stood under guards at the door. He ordered to bring him before him. Durmati swore submission to the King and he was pardoned by the King with grace. (116. 2.)
The King then returned to Jayapura and informed the ministers of his resolve to renounce the world and enter the order. The ministers gave their assent and the astrologers fixed the fifth day thence for coronation. All preparations were made for coronation. (116 23 )
As a result of the hatred of previous birth, the prince conspired with Durmati to kill the King. The prince thought this coronation as a ruse to kill him. He settled with himself that if that were a ruse, he ought to kill the King or if the kingdom was to come to him without effort, it did not befit his manhood and that in any case, he must kill the King (117. 10.) The King, in the meantime sent message to Ananda to come for the occasion. When he did not do this, the King with only an attendant, went to call upon him. Ananda, getting the oppprtunity to put his plan in action, drew the sword and severely. wounded the King. A great cry arose and the soldiers surrounded and attacked