correct knowledge involves a corract understanding of the exact relationship between the object and the quality. The relativistic character of Reality described by Anekāntavāda is brought about by two doctrines—Nayavāda, the doctrine of standpoints and Syādvāda—the dialectic of seven-fold judgements. These two doctrines are the logical outcome of Anekāntavāda.
Anekāntavāda-the theory of manifoldness, Nayavāda—the doctrine of standpoints and Syādvāda—the doctrine of dialectical predication are interrelated. Nayavāda and Syādvāda can be characterized as methods of knowledge which help the mind to understand the relativistic nature of reality. “Logically, Nayavāda and Syādvāda are two complementary processes forming a natural and inevitable development of the relativistic presuppoasition of the Jaina metaphsics”. Nayavāda emphasises analytic approach to Reality while Syādvāda emphasises synthetic approach to Reality. “Nayavāda is primarily conceptual and Syādvāda is synthetic and mainly verbal”.? Nayavāda is an attempt at comprehending a thing from one particular standpoint; Syādvāda is an epistemological method which synthesises the different view points arrived at by Nayavāda. As such Nayavāda precedes Syādvāda and Syādvāda complements Nayavāda. As A. N. Upadhye states. “The Nayavāda enables one to analyse the various points of view and appraise their relative validity.....A synthesis of these different viewpoints is an imperative necessity, therein every view point must retain its relative position and this need is fulfilled by Syādvāda”. 8
These two corollories resulting from Anekāntavāda are the correlative methods by which true nature of reality is depicted.