अध्याय १
Owing to the lack of discrimination between the real and the unreal, wrong knowledge is whimsical as that of a lunatic.
नैगमसंग्रहव्यवहारर्जुसूत्रशब्दसमभिरूढैवंभूता नयाः ॥३३॥
[ नैगम ] नैगम, [ संग्रह ] संग्रह, [ व्यवहार ] व्यवहार, [ ऋजुसूत्र ] ऋजुसूत्र, [ शब्द ] शब्द, [ समभिरूढ ] समभिरूढ, [ एवंभूता ] एवंभूत यह सात [ नयाः ] नय हैं।
The figurative, the synthetic, the analytic, the straight, the verbalistic, the conventional and the specific are the standpoints.
॥ इति तत्त्वार्थाधिगमे मोक्षशास्त्रे प्रथमोऽध्यायः ॥