prey, shook the banyan tree so heavily that the bee-hive on it was disturbed. The bees flew and stung the man. But at the same time, the drops of honey fell on the face of the man. He licked them and was so much pleased that he forgot all about the dangers. (106. 8.) The man is likened to a soul; the forst to Samsara; the she-demon to an old age; the elephant to death; the banyan tree to Moksa; the well to human life; the four snakes to four principal passions; the clump, of reeds to the length of human life; the white and black mice to the bright and dark halves of the month; the bees to diseases, the huge python to hell, the drops of honey to the happiness in the world. (107. 4.) He advised therefore Prince Simha to mind not this flicker of happiness but Dharma.
Then the teacher spoke about the ten vows of a monk. Those who can not follow them should adopt the Law of laymen and asked Kusumãvali also to do the same. In the meantime, King Purus'adatta died and Simha became the king. (109. 4.)
Now the soul of Agnis'arman settled in the womb of Kusumavali. She dreamt a snake entering her body, which afrerwards