xvii 2014urtala. It is very difficult to believe that. the Jainas should have allowed the works: of their gothara to be lost.
The activities of Haribhadra, after his initiation, were confined to Gujarat and Rajputana. It is likely that he might have centred himself at Bhinnamla or Shrimāla, the then capital of Gujarat and Rajputana where as Kalyānavijaya points out he converted the Porvāda clan to Jainism. He became the teacher of scutata the author of 96 TATT, in this part of the country. Haribhadra, however, seems to have wandered far and wide in Upper India with which he shows much acquaintence in his Samarãiccakahã though he does not seem to have crossed the Vindhya mountains. There is ample ground to believe that he must have also travelled in Eastern India where Buddhism still was flourishing, and it is there that he acquired sound knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and logic. He seems to have appreciated Buddhist logic as is shown by his commentary on Dignāga's Nyāya-Praves'ã and extensive quotations from and respectful mentions of Dharmakirti. He also saved retraitement from being destroyed. To quote प्रभावकचरित्र,