Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 51
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 364
________________ 54 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ OCTOBER, 1922 Then the Kazi turned to Ranjha and said : " Fakir, have you got any witnesses ? Without witnesses to the marriage she can be no wife." • AnđRâniha replied: "Listen to my words, you who know the law and the principles of religion. On the day our souls said yes, I was betrothed to Hir. In the Tablet of Destiny. God has written the union of our souls. What need have we of earthly love when our souls have attained the Divine Love ?" The Kazi replied: "Speak the truth, and have done with these falsehoods. You have brought shame on the Sials and the Kheras. Give up your evil ways or you will taste my whip." And Ranjha replied: "See what harm these Kazis do in the world. They preach the doctrine of the wicked and live on stolen property. If you sympathise so much with the Kheras, Kazi, give them your own daughter." And the Kazi was angered and snatched Hir from Ranjha and gave her to the Kheras saying: "This fakir is a swindler and a pious fraud.” Whereat Hir was sore perplexed and her countenance became pale and lifeless. And Rånjha said: "Go away. Separation is worse than death. These dacoits have looted me. What do people know of the pain I suffer? I am a poor fakir and have no money to give to the officers in whose hands the decision lies. He has Hir and I have the pain." And Hir sighed with grief and said: "O God, see how we are consumed as with fire. Fire is before us and snakes and tigers behind us and our power is of no avail. O Master, either unite me with Ranjha or slay both of us. The people of this country have exercised tyranny against us. O God, consume this city with fire. Let your wrath fall on this city even as it fell on Pharoah whom you drowned, even as it fell on Solomon and caused him to be dethroned." Thus did Hir invoke curses on the city. And Ranjha lifted up his hands likewise and invoked curses on the city saying: "O God, all powerful and mighty, give these tyrants their reward at once. Put the city to fire. Burn the whole city, save only the herde and the cattle." See the power of God. Owing to the sighs of the lovers, the city canght fire. Fire broke out in all four quarters of the city. It destroyed houses both small and great. The news spread all over the country. Then the Raja said: "What act of oppression has been done ?" So the astrologers cast their lots and said to the Raja : "The pens of your officials are free from sin. But God has listened to the sighs of the lovers. Hence this misfortune has overwhelmed us. Fire has descended from Heaven and it has burnt the palaces, forts and ditches of the city. If you will call up and conciliate the lovers, perhaps God will forgive all those who have sinned." So the Raja sent out his soldiers and they caught the Kheras and brought them in to. his presence. And the Raja took Hir from the Kheras saying: "I will hang you all. Hir the Jatti belongs to Ranjha. Why do you oppress strangers ?” And the Kheras went away disappointed. So Rania and Hir stood before the Raja, and he said to them: "God's curse on those who tell lies. I will kill those who oppress the poor. I will cut off the nose of those who take bribes. You may go to your rightful husband. Grasp the skirts of his clothing and the arm of him that belongs by right to you and see that you never desert the true faith.."


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