Book Title: Shatkhandagama Pustak 06
Author(s): Pushpadant, Bhutbali, Hiralal Jain, Fulchandra Jain Shastri, Devkinandan, A N Upadhye
Publisher: Jain Sahityoddharak Fund Karyalay Amravati
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The present Volume contains the Culika of the first Khanda Jivatthäņa. Culika means a supplement which contains matter that is connected with the main topics of the book, but which, for one reason or the other, was not or could not be included within the main sections of the book. There are nine such topics which ale associated with the soul-positions, but which were not dealt with within the eight prarūpanas. They are as follows:
I Prakriti sa mutkirtana This Cūlikā enumerates the eight Karmas and their subdivisions 'which amount to 148. The Karmas are energies that are forged by the contact of the soul with matter under specified conditions, and their nature is to hinder or obstruct the maifestation of the soul's natural qualities. Soul, in its nature, is endowed with perfect knowledge which is obscured in varying degrees by the five different kinds of Jnanavarniya karma. Similarly the soul's natural insight into things is hindered by nine different varieties of the Darsanavaraniya Karma. Soul by itself would be free from the feelings of pleasure or pain if there were not the two kinds of Vedaniya karma operating upon it. Delusion and defective conduct are the results of the three kinds of Darsana Mohaniya and the twenty five varieties of the CaritraMohaniya respectively. One is kept bound as a man or a beast, a hellish being or a god, by the four kinds of Ayu karma in whose absence the soul would be absolved of the migratory process. All the physical conditions in which one finds himself placed in the world, right from his personal make up down to bis external environ. ments, are the result of the working of no less than ninety three varieties of the Nama karma. One is placed high or low in society on account of the operation of the two kinds of Gotra karma, and one is hindered in the exercise of dispensation or acquisition as well as utility or enjoyment or expression of power by the force of the five kinds of Antaraya. These are the 5 + 9 + 2 + 28 +4 +93 + 2 +5 = 148 Varieties of Karmas explained in the Prakriti samutkirtana Culika.
2. Sthana Samutkirtana Culika
Having understood the nature of the Karmas, it becomes necessary to know, out of the many varieties of each main Karma, how many would be contracted simultaneously and under what conditions. This is the topic of the second Culika. All the five Jnānāvarniyas may be forged by any body right up to the 10th spiritual stage when bondage stops. In the case of the Darśanavaraniya, all the nine may be forged during the first two spiritual stages and six or 'four as one progresses up. Both the Vedaniyas are contracted up to the 13th stage. Of the Mohaniya, one
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