. The total time taken to make it empty is ¢ - known as Subtle Uddhar Palyopam. (2) Addha Palyopam—Addha is a native word meaning 6 es time. The Palyopam mentioned in scriptures in the present case ¢ relates to this Palyopam. To understand the period, take out one % . % piece after every hundred years. The total time taken to make the & well empty isAddha Palyopam. It is numerable million years. io Addha Palyopam is also of two types—Vyavaharik (Practical) § < and Sukshma (subtle). Practical has already been described. The §& 2) Subtle oneis like that in case of Uddhar Palyopam. The hair are; split into innumerablepieces and taken one each hundred years. © S) PUT: qtaa ( 398 ) DhanyaKumar: ThirdPart (Varg) VERY EL SEL VECE ETE VET ERIN EC SCY CLES ECE ELI ELEY EU OMYTOMIAORY TON OLY ZOD Ona Cpannesd e 7 7 (3 ee G


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