difficulties thereof, the raids of robbers on the towns. etc. (91 16-95 15) etc. All these descriptions are interesting as well as informative.
Haribhadra himself has said that the nucleus of the story is traditional, ( See Notes of this work on 5. 17. ) though of course it must have received so much of Haribhadra's own genius. He has in the colophon of the work said falutigergut ( See. Intro. P. xviii, the whole colophon is quoted) which shows he must have so much added that might be his own. Haribhadra's literary fame rests upon this work.
The Style of the work.
Haribhadra's style in general is simple, chaste and fluent and differs considerably from the highly ornamental style of Bãna. But ओजः समरसभूयस्त्वं । was the guiding principle in the composition of prose-romances in those days; and the in spite of his simplicity is · not free from this fastidious notion. I would draw attention of the reader to some passages. (2. 19-3. 10); (7. 9-22.) the description of the ugliness of Baaria in the most traditional