[ 41. 4.
Then I thought “ Alas, the meditation of the evil brings little happiness and results in manifold miseries! Fie upon this worldly existence !" Then I asked the revered friar“ What will be the result of the evil thought ? Is he a soul with a desire for the highest or not ? Will he atiain absolution or not? Has he obtained the fundamental belief or not?” Having thought so, I asked him. Then the revered friar said “ Hear of what consequence is this evil thought ?”
From this life of a dog, living it out according to the destined age, he will be born as an ass in the womb of the she-ass named Ghotaghatika, born at the house of Usadatta. Then soon after his birth, he will not be pleasing to Usadatta, will get the maintenance of his body with great trouble and wiih his body tired with carrying heavy loads, he will be born as a eunach in the womb of Anadhikả the wife of a Candāla named Matridatta, the companion of Usadatta, on coming to death after living out the period of his life. Then on being born, he will be tainted with a bad form and the blot of misfortune; he will not know the attachment to the objects of senses; he will live for some time and on being killed by a lion, he will be born as a woman in the womb of a Cadnila woman. Then soon on being born, he will die in the first infancy with a serpent-bite. After death he will again be born a eunach in the womb of Dattika, the house-maid of Usadatta. Then on birth, he will be blind, thin and short, will be insulted by all and after completing his life as a cunach for some time, when