147 included as they are then thought to exist implicit in the five bodies. The colour, odour, taste, and touch are only reckoned as four species instead of twenty. In udiraņa also the same species are counted. In bandha the number is 120, since the two mohanīya karmas, viz., samvaktva and miśra cannot be bound separately because they are purified conditions of mithyātva. Therefore, they must be subtracted from the 122 species of udaya and udiraņā, so that the total number in bandha is 120. DURATION
After having considered the nature of karmas we, now, proceed to their duration. First, let us understand the scheme of the division of time as conceived by the Jainas. "The lowest unit of time is the samaya. Innumerable samayas form an āvalikā. 16,777,216 āralikās equal one muhurta ( 43 minutes of European time). Thirty muhūrtas make one day. Out of the days are formed weeks.... The number of years can be expressed in words up to a number containing 77 cyphers. Beyond that, it is asankhyeya. An innumerable quantity of years is called pulyopama, 10 koțākoți (1,000,000,000,000,000) of palvopamas are one sāgaropama. Io kotākoți of sāgaropamas comprise one usarpiņi (ascending period of time); the same number of sāgaropamas measures one avasarpiņi ( descending period of time ).'1
The following table will give the highest as well as the lowest duration of each chief species of karma : 2 Karmas
Jaximum tuine Vinimum time 1. Knowledge
30 kotākoti
Less than one obscuring. sägaropamas
Wharta 2. Intuition
obscuring. 3. Feeling-producing ..
12 muhixtas 4. Belief and conduct- 70,
Less than one obscuring.
muhinta 5. Age-determining .. 33 sāgaropamas 6. Personality
20 kotākoti
8 muhurtas determining
sāgaropamas 7. Status-determining .. 8. Power-hindering .. 30,
Less than one muhurta
1 Doctrine of Karman in Jain Philosophy, p. 20. 2 Tattvārtha-sútra, VIII, 15-21,