"Lastly, the Apavarga (bliss) of the Nyaya aud Vaiseshika
systetus seerns entirely negative, and produced simply by the removal of false kuowledge. Even the different names given by eaclı system of philosophy tell me very little. Makti and Mokslia meat deliverance, Kaivalya, isolatiou or detachưient, , .. Anurita, immortality, A pavarga, delivery..... I doubt even whether the Upanishads could have giveu 08 a description of what they conceived their highest Makti or perfect freedoro to be. Infect they confess themselves (Taitt. UP. II. 4,1) that all speecin tarus away from the blise of Brahmau, wable to reach it', aud vlien language faile, thoaght is not likely to fare better.'-(SSP. pp.372373).
The italics are mine.
It is not that only European writers have been 100favourably impressed with these attempts at philosophising the teaching of the Vedas; Hindu savants, too, have had to write very inucb iu tlie same strain. It is frankly acknowledged in the preface to the ninth volume of the Sacred Books of the Hindus, edited by a highly qualified editorial staff of learned Hindus themselves:---
“.... none of the six Darsanas .... was, as we have
hinted more than once, a complete system of philosophy in the Westeru sepse, but rnerely a catechism explaining, and giving a reasoned account of some of the truths: revealed in tbe Vedas and the Upanishads, to a particular class of stadenta, .... without atteippting to solve to them the transceudental riddies of the ubiverse, which in their particular stage of mantal aud spiritual developmeut, it would have been impossible for them to grasp".
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