Book Title: Makaranda Madhukar Anand Mahendale Festshrift
Author(s): M A Dhaky, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: Shardaben Chimanbhai Educational Research Centre

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Page 205
________________ 194 Vidyut Aklujkar Makaranda should not go anywhere. na cocchistaḥ kvacidvrajet. Manusmrti 2.56. This also is later connected with Tantra divinities such as the ucchista Ganesa and ucchista cāndālī. I shall not deal with these in this paper. For more on these topics, see Chitrav Šāstri's Bhāratiya Sanskrti Kośa. 16. यातयामं गतरसं पूति पर्युषितं च यत् । उच्छिष्टमपि चामेध्यं भोजनं तामसप्रियम् ।। भगवद्गीता १७.१० 17. Cited in Kane, 1941. p. 758. 18. E n aqui qoral H i farfa. This quotation is taken from Bhāratīya Saṁskṛti Kośa. p. 596. 19. Appadurai 1981. 20. Parāśara madhaviya. I. pt. 1 p. 422, cited in Kane, 1941. p. 769. 21. Chandogya Upanişad 1. 10-11. 22. The learned brahmin Uşasti declines from accepting water from the person whose leftover food he accepts, since taking any more than is absolutely necessary would be still accepting ‘ucchista' or defiled food. This shows that even in dire circumstances, a man must use his own discretion and decline from indulging in acceptance of ucchista. For more on the subject of a particular ascetic practice of eating remnants of leftover meat, and on the word vighasāśin : see Wezlar, 1978. 23. Aklujkar in Khare, 1992. 24. Cited in Chitrao, 1964. 25. Aklujkar 1992, Lutgendorf 1996, 26. SSG 3 : pp. abhangas 240-269. 27. "silyā vitakyā bhākarī dahi bhāta loni, melavonī melā karī cakrapāņi. SSG. 3 : p. 65, abhanga 240. 28. SSG. 4 : p. abhanga 241. Śriharī vādhīle, gopāla jevīle, ucchista sevile ekā janārdanīm. 29. धर्मे चार्थे च कामे च मोक्षे च भरतर्षभ । यदिहास्ति तदन्यत्र यत्रेहास्ति न तत्क्वचित् ।। महाभारत. आदिपर्व ५६.३३ 30. MBh Sabha Parva, sarga 42. 19-23. 31. MBh Asvamedhika parvan adhyāya 91-96. nakulopākhyānam. 32. अन्नदानात्परं दानं न भूतं न भविष्यति । पुण्यं यशस्यमायुष्यं बलपुष्टिविवर्धनम् ॥ हलायुधकोशः । . 33. नोच्छिष्टं कस्यचिद्दद्यात् । मनुस्मृति २.५६


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