अध्याय - ६
The subdivisions of the former are the five senses, the four passions, non-observance of the five vows and twenty-five activities.
[ तीव्रमन्दज्ञाताज्ञातभावाधिकरण-वीर्य-विशेषेभ्यः] तीव्रभाव, मन्दभाव, ज्ञातभाव, अज्ञातभाव, अधिकरणविशेष
और वीर्यविशेष से [ तद्विशेषः] आस्रव में विशेषताहीनाधिकता होती है।
Influx is differentiated on the basis of intensity or feebleness of thought-activity, intentional or unintentional nature of action, the substratum and its peculiar potency.
अधिकरणं जीवाजीवाः ॥७॥ [अधिकरणं] अधिकरण [ जीवाजीवाः ] जीवद्रव्य और अजीवद्रव्य ऐसे दो भेदरूप है; इसका स्पष्ट अर्थ यह है कि आत्मा में जो कर्मास्रव होता है उसमें दो प्रकार का निमित्त होता है; एक जीव निमित्त और दूसरा अजीव निमित्त।
A literal meaning of the text would read as follows: "The subdivisions of the former are senses, the passions, the nonobservance of the vows and the activities, which are of five, four, five and twenty-five kinds respectively.'