The relation between the Mss. is shown below in a genealogical form.
Joindu's Text
The relation between the Mos, is
Shorter Recension
An eclectic Text : Longer Recension
Text of Balacandra's Text of Brahmadeva : Commentary A and the Text printed
in this Edition
B CS (Marginal Additions
Various Readings on the text of the Paramatma prakasa are noted along with the text printed at the end of this volume. In noting the variants apparent scribal errors are ignored. A few typical forms of nasals are noted. In the case of readings from Kannada Mss., ! for I, bb for vy, khkh for kkh are practically ignored; the distinction between long and short vowels and between d and dh, which is not shown in Kannada Mss., is correctly shown here. There are two ways of preparing a Ms.: first, a scribe may directly copy from a Ms., and secondly, some one may dictate and the scribe may go on writing. In the first, there would be errors due to orthographical confusion etc.; and in the second, due to auditory confusion etc. Some of the variants might be explained in the light of these two sources of errors. If I have given readings more than necessary, I hope, I have erred on the safer side.
The Ms. A shows some differences here and there in the Sanskrit commentary. For instance, the concluding portion of it on dohā 4 runs thus तानपि कथंभूतान् । लोकालोकप्रकाशकेवलज्ञानेन त्रिभुवनगुरु कान् लोकालोकनं परमात्मस्वरूपावलोकनं निश्चयेन पुद्गलादिपदार्थानवलोकनं व्यवहारनयेन केवलज्ञानप्रकाशेन समाहितस्वस्वरूपभूते निर्वाणपदे तिष्ठन्ति यतः, ततस्तनिर्वाणमुपादेयमिति तात्पर्यार्थः ।
On dohā 5, the portion of the commentary after niyanta runs thus : 37Tcafe वसन्तोऽपि लोकालोकं समस्तमेषप्रत्यक्षीभूतं तथा षड्द्रव्यस्वरूपं विमलं निर्मलं अवलोकयन्त: निश्चयन्तः तिष्ठन्ति । इदानीं विशेषः ।
There are many verbal disagreements which do not affect the meaning. Here, in noting the readings, our attention is mainly concentrated on the Apabhramśa text.
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