Book Title: Lalit Vistara
Author(s): Rajendralala Mitra
Publisher: Asiatic Society

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Page 10
________________ LALITA-VISTARA. their metaphysical terms are exclusively Hindu, and the naines if most of their divinities are taken from the Hindu pantheon. The word Bhagaván, which, according to the bhidharma-koshavyákhyd, a Bauddha work of great repute, "is not an arbitrary or superfluous, but the most appropriato title of Buddha," has been, by the Vedas, used to designato the Deity's self. It is said. in the Vishnu Puránya, in accordance with the interpretatio of Yáską, that, "the essence of the Supreme is defined by the term Bhagaván: the word Bhagaván is the denomination of the primeval and eternal god: and he who fully understands the meaning of that expression, is possessed of holy wisdom, the sum and substance of the three Vedas The word Bagavau is a convenient form to be used in the adoration of that Supreme Being, to whorn no term is applicable, and therefore Bhagaván expresses that supreme spirit, which is individual, * * * "The altnighty, and the cause of causes of all things." dissyllable Bhaga indicates the six properties, dominion, might, glory, splendour, wisdom, and dispassion. The purport of the va is that elemental spirit in which all beings exist, and which exists in all beings." (The usual etymon of the word,, however, is Bhaga with the possessive affix ag7.) "This word, therefore, which is the general denotoination of an adorable object, is not used in reference to the Supreme in a general, but a special, signification. When applied to any other (person) it is used in its customary or general import. In the latter case, it may purport one who knows the origin and end and revolutions of beings, and what is wisdom, what ignorance. In the former it denotes wisdom, energy, dominion, might glory, without end, and without defect."* All the Sutras invest Sakya Sinha with this title, and, next to Tathagata, it is perhaps the most common appellation of Buddha. M. Burnouf, citing the Abhi dharma-kosha-rgákhya,† observes that the epithet is primarily ap plicable to absolute Buddhas, and secondarily to Bodhisattvas, who have discharged all their religious obligations and are ready to become Buddhas; but not to Pratyoka Buddhas. 7. Srávasti,-(Sivasti, Bhagavat Purána ; Sawatthipura, Pali Wilsons Tiskan Purána, p. 643. + Historu du Buddhisme iudien, p. 72. Fishyu mp 361: § Turnour's Avanse, p. 240.


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