APPENDIX A 'नगर उतपति वरनन' P.14, L.13.
Eight miles to the South of Amber, the previous capital of the Kacchwahas, Jai Singh founded a new city of Jainagar or Jaipur. The rucleus of Jaipur was the palace and garden at Jai-Nivas, the foundation of which was laid in A.D. 1725. Then followed the construction of the 'Chandra-Mahal' and the Jai-Sagar', but the plan and the construction of the entire city as such, began from the year 1727.
Jai Singh observed all the religious practices required at the time of the foundation laying ceremonies as prescribed in the Hindu texts. This work he assigned to his 'guru' and the official high-priest named Jagannatha Samrata. Due propitiatory rites like the Vinayaka Shanti',
Vastu-Shanti', and the 'Nava-graha Shanti', were all performed by Jagannatha. If what the 'Manasara', (a well-known treatise on Hindu architecture) says be followed, the astrologer priest must be profic'ent in the Vedas and Sastras. Jagannatha fulfilled this qualification. He was granted eight 'bighas' of land, free of rent in the village Hathroi, now a part of the present Jaipur. The decd or 'patta' granted to Jagannātha is given below, as it helps us deciding the exact hour and day of the foundation of the new capital.
“डोल करार मिती जेठ सुदि ८ साल सम्वत १७८४ पुन्य उदिक धरती वै० जगनाथजी समराट ने जो सवाई जयपुर बसायो ती नेमत मिती पोस बदि १ सम्वत साल १७८४ ने धरती बीघा ८ अंके पाठ संकलप करी सो वास्ते धरती के मोती माह सुदि १५ सम्वत १७८४ मारफत किसनराम की अरज पहोंची हुक्म हुवा धरती वीधा पाठ छोयो ती मधे वीघा ४ सवाई जयपुर की वाग के वासते व वीघा च्यार नजीक गांव सवाई जयपुर का की स्यालु की दीज्यो वरसाले दीवारण नारायणदास किरपाराम दाखिल वाके करो धरती वीघा पाठ मा तफसील सवाई जैपुर को वाग के वास्ते वीघा च्यार ४ गांव भोतपुर नजीक हथरोही मधे वा स्यालू की वीघा च्यार ४ ।
मु० याददास्ती व मोहर कीसनराम वाके दसकत।
In all a sum of Rupees 1083 and annas five were spent in the ceremony, as supported by the following document contemporary of the event.
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