Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 51
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 251
________________ BOOK-NOTICES DECEMBER, 1922] Kakavarna, the son of Sisunaga, being curious | vardhana for starting out to conquer the whole of of marvels was carried away, no one knows northern India and especially to wreak vengeance whither, on an artificial aerial car made by a Yavana on Sasanka the king of Gauda. Here also Messrs. condemned to death, and his throat was cut in the Cowell and Thomas have given us a meaningless vicinity of his city. translation by attempting to render a corrupt reading of a passage. The corrupt reading is: The next sentence in Harsacarita runs thus: अतिसंगमनगरवासुदेव देव मूर्ति (म) दासी हिला देवी व्यंजनयतीतिमकारयत् । This has been translated as follows: In a frenzy of passion, the over-libidinous Sunga was, at the instance of his minister Vasudeva, reft of his life by a daughter of Devabhûti's slave woman disguised as his queen." It is a well-known fact to the historian that Devabhuti or Devabhúmi, the last of the Sunga kings was put to death by his minister Vasudeva of the Kanva family. cf. Bhagavata Purana (XII. 1. 18). शुंगं हत्वा देवभूर्ति करावोऽमात्यस्तु कामिनम् । af dagat aaa: 11 of. also करबो Vishnu Purana (IV. 24. 12.) देवभूतिन्तु शुंगराजानं व्यसनिनं तस्यैवामात्यः वसुदेवनामा निपात्य स्वयमन मोका । Mataya Purana, 272, 32, 33. cf. व्यस आमात्यो वसुदेवस्तु वात्यात् ( वनात् ? ) निनं नृपम् । देवभूमिमथोत्सार्य्यं शीर्गस्तु ( शुंगंतु ) सीदद्दाजिबात्यसादिनि भविता नृपः ॥ also Hence arrelgic is apparently a copyist's blunder for (4) refigfeur. In the fourth paragraph of the seventh chapter are described the gigantic preparations of Harsa 243 werknefodafedicofaanaanka mean This has been rendered into "The Dekkan riders disconsolately contended with fallen This has mules." very little meaning. cannot 'fallen, especially when this qualifies a mule. वस्त means परिगलित, क्षरित i.e., disjoined, separated, etc., it may mean 'fallen' when this qualifies a lump of matter. So reader has no meaning or very little meaning. Even though we admit for the sake of argument that it may mean a 'fallen mule' the question naturally suggests itself as to why should mules fall prostrate on the ground in their preparations for departure. Then we come to विसंवारि in the above passage. The root with the prefix means 'to contend' generally; but here विसंवादि means परिशीलन as sug gested by the commentator Sanker Mitra, and परिशीलन means "to touch, contact, treating well, patting with caressing;" that is, "breaking in " is the real meaning here. DJAWA: Driemaandelijksch Tijdschrift uitgegeven door het Java-Instituut bij G. Kolff and Co. Wel. tevreden. Onder Redactie van Dr. Raden Ario Hossein Djajadiningrat, J. Kats, S. Koperberg, Raden Ngabei Parbatjaraka en J. W. Teillers. Secretariaat der redactie: Kanarilaan 13, te Weltevreden, No. 1 Januari-April, 1921. 82 pp. PROGRAMMA Voor het Congres van het Java-Instituut te houden te Bandoeng van 17-19 Juni, 1921. 57 pp. COMORES JAVA INSTITUUT. Catalogus van de Houtani jwerk Tentoonstelling te houden te Bandoeng van 18 tot en met 26 Juni, 1921. 36 pp. The Java Institute, which has its seat in Sura. karta, was founded in 1919. Its object is to promote the development of the native culture, in the widest sense of the word, of Java, Madura and Bali by: The correct reading would be त्रस्तवेसर विसंवाद BOOK-NOTICES. and the correct translation should be "The Dekken riders were getting tired of breaking in the frightened mules." The above the reading of the manuscripts A, B, and T, collated by Führer. SITA NATH PRADHAN. (1) collecting and making accessible manifestations of Javanese culture both past and present; (2) promoting a knowledge of and an insight into Javanese culture by congresses, exhibitions, lectures, etc.; (3) supporting all serious attempts made by others in the same direction; (4) all other means available to the Institute, capable of advancing its objects. The Society consists of ordinary members, honorary members, corresponding members and patrons. Societies and Institutions are eligible as members or patrons. Various activities are parried on by the Institute in furtherance of its aims. It issues a quarterly, Djawd [ Java), with the object of bring. ing to the notice of as large a number as possible of the Javanese themselves, and of foreigners interested in the subject, hitherto unknown or not generally


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