aid of astrologers. On the fixed day, the bride was annointed and decked. At the right moment, settled by astrologers, the prince went with great pomp to the marriagepandal and was there welcomed by the matrons with customary rites. The bridegroom was then led by the bride's companions before the bride and the bantering companions opened the face of the bride. Then according to the usual customs, the bride and the bridegroom were made to turn round sacred fire and the dowry was offered by the bride's father. (76. 10.) - The prince lived and enjoyed with his wife for many pürva years. Once when the prince was riding in the park Nāgadeva, he met young Acārya Dharmaghosa and his disciples. The prince questioned him why he took to ascetic-life. He began to narrate the account:
While he lived in Rījapura, a city in Aparavideha, there came Acãrya Amargupta who had the supernatural knowledge Avadhi. The king also visited him and heard his instruction. Once he asked him the history of his previous births, to which Amargupta readily complied. It is as follows: (78. 17.)