as well as immediate. It is the innate attribute of soul. It is pure and perfect. The Jainas call it kevala-jñāna.
Non-natural knowledge is of two kinds: Right knowledge and wrong knowledge. Right knowledge is further divided into four kinds : 1. Sensory knowledge ( muti-juunu). 2. Scriptural knowledge / śruta-jana). 3. Limited direct knowledge (avadhi-jicīna ). 4. Direct knowledge of mind (manah-parycīya-jñün).
Wrong knowledge is of three kinds : 1. Sensory wrong knowledge ( mati-aiñāna) 2. Scriptural wrong knowledge (śruta-ajñāna). 3. Limited direct wrong knowledge (wibharga-jñāna).
Knowledge is the innate attribute of soul. It is pure and perfect. But, on account of the operation on the worldly soul of knowledge-obscuring karma in varying degrees, it is manifested to a greater or less extent. When knowledge-obscuring karma is altogether destroyed, the pure and perfect knowledge shines forth. This type of knowledge is called stabhāra-jñāna.
As long as the soul is in its worldly condition and is not altogether free from knowledge-obscuring karma, its knowledge is impure and imperfect, and so it is called vibhuva-jñāna.
Vibhāva-jñāna is of two kinds: right knowledge and wrong knowledge. The conditions of rightness and wrongness are dependent on our belief. External matter is not responsible for them. The knowledge combined with right belief is called right knowledge. The knowledge combined with wrong belief is wrong knowledge.
Again, right knowledge has been sub-divided into four kinds : (1) Sensory knowledge: Knowledge of the self and non-self
by means of the senses and mind. (2) Scriptural knowledge: Knowledge derived from the rea
ding or hearing of scriptures. (3) Limited direct knowledge: Direct knowledge of matter
in varying degrees.
1 Jatsutrulhayo inbarvajašca
Tattvārtha-sútra, I, 32.