Book Title: Prakritadhyaya
Author(s): Kramdishwar, Satyaranjan Banerjee, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: Prakrit Text Society Ahmedabad
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paribhāşās of ancient grammarians. It is also to be noted that he has also written two more commentaries on the Prakirnavrtti and Unādisutras. Taddhita-parisişta and Krdunādiśaşavrtti are also attributed to him.
§ 54. GoyĪoandre has been credited with an epithet "autthasanika" meaning thereby, 'one to whom the king stands up and offers seat when he comes to the court'. This is the explanation given by Keśavatarkapañoādana, one of his commentators. Belvalkar surmises that this may be a 'patronymic or some religious or political title the significance of which is lost to us." But H. P. Šāstrī informs us that 'this custom still prevails in Rājputānā but it bas lost its Sanskrit name at present. A noble man, who is honoured by the king in this way, is called a "Tazimi omrah". 8
$ 55. From Goyīcandra's commentary we come to know that Umāpatidatta whom the king loved very much adorned the court of Jamaranandi; and perhaps it was at his request that Goyīcandra undertook to write a running commentary on the sūtras of Kramadīs. vara and the vrtti's of Jumaranandī when these bad become corrupt and mutilated owing to copyists' fault. II The other commentaries of his grammar
(i) On the Sanskrit portion
$ 56. Goyīcandra is the last original commentator of this school. Others, who came after him, have commented more or less either on the Vivaranatīkā of Goyīcandra or on different sections of Kramadīśvara's grammar. Of the comentaries the Sārārthadāpikā of Vamớivadana, the Vyākāra sāra-laharī of Kavicandra, Vyākāradīpikā of Nārāyana
1) 37919 ettersi alza tranfcfufifa i refer4 TET ( v. 1. TTFT?) arfaza, # (v. l. TFF) for 79 ri f _Košavatarkapañchāna 10C (II), London, 1889, p. 222 (fo). 2) Sys. Skt. Gramm. p. 110. 8) Des. Cat. Skt. Mss. (VI), p. lxiv. 4) ai o pai 2118-vitarf.forta-fansमतिरधिकृतोमापतिदत्त प्रभृति-समाजन-सभाजनपर-उखामुक्त-दुरुक्त-विचार-चारु-चतुरो जुमरनन्दिafutf-Fu after I We have several poets of the name of Umapati, Umāpatidhara, Umāpatidatta (for which vide Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum), bat none of them has definitely been identified. We are, therefore, not in a position to say anything regarding him.
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