the three verses which contained the argument of Samaraiccakaha (गुणसेणअग्गिसम्मा etc.). Haribhadra repented this very much; but his grief for the loss of his nephews and disciples was very great and in the memory of his two nephews, he used this mark fare at the end of all his works. To quote प्रभावकचरित्र
अतिशयहृदयाभिरामशिष्यद्वयविरहोर्मिभरेण तप्तदेहः । निजकृतिमिह संव्यधात्समस्तां विरहपदेन युतां सतां स मुख्य : ॥
The following is the colophon at the end of समराइच्चकहा,
वक्खायं जं भणियं समराइच्चगिरिसेणपाणे उ । एकस्स तओ मोक्खोऽगन्तो बीयस्य संसारो ॥ गुरुवयणपंकयाओ सोऊण कहाणयाणुराएण । अनिउणमइणा वि दढं बालाइअणुग्गहट्टाए । अविरहियनाणदंसणचरियगुणवरस्स विरइयं एयं । जिणदत्तायरियस्ल उ सीसावयवेण चरियं ति ॥ जं विरइऊण पुण्णं महाणुभावचरियं मए पत्तं । तेण इहं भवविरहो होउ सया भवियलोयस्स ॥
गन्थग्गमिमीए इमं छन्दणाणुगुहेण गणिऊण । पाएण दससहस्सा हन्दि सिलोयाण संठवियं ॥
5 The contents of the Text. The introduction=ut by the author contains (1) मंगल verses 1-5. (2) अधिकार for what