The compound resulting from the fusion of spirit and matter is termed hårmana s'arira (the body of karmas). This subtle, invisible inner body is the root of the soul's troubles, and along with another similar body, made of highly magnetic matter, is only destroyed at the time of liberation. This second subtle body, known as taijasa s'orira, is a necessary link between the extremely subtle kârınånn s'arira and the outer body of gross matter. There is a continual readjustment of the form of the kâr mana s'arira from "lise to life" in the course of transmigration, aud the varying conditions of the different phases of life in the highly chequered career of the eternal pilgrim are due to the organising forces and agencies residing in that body itself. In consequence of the magnetic affivities residing in its taijasa s'arira, the soul is drawn into a new “womb" immediately after its "death" in a given incarnation wlien the forces dwelling in the kårmâna s'rrira, become operative to organise a new outer body for it. The body, its longevity the bodily limbs, as well as the status in life which is really dependant on the family of one's birth, are this conditions which directly spring from one's own karmas in a previous life, and it is madness to throw the blame for one's own shortcomings, defects and deformities on a being wliom we are prepared to worship as the highest expression of goodness, holiness and perfection.
The kâr mána s'arira, then, is the seed of re-birth. Its absence will make it impossible for the soul to incarnate in flesh and blood; for he who is free from
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