parrot, with a view to bring about my death by cheating, took advantage of the situation and began to make perfidious conversation with his wife. He said that he had learnt from sage Vasistha that on the next hill there was a precipice called for thT50 from which if one, with a fixed thought of a certain desire, threw oneself down, one would attain the desire. So he added to his wife that they should fall from it with a desire to become a Vidyadhara and they flew. Now soon afterwards I saw the Vidyadhara couple that has hidden there. Completely duped, I with my consorts decided to fall from the precipice, with an idea of becoming a god. All my limbs were broken and I died miserably eventually becoming a sciare-g d. My enemy, died as a parrot and was consigned to the hell called रत्नप्रभा. (83. 7.)
After the completion of one Palyopama, I was reborn in the city of Cakravālapura of Aparavideha, as Cakkadeva, the son of the merchant Apratihatacakra while my enemy as Jannadeva, the son of the king's chaplain Somas’arman. As the implacable hatred of the previous birth was still persistent in him in this birth, he made a deceitful