Sri Jinavijayji in his essay ' हरिभद्रसूरिका समafa' tries to show inconsistencies in the
legends given especially by f and चतुर्विंशतिप्रबंध. He shows that ललितविस्तरा which according to the legends in both the works is accredited to have wiped 's mind of Buddistic leanings, does not contain for its subject-matter the refutation of Buddhism at all, though it is admitted that the fsaidrau of हरिभद्र made a strong influence on सिद्धर्षि as seen from his work उपमितिभवप्रपञ्चकथा. Jinavijayaji quoting from उपमितिभवप्रपञ्चकथा ( P. 80 ) (Ed. Jacobi, Bibliothica Indica) two passages where the expressions धर्मबोधकर and अनागत are found, puts a different interpretion on . He likes to read the sense as अनागतं मां परिज्ञाय or अनागतं मम वृत्तांतं परिज्ञाय. He argues that ललितविस्तरा had so strong an influence on सिद्धर्षि that सिद्धर्षि would consider the work as if it was written for him by Haribhadra anticipating the future. To quote Jinavijayji's own words; "fe for विचारसे हरिभद्रका ललितविस्तरारूप बनानेवाला कार्य भविष्यत्कालीन उपकारक दृष्टिसे है.
(III) The most significant quotation for the lower limit of the date of is from उद्योतन's कुवलयमाला. दाक्षिण्याचह्न उद्द्योतन says that he finished his work,